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Bryan Fuller tweets that Netflix and Amazon have passed on picking up Hannibal

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Really depressed about this even though we all knew it was coming...

It's unsurprising. The writing was on the wall the moment the options expired while the show was still without a home. If Netflix or Amazon had been interested they would have picked it up then. Hell, if anybody was interested that's when they'd have picked it up. The show's niche appeal and praise isn't worth the hassle or cost that saving it would impose.


Crackle it is...

Stop watching shitty shows and maybe this won't happen.

Too expensive for Crackle, they're not going for it.

EDIT: LOL Fuller, really?

That scheduling issue was a very big factor in Amazon’s passing on more Hannibal, sources tell me. With American Gods starting to ramp up, Fuller wouldn’t be available for more than a year to dig into more Hannibal — a timespan Amazon was not willing to wait out.

Fat Goron

Plot Twist: Lifetime will save the series, and we will finally have Clarice as the main character.

I'm not serious.


American Gods killed Hannibal it looks like.

That show is not off to a good start already, at least for me. Fuck Fuller.


Did Fuller seriously just kill his own show?

Now I doubt even Yahoo will pick it up given the year wait at the very least. I just hope that down the line somebody brings it back.
I doubt he's in the negotiating room.

I just. Wow. You killed your own show. Congratulations?

I mean, did he say 'yes' to American Gods when he knew he'd have to be looking for other networks to pick it up in such a short amount of time? That... would make me so, so sad :( I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose, right? That doesn't make any sense at all :\


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Hannibal the Cannibal fails to win the hearts of viewers nationwide...early reports claim that they simply could not stomach him.
I mean, did he say 'yes' to American Gods when he knew he'd have to be looking for other networks to pick it up in such a short amount of time? That... would make me so, so sad :( I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose, right? That doesn't make any sense at all :\
All of a sudden, this tinfoil-hatted conspiracy rabble from last week seems a lot more prescient:

Even though the collective world acted surprised by the cancellation of NBC’s “Hannibal,” I’ve been holding the stance that it was always the plan. There have been enough clues in past writings that NBC and show runner Bryan Fuller always imagined the series as a trilogy of sorts, and us fans were “gifted” a third season in order to tie it all together.

Still, when “Hannibal” was canceled, there was a lot of talk about it continuing on through a streaming platform like Amazon or Netflix.

In some fresh news, we learn how this is probably impossible, and get the vibe that, as suggested above, this was always the plan.


I'm calling it: giving Amazon the streaming rights doomed this show from the start. If it were on Netflix at least it would have had a chance to accumulate a larger audience.

SMH at the haters. If you can't appreciate this show now you probably never will, and that's a true shame because Hannibal really is the best show on TV. You just have to realize your finer sensibilities are probably damaged from all the mediocre content being blasted in your face.

BTW, Hannibal -> Euron Greyjoy = massive downgrade. GOT has declined over the last couple seasons.

Two seasons of a brilliant show and one season of Bryan Fuller's Arthouse Extravaganza.
Neither of Season 3's two arcs are complete yet. So it's a bit early to be this dismissive.


I'm highly biased, but every episode is a fucking event in this household (Mom, Dad, and myself). Such a shame this wonderful piece of television may soon be no more.


Unconfirmed Member
SOME ONE PLEASE SHOW INTEREST IN THIS SHOW!! HBO? Hulu? Seriously, one of these needs to appreciate good tv that is stuck in limbo!


If we're counting TV shows on hiatus, I think Better Call Saul is the best one right now.
I should have expected Vince Gilligan & co. to deliver the goods, but it was a genuine surprise when the first season got as good as it did without stealing Breaking Bad's thunder. It's a testament to the great writing and actors.

We're five episodes into a 13-episode season so we're going to have to agree to disagree on that point.
Those episodes are underrated. The show knows exactly what it's doing. The first three episodes might have verged on indulgent, but it was for the valid purpose of revealing the characters' states of mind after the shattering events of Season 2's finale. Season 3 has given us a worthy replacement for S2's Mason Verger, shown Hannibal being more fully himself than ever before (that ice pick scene though!), let us spend more time with the delightful Dr. Gideon (whose scenes are twisted and brilliant from start to finish), delivered one of the series' strongest nightmare images (
the man stag, AKA Hannibal's Broken Hart
) and made
Alana Bloom
interesting and relevant. I'm loving it so far.
The irony.

Fuller finally gets to helm a third season of one of his creations, and in the end, was to one to kill the whole thing dead.

He just can't keep a show going to save his life


Fuller finally got a third season of a show and what does he do? KILLS IT.

Nah, I'm sure everything will be alright.

Or WILL it!? D:


It really hurts to consider that he just let the show die :(

We never even got to see Lee Pace!
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