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Wildstar? “You’re Gonna Find Out, Cupcake”

  • Added city directions for dye and costume services in the capital cities.

Thank god. That was 60% of questions in advice chat.

World Bosses will no longer drop loot directly from the creature. All rewards will be delivered through Public Events so that all players who participate can be rewarded.
Also a very good change.

Crafting just got a little bit more awesome thanks to a visual update to gear made by Tailors, Outfitters, and Armorers. A few armor pieces got model updates and all gear got a color update. This means some crafted armor will feature hard-to-find dye colors.
Dats really cool as well.


All dungeons and raids now have a 100% chance to reward a money drop, up from 50% for boss kills.

All dungeon and raid money drops have been doubled in size.

All mini bosses will now also have a money drop in addition to their normal loot.

Hopefully this is good enough to help with the insane repair costs of learning a dungeon while leveling. Still no word about boosting dungeon XP though.


lol got to play for like 20 minutes after downloading the patch.

Liking the changes

trying to start a SS and hoping to get to lvl 10 as I am back on the "I don't know what healer I want to play" train. Thought I was set on Esper, but the more I read about SS, the more I wished I tried it

My Esper is 17
Medic 14
SS 3 (lol)


lol got to play for like 20 minutes after downloading the patch.

Liking the changes

trying to start a SS and hoping to get to lvl 10 as I am back on the "I don't know what healer I want to play" train. Thought I was set on Esper, but the more I read about SS, the more I wished I tried it

My Esper is 17
Medic 14
SS 3 (lol)
I'm in that exact same situation.

SWTOR really did a number on me - now I think that every MMO dev is going to be as inept at class balance as Bioware was. It's not about wanting the "pew pew ezmode" class, it's about not wanting to be stuck with a massively gimped character for 6-9 months before they acknowledge the problems.

Think I'm still leaning towards Esper. They have mobility issues, but years of hardcore WoW raiding on a hunter (prior to move and cast aspect) trained me on positioning, and I think the game will reward intelligent movement.


I played the open beta only a little bit but couldn't find a class that I really enjoyed. What's a class that's all about kiting or are most classes like that(besides warriors and stalkers of course)?


Lot of good stuff in the new patch and a lot of bad stuff as well.

Not sure why they felt it necessary to severely nerf Stalkers, tank and DPS.

Also, there are still bugs to go. I know of 4 Stalker AMPs/ability tiers that still do not work at all and the new patch even introduced several new ones.

Stalker is shelved.

Some of the other stuff is nice, will probably go Engineer at launch(Botless of course because they still havent been fixed).
Lot of good stuff in the new patch and a lot of bad stuff as well.

Not sure why they felt it necessary to severely nerf Stalkers, tank and DPS.

Also, there are still bugs to go. I know of 4 Stalker AMPs/ability tiers that still do not work at all and the new patch even introduced several new ones.

Stalker is shelved.

Some of the other stuff is nice, will probably go Engineer at launch(Botless of course because they still havent been fixed).
Impressions I've seen of stalker nerfs is that they're minor and we're necessary. Even stalker mains seem fine with it.


Lot of good stuff in the new patch and a lot of bad stuff as well.

Not sure why they felt it necessary to severely nerf Stalkers, tank and DPS.

Also, there are still bugs to go. I know of 4 Stalker AMPs/ability tiers that still do not work at all and the new patch even introduced several new ones.

Stalker is shelved.

Some of the other stuff is nice, will probably go Engineer at launch(Botless of course because they still havent been fixed).

Huh? They were love taps, and needed love taps. Stalkers need help in PVP, but these nerfs were for PVE, where they were needed.
I'm in that exact same situation.

SWTOR really did a number on me - now I think that every MMO dev is going to be as inept at class balance as Bioware was. It's not about wanting the "pew pew ezmode" class, it's about not wanting to be stuck with a massively gimped character for 6-9 months before they acknowledge the problems.

Think I'm still leaning towards Esper. They have mobility issues, but years of hardcore WoW raiding on a hunter (prior to move and cast aspect) trained me on positioning, and I think the game will reward intelligent movement.

I ran into this too. I was a commando healer and struggling to heal raids with a scoundrel partner. But some weeks we would have a Sage and everything would be effortless. Then a patch came out nerfing Commandos because they were too survivable in PVP. Lack of new content just sealed my decision to leave.

Hopefully this does better with Class balance. I had a friend who had similar issues with The Secret World. He picked Blood Magic, Blood Magic ended up terrible in the end game. Severe class balance issues can hurt, and I hope none of these classes end up like that.
I ran into this too. I was a commando healer and struggling to heal raids with a scoundrel partner. But some weeks we would have a Sage and everything would be effortless. Then a patch came out nerfing Commandos because they were too survivable in PVP. Lack of new content just sealed my decision to leave.

Hopefully this does better with Class balance. I had a friend who had similar issues with The Secret World. He picked Blood Magic, Blood Magic ended up terrible in the end game. Severe class balance issues can hurt, and I hope none of these classes end up like that.
They have a lot of developers from other MMOs, including ex-Blizzard. That should hopefully result in a lot of experience in balance.


I ran into this too. I was a commando healer and struggling to heal raids with a scoundrel partner. But some weeks we would have a Sage and everything would be effortless. Then a patch came out nerfing Commandos because they were too survivable in PVP. Lack of new content just sealed my decision to leave.

Exact same story, but I was imperial (so Bounty Hunter). Rerolled a Sith Inquisitor and pretty much laughed at how it was better at EVERYTHING in regards to healing.

I was avoiding the SpellSlinger just like I avoided the inquisitor as it seems to be the most popular class by far.

At the same time I worry that I will run into the same issue choosing a Medic or Esper. Carbine do far seems to be way more on top of things though


Impressions I've seen of stalker nerfs is that they're minor and we're necessary. Even stalker mains seem fine with it.

Its the nerfs combined with the bugs.

Yeah, both will be sorted out soon but not at launch, especially if they are introducing new bugs.

So, why play Stalker when I can play Engineer or (vastly improved) Warrior?


Its the nerfs combined with the bugs.

Yeah, both will be sorted out soon but not at launch, especially if they are introducing new bugs.

So, why play Stalker when I can play Engineer or (vastly improved) Warrior?

Because you enjoy the class mechanics and know it will be fixed sooner rather than later?

I personally am a min/maxer so I see what you're saying, but not everyone thinks that way.
looks like servers are going to be very rock cause of testing. I lost connection when loading the game, so don't expect everything to run like butter.


looks like servers are going to be very rock cause of testing. I lost connection when loading the game, so don't expect everything to run like butter.

There's a bit of info on the character select screen saying they're going to be 'pulling the plug' today to test their contingencies so yeah, don't really expect to be doing much playing today.

Only 9 days to go, though! :D


They have a lot of developers from other MMOs, including ex-Blizzard. That should hopefully result in a lot of experience in balance.

That could be good could be bad. We will need to wait and see. Me I gave this game a shot but left. Not a MMO person but I a sure this game will get enough base people to survive MMO nomads this game is designed well enough that it should avoid the ravages of that scourge. :)


lol got to play for like 20 minutes after downloading the patch.

Liking the changes

trying to start a SS and hoping to get to lvl 10 as I am back on the "I don't know what healer I want to play" train. Thought I was set on Esper, but the more I read about SS, the more I wished I tried it

My Esper is 17
Medic 14
SS 3 (lol)

I really didn't like the play style of the Esper and I am torn between the Medic and Spellslinger at the moment.

I prefer the free form heals of the Medic over the Spellslinger but I love all the animations of the Spellslingers attacks.

Decisions, decisions...
Hey guys!

Mike Higgins here, lead animator on WildStar.

TL:DR version - Stealth animations are under review, and we’re in the process of coming up with a new system to get them looking a little more sneaky and stealthy.

Read on if you wanna hear some fascinating stealth animation history. I warn you though, it's rife with thrills and intrigue.

So, WAY back in the day, the stealth system was designed to move much more slowly than it is now, and we had made an animation where the characters would "sneak-walk". Eventually, it was decided that making stealth speedier was the way to go, but as a result our ‘slow creep’ animation no longer worked, so we had to do some re-working.

Enter the ninja run, aka the infamous “Airplane Arms". The problem with the ninja run was that it looked great on smaller characters...not so good on tall ones. The Aurin really gotta move their legs to move at our stealth speed, while the Mordesh for example…not so much. Once we got into beta and the feedback started coming in, we realized the ninja run just wasn't working. By then of course, we were mid-crunch and a little busy. We knew we had to address the problem but didn't really have time for it, and frankly, it just got rushed.

BUT, now that we have a little room to breathe we’re trying to get a new stealth movement animation system up and running, no pun intended. The plan is to have three movement speed animations; one for slowed (walk), one for the default movement speed (run), and one for increased speed (sprint, or buff spells). Barring technical hitches, I think it should really sleek up the look of our stealth system and bring it up to the level it deserves.

To allay the fears of any Aurins that may be reading; don’t worry, you’ll keep your ninja runs!

Sorry it took so long to address this issue. We simply wanted to make sure we had a solid plan, and not rush this again!


Good news for people who don't like the Stalker stealth animations.


I submitted this for the OT, but I wanted to share our guild information with everyone in here if you are interested in joining a long lasting community/guild rolling Dominion on a PVP server.

{Aco}Acolytes Gaming Community - Progression Raiding/Competitive PvP

Who are we?
The Acolytes were founded in 2004 with the basic principle of creating a strong, social gaming community. Since then we've offered many outlets for our members to enjoy their time together as a community. That could be grouping together for a dungeon crawl, mounting up for PvP combat, spending hours on progression raiding, or simply engaging in drinking games with each other on Mumble. Currently we have supported chapters in 5 MMO's, including Wildstar. We offer a chance to join a Guild that won't troll it's members or self destruct over night. Our membership has been strong for over 9 years and it continues to grow each day.

What are we doing to address your needs?
The Acolytes are currently working to establish a premier raiding group within Wildstar. Our leadership is dedicated to establishing a top raiding force within the game and maintaining it over the lifespan. We are also working diligently at creating a PvP outlet for our members to engage in, be it Arena's, Battlegrounds or Warplots.

What we offer our members:
•Progression raiding
•Organized PvP
•Organized dungeon groups
•Guild hosted events
•Farming groups
•A great community
•Active leadership
•Experienced players to help all levels of gamers
•Much, much more.

Contact information:
If you have any questions feel free to send me a private message. We're holding open applications on the Acolytes website:

•Visit us http://www.acolytesgaming.com
•Click on the "Apply Today" button at the top of any page
More info on the future of the Esper:

I've seen a few people ask what direction we are taking the Esper in the future and I figured i'd give my response here.

There are quite a few things I want to look into in the future and I figure it'd be easiest if I gave you a list of the things I want to addrress in the furture.

Lackluster AMP and Ability Tiers - Currently there are a lot of AMPs and Ability Tiers that are under-performing. I want to make a pass on these AMP's and Tiers so that they become interesting and valuable choices that can promote new builds or interesting rotations.
The Stationary aspect of the Esper is likely not to change but something has to. As stated multiple times the Reward given for the amount of effort Espers have to put in is not enough. I think this is one of the largest things i'd like to address, I want players to feel like they are being rewarded while standing still and that is currently not happening.
More interesting PVE rotations, the Esper doesn't have any reactionary proc based abilities that can create interesting rotations at end game (i.e. Use this after a Crit to make Haunt an instant cast) and because of that the PVE rotation suffers and becomes rather dull. This is probably my number 1 priority because I want the gameplay to be as fun as possible to keep players playing and interested. AMP's are also a great place to address this as they can really shake up a rotation if designed well.
We are aware of the frustration with Spectral Form in it's current state and we are looking into ways we can tackle this and make it into something that everyone enjoys using.

These are just a few of the things we are looking into and as I have stated before I can't say when these changes make it to live but we do have the Esper on our radar.

I quite enjoy the Esper, but i'm really glad they're addressing some of the major complaints.
What am I missing with the deluxe edition? Doesn't seem like you really get $25 worth of stuff.

The hoverboard is quite a nice chunk of money you save, but a lot of it is down to personal preference. I like the dye and costume, so to me all together it's worth the extra money. It's all cosmetic stuff beyond the hoverboard which can save a lot of money over the long term if you have alts.


What am I missing with the deluxe edition? Doesn't seem like you really get $25 worth of stuff.

I only got it cause of my 25% coupon, ended up getting the Deluxe for $54 through GMG but I don't think that coupon is valid anymore.

The hoverboard is really nice though. From playing the beta, I thought getting gold for your first mount took quite a bit of saving, and that was for the first cheaper mount you get at 15. Between skills, crafting, housing, costumes, etc...gold goes FAST! So it'll be nice not to have to worry about that early on.

But other than that, the exclusive dye is pretty cool as well as the exclusive rocket housing and I think you get a costume too? Some very nice in-game items I think but all in all, I think it's only worth it with a coupon though.
But other than that, the exclusive dye is pretty cool as well as the exclusive rocket housing and I think you get a costume too? Some very nice in-game items I think but all in all, I think it's only worth it with a coupon though.

I could have sworn the rocket house if for anyone that pre-orders, and not just deluxe purchasers.


More info on the future of the Esper:

I quite enjoy the Esper, but i'm really glad they're addressing some of the major complaints.

I'm glad they're aware of the Esper issues, but seeing it all listed like that really makes the class look in dire straits. It's very casually worded yet reads like one of their only six classes is top-to-bottom broken very close to release. Starting to wonder if getting one to level 20 wasn't enough for a fair approximation of the issues.

If they're determined on the Esper's lack of mobility being a core part of its flavour, they really, really need to reward the work that entails. WoW has (had?) a similar issue with Hunters and implemented a large crit % buff upon standing still for a few seconds. Something along those lines would really reinforce Esper as the glass cannon - in PvE a player who can manage risk/reward well during encounters could really shine.
I'm glad they're aware of the Esper issues, but seeing it all listed like that really makes the class look in dire straits. It's very casually worded yet reads like one of their only six classes is top-to-bottom broken very close to release. Starting to wonder if getting one to level 20 wasn't enough for a fair approximation of the issues.

If they're determined on the Esper's lack of mobility being a core part of its flavour, they really, really need to reward the work that entails. WoW has (had?) a similar issue with Hunters and implemented a large crit % buff upon standing still for a few seconds. Something along those lines would really reinforce Esper as the glass cannon - in PvE a player who can manage risk/reward well during encounters could really shine.

I think listing it all out makes it seem worse than it is. Overall it just detracts some from the class, and if you list out the negatives without any of the positives it gives the impression that the class is in a horrible spot, when it's really just some stuff that needs some work.


I could have sworn the rocket house if for anyone that pre-orders, and not just deluxe purchasers.

Oh I think you may be right actually. I know there was something else to the deluxe too though, but I think it was something super minor like an exclusive title. Meh.
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