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Ghostbusters |OT| Is it the boobs?

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Saw this last night. It didn't like, piss me off or anything, but I was pretty bored for most of it.

It needed to slow the fuck down and let me get to know the characters. Erin and Abby, despite the focus on them at the end, don't actually have a whole lot to them as it feels like every line out of their mouths are jokes. Holtzman was a cartoon character and clashes horrifically with the rest of the film by being so turned up constantly. Sometimes this works but more often it doesn't, and though I liked McKinnon a lot the script didn't seem to leave me with any impression other than just like...generic insanity? Kevin was good, his character was simplistic and goofy enough to write jokes for and Hemsworth has good timing. Leslie Jones was by far the best because she managed the unique feat of actually feeling like a human being for the duration of the film and effectively utilizes her background to help out the ghostbusters multiple times, which went a long way to making her feel like a likeable and useful member of the team.

Bad guy sucked. Editing was rough in some areas. Cameos were underwhelming except Potts. Devolving into action schlock at the end was alright but i basically didn't care about anything that was happening at that point except Kevin so it all just fell flat to me. Laughed more at Pringles and Papa Johns than I did at the dialogue.

Again, it wasn't like the worst shit i've ever seen and I was never upset, and I chuckled every now and then at a good line, but for the most part a lot of jokes just didn't land and i was pretty unengaged by around the 2/3 mark. I definitely should have caught the matinee, at least. Not great, and i'm pretty disappointed in fieg. He's done better than this.


...and this right here is the problem permeating the internet.

"I don't like thing, so how could anyone else possibly like thing?"
Exactly. This isn't the best movie ever made but I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than the recent X-men and Independence Day movies. No matter how much you want them to be, your opinions just aren't fact, I don't care what you do for a living either.
I saw this last night and I just don't get how it ever escalated to the drama it currently has.

At its absolute worst points, it's boring. It's not good, it's a disappointment and a wasted use of a great brand and promising roster of lead actresses. At its best it has legitimately funny moments.

The movie is just not good. It's ok, and forgettable. Its quality is not astoundingly offensive to the core of my being. It doesn't deserve the hate or controversy. Hell, it's better than Batman V Superman.


Shame I didn't like this movie. I would have loved for it to be brilliant to piss of the crazy sexist people. But for me anyways the jokes weren't funny. I didn't like the effects and main villian is completely shit.
There were two points in the movie that I laughed out loud seriously hard. One was an intentional funny scene, the other was not.

When Erin (spelling?) is asking the tour guide at the haunted mansion about so-and-so, and he says "he's been dead 15 years" and you're led to believe she was speaking to a ghost for a few moments, and then the guy just like sidesteps into frame and she's like "wait, well then who is this guy, that's who I talked to" and the guide says "oh, that's so-and-so's son".

I legit laughed at that.

And then when Erin jumped into the portal at the end to save Melissa McCarthy (don't remember the character name) and it got all dramatic and she said "I'm not going to leave you twice" I fucking lost it. That whole scene didn't hit the note it was clearly trying to, and it came off as so stupid it was great.
They really bust the hell out of ghosts in this movie. They busted way more ghosts than in the previous movies, and they busted them with a way zanier assortment of gadgets.

You add up all of the Paranormal Activity movies and both Conjuring movies and Widow's Peak or whatever that fucking thing was called and I'll bet you don't see half as many ghosts get busted as got busted in Ghostbusters (2016).

People fawn all over the Sixth Sense and that movie is just about helping ghosts. They're not even busting them at all.

I also think that they could have killed Chris Hemsworth's character to add a little dramatic heft to the back half. I would rather not be exposed to his comedy again, if at all possible.

At the end of the day, I wish the ghosts had been a little scarier, but they got busted so good it didn't really bother me tbh.


There were two points in the movie that I laughed out loud seriously hard. One was an intentional funny scene, the other was not.

When Erin (spelling?) is asking the tour guide at the haunted mansion about so-and-so, and he says "he's been dead 15 years" and you're led to believe she was speaking to a ghost for a few moments, and then the guy just like sidesteps into frame and she's like "wait, well then who is this guy, that's who I talked to" and the guide says "oh, that's so-and-so's son".

I legit laughed at that.

And then when Erin jumped into the portal at the end to save Melissa McCarthy (don't remember the character name) and it got all dramatic and she said "I'm not going to leave you twice" I fucking lost it. That whole scene didn't hit the note it was clearly trying to, and it came off as so stupid it was great.

Yeah, that gag ruled. Even if there's no discernible way for Gabe to leave that cellar alive.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Its actually good. Glad i gave it a chance.

I was also surprised that there's a post credit scene. Didnt expected it at all
Take your daughters to see Ghostbusters! Haters gonna hate but it was sick. Yeah the jokes were corny (like the original) but the true best part is its an all girl team of scientists and badass ghost hunters. Do your part to dilute all the Disney princess crap your daughters are already overloaded on. It was awesome and the ghosts were beautifully done! ‪#‎Ghostbusters‬ ‪#‎Girlpower‬
Saw it today. Of the twenty to thirty people in the theater, only one person laughed out loud for the duration. There were a couple of chuckles here and there, but not much. There was one walkout.

As for myself, I was bored, and not even in a frustrating sense. I just kind of sat there and the film washed over me. I wish I had a stronger reaction to it either way, and considering the gross hate this movie has received, I wish it was better.

I think McKinnon was the best thing, but I found her to be very inconsistent in her comedy as in "she's acting weird in this specific moment, but it's not the right kind of weird needed for her character" type of way. I found Wiig to be funny in her inappropriate flirting, and Hemsworth has a few decent moments.

I think the movie suffers from a lot of franchise blockbusters in that it moves too fast and too slow at the same time. It becomes evident what is happening very early in the film, and as a result not much of anything happens later. There's no real setback for them in the movie. There's no pathos for the characters outside of the weak "ghost girl" stuff, which leads to one of the funnier things at the end with Mckinnon's character and her "breakthrough".

I really liked some of the accidental meta-commentary happening in the movie, specifically the villain and what they fight at the end. I liked the new gadgets, even if they seems inconsequential. I liked the neon colors, pinks, purples, and greens of the movie, but fighting generic
parade floats
at the end seems very uninspired, as well as the two ghost cameos. Speaking of cameos, I found them all kind of pointless, unfunny, and interrupting. I did like the looks of the ghosts though!

I think a lot of the direction and staging was bad, and some specific editing stuff was just bizarre to me.

Comedies either click with you or they don't, and this certainly didn't. I will say that considering the market for the film, I'm glad they didn't have a lot of inappropriate jokes or language. For a PG13 movie, it's way more appropriate than the comic book movies released in recent years.

Looking at my list of the thirty or so 2016 film releases I've seen this year so far, this is probably near the bottom. Batman V Superman is laughably incompetent, and Knight of Cups was utterly frustrating. This was just unengaged boredom.

I'd like to see them do a sequel to see what they might improve.


Saw this yesterday and it was pretty much all flash with no bite. I feel like most of the big plot points were revealed in the trailers and while I found myself actually laughing at 1 or 2 jokes, overall it felt forgettable. I hope there is a sequel though, I'd love to see the franchise go on... Just minus the modern blandness and cgi neon blue actiony moments.
Of course! How can you resist Holtzmann?????

That fight scene is god tier. I liked them all the first time but seeing it again I really felt a strong sense of camaraderie in the group. The toast at the end is legitimately emotional considering who it's coming from.

Something else I realized, I'm not sure if it's just in one scene but I noticed Kevin was chewing gum which would make coffee, like orange juice after brushing your teeth, taste absolutely terrible. He spits the coffee out in a scene later and he's chewing gum so I'm assuming that's why he hates it so much lol

WW total is at $122 so I'm guessing it just opened in new areas and it's now starting to at least draw near its listed budget.
That fight scene is god tier. I liked them all the first time but seeing it again I really felt a strong sense of camaraderie in the group. The toast at the end is legitimately emotional considering who it's coming from.

Something else I realized, I'm not sure if it's just in one scene but I noticed Kevin was chewing gum which would make coffee, like orange juice after brushing your teeth, taste absolutely terrible. He spits the coffee out in a scene later and he's chewing gum so I'm assuming that's why he hates it so much lol

WW total is at $122 so I'm guessing it just opened in new areas and it's now starting to at least draw near its listed budget.

"Las go."
So does anyone feel like the movie was cut from a much, much longer draft?

I generally enjoyed the film, but my biggest complaint was how disjointed it felt, like it was a series of skits stitched together to form a movie. The biggest offender was the scene with Erin just as the final battle starts, where it felt like a Gang Back Together scene when they never broke up in the first place


So does anyone feel like the movie was cut from a much, much longer draft?

I generally enjoyed the film, but my biggest complaint was how disjointed it felt, like it was a series of skits stitched together to form a movie. The biggest offender was the scene with Erin just as the final battle starts, where it felt like a Gang Back Together scene when they never broke up in the first place

It was supposedly 4 hours uncut. Feig just did a really shitty job cutting it. The movie was better than I expected but it still really did not do much for me. The Actresses themselves were fine but Feig and his style I just feel was not a good fit.

A sequel if it happens needs new writer and director.

Anihawk's post sums up a lot of my issue with how nothing really seems to weight in the movie too.


Melissa McCarthy/Abby is the worst thing about this movie, every joke she made was awful!

McKinnon and Jones were funnier.


Saw it today. It was cute enough but basically bad. Movie really was a slog toward the end. We needed an extended gadgets scene *and* an extended battle scene to show off all the gadgets in action? But why. The homage scenes were all super obvious and basically weak. Hemsworth and McKinnon were consistently good at least. There were also some super jarring cuts and bizarre editing choices (this is so tiny but the one bit where Leslie Jones runs down the stairs to tell everyone to come up to the roof just floated there totally unconnected to anything else happening).

Worth a watch but only if like you watched Bridesmaids on Netflix on Monday and then on Wednesday you're still thinking about *that* movie and have an itch that needs scratching.
My family of 5 enjoyed it for the most part. The casting was well done. I learned my dad never watched all of the first and didn't know there was a second. Wtf.
Not a really bad movie, but not a particularly good one either. I liked the cast, all the main characters were likable and gelled fine, except Hemsworth, he was painful to watch at times.

But the main problem is, it just wasn't that funny. Maybe two or three giggles the whole time. The script just didn't have enough jokes. I laughed 100x more at 'Spy' with Melissa McCarthy than this.

Again, these are all funny people. I've seen McKinnon be interviewed for a few minutes and be way funnier than she is throughout this. Wiig was good at the start, I enjoyed her acedemic career and pseudo-science career clashing, but then didn't have much of anything after that. McCarthy just didn't get going at all. Jones was probably one of the most likable/funny of the bunch which I didn't expect from the trailer.

I think if this didn't have the ghostbusters branding, and they just kept the 'Paranormal investigators Inc' thing going, they would have been more free to be funny without the pressure of being tied down to the franchise tropes.


Jealous Bastard
whatever mckinnon is doing in this movie, it did not work for me. she seemed like she was acting in a saturday night live skit about wacky ghostbusters, not starring in a ghostbusters movie. her hammy facial tics were so distracting and stupid. for not a single second did i forget that kate mckinnon was kate mckinnon, and not this holtzman person. there is possibly not a single character in the movie that feels like a character.
My wife and I saw it last week and absolutely loved it. I was iffy on the reboot the whole time around and was really surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It wasn't perfect, but we both thought it was great. My wife actually wants to go see it again and that's a rarity for us since it's hard for us to find someone to watch our kids.

I'm very interested in seeing what the director's cut looks like because the editing did feel sloppy at times. Unlike some people, I really wish the scene under the credits had been part of the movie proper.
Saw it Sunday afternoon. Theater was pretty empty. Film is on par with Robocop remake: mostly bland with scattered brights spots that dim under the original.


I'm very interested in seeing what the director's cut looks like because the editing did feel sloppy at times. Unlike some people, I really wish the scene under the credits had been part of the movie proper.
Yes, that would had been awesome!!! Also director's cut? Wow!!!


Saw it last night and honestly loved it. It's fun and there's quite a few hilarious scenes that had everyone in the theater laughing even if there wasn't a full crowd of people seeing it.

I really hope this does well enough to get a sequel.

I really hope the director's cut pulls things together. I liked the movie, but I rewatched the original last night and it's nearly a night and day difference. Great on a technical level (like that upward sweeping shot of Egon when he says "I collect spores and fungus"), or their speedy walk through the library books . . . There is energy in the camera work. But more importantly, the movie is incredibly tightly paced and written. In short, it was a joy to watch. If some of what was left on the cutting room floor smooths out the edits, and gives a bit more character work, I'll be pretty happy.


thanks for the laugh

Lindalee's Costume/Wardrobe provided by SONY Consumer Products and RUBIES Costumes; www.rubies.com

Lindalee's Proton Pack provided by Mattel - http://play.mattel.com

Ghostbuster Pins provided by JD Raimer (Order your own pins on his Easy store today); https://www.etsy.com/shop/jdraimer?re...

VERY SPECIAL THANKS to: SONY Pictures, Columbia Pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures



Yeah I'm really curious about original drafts for this movie. I liked the movie for the most part (especially the main cast, and especially McKinnon and Jones), but some setpieces were obviously left in there from previous drafts without the context needed to have it make sense. The most obvious ones are the cut dance scene (now it's just that big crowd in the opening dance pose, which doesn't make much sense, and they used the actual dance in the credits - obviously that was meant for the actual movie) and the 1930s ghost setpieces in the finale. There's no context for that at all, it just happens and it's a bit weird. Seems like there's a missing monologue by the villain about wanting to go back to a time where men were men and women were women, or something.

I liked the actual ghosts they used in that, but there's something missing. Paul Feig was very proud of being able to deliver the final script and movie way before the deadline the studio expected, but the movie really could have benefited from some more time to tighten the script.

A YouTube celebrity interviewer got invited to a red carpet event by the film promoting it. Shocking.

Bought some unlicensed pins off etsy, what a breach.

possibly got given an outfit. Paid off by the feminists

Clearly this sweet 30 second interview is disgusting, we should never trust this 7 year old to ask those hard hitting jurnalizm questions we demand



there is joy in sucking dick
whatever mckinnon is doing in this movie, it did not work for me. she seemed like she was acting in a saturday night live skit about wacky ghostbusters, not starring in a ghostbusters movie. her hammy facial tics were so distracting and stupid. for not a single second did i forget that kate mckinnon was kate mckinnon, and not this holtzman person. there is possibly not a single character in the movie that feels like a character.

I don't think I've disliked a character as much as Holtzman. Was a very try hard performance. Fieg should have reigned it in a bit.


thanks for the laugh
A YouTube celebrity interviewer got invited to a red carpet event by the film promoting it. Shocking.

Bought some unlicensed pins off etsy, what a breach.

possibly got given an outfit. Paid off by the feminists

Clearly this sweet 30 second interview is disgusting, we should never trust this 7 year old to ask those hard hitting jurnalizm questions we demand


think you've let yourself down here a bit mate. once you're spelling words wrong and screencapping youtube comments to make a point you've really got to have a word with yourself.

i have a thin skin when it comes to creepy corporate advocacy. watching boogie2988 pinged around like a PR beachball when the two consoles launched was one of the most hideous things i've ever seen.

even thinner when it involves mobilising a 7 year old.
think you've let yourself down here a bit mate. once you're spelling words wrong and screencapping youtube comments to make a point you've really got to have a word with yourself.

i have a thin skin when it comes to creepy corporate advocacy. watching boogie2988 pinged around like a PR beachball when the two consoles launched was one of the most hideous things i've ever seen.

even thinner when it involves mobilising a 7 year old.


The toast at the end is legitimately emotional considering who it's coming from.

*Character does nothing but act aloof and wacky the entire movie*

*Makes a bizarrely rushed and weirdly sentimental toast at the end in an attempt to give her something resembling depth*

very emotional
*Character does nothing but act aloof and wacky the entire movie*

*Makes a bizarrely rushed and weirdly sentimental toast at the end in an attempt to give her something resembling depth*

very emotional

so glad you agree!

it really sounded like you were being super cynical for a second PHEW
I don't think I've disliked a character as much as Holtzman. Was a very try hard performance. Fieg should have reigned it in a bit.

Direction seemed limited to "Your character is whacky. Do whacky stuff at all times. No! Even more whacky!". I do not understand how people think she is the breakout performance in this movie. The character was an annoyance whenever she was in the background of another character's shot.


so glad you agree!

it really sounded like you were being super cynical for a second PHEW

Criticizing shitty writing is considered "being super cynical" to you? It's fine if you like the movie, but come on. If they had set up Holtzmann as anything more than "wacky cartoon character" before that point, I wouldn't have had a problem with it. If anyone should have delivered such a speech it's Wiig's character, who actually did seem to undergo some personal growth by joining the group.
think you've let yourself down here a bit mate. once you're spelling words wrong and screencapping youtube comments to make a point you've really got to have a word with yourself.

i have a thin skin when it comes to creepy corporate advocacy. watching boogie2988 pinged around like a PR beachball when the two consoles launched was one of the most hideous things i've ever seen.

even thinner when it involves mobilising a 7 year old.

Sooo not a joke.


Oh no they made a kid happy. Those fucking bastards
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