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Kotaku: Meet The Head Transplant Doctor at The Centre of a MGS Conspiracy

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This is hilarious. Though I'd be really mad if MGS5 gets delayed because of GAF.
A second possibility is that Kojima has an account on GAF, and posted the original thread as some sort of viral marketing.


This is just...amazing. I thought the story was done before, but it came back with a vengeance.

The funniest part to me is the doctor apparently thinking that even if he was correct in his lawsuit that he would be entitled to all of the game's profits for a character that in all likelihood won't appear in the game for over a few minutes.

At E3 Kojima, David Hayter, and this doctor are all walking out on stage together and NeoGAF will go down for a week.

They walk down the stage as the NWO theme song starts to play. Kojima is Hulk Hogan in that scenario.


This is just...amazing. I thought the story was done before, but it came back with a vengeance.

The funniest part to me is the doctor apparently thinking that even if he was correct in his lawsuit that he would be entitled to all of the game's profits for a character that in all likelihood won't appear in the game for over a few minutes.

They walk down the stage as the NWO theme song starts to play. Kojima is Hulk Hogan in that scenario.
Who the hell is going to play Diesel and Scott?


Kojima is this doctor. He got his brain transplanted to escape Konami so he could develop something else besides metal gear.


By the way this is slightly off-topic but--why does kotaku's European site have SUCH a better layout? Like that's so much better to read, it's amazing.

Who the hell is going to play Diesel and Scott?

Somehow, I think Hayter would make a good Diesel.


This is priceless, I wonder if he actually has any chance of winning his case, if he does actually sue that is.

great gif btw


it cant be a fucking head transplant...right?!

its a body transplant. wtf!? or fake.
It's a head transplant. The idea is to use the body of a brain-dead patient. A team of more than 100 nurses and doctors will work for days straight to complete the procedure. Both heads are severed at the same time, and then the spinal cords are reconnected with a glue-like substance. They did it with a chimp once, but the chimp ultimately died because its new body rejected its head. (Hard for me to write this line since I'm a big animal lover...) So I would think (hope) that they've found a way around that issue this time.


lol Damn he's desperate for some cash!

He probably can't really sue Kojima.The Doc's based on the actor and Konami can probably present solid evidence of that.

Anyway,this whole thing was tons of fun.Thanks GAF :)


This is priceless, I wonder if he actually has any chance of winning his case, if he does actually sue that is.

the stupidest part was when they were discussing the amount of money that MGSV would make and he's all omg that would more than pay for the transplant. like he would just get all of it. haha


the stupidest part was when they were discussing the amount of money that MGSV would make and he's all omg that would more than pay for the transplant. like he would just get all of it. haha
Yeah, that was funny. In fairness to the doc, I think he was just getting a sense of how big this videogame series is, and by extension how lucrative a target Konami might be.
The Metal Gear conspiracy nuts win again. -_- I swear, even if Hideo Kojima took a shit on a random pedestrian, people would assume it were some crazy viral marketing for MGSV, or a foretelling of MGS6.
Maybe everything Kojima does is not a troll.

More importantly, maybe everything he does is not a successful troll.

I think, to some degree, Kojima is always going to chase the way he fooled the gaming world (incredibly well) with MGS2's switch. But I think the greater echo of that is how everyone else wants to have that feeling of being positively fooled again, so they look for anything that could possibly lead them to that feeling of a grander scope to what seems like slight-of-hand. People are looking for actual magic in card tricks.

It's starting to get less fun and more unhealthy to observe.


It's a head transplant. The idea is to use the body of a brain-dead patient. A team of more than 100 nurses and doctors will work for days straight to complete the procedure. Both heads are severed at the same time, and then the spinal cords are reconnected with a glue-like substance. They did it with a chimp once, but the chimp ultimately died because its new body rejected its head. (Hard for me to write this line since I'm a big animal lover...) So I would think (hope) that they've found a way around that issue this time.

you get what I'm saying right? the brain is the whole, the starting and ending point. if a brain dead something gets replaced with a non-brain dead something the non gets to be the new subject, the entire story should begin and end with the functioning head (brain) so the healthy head gets a new body. the brain dead head is fucking gone. this is all backwards.

unless of course they plan on taking a good brain out of a bad head and replacing it with a good head. :) this is so ridiculous. haha


Lets look back...TPP was first officially shown in 2012, the first thing we ever see in that trailer is the doctor. Now, the real life doctor begun talking about head transplantation possibility 2 years ago. How would Kojima get his likeness in the game before he even came out of the woodwork?


"The next project will challenge a certain type of taboo. If I mess up, I'll probably have to leave the industry" - Kojima

Perhaps he is challenging the taboo of conspiracy theories.
you get what I'm saying right? the brain is the whole, the starting and ending point. if a brain dead something gets replaced with a non-brain dead something the non gets to be the new subject, the entire story should begin and end with the functioning head (brain) so the healthy head gets a new body. the brain dead head is fucking gone. this is all backwards.

unless of course they plan on taking a good brain out of a bad head and replacing it with a good head. :) this is so ridiculous. haha

I get you but apparently when talking about a transplant whatever is attached to a new immune system is considered the transplant. Thats why they call it a head transplant rather than a body transplant.


Lets look back...TPP was first officially shown in 2012, the first thing we ever see in that trailer is the doctor. Now, the real life doctor begun talking about head transplantation possibility 2 years ago. How would Kojima get his likeness in the game before he even came out of the woodwork?

Geoff Keighley know this since the begging when kojiam came up with idea and even kojima sketch the logo and was talking about joakim mogren troll


May I have a cookie?
After all of the gray fox chico quiet david hayter release date kojima isn't really fired and then this bullshit i almost hope the game is canceled for real and you people spent years working yourselves into a mindless froth over nothing

video games were a mistake

you forget the cringe inducing #cg thread...
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