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MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA – Gameplay Series #1: Combat

Oh snap!

No, but really. That is what you come back with when someone criticizes character model? If they didn't go for "supermodel" look with FemRyder I wonder why they took that route with literally every other human in the game. Whole argument of her not being supermodel makes no sense because of it.


She looked just fine in skill menus in this trailer. In this pic?

If I were to say her eyes are dead, skin seems oddly matte / rubbery and hair just has something weird going on. There is basically zero lightning going on which makes model look not-so-good.

It's definitely those eyes, they look like they're going to suck out your soul and sell it to the reapers.

Also how is bioware still so bad at hair, it's like 2017, like in DAI the characters looked fine or great but the hair was so awful it was unbelievable. Thank god for modders.
Classes still exist, you just aren't necessarily locked to them. You can put skill points into any skill you want but depending on the skills you choose, you'll unlock a class profile which will provide further bonuses to boost those skills. For instance invest mostly in soldier skills, you'll get the Soldier class profile and get extra bonuses provided by that. Or if you invest roughly half/half soldier and adept, you unlock the Vanguard profile which will boost some aspect of both your biotics and combat skills.

iirc classes in MP are still limited to specific power sets.

And Sara looks wonderful. You all are crazy.

So did they get rid of classes, and you can just pick and level up any skills at will; and most likely be able to just swap them out whenever you're in the ship ?

So no more Adept, Engineer, Sentinel, etc? You're just everything put together?

If so, not sure if I like that, I always liked having an identity, and selecting my squadmates to help achieve a good mix of everything.

Also is MP going to be the same or is it going to be like ME3 where you unlock different classes (ex: Salarian Engineer -GOAT).

Yeah, it's like an indirect/reverse class system. You put points into skills freely, but depending on whether you put your points into combat tech or biotics, you level up "profiles" which are a slate of passive benefits that befit a paticular playstyle. You'll probably only be able to focus on one profile (or at most two) if you want a decent build. So maybe you could mostly spec into combat and a little into tech, and make use of both the soldier and infiltrator profile. But you definitely won't be maxing out soldier adept and engineer profiles unless you play for a ridiculous number of hours. So you still have a "build" and a unique identity.

As for truly respeccing (i.e. actually refunding all your skill points and completely redistributing them), I'm not sure they've actually clarified that. Probably you can do that back on your ship, once for free, then after that it costs credits. If I had to guess.
A lot of complaints about the female main character - and she does look incredibly off for a sci-fi hero - but man the male one looks like such a douche too. Like Mass Effect 90210. And his name's even Scott. Hey I'm Scott the badass futuristic space hero. How's my hair.

They're not supposed to be "badasses" like Shepard was, they're explorers. They've specifically said this numerous times, it's also why the crew is much younger. They're supposed to be young and inexperienced explorers not the battle hardened legendary hero Shepard was.
I want to see a video of the character customization. In Mass Effect I went with the default character, but this time I'm going to spend two days in the character customization.


I liked the Sara design more when she had a bigger nose.

I greatly prefer her look to Scott though. Kinda of flipped from ME1-3 where I thought default male shepard was awesome looking and always went custom with female shepard.


I have to say, female looks much better than male here. Lots more personality to her face, the things people are picking up as parts that need fixing I'm seeing as character.


I honestly think she looks great.
They're not supposed to be "badasses" like Shepard was, they're explorers. They've specifically said this numerous times, it's also why the crew is much younger. They're supposed to be young and inexperienced explorers not the battle hardened legendary hero Shepard was.

I don't mind them being young. But for me the whole thinking behind the design process here is flawed. It's just not remotely cool. It's like that one female companion with "edgy" haircut. It's such a lame form of edgy.
So can we talk about the role "time" might play into the story? We've seen in several of the videos now, including this one, that this particular star cluster seems to have a blackhole at the center of it.


Do we think this might have some effect with regards to time dilation ala Interstellar? For instance, what if near the end we have to navigate close to the singularity and end up "propelling" ourselves about 50 or so years into the future. This could be a convenient way to build up this new universe and the "new" Milky Way residents, including ourselves, that have come to live in it for future entries. Thus, in this game we start to see the beginnings of our foothold in this new galaxy and then next game we're 50 years later. Or will the singularity just be limited to being a cool looking effect like Mass Effect 2?

Of course, another question related to time we probably won't know til we play the game is when exactly the player wakes up from cryo sleep. We know that all the Arks apparently set out at the same time, but given the fact that in the first gameplay video we see that Milky Way species are apparently already setup in a few places it's possible we don't all wake up at the same time.

I don't mind them being young. But for me the whole thinking behind the design process here is flawed. It's just not remotely cool. It's like that one female companion with "edgy" haircut. It's such a lame form of edgy.

I won't disagree with you, though when it comes to the default Ryder I don't care what they look like. My Ryder is going to be black so I don't care what these white folk look like. As for Cora (I think is the name) I'm not much of a fan for her haircut either though I have a sneaking suspicion it's that way because they still have trouble doing long hair. Inquisition had this same problem, ain't nobody in that game had long hair.


They're not supposed to be "badasses" like Shepard was, they're explorers. They've specifically said this numerous times, it's also why the crew is much younger. They're supposed to be young and inexperienced explorers not the battle hardened legendary hero Shepard was.

Came here to say this. Glad to see it's been addressed. These characters are much younger than Shepard and MUCH more inexperienced. They have minimal combat training and combat experience. They're newbies, they're fresh. They're not war hardened heroes. Yet.
It's definitely those eyes, they look like they're going to suck out your soul and sell it to the reapers.

Also how is bioware still so bad at hair, it's like 2017, like in DAI the characters looked fine or great but the hair was so awful it was unbelievable. Thank god for modders.

They look like the same eyes they use for the players in FIFA games.


Of course, another question related to time we probably won't know til we play the game is when exactly the player wakes up from cryo sleep. We know that all the Arks apparently set out at the same time, but given the fact that in the first gameplay video we see that Milky Way species are apparently already setup in a few places it's possible we don't all wake up at the same time.

I remember reading that Arks leave Milky Way at same time, but for some unknown reasons they arrive to Andromeda at different times. It seems that Human Ark is last to arrive into the Andromeda so we basically drop into semi-established colonies. If I remember wrong then it will be interesting to learn why some are awoken later than others, awoken as colonies and supply lines are established to support more life?

I'm surprised if time comes into play in big way.

Came here to say this. Glad to see it's been addressed. These characters are much younger than Shepard and MUCH more inexperienced. They have minimal combat training and combat experience. They're newbies, they're fresh. They're not war hardened heroes. Yet.

And first time ever they pick up gun they handle it like extremely trained special operations operative.


A lot of complaints about the female main character - and she does look incredibly off for a sci-fi hero - but man the male one looks like such a douche too. Like Mass Effect 90210. And his name's even Scott. Hey I'm Scott the badass futuristic space hero. How's my hair.

She does look really derpy. It's not just the face but also the way she animates. It cracks me up every time I see it. She looks more like the well-meaning colleague from HR or finance than the lead on a space opera game.
I won't disagree with you, though when it comes to the default Ryder I don't care what they look like. My Ryder is going to be black so I don't care what these white folk look like. As for Cora (I think is the name) I'm not much of a fan for her haircut either though I have a sneaking suspicion it's that way because they still have trouble doing long hair. Inquisition had this same problem, ain't nobody in that game had long hair.

Yeah, I'm going to have to remove all traces of Scott in the customizer.
Came here to say this. Glad to see it's been addressed. These characters are much younger than Shepard and MUCH more inexperienced. They have minimal combat training and combat experience. They're newbies, they're fresh. They're not war hardened heroes. Yet.

And first time ever they pick up gun they handle it like extremely trained special operations operative.
They have good military training, they're not going to be wondering how to use a gun.

And first time ever they pick up gun they handle it like extremely trained special operations operative.

They've had training. Ryder was an N7 graduate, I believe. They just have zero real experience. I'd say they are even less experienced than James Vega who at least led and participated in a few ground missions before joining up with Shepard.


So can we talk about the role "time" might play into the story? We've seen in several of the videos now, including this one, that this particular star cluster seems to have a blackhole at the center of it.


Do we think this might have some effect with regards to time dilation ala Interstellar? For instance, what if near the end we have to navigate close to the singularity and end up "propelling" ourselves about 50 or so years into the future. This could be a convenient way to build up this new universe and the "new" Milky Way residents, including ourselves, that have come to live in it for future entries. Thus, in this game we start to see the beginnings of our foothold in this new galaxy and then next game we're 50 years later. Or will the singularity just be limited to being a cool looking effect like Mass Effect 2?

Of course, another question related to time we probably won't know til we play the game is when exactly the player wakes up from cryo sleep. We know that all the Arks apparently set out at the same time, but given the fact that in the first gameplay video we see that Milky Way species are apparently already setup in a few places it's possible we don't all wake up at the same time.

I won't disagree with you, though when it comes to the default Ryder I don't care what they look like. My Ryder is going to be black so I don't care what these white folk look like. As for Cora (I think is the name) I'm not much of a fan for her haircut either though I have a sneaking suspicion it's that way because they still have trouble doing long hair. Inquisition had this same problem, ain't nobody in that game had long hair.
I'd like it to but I doubt they'll go down this route.


They have good military training, they're not going to be wondering how to use a gun.

So they address that in writing? Cool cool :) Tomb Raider reboot always amused me because there was such disconnect between how inexperienced and grossed out Lara was supposed to be about weapons and killing, but in gameplay she would make even Rambo blush.

They've had training. Ryder was an N7 graduate, I believe. They just have zero real experience. I'd say they are even less experienced than James Vega who at least led and participated in a few ground missions before joining up with Shepard.

Their father is N7 operator, youngRyders not so much. I think?


They have good military training, they're not going to be wondering how to use a gun.

No, I know that, but training is one thing, seeing combat first hand is a different thing altogether. IIRC their postings before the trip to Andromeda were just out of the way stuff, right? Scott was on guard duty on a quiet space station and Sarah was something to do with research?

Edit: I should clarify by minimal training I meant they're not spec ops trained like Shep.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
So can we talk about the role "time" might play into the story? We've seen in several of the videos now, including this one, that this particular star cluster seems to have a blackhole at the center of it.


Do we think this might have some effect with regards to time dilation ala Interstellar? For instance, what if near the end we have to navigate close to the singularity and end up "propelling" ourselves about 50 or so years into the future. This could be a convenient way to build up this new universe and the "new" Milky Way residents, including ourselves, that have come to live in it for future entries. Thus, in this game we start to see the beginnings of our foothold in this new galaxy and then next game we're 50 years later. Or will the singularity just be limited to being a cool looking effect like Mass Effect 2?

Of course, another question related to time we probably won't know til we play the game is when exactly the player wakes up from cryo sleep. We know that all the Arks apparently set out at the same time, but given the fact that in the first gameplay video we see that Milky Way species are apparently already setup in a few places it's possible we don't all wake up at the same time.

I don't think we'll get any time dilation magic, even if it would be neato.

From everything BioWare has said the very act of establishing a foothold in Andromeda is itself a core plot component. It doesn't sound like they want to have the Ryders wake up like a hundred years into the future or whatever. From what has been mentioned in interviews the plot will centre around them actually trying to understand why the Helius cluster is in the state it is, what changed between the initial scans of the cluster pre-mission launch to 600 later on arrival finding shit isn't what they seemed, and simply trying to survive in a new galaxy while setting up a homeworld.

The blackhole does indeed appear to be a centrepiece of the cluster though, so it may have some relation to the plot.


I don't mind them being young. But for me the whole thinking behind the design process here is flawed. It's just not remotely cool. It's like that one female companion with "edgy" haircut. It's such a lame form of edgy.

Your definition of edgy is really not the same as the actual definition of edgy.


I feel like peoe forget how insanely well trained Shepard was before he was even a spectre. Dude was a legendary as fuck soldier before the story even started.
I don't think we'll get any time dilation magic, even if it would be neato.

From everything BioWare has said the very act of establishing a foothold in Andromeda is itself a core plot component. It doesn't sound like they want to have the Ryders wake up like a hundred years into the future or whatever. From what has been mentioned in interviews the plot will centre around them actually trying to understand why the Helius cluster is in the state it is, what changed between the initial scans of the cluster pre-mission launch to 600 later on arrival finding shit isn't what they seemed, and simply trying to survive in a new galaxy while setting up a homeworld.

The blackhole does indeed appear to be a centrepiece of the cluster though, so it may have some relation to the plot.

Oh, I don't expect that either, though we might "awake/arrive" a year or two later than others. I'm suggesting that perhaps we'll get a jump forward at the end once we've established ourselves.

I feel like peoe forget how insanely well trained Shepard was before he was even a spectre. Dude was a legendary as fuck soldier before the story even started.

Fucking Batarians, those assholes destroyed Mindoir along with my family, but I held them back along with their proxy pirates during the Skyllian Blitz.


People picking holes in the lore like this... they're a deep space exploration crew, they're going to have a degree of combat training by default right? I mean, you don't send explorers out defenceless.

And the RPG systems (get stronger as you progress) will handle the growth of the characters as they gain experience.

I don't come to Mass Effect hoping this stuff will be so finely tuned I'm utterly immersed by it to the point I can't complain, isn't the actual gameplay more important here than "would this character be quite this strong at this point?" or whatever it is we're arguing about here?

Nope, I think it is.

Well, what you think doesn't align with the actual definition or application of the word here. There really is nothing edgy about any of the things you pointed out. Like not at all.


Oh snap!

No, but really. That is what you come back with when someone criticizes character model? If they didn't go for "supermodel" look with FemRyder I wonder why they took that route with literally every other human in the game. Whole argument of her not being supermodel makes no sense because of it.


She looked just fine in skill menus in this trailer. In this pic?

If I were to say her eyes are dead, skin seems oddly matte / rubbery and hair just has something weird going on. There is basically zero lightning going on which makes model look not-so-good.

I would hate to see some of you guys out on a first date with someone. Jesus.
A good way to convey that the Ryders aren't seasoned soldiers would be to not have them gunning down dozens upon dozens of enemies with all manner of heavy ordnance in literally every trailer. Like, don't tell me they're just humble adventurers but then focus 90% of the marketing effort on all the different ways you can murder guys.

"Shoot from mid-air, use a flamethrower, respec on the fly to be ready for any murdering occasion, don't allow your enemies a moment of respite! Your weapon craves blood, and its thirst shall be slaked! Oh, but you're not a soldier, though".


A good way to convey that the Ryders aren't seasoned soldiers would be to not have them gunning down dozens upon dozens of enemies with all manner of heavy ordnance in literally every trailer. Like, don't tell me they're just humble adventurers but then focus 90% of the marketing effort on all the different ways you can murder guys.

"Shoot from mid-air, use a flamethrower, respec on the fly to be ready for any murdering occasion, don't allow your enemies a moment of respite! Your weapon craves blood, and its thirst shall be slaked! Oh, but you're not a soldier, though".


This is an action RPG, fuck the lore being precise I don't want to be held back from all the fun shit I can do because "immersion needs to be perfect".

Mass Effect was never about that kind of perfect immersion anyway, it's an OTT space opera with b-movie flavours. I'll never understand this kind of nitpicking, especially for /this/ series.


I don't think we'll get any time dilation magic, even if it would be neato.

From everything BioWare has said the very act of establishing a foothold in Andromeda is itself a core plot component. It doesn't sound like they want to have the Ryders wake up like a hundred years into the future or whatever. From what has been mentioned in interviews the plot will centre around them actually trying to understand why the Helius cluster is in the state it is, what changed between the initial scans of the cluster pre-mission launch to 600 later on arrival finding shit isn't what they seemed, and simply trying to survive in a new galaxy while setting up a homeworld.

The blackhole does indeed appear to be a centrepiece of the cluster though, so it may have some relation to the plot.

As a physicist I have to object to the word magic here :p I understand that it seems pretty complicated from the outside but it follows "simple" rules that one can use to determine the outcome.

On topic: Game looks very arcadey but fun. I will judge once I play it but story wise I still don't have much expectations after the ruined Mass Effect franchise. Mass Effect 1 was a "masterpiece" (at least what story and world building is concerned), Mass Effect 2 had the best character focused stories (not all of them) but ruined the world Mass Effect 1 build by focusing on Cerberus instead of finding a way to stop the Reapers (what Mass Effect 2 should have been about), and Mass Effect 3 had the best gameplay but ruined the franchise by having to clean up after Mass Effect 2's bad story bits and introducing its own bad story.

Most people feel like Mass Effect 2 was still awesome and only the ending of Mass Effect 3 sucked but this is only true in the sense that the ending disappoints because it doesn't clarify, takes into account and explaines all that bat shit crazy things that Mass Effect 2 introduced (Cerberus, Tim, Human Reaper etc.) and that own bad things it introduced itself (Kai Leng, stupid child, Atari beacon etc.).

So vent is over. I am happy they went to another Galaxy, hope the make a decent story again.


Stay classy GAF and keep going for making it personal when someone has issue with virtual character (model) that you happen to like.

To be fair, she looks like a normal person who isn't photogenically perfect. The things people are pointing out as "weird flaws" are things you'd find on every day people.

I don't get it:

"I hate when games make their characters look like supermodels"

"Man, these people look freakishly normal!"

I know we're not a hive-mind, but still.

As a physicist I have to object to the word magic here :p I understand that it seems pretty complicated from the outside but it follows "simple" rules that one can use to determine the outcome.

On topic: Game looks very arcadey but fun. I will judge once I play it but story wise I still don't have much expectations after the ruined Mass Effect franchise. Mass Effect 1 was a "masterpiece" (at least what story and world building is concerned), Mass Effect 2 had the best character focused stories (not all of them) but ruined the world Mass Effect 1 build by focusing on Cerberus instead of finding a way to stop the Reapers (what Mass Effect 2 should have been about), and Mass Effect 3 had the best gameplay but ruined the franchise by having to clean up after Mass Effect 2's bad story bits and introducing its own bad story.

Most people feel like Mass Effect 2 was still awesome and only the ending of Mass Effect 3 sucked but this is only true in the sense that the ending disappoints because it doesn't clarify, takes into account and explaines all that bat shit crazy things that Mass Effect 2 introduced (Cerberus, Tim, Human Reaper etc.) and that own bad things it introduced itself (Kai Leng, stupid child, Atari beacon etc.).

So vent is over. I am happy they went to another Galaxy, hope the make a decent story again.

Mass Effect 2 was the calm before the storm. It was absolutely required to be that way as a mid-entry, imo, and set 3 up perfectly (even if 3 dropped the ball by relegating most of its scope to the codex).
Except the hair. Why isn't it properly shaded?

It looks similar to Inquisition, that game also had poor quality hair. I guess they just haven't put much effort into it.

Ryder's look mediocre to me, though the armors look a bit like they're painted on, or their bodies are super thin compared to their heads. Hopefully they look more natural in action, those screenshots definitely look a bit derpy, especially the girl. That said, these are just minor nitpicks, I'll reserve my final judgement after I actually play the game.
Well, what you think doesn't align with the actual definition or application of the word here. There really is nothing edgy about any of the things you pointed out. Like not at all.

Eh, I think Cora's haircut is a failed attempt at being edgy.

It's interesting, because some people also accused Jack of forced edginess in ME2, but if you put a picture of the Jack design next to the Cora one, as I saw someone do the other day, the rift in quality between the old character designs and the new ones really becomes very evident.


Eh, I think Cora's haircut is a failed attempt at being edgy.

It's interesting, because some people also accused Jack of forced edginess in ME2, but if you put a picture of the Jack design next to the Cora one, as I saw someone do the other day, the rift in quality between the old character designs and the new ones really becomes very evident.

It's not edgy, it's just an alternative haircut. I know plenty of people with haircuts like this who just like the look and aren't "edgy".

Shadow the Hedgehog is edgy, a haircut alone isn't that.


Oh, come on. The analyzing of the character model was just begging for that joke. Lighten up, my friend.

Tones don't come over well in such short sentence without emoji. If you meant that as joke then my bad. People just seem to go into knots about some others not being in love with Ryder models, so making it personal wouldn't surprise me at this point.

Reveal of FemRyder + Combat trailer vs. every other showing of her highlights how her model suffers from lack of good lightning. She looks good in combat trailer.



This is an action RPG, fuck the lore being precise I don't want to be held back from all the fun shit I can do because "immersion needs to be perfect".

Mass Effect was never about that kind of perfect immersion anyway, it's an OTT space opera with b-movie flavours. I'll never understand this kind of nitpicking, especially for /this/ series.
Actually, Mass Effect was. It had so much attention to detail it was almost overwhelming.

Mass Effect 2 and 3 threw that out of the window to satisfy gameplay, and convoluted story bits and settings that seem awesome but don't fit exactly into the established universe. So they changed stuff to make it work. They stopped being faithful to the universe but got all the shooter fans and guys that like easy and streamlined gameplay as a reward. So they like to continue that way. Nothing wrong with that from a financial standpoint, as well as the standpoint of the masses but they lost a lot of fans of the first game, of that vision of Mass Effect. They compromised they vision to appeal to the mainstream instead of keeping faithful to their lore, universe and fans.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Eh, I think Cora's haircut is a failed attempt at being edgy.

It's interesting, because some people also accused Jack of forced edginess in ME2, but if you put a picture of the Jack design next to the Cora one, as I saw someone do the other day, the rift in quality between the old character designs and the new ones really becomes very evident.

Just admit you don't like the haircut rather than throwing "edgy" comments. You want edgy? Play Reaper on Overwatch. :p


Actually, Mass Effect was. It had so much attention to detail it was almost overwhelming.

Haha, no it wasn't. It was just as silly.

Mass Effect 2 and 3 threw that out of the window to satisfy gameplay, and convoluted story bits and settings that seem awesome but don't fit exactly into the established universe. So they changed stuff to make it work. They stopped being faithful to the universe but got all the shooter fans and guys that like easy and streamlined gameplay as a reward. So they like to continue that way. Nothing wrong with that from a financial standpoint, as well as the standpoint of the masses but they lost a lot of fans of the first game, of that vision of Mass Effect. They compromised they vision to appeal to the mainstream instead of keeping faithful to their lore, universe and fans.

You're rosetinting the shit out of ME 1.

ME2 didn't go against the lore, universe, and fans. It just changed the gameplay systems and moved away from the KOTOR style RPG systems to a more aRPG style TPS hyrbid.

Many fans thought this was an improvement too, so your last point is just not true.

PS - ME2 is a much better game in every way, imo, and I loved the this out of ME1 and the KOTOR games. The loss of the more traditional RPG systems wasn't a loss at all as most of them in ME 1 were a jumbled mess, especially the inventory, loot, and upgrade systems.

But each to their own.


I remember seeing the (gorgeous) model that they used for designing female Ryder. I think people are misinterpreting when some are saying that the models don't look good. It's down to the tech. It was the same issue with Miranda Lawson who was based on Yvonne Strahovski (who is stunning). To me, something just looks off and if I had to guess, the hair tech (and the style) could use a change.

Then again, that's the beauty of using character customization options.
Eh, I think Cora's haircut is a failed attempt at being edgy.

It's interesting, because some people also accused Jack of forced edginess in ME2, but if you put a picture of the Jack design next to the Cora one, as I saw someone do the other day, the rift in quality between the old character designs and the new ones really becomes very evident.

Doesn't matter what you think. It's a haircut. Complain when the character itself is somehow "edgy".

How the hell can a haircut in and of itself even by "edgy"? There are haircuts very similar to that one that are so mainstream that they're even called "bitchy soccer mom haircuts".
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