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Jane the Virgin S2 |OT| Mex Education

My girlfriend and I fell out of love with the show after the snoozefest (thanks Michael) that was season 2. I honestly believe that the writing has taken a nosedive and lost all the nuance it once had. The premier didn't do much to change our thoughts on that. We're still sticking around, but I'm not sure for how much longer.
This incident was the perfect opportunity to shake up Jane's and Michael's relationship, and especially to explore new facets of Michael's character. Instead, he got out of this effectively unscratched, and the only ones suffering are Petra and soon Rafael, because you know the show writers love to kick those two in the gut repeatedly. After two seasons of crime lord hunting, that too has lost its charm, and there is not much plot to stand on otherwise. It's grown stale and predictable, the unpredictability of this show once being its strong suit.
I don't think the show can ever get back to its S1 heights. The central premise was just so tantalizing, and the writers masterfully squeezed out every inch of drama and intrigue they could from that conceit. Now, with Jane no longer pregnant, it's harder for the characters on her side of the tracks and on Rafael's side to have interactions that happen organically, which makes some of the storylines (like Jane and Petra becoming friends because of Petra's motherhood woes, or Michael investigating Rafael's brother) come across as stilted.

Still great acting and writing, and still one of the most visually unique shows on the air. Just not as fresh anymore, and I think CXG will suffer the same simply because that show similarly did such a great job wringing out so much delightful juice from its freshman season's central plot, one that future seasons won't be able to replicate without a massive reboot.

On a related note, the narrator's suggestion that this is the "middle" of Jane's story sort of suggests a five-season plan, no?


S2 has more Michael and Rogelio, the OTP of the show so it's immediately great

On a related note, the narrator's suggestion that this is the "middle" of Jane's story sort of suggests a five-season plan, no?

If it's literally the middle as of the episode, that'd make it four seasons. But yes I expect either four seasons or like two seasons of 13x episodes after this. The ratings aren't good but The CW commits to letting shows run their course at this point and they've already got a lot of episodes in the bank so they can hit syndication. Based Pedowitz.


That episode was... rough. Like they were using all the cliches in the book instead of the originality of the first season. The only entertaining parts were the meta stuff with Rogelio (okay, and maybe TAP THAT ASS). Everything else was meh to terrible for me. Next week's preview doesn't seem promising either. Might be falling out of love with this show. :(


New to this thread, but anways...

I was browsing Netflix and i just happen to start watching the first episode of S1, because i recall having heard of the show a while ago. My wife was sitting beside me, face planted in her phone.

About 15 minutes into the show we were both being highly entertained by Jane the virgin. The acting, the premise, the satire, the crazy storyline and the character. We ended up bingewatching the 2 first seasons that were available on Netflix. We just started watching episode 1 of S3 yesterday, and we are really enjoying the show still.

It's not the type of show i would watch, but what gets me are the satire, the fleshed out and hilarious characters and the absurd storyline. Absolutely love it!

Oh..and i'm rooting for Jane and Rafael, while my wife wants Jane to end up with Michael. I was happy when
Michael got shot at the end of S2, but damnit...didn't last.

My favorite character is without a doubt Rogelio. He's hilarious. Very excited to see how events unfold in S3.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
They handled that whole thing in a very bland way. Meh. At least we got some movement on Rose.
Finally got around to watching the season, don't know why it took me over three weeks.

Just like in real life, all that build up and then... Eh.

So, we getting a new show title? Maybe move it to Virginia as Jane's family goes into witness protection and call it Jane the Virginian?
They handled that whole thing in a very bland way. Meh. At least we got some movement on Rose.
I liked that it was so unsatisfying. It's something Jane was practically brainwashed to think of as some all-consuming, ever-elusive milestone so that when it came (no pun intended), it couldn't have possibly lived up to those lofty expectations.

See: Half-Life 3's reception in 2025.
Jane not being on Hulu anymore has absolutely wrecked my family's Jane watching schedule. Android TV doesn't have the CW Seed app yet either so getting access to previous episodes of Jane is getting to be a bit of a hassle.

Get the Seed app on Android TV already, CW!
In other news, Gina Rodriguez' interview with President Obama has the xenophobic, racist border patrol wing of the political spectrum absolutely wrecked, shook, and shitting their pants.

All those comments calling her an illegal alien -___-

She's amazing <3

Fucking idiots, of course due to her skin tone and last name she must be here illegally. FFS she and her family aren't even an immigrants being from Puerto Rico.
Jane not being on Hulu anymore has absolutely wrecked my family's Jane watching schedule. Android TV doesn't have the CW Seed app yet either so getting access to previous episodes of Jane is getting to be a bit of a hassle.

Get the Seed app on Android TV already, CW!
I dont have Android TV, but can't you chrome cast to it from the CW app on your phone or computer? I know the CW app is on Android at least. Shocked it isn't on AndroidTV.

In other news, Gina Rodriguez' interview with President Obama has the xenophobic, racist border patrol wing of the political spectrum absolutely wrecked, shook, and shitting their pants.

All those comments calling her an illegal alien -___-

She's amazing <3

The breathing in the clip was so damn creepy.


I always just watch the show on CW's website. It's not like the show has crazy special effects or something that mandates it be shown on a shiny HDTV.
This episode is giving me serious anxiety chills.

Money is the root of all evil.

Sometimes I wish this show weren't so effective in making me feel exactly the way its characters feel


This episode is giving me serious anxiety chills.

Money is the root of all evil.

Sometimes I wish this show weren't so effective in making me feel exactly the way its characters feel

yeah, money issues is the death of many a relationship and realistic how they managed to structure the argument and still referencing that Jane has options from her father/rafeal.

Also the pace of this show keeps me invested. Every time I think they just might have jumped the shark with a telenovela trope the writers have already solved it by the next two episodes. It's even more impressive now after all the story weight they've acquired so far.

And goddamit lol, is there any older man Alba hasn't charmed yet lol?! I'm going to call it now and declare that next season her sister will turn up and reveal that actually Alba was the flirt when growing up


Um, Scott (vests) got hot between seasons.

Lol, no.

Edit: Watched the episode last night. So glad the Petra thing is FINALLY moving on, it seems. And they actually mentioned the babies for once! My husband, though, is totally done with the show. I'm still going to hang on. Gotta see Petra get her revenge.
I really liked the musical parody aspect to the last show.

The scene between Real Petra and Rafael was so fuego. Her indignation at the people around her not even knowing her well enough to realize her identity had been stolen was so palpable, I nearly fist pumped for her :p

Complete and total agreement.


The scene between Real Petra and Rafael was so fuego. Her indignation at the people around her not even knowing her well enough to realize her identity had been stolen was so palpable, I nearly fist pumped for her :p

Yael Grobglas putting in work. She came in with immediate presence and fury that Anezka playing Petra didn't have. Good to have a villain we like back.

I really liked the musical parody aspect to the last show.

Much better than the animated sequences a few weeks back.


-Return of Petra yesssssss
-Musical sequence was great
-Kind of feel bad for Anezka/Vests even though Anezka is a horrible person. I wonder if Vests would still go for her if she told her the truth. Probably not, since he was obviously attracted to Petra's power.
-Good Rogelio lines as always
-Did Rafael get more jacked than he used to be?
-Everything else kinda sucked. Jane's cousin looks like she is going to be annoying.

The overall quality of the show continues to decline imo, but there's almost always some good bits in each episode to keep me coming back. Definitely in for more Petra. Change the show's title to "Petra the Vengeful" and I'll watch forever.
Hopefully Jane's cousin is a good person.

Yael Grobglas has to be having a lot of fun this season between doing this and showing up on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
Fucking hell. Sounds like the show is going to get even worse. Whyyyyy
I know that forced tension is CW's modus operandi, but for once I'd like to see an episode's conflicts revolve around something other than awkward misunderstandings and missed connections.

With this most recent episode, the Jane/Alba and Petra/everyone conflicts made perfect narrative sense, but other times it's just padding (like the "bro"-date, which was just an excuse to get Rafael shirtless, not that I'm really complaining about that...)

Like with Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, though, the sometimes circular nature of the storylines doesn't bother me as much because the characters and the direction and the atmosphere are so freaking endearing.

It's like a reverse Breaking Bad.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Itll be two episodes of annoying cousin then Jane will find out why the cousin is the way she is, solve that issue and then the cousin will become normal cast member (but she'all possibly have ulterior motives, but still be helpful to storylines).


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I wonder how they will deal with the election.

a ronald plump figure will appear as the local mayor promising to deport illegals of all colors. this leads to rogelio realizing his work visa is expiring soon or something, abuela is scared for most of the episode, michael has to work security detail. hopefully he gets shot again. Jane has a nasty run in with the would-be mayor.


The stupid thing is today is episode 7 of 20 of the season, and they're calling it the mid-season finale. That doesn't really count as "mid-season" to me. But I guess they're doing a hiatus due to the holiday season and are just calling it that. Or referring to the fact that it's mid-season for shows that didn't fucking start their season in the middle of October.


The stupid thing is today is episode 7 of 20 of the season, and they're calling it the mid-season finale. That doesn't really count as "mid-season" to me. But I guess they're doing a hiatus due to the holiday season and are just calling it that. Or referring to the fact that it's mid-season for shows that didn't fucking start their season in the middle of October.

It's not the mid-season of the show, "mid season" means the holiday break. Very few shows actually have their middle episodes act as the break episode. Arrow and Flash have always used episode 9 of 23. Pretty meaningless thing to be annoyed over.


It's not the mid-season of the show, "mid season" means the holiday break. Very few shows actually have their middle episodes act as the break episode. Arrow and Flash have always used episode 9 of 23. Pretty meaningless thing to be annoyed over.

I know, it just feels silly to me is all. I'm also not sure why they waited until mid-October to start the season to begin with.
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