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Coldplay - MYLO XYLOTO - October 24

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So, in conclusion:

For reference, this is my ranking of Coldplay LPs

Viva la Vida > Parachutes > A Rush of Blood to the Head > > X&Y

And after one good listen through, I think it goes something like this:

Viva la Vida > Parachutes > Mylo Xyloto > A Rush of Blood to the Head > > X&Y

But I don't think anyone should read that as saying that it's not good, or anything. Parachutes and VlV are 2 of my favorite albums of all time, so Mylo Xyloto being closer to them and above ARoB, means I like it a lot :p

And here are my favorite songs off the album: Mylo Xyloto/Hurts like Heaven, Paradise, Us Against the World, Every Teardrop is a Waterfall, Major Minus, and Princess of China.


X&Y >>> Rush of Blood >= Parachutes > Viva la Vida

Pretty excited to hear it all tonight when I get home from work... was hoping it would have been available last night. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the label leaked it today just to cut into a sale or two of Noel's record.

As far as US sales go, I wouldn't say the lower expectations are due to the fact that albums just sell less now but rather because people are just buying shittier music in droves. Additionally, VLV and Speed of Sound both went top 10 in the US but neither Teardrop nor Paradise have been able to. Little known fact, VLV is their only single to ever hit #1 in the UK or in the US.

They hit their sales apex around the time of X&Y because they were still riding the wave of Rush of Blood's success. Clocks was ubiqitous for years..


Pachterballs said:
I like how you're basically admitting to pirating this. good work.
If you buy records, I see zero issue with listening to leaks. Noel's album is out today in the UK but not for 15 more days in the US. Is there any chance I'd not listen to it early? Of course not. Is there any chance I wouldn't buy it? Of course not. Got my CD/DVD preordered.


Meier said:
X&Y >>> Rush of Blood >= Parachutes > Viva la Vida

Pretty excited to hear it all tonight when I get home from work... was hoping it would have been available last night. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the label leaked it today just to cut into a sale or two of Noel's record.

As far as US sales go, I wouldn't say the lower expectations are due to the fact that albums just sell less now but rather because people are just buying shittier music in droves. Additionally, VLV and Speed of Sound both went top 10 in the US but neither Teardrop nor Paradise have been able to. Little known fact, VLV is their only single to ever hit #1 in the UK and US.

They hit their sales apex around the time of X&Y because they were still riding the wave of Rush of Blood's success. Clocks was ubiqitous for years..

Haha, nice list, dude. Exactly the opposite of mine :p I think that says something about how different their albums are!


Hm, I wonder what the differences might be. The mix sounds pretty good. Either way, I can't wait to get my vinyl of this :) I will be jamming to Hurts like Heaven all day.
inthezone said:
Why do people say Paradise has a hip hop beat?

Cant really hear it. I mean it wouldnt sound out of place on a Kanye album but still...

Sounds more like an industrial-type beat to me, like the one from Adore by Smashing Pumpkins.


First impression rankings:

Rush of Blood > Parachutes > X&Y > Mylo Xyloto > Viva la Vida

Paradise is easily my favorite, Princess of China is pretty nice too.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
X&Y > Rush > Viva > Parachutes

Xylo will probably be right in the middle. It's more traditional than the singles have led people to believe.


Does anyone (except silly trolls) actually really hate any Coldplay albums?

For me, X&Y is at the bottom of my list, but if I was giving a numerical rating, it would probably be like an 8.5 (or 8.8 :lol), and all the other albums much higher (If VlV didn't have Reign of Love, it would be a 10 :p). I don't hate any tracks off any album, except maybe Square One, and even that one just doesn't click with me, but it's listenable.

Edit: I need a MX avatar to be relevant now.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I can admit that a big part of why X&Y works so well for me is the blatantly manipulative emotional aspect. It's an hour long version of the big tug-at-your-heartstrings-as-the-music-swells scene in an Oscarbait drama and I love it.


Hunky Nostradamus
Someone uploaded it to youtube so I couldn't resist listening.

Mylo Xyloto was sort of cool, I guess, but it isn't much of a song. It's disappointing because Life in Technicolor was a similar thing, intro song with no lyrics, but was much much better. I don't even know if they could MX II it, and add lyrics on an EP later.

Hurts like Heaven is pretty freaking good. I think it's the kind of song that will improve on repeated viewings.

Paradise. Love it already.

Charlie Brown was fucking amazing. I was getting chills while listening. Just amazing.

Us Against the World was really nice. Very nice and pretty simple. Reminds me of A Message or Till Kingdom Come.

M.M.I.X. isn't even a song. :/ I guess it sounded sorta cool?

Every Teardrop is a Waterfall. Love it already.

Major Minus. Love it already.

U.F.O. I thought was really beautiful. Very serene and nice sounding.

Princess of China. Kill it with fire. As I feared I would, I didn't feel like this song belongs at all. I didn't even notice Chris Martin, aside from in the beginning. It felt like a Rihanna song produced by Coldplay. It left me feeling icky.

Up in Flames didn't grab me. Perhaps on another listen.

Don't Let It Break Your Heart. Pretty...but it isn't really a song either. :/

Up with the Birds - "Reminds me off something off of Parachutes or X&Y. A nice little closing track." - Sai-kun

I agree!

I really like it overall, and I felt giddy while listening to the first half. Some of the songs made me want to
while listening too. haha I'm such a sap. The second half left me feeling pretty sad too. Not in a disappointed kind of sad or "I hate this" kind of sad, but...I don't know. I just felt a little melancholy afterwards. I don't think that's a bad thing though. :)

I hope they release a Mylo's March with a Princess of China -. - Rihanna, so it would be the opposite of Lost +. :3 I also hope they have more songs, as I felt like MX was far too short. Three of the tracks aren't even songs. :/


X&Y>Rush of Blood to the Head>Viva La Vida >Parachutes. Not sure where MX will land.


apparently, the guitars and some other effects in a bunch of the songs are different in the leaked version.

Mau ®

I refuse to listen to the leak. I already played Princess of China like 100 times between yesterday and today.

Besides, I've already heard 4 tracks: ETIAW, Paradise, Princess of China and Major Minus.
Listening to this for the first time and it's surprising me I was expecting the worst but it's definitely pretty good

My Coldplay ranking is

A Rush of Blood to the Head = Viva La Vida > Parachutes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>X&Y

X&Y was a horrible album to me and so far I'm pretty sure I prefer Mylo Xyloto greatly


After the first listen, I'd put it as my least favorite record sadly. There are definitely some very good tracks on here and it's not as if its poor, but it doesn't stand up in comparison. Not even close.

Conversely, I listened to X&Y again yesterday and still have no clue how any fan of Coldplay could not enjoy it, let alone love it. Perfect.


the album version of "hurts like heaven" doesn't pack the punch the live version does; it's a bit light on the guitars which is a tad disappointing.

surprisingly enough, i love "princess of china." i was a bit iffy on the rihanna collaberation when it was announced, so i'm glad it turned out pretty good. "major minus" is up there with "god put a smile upon your face" in terms of awesomeness--the guitars and bass are tremendous. "charlie brown" is one of their best songs.

i think it's a pretty great album from the one listen i've given it so far. i'd put it above viva la vida.

Meier said:
Conversely, I listened to X&Y again yesterday and still have no clue how any fan of Coldplay could not enjoy it, let alone love it. Perfect.

i don't think it's bad at all. it's just that there are a lot of songs on it that are at least a minute too long. also, "the hardest part" is the worst coldplay song ever!


Album is kind of boring, but that may just be because Coldplay is boring, not really impressed, and I enjoyed Viva La Vida and X&Y quite a bit.
these guys really don't know how to make a bad album, every coldplay fan ranks all 4 albums different from the next. I think it's a testament to how consistent the band really is.

X&Y was awesome btw. :p


If any German reads this thread: Amazon.de currently offers the MP3 Version for only 5€.

I'm still in love with the Princess of China track, that song alone was worth the purchase.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Meier said:
After the first listen, I'd put it as my least favorite record sadly. There are definitely some very good tracks on here and it's not as if its poor, but it doesn't stand up in comparison. Not even close.

Conversely, I listened to X&Y again yesterday and still have no clue how any fan of Coldplay could not enjoy it, let alone love it. Perfect.
bloated, self-indulgent, formulaic, faux-intellectual

whereas, I think MX sounds like a band having fun.


Any way to get the extended version with the live versions from Glastonbury? I need them. Some of the songs really sounded a lot better live.

Mau ®

Listening to the whole thing now. I really like it though I dont love it just yet. I like it more than X&Y easily though I dont think it will touch the greatness that was Viva la Vida nor does it pack as many songs waiting to be singles like their other albums (including X&Y... which had good singles).

Whoever said Charlie Brown was similar to Life in Technicolor is completely right. If LIT was another's band song they totoally have grounds for a lawsuit lol =P The song is awesome and a hit waiting to happen, so is Princess of China. POC is actually the next single it seems so yay we goon get a video!!
Just listened to that Paradise video link...

Yeah, I still don't think this album is going to be purchased by me. Just not hitting any chords with me.
Coldplay are elephant furries. Never saw that coming.

edit: for the record
Rush of Blood > X&Y > Parachutes > Viva la Vida

VLV just did nothing for me. I don't hate it, but there was just nothing there that made me want to keep listening to it. That's strange, considering it's probably the most diverse of their albums, in terms of sounds, but yeah. I just forget it exists, usually.


I found this album floating around the net and decided to dive in for some premature etrackulation. I have to say that on the first listen I really disliked it even though I had previously enjoyed Paradise, Every Teardrop, and even the new one with Rhianna. But the next day I had another listen and suddenly liked each track.

I agree that I found the sound and vocals moving back to the earlier albums I don't know as well (I became a fan during X+Y).


This album kinda sucks.

and I am a HUGE Coldplay fan.

I don't know if my tastes have changed, their sound has plateaued, or what.

I do know however that I popped in ROBTTH and Parachutes yesterday and was rocking out down Melrose.


Junior Member
they are trying, but chris martin just isn't a very good songwriter. there are highlights, charlie brown, up in flames and the second to last track are quite strong. absolutely gorgeous production, too. this is eno again, right?


PowderedToast said:
they are trying, but chris martin just isn't a very good songwriter. there are highlights, charlie brown, up in flames and the second to last track are quite strong. absolutely gorgeous production, too. this is eno again, right?

Charlie Brown is one of the worst songs I've heard, it sounds like a U2 cast off.

Princess of China is surprisingly decent. Teardrop and Paradise are the definite highlights of the album, it's a shame they already released those as singles and now we only have lesser-quality songs left.


Wow, this album is way more intimate than Paradise and Every Tear led me to believe. The sound is sort of "Viva La Vida" meets "Parachutes". In fact, it really is the closest they've come to matching Parachutes in terms of sound.

Plus, the "stadium rock" songs are probably a notch below Viva La Vida, Clocks, Speed of Sound, Fix You, and Yellow. Mylo Xyloto shines the brightest in its quieter moments.

Impressed overall, but it's not my favourite Coldplay album. I sort of think Viva La Vida and Rush are the kind of masterpiece records that most bands rarely ever reach, let alone achieve twice. Mylo Xyloto is around X&Y in my book..it's almost the anti- X&Y..excelling in the quieter stuff while X&Y was all about the big moments (Talk, Speed of Sound..etc).

Still, lots of bands do quiet really well..only Coldplay can capture an audience in the way a song like Clocks does..so it's disappointing that those kind of vast soundscapes are lacking a bit here. I'm not sure if it's Eno's production, or the creative forces shifting a bit in their balance..maybe it's just an inevitable evolution. Who knows.

I can force myself into a detached perspective and point out that this record is probably a better effort than Parachutes and X&Y..but Coldplay is so nostalgic for me that I doubt I'll ever pop this one in over those two.

Still, I'd probably rank their stuff like this, based off my first listen with Mylo:

Viva la Vida = Rush > X&Y > Mylo > Parachutes (which was a bit to quiet for my tastes..Yellow was the influential song for me..and in many ways that and a couple others on Parachutes are still among Coldplay's very best songs)

Enjoyed it overall.


B-Ri said:
This album kinda sucks.

and I am a HUGE Coldplay fan.

I don't know if my tastes have changed, their sound has plateaued, or what.

I do know however that I popped in ROBTTH and Parachutes yesterday and was rocking out down Melrose.

Basically my reaction, although I'm nowhere near as negative. I can point out a few places where this one excels..but I already know I won't be listening to it as much.

I think you're right..maybe they've plateaued.


I can't wait to hear Paradise and Princess of China live. Can't wait to hear Hurts like Heaven live again too, now that I know the song :D They'll be so great.
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