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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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You have to be kidding me.

In a world where Fandango and Eva Marie exist? Hardly.

Leave dango alone


Cena winning in a competitive match constitutes a burying now?

Some of you need to watch HHH on Spanky and Paul London.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I posted in the wrasslin ot how I feel about Cena in 2014
I try not to get bent out of shape about Cena beating someone. I really do. I understand why he does, I understand that he probably isn't a total piece of shit backstage but he has flaws like everyone else and he gets more shit about protecting his position than someone like CM Punk does, but it's always the WAY they do it. They always execute it SO badly. They always do this shit. They do the Cena 'Is he or isn't he? Is he gonna do this? IS he gonna turn heel' then Cena will hint at it during the match. Then the match will end with no buildup whatsoever. It doesn't put Bray over, it doesn't put Cena over.

But the worst part is the fucking is he or won't he. They do this shit all the fucking time, and I'm completely numb to it because he NEVER does. It's like they hint at SOME KIND OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and they never go through with it. He doesn't have to go heel, but do something slightly different. Make him get real angry months from now when he sees Bray. Make him more aggressive ANYTHING. LITERALLY ANYTHING.

Instead, he will come out to the same music, in the same attire, doing the same moves, and he'll do the same stupid OH WILL I OR WONT I while the writers pat themselves on the back because they honestly think people buy the shit.


Just a huge waste of how 'main event' this feud made Bray feel. It didn't bury him, but Cena did absolutely nothing to get him over.


what a mark

How am I a mark? There are so many guys not just Punk Taker could have made with that moment. Instead he put over a part timer who couldn't care less about the bussiness. Everyone talks about how Taker is a leader and loves and respects the bussiness more than anyone but what happened last night was far more damaging to the busssiness than a lot of other things (the curtain call anyone?) that people freak out about.
It's amazing people are still optimistic about Cena's actions. I wonder how big the pile of young wasted talent has to get, how much we have to see the cycle of stars going up the totem pole, only to get to Cena and slammed back down to earth before people get it.


Even Hogan wasn't afraid to dip into the dark side and use a chair when the occasion called for it.

I never have liked Hulk, but give him credit. When he saw his character was completely stale and saw what the nWo could be he along with Bischoff reinvented his character. To bad Cena will never do the same.


Remember the last PG era when Hulk Hogan talked about ripping arms off and exploding the universe to punch someone in the face? John Cena apologizes for punching because that's him losing his cool.





This dude apologizes to the kids because he lost his cool...by punching. Something he does in every match he's ever had. I've never seen someone with less edge in my life.


I never have liked Hulk, but give him credit. When he saw his character was completely stale and saw what the nWo could be he along with Bischoff reinvented his character. To bad Cena will never do the same.
To be fair, Vince wouldn't let Hogan turn heel.


With Bryan as a face champ right now who's more over than Cena ever was, now would be a great time to turn Cena heel.

hahaha nope


You know, I was really hoping that Cena would lose yesterday. That or he win but only after "snapping" and then taking out the beard dudes with the chair and then going full heel.


Remember the last PG era when Hulk Hogan talked about ripping arms off and exploding the universe to punch someone in the face? John Cena apologizes for punching because that's him losing his cool.





This dude apologizes to the kids because he lost his cool...by punching. Something he does in every match he's ever had. I've never seen someone with less edge in my life.

Lets not forget Cena used brass knuckles to win his first united states championship at Wrestlemania 20, yet he is apologizing for punching someone????
Rewatched the show for the 1st time just now. I really really enjoyed the show. I was most upset over cena winning but if it means they continue the feud then that's all cool plus cena made Wyatt look awesome. I wasn't mad at Taker losing, but I was really shook at him losing though. I think Taker wanted to lose to Brock and it was his call alone. They're big friends and he's a gigantic mma mark. I only wish the match was more fast paces but given Taker's age and apparently on MLW radio they said Taker has been fighting with 2 artificial hips,and the injury + concussion, props to him. Everyone going wtf why Brock needs to deal with it.


Cant believe how much i Hate Cena now. WTH i would understand if the match with Bray was brutal. but it wasn't it was a regular match. If he had hit him with the chair and won then maybe but no. It was like any other Cena match.

Such busllshit i don't think even the little kids would buy it. I don't really care that Cena won but if the idea is he had to lose his cool go over the edge he should have done that instead of his usual bullshit.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What did he do? I haven't been following.

He had an undefeated streak, but got booked into a corner with CM Punk where Punk couldn't lose, and Ryback couldn't lose, but they ended up making a serious mess of it.


I didn't know we were making Ambulances out of paper now.

These are hard times, daddy.

Rewatched the show for the 1st time just now. I really really enjoyed the show. I was most upset over cena winning but if it means they continue the feud then that's all cool plus cena made Wyatt look awesome. I wasn't mad at Taker losing, but I was really shook at him losing though. I think Taker wanted to lose to Brock and it was his call alone. They're big friends and he's a gigantic mma mark. I only wish the match was more fast paces but given Taker's age and apparently on MLW radio they said Taker has been fighting with 2 artificial hips,and the injury + concussion, props to him. Everyone going wtf why Brock needs to deal with it.

To me, there is nowhere for Cena vs Wyatt to go. He conquered the demon, Bray didn't turn Cena into a monster, and everything is back to normal. We should have known it wasn't going to work out when they had the feud start at the Rumble and then COMPLETELY dropped it for a month. 100% dropped it. For a whole month during the Road to Wrestlemania.

They need to get their fresh talent from somewhere because the current roster is the absolute worst it has ever been.

That's one of the dumbest things in the entire thread. They have one of the best rosters they've ever had.


Oh, okay, so the storyline is John Cena lost his cool and therefore he could win the match? Giving Bray the psychological win? It just came across as giving the kids a Cena win.

Yeah, I've been dreading the inevitable "I saw a part of myself I didn't like last night... Bray pushed me to the limit... but I'm still here" promo from Cena tonight. It's so damn predictable.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
They need to get their fresh talent from somewhere because the current roster is the absolute worst it has ever been.


Nah this roster is one of the best in a long time. Lots of great young talent. Ascension debuts tonight, hopefully, and Bo Dallas, lots of young fresh faces with a ton of skill.


These are hard times, daddy.

To me, there is nowhere for Cena vs Wyatt to go. He conquered the demon, Bray didn't turn Cena into a monster, and everything is back to normal. We should have known it wasn't going to work out when they had the feud start at the Rumble and then COMPLETELY dropped it for a month. 100% dropped it. For a whole month during the Road to Wrestlemania.

That's one of the dumbest things in the entire thread. They have one of the best rosters they've ever had.

There is somewhere to go with it. While Cena is wrestling over the next couple weeks have his opponents push his buttons and he keeps losing his cool. Cena will look like he won initally but Bray actually got into his head. This would be a cool way to continue the story.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Stop saying the Ascension are going to debut like that's a good thing for them or us.

Can't wait. Lots of majesty got added to Conor since his appearance on that NXT season. A little majesty goes a long way.
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