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Trump's Saudi speech to urge unity against radical Islam


So, all the Russian shit is forgotten because he sounded presidential for 20 minutes?

No, not at all, at least not to anyone with a brain. Also, he didn't sound presidential...he muddled through it because it had a lot of bigly words that I don't think he actually knows the meaning of. Plus, from the parts I heard, it was pretty clear that he hadn't rehearsed it....like at all.


So aside from Trump, Jordan, Egypt, Kuwait, Indonesia and Malaysia heads of state gave speeches. An interesting batch.

No, not at all, at least not to anyone with a brain. Also, he didn't sound presidential...he muddled through it because it had a lot of bigly words that I don't think he actually knows the meaning of. Plus, from the parts I heard, it was pretty clear that he hadn't rehearsed it....like at all.

It is clear he didn't rehearse it. Especially when much better speakers gave their own speechs after his in English.


I love how a good speech from Trump is what amounts to a C- speech from Obama or Bill Clinton.

Man, Republicans stay lowering the bar.

To the GOP and Trump supporters yeah, that's all they need to keep their delusion going strong.

Let's be real, they don't even need that at this point. We're past the point of his supporters needing a justification. He's their Dear Leader now.


Pretty good visit by Trump. I still want the buffoon impeached, but at least he didn't embarrass us. Low bar, I know lol.
Like i have said, he didn't made any inflammatory comment. He need the Saudi back and will back them against Iranian sphere of influence.

This is what exercise of power do to you, he is just learning realpolitiks the hard way. I wonder how people in /rdonald are doing though :D
I've heard some mild praise about it, but I don't see any mainstream media really fawning over it like that one speech he gave Congress. What little I read of it seemed pretty jumbled even if better than most of his babble.


This is an area I was rooting for him in, for all our sakes. He can go back into a downward spiral of self-defeat as soon as he touches ground back here, tho.


I love how a good speech from Trump is what amounts to a C- speech from Obama or Bill Clinton.

Man, Republicans stay lowering the bar.

The writing of the speech itself is like C- compared to Clinton/Obama, but on the delivery and articulation? It was much lower than that.

Pronunciation also was pretty poor. It is insane that the president of the USA has more difficulty with saying words in his native language than foreign leaders.


Trump has somehow outdone himself in his levels of hypocrisy with this trip. Truly record breaking, someone give him a medal.

I've heard some mild praise about it, but I don't see any mainstream media really fawning over it like that one speech he gave Congress. What little I read of it seemed pretty jumbled even if better than most of his babble.

Hopefully they saw backlash from their embarrassing praise and decided not to do it again.
Urges unity against radical Islam in progenitor of radical Islam.

The day a US President cuts ties or calls out Saudi Arabia for radical terror is wishful thinking. Saudi Arabia has been our ally and that will not change any time soon. We need the Saudis and they need us. This is realpolitik.
The day a US President cuts ties or calls out Saudi Arabia for radical terror is wishful thinking. Saudi Arabia has been our ally and that will not change any time soon. We need the Saudis and they need us. This is realpolitik.
I disagree with you 100%

Saudi Arabia is the main exporter of Wahabi extremism and has gone unpunished for its partipaction on 9/11

Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest evils on planet Earth after North Korea

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

Trump signs $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia

Oh joy. And $350b over 10 years too.

What could possibly go wrong?

The worst part is that the Saudis don't need US help in fighting ISIS. They are already filthy rich, they are the biggest exporters of the kind of extremism found in Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and worse, they aren't really the country that suffers at the hand of ISIS at all.

Absolutely disgusting. How are Trump supporters "but Hillary has Saudi ties!!!" going to spin this, huh?

Nevermind the US's own human rights abuses such as Guantanamo Bay or Abu Gharib?

Or the operation of the largest domestic and International surveillance system in the world, one that literally violates the human rights of almost everyone in the world on a daily basis?

Why are beheadings any worse than the electric chairs, lethal injections, or gas chambers? There's only one western country on earth that still practices the death penalty.
Nevermind the unofficial death penalty carried out by America's police force every day, where smoking a cigarette while black can get you killed.
That is some really nice whataboutism you got going on there chief. While the US has some civil rights problem, fucking LOL @ comparing it with Saudi's human rights violations. Jesus fucking Christ.

I disagree with you 100%

Saudi Arabia is the main exporter of Wahabi extremism and has gone unpunished for its partipaction on 9/11

Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest evils on planet Earth after North Korea
I disagree with you 100%

Saudi Arabia is the main exporter of Wahabi extremism and has gone unpunished for its partipaction on 9/11

Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest evils on planet Earth after North Korea

Yes I agree with you on those things. But a US president, sitting in Saudi Arabia, will not go on a podium and say "Saudi Arabia must stop spreading Wahabism." That's not going to happen. The US has military bases, economic interests in that country as well. We have not shown interests in giving up these interests to confront our "ally" on issues of spreading terror.

I didn't say they are not evil, I said that the chance for a US president to confront them is slim.

Mr Git

I disagree with you 100%

Saudi Arabia is the main exporter of Wahabi extremism and has gone unpunished for its partipaction on 9/11

Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest evils on planet Earth after North Korea

After North Korea? Saudi makes NK look fucking moderately rational by comparison.


What's funny about Trump reading speeches is that he usually inserts his own opinions in the sentences sometimes, "So very true..." as if he just realized he agrees with the text he just read.

Not much of that here...
Hopefully they saw backlash from their embarrassing praise and decided not to do it again.

I think that has a lot to do with it. A lot of the MSM, especially CNN, really had egg of their face last time, hell, Van Jones will never live that shit down. I think any praise they give him is going to be tepid, because they know it's only going to be a matter of time because some crazy shit happens again


Oh joy. And $350b over 10 years too.

What could possibly go wrong?

The worst part is that the Saudis don't need US help in fighting ISIS. They are already filthy rich, they are the biggest exporters of the kind of extremism found in Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and worse, they aren't really the country that suffers at the hand of ISIS at all.

You do realize that ISIS did bomb Mosques is SA? and isis consider Muslims from SA as heretics and cowards for not killing any non-muslim in the country

They do suffer from isis

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
You do realize that ISIS did bomb Mosques is SA? and isis consider Muslims from SA as heretics and cowards for not killing any non-muslim in the country

They do suffer from isis
Sure but not nearly as much as Syria, Jordan, etc. I mean ISIS bombs everyone that isn't them, no matter where, but it's obvious who the major victims of ISIS are, and it ain't SA.


Before he got to the Iran part, and if he wasn't Trump, I would have said the speech was actually good, talking about inclusion and peace. Knowing it's from Trump and knowing he was probably told "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T GET OFF SCRIPT" right before going on, it all rang hollow.

Those people in that room know what he said about their people and their religion. It's not like that goes away .


contribute something
Urges unity against radical Islam in progenitor of radical Islam.

This is the great irony of US policy in the Mideast. We make overtures toward secularism and democracy, but buddy up with the country most opposed to liberal values.


That is some really nice whataboutism you got going on there chief. While the US has some civil rights problem, fucking LOL @ comparing it with Saudi's human rights violations. Jesus fucking Christ.
If you think my post is simply whataboutism you've missed the point.
Criticising Saudi Arabia is perfectly valid. But claiming they should have bombs dropped on them means we should be doing the exact same to the US for the same reasons.
I'd quite happily compare US human rights violations to those in Saudi Arabia.
In fact I'd say the US is considerably worse for the reasons in my previous post.
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