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Marvel's AKA Jessica Jones | Production Thread

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I'm really curious to see how they adapt Alias, because more so than the other three Netflix properties, some pretty fundamental changes are necessitated by being set in the MCU circa 2015 as opposed to 616 circa 2001-2003.

That's not just MAX content or the ability to use certain characters (Scott Lang, Carol Danvers, Captain America); just start with the title character herself.

In 616, everything about Jessica Jones' superhero past - her alliterative name, her superhero identity, her costume design, her powers of super-strength and flight, her tragic origin involving mysterious chemicals - is consciously intended to be as generic as possible. The point of her character was very much that she should have been just another superhero, but something went wrong along the way.

In the MCU, though, the idea of "just another superhero" doesn't make any sense; as far as costumed superheroes go, it's just the Avengers, War Machine, Falcon, and (by the time this series begins) Daredevil, and it's fairly apparent that there's very little, if any, history of public superhuman activity of any sort beyond what we've seen in the films, with other superhumans generally either operating covertly or being covered up by SHIELD et al. So not only are there fewer costumed characters for her to interact with, but the entire failed-superhero element of her character has to be played completely straight, with no meta layer to it.
I'm really curious to see how they adapt Alias, because more so than the other three Netflix properties, some pretty fundamental changes are necessitated by being set in the MCU circa 2015 as opposed to 616 circa 2001-2003.

That's not just MAX content or the ability to use certain characters (Scott Lang, Carol Danvers, Captain America); just start with the title character herself.

In 616, everything about Jessica Jones' superhero past - her alliterative name, her superhero identity, her costume design, her powers of super-strength and flight, her tragic origin involving mysterious chemicals - is consciously intended to be as generic as possible. The point of her character was very much that she should have been just another superhero, but something went wrong along the way.

In the MCU, though, the idea of "just another superhero" doesn't make any sense; as far as costumed superheroes go, it's just the Avengers, War Machine, Falcon, and (by the time this series begins) Daredevil, and it's fairly apparent that there's very little, if any, history of public superhuman activity of any sort beyond what we've seen in the films, with other superhumans generally either operating covertly or being covered up by SHIELD et al. So not only are there fewer costumed characters for her to interact with, but the entire failed-superhero element of her character has to be played completely straight, with no meta layer to it.

Perhaps it's more a "Jessica Jones was a secret super-powered vigilante who failed hard and that sent her spiraling and she remakes herself into a detective." than "generic superhero gone into a hell storm".

Even if they play it straight, it's still something that is different from the rest of the MCU as we've seen it. We haven't really seen a superhero fail so bad that it utterly ruins them and they have to rebuild themselves from scratch. Tony, Steve, Banner, they haven't hit that low quite yet (Banner's near-suicide mention aside). This is us on the ground floor as Jessica puts herself back together.

She looks more buff than Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman....


Online Ho Champ
So all these heroes pop up post-Battle of New York? Any explanations how they get their powers in the MCU?

Luke Cage was part of an experiment done on inmates in the prison you see during the Hail To The Chief one shot.

Jessica I dont know

Matt has had his powers since he was a little kid and begins crime fighting in his college years/early years as a lawyer. None of these heroes are going to "pop up" they will be street famous then hit it big. Jessica will be the opposite however just living normally as an investigator.
Perhaps it's more a "Jessica Jones was a secret super-powered vigilante who failed hard and that sent her spiraling and she remakes herself into a detective." than "generic superhero gone into a hell storm".

Even if they play it straight, it's still something that is different from the rest of the MCU as we've seen it. We haven't really seen a superhero fail so bad that it utterly ruins them and they have to rebuild themselves from scratch. Tony, Steve, Banner, they haven't hit that low quite yet (Banner's near-suicide mention aside). This is us on the ground floor as Jessica puts herself back together.

To be clear, it's not that the changes will necessarily be better or worse. Just different. I agree that the core concept is still strong and entirely workable in the MCU, just that it'll have to be reinterpreted.
They're shooting this show on my block today. Probably the biggest production I've seen on my side of the neighborhood. Codenamed "Violet" but I talked to an IATSE dude at the coffee shop who told me what was going on.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
They're shooting this show on my block today. Probably the biggest production I've seen on my side of the neighborhood. Codenamed "Violet" but I talked to an IATSE dude at the coffee shop who told me what was going on.

what part of the city? i've been keeping an eye out over LES to see some MCU filming but no dice :/


She's just going to be ex-SHIELD - you can spin it as "retired, now out on her own since she no longer has the benefits/protection of the agency."


They're shooting this show on my block today. Probably the biggest production I've seen on my side of the neighborhood. Codenamed "Violet" but I talked to an IATSE dude at the coffee shop who told me what was going on.

So what's going on.... Anything cool about the production!

Funky Papa

Why is she even "getting buff."

It's Jessica Jones. There's like, zero reason for her to be super-fit.

Her workout routine should be "lift this mug. Light this cigarette."

JJ looks like a grown ass woman that can kick ass if push comes to shove. Ritter is built like a (sexy) toothpick. She probably had to chose between fattening up (which can have unexpected consequences in terms of looks) or building some muscle, so the choice is clear.



Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Why is she even "getting buff."

It's Jessica Jones. There's like, zero reason for her to be super-fit.

Her workout routine should be "lift this mug. Light this cigarette."

Jessica Jones has super strength and is built like a superhero.
Jessica Jones has super strength and is built like a superhero.

Yeah, she'll still quite likely have to look good in spandex if they do any flashback scenes. And spandex is very unflattering on the figure if you're not in shape. She won't be built, just very toned - like the female cast of Powers.

Funky Papa


I can't wait for the Twitter Twits.

On a more serious note, I'm chuffed they picked Colter for Luke Cage. I knew nothing about him when he was cast, but a few weeks ago I began watching The Good Wife and he's excellent in it. He has some serious screen presence, too.
Jessica Jones has super strength and is built like a superhero.

Yes, she has super strength.

No, she's not really built like a superhero.

Hell, here's a panel of a character in the book specifically calling her out on the fact she no longer looks "healthy."

Jessica doesn't look particularly imposing physically in these panels, either.


And of course, the classic "Jess on the toilet" scene.


There's also this image of Jess


Which to me, looks pretty close to these pictures of Krysten Ritter before any workout routine.

I dunno. I've never thought Jessica being physically powerful-looking or appearing superhero-esque has ever been a part of her appeal at all. Any enhancements needed for flashbacks to her days as Jewel can probably be sewed into the suit itself. In fact, it might be better if that was the case so as to better delineate between her "healthy" days and what she is now. I'm not AGAINST it or anything, really. I was just sorta like "her working out to play this character seems weird considering who the character is."

But then again, photos of her in bulky sweaters and smoking a lot probably aren't as impressive.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Just saw this thread and I had no idea Krysten Ritter was going to be Jessica Jones! This is sweet.
And I get fussed at for talking about the sex scene, at least I never posted it.

You guys are acting like you're actually watching her pinch the fucking loaf off. It's not like it's a Millie Jackson album cover or anything.

Alias is the kind of book where you watch the main character neurotically muse about their shitshow of a life, mid-constitutional. That panel is also, not-coincidentally, one of the better panels in the book at showcasing her body-type, which is where the conversation went after I was like "Why is she even really working out?"

It's nothing at all like taking every opportunity to snicker and elbow anyone nearby in the ribs about how Jessica Jones took it up the leather cheerio haw haw haw.


Only superheroine's body funtions we should know about is Pre NU52 Wonder Woman. Did she poop mud, being golem and eveything
You guys are acting like you're actually watching her pinch the fucking loaf off. It's not like it's a Millie Jackson album cover or anything.

Alias is the kind of book where you watch the main character neurotically muse about their shitshow of a life, mid-constitutional. That panel is also, not-coincidentally, one of the better panels in the book at showcasing her body-type, which is where the conversation went after I was like "Why is she even really working out?"

It's nothing at all like taking every opportunity to snicker and elbow anyone nearby in the ribs about how Jessica Jones took it up the leather cheerio haw haw haw.

This is not that faithful an adaptation and will probably have significantly more action than Alias. There ya go.
Managed to snap some pics on my walk back from the train. The first 2 pics feature a currently empty bar that used to be called Lulu's (presumably used as some abandoned/rough interior) and the third pic (far right, with the lights) is a pretty nice cocktail bar called Ramona's that is basically right next door to the first establishment.


Managed to snap some pics on my walk back from the train. The first 2 pics feature a currently empty bar that used to be called Lulu's (presumably used as some abandoned/rough interior) and the third pic (far right, with the lights) is a pretty nice cocktail bar called Ramona's that is basically right next door to the first establishment.
Where is that? In the city?


I think a lot of the fitness/training is probably for flashbacks and such. It's a lot easier to make a fit person look out-of-shape than vice-versa.
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