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Revenge Season 4 |OT| We’re going back to the Hamptons - Sundays 10/9c

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here comes jack to the rescue. he gonna shake that detective rust off and clear amanda's name. then they live happily ever after

edit: well the promo
suggests otherwise... lol


If this is the last season I hope they dont cheap out of the ending. Just feels like the last few episodes were rushed together.
I've gotta admit, I rolled my eyes at a bunch of stuff in this episode.

Nolan's break-up with whatshisname was pretty ridiculous. "LOL, sorry, but this adoption plan I'd totally never mentioned before this point just SUDDENLY came through, and they're giving a single parent a baby with two days' prior notice."

Also, "Here's this big elaborate video confession, Emily..." *deleted from server* Uh huh. I mean, this show's grasp of computer stuff has always been pretty flimsy, but c'mon.

Now, I realize after season two, nitpicking stuff for implausibility is pretty much a fool's errand, but it feels kind of sloppy to just throw these things in for the grand finale.


As if Victoria exploding to a million pieces didn't tip you off, Revenge to end this season confirmed.

The upcoming finale, slated to air Sunday, May 10, at 10 p.m. ET on ABC, will serve as the end of the series. “We can officially tell our fans that this will be the end of the story,” executive producer Sunil Nayar tells EW. “We’ve been talking to the network and we all just wanted to make sure that we felt very confident. Now that everybody has seen the finale—which is fabulous—everybody understands that as much as we all adore the show, it has hit exactly the mark it needed to to end. This is the series finale of Revenge that will be airing in a couple weeks. We certainly had a pitch of how the show could go on, but this is why I feel so grateful to the studio and the network because they also erred on the side of creativity. The show is still popular, it’s loved worldwide. I can see why all the arguments from even an economic standpoint to maybe keep it going, but at the end of the day—kind of like they had with Lost—they support creativity above all. They really got the sense with us as their partners that we all came up with a great way to end these stories.

There are epic emotional moments in the finale. There are really shocking things that happen in the finale. It’s a tricky thing because the fans are such passionate lovers of the show and we really want to give them what they want, but the hard part about a finale in a show like this is you want to give them some of what they want, some of what they don’t know they want yet and some of what they never expected, and it needs to be a perfect mix of all those things. I truly believe our finale is the perfect mix of all those three things. I think they’re going to be extremely satisfied.”

While Nayar promises closure for fans, “There’s a tiny little cliffhanger in the series finale,” he says. “We don’t want people to get weary of the stories we’re telling, so we felt like they deserve an ending to this novel that Mike Kelley started four years ago. I really feel like the last couple chapters are worthy of the first many.”

Curiously, the cliffhanger may give credence to the theory that the ABC pilot The Kingmakers, from Revenge writer and producer Sallie Patrick, is actually a spin-off of Revenge. If it’s true, Nayar is playing coy. “There isn’t a whole lot that I can say to that except that Kingmakers is fabulous” he says. “I haven’t had a chance to see it yet, but boy did I love the scripts. It’s got the blood and passion of Revenge hardwired into what the show is, but at the moment, it is not a spinoff in that there’s no characters from this show that are, at the moment, planning on being in that show, but never say never.”
And this is the pilot blurb for The Kingmakers:
When his sister is found dead during her freshman year at an elite Ivy League university, a young man (Gus Halper) adopts a new identity to infiltrate the school and its century-old secret society – consisting of privileged students, ambitious faculty, and high-profile alums – in order to investigate her death. Sallie Patrick will write and executive-produce.
Its a shame Louise joined team Victoria but hopefully Margaux will die and all will be right, about the only one left.

I bet David dies too though


It definitely felt like it was winding down. There have been some bright spots since the great first season, but it has mostly been a mess. I hope it wraps up well. I will miss watching Emily VanCamp on my TV each week though!


Yass! Finally! I'm really glad that we got confirmation now and that they are actually ending it on their own terms instead of having some sort of cliffhanger finale.


Yass! Finally! I'm really glad that we got confirmation now and that they are actually ending it on their own terms instead of having some sort of cliffhanger finale.

I don't think that's necessarily true (ie: I imagine the finale was written to be a bit open-ended). Although with Victoria gone, there's no reason for the show to continue IMO. I have high hopes for these final 2.


OMG! Did anyone notice that in the beginning of the episode Amanda's lawyer was Tom Amandes! He and Emily VanCamp played father and daughter on Everwood! I was not expecting that!

Oh, right, so who was that blonde woman at the end of the episode? It looked like Courtney Love but she wasn't in the credits.


Wow. Fantastic episode!

Besides Ben's death (at the hands of Courtney Love no less lmao), I was generally surprised Victoria and Margeux were in it together going over Louise's head. I thought Victoria was more dead than alive since we can now confirm that the Executive Producer and the actress just lied to us in their "exit interviews" lol.

This episode hit all the right notes and Emily Van Camp hit it right out of the ballpark. I keep forgetting that for all its lows, Revenge has given stellar finales.


OMG! Did anyone notice that in the beginning of the episode Amanda's lawyer was Tom Amandes! He and Emily VanCamp played father and daughter on Everwood! I was not expecting that!

Oh, right, so who was that blonde woman at the end of the episode? It looked like Courtney Love but she wasn't in the credits.

Yup. It is Courtney Love.


I shot people I like more for less.
Really good and entertaining episode. I didn't even mind Charlotte's small return lol.


Wow the producers of the show totally lied to everyone about Victoria being dead!

Bold and unexpected. Kudos to them :p
Wow the producers of the show totally lied to everyone about Victoria being dead!

Bold and unexpected. Kudos to them :p

Perhaps they press the publish button on their articles a bit early and meant to do it next week. I think David will kill Victoria, and both will die. Emily will go off in to the sunset with Jack, Nolan and Louise will make up

And perhaps (hopefully) Emily will do to Margaux what executions look like in TLOU
That's certainly an escalation in Margaux's overall awfulness. I can totally buy her conspiring and lying to frame Emily, since she did a similar thing to her own brother just to preserve her role in the company.

This is the first time we've actually seen her have someone murdered, though, isn't it? On top of that, it wasn't even Emily - it was an innocent cop.

I dunno, it just feels like a bit of a leap in terms of how she's been portrayed so far.


I don't get why Margaux is all in against Emily.

Emily tried to end the war with Margaux initially, before she lost the baby due to her own stupidity.

Emily exposed herself to restore integrity to Daniel's name.

Daniel died technically because of Victoria
I don't get why Margaux is all in against Emily.

Emily tried to end the war with Margaux initially, before she lost the baby due to her own stupidity.

Emily exposed herself to restore integrity to Daniel's name.

Daniel died technically because of Victoria

The whole plot is stupid, none of this would have happened if Conrad/Victoria hadnt framed David in the first place.
Margaux's character should be smarter than this, although it wouldn't make for good TV and I guess she's also still grieving

Dr. Malik

We're freeeeeeee!!


that was a rushed mess
That was fine. Not amazing, but what do you expect after the train wreck that was season 4.

I'm really sad zombie Declan didn't appear. Also sad The Initiative didn't show up at the end to kill everyone. I also loved the idea of that nightmare of Emily's being true - bummer it was just a nightmare.

Spin-off starring Nolan would be great. Make it so, ABC (or Netflix).


I seriously feel like there was a great finale buried in there somewhere, but the execution was just awful. It was like they were rushed to shoot and edit it in a week or something.

  • That prison escape. Really? They couldn't make it even slightly convincing that she could reasonably reach that vent fast enough? And then she just casually waltzes out the door? It's like they didn't even try to make it look plausible despite having plenty opportunity to do so.
  • Jack getting stabbed and then recovering fine - so utterly pointless. At least let him have his moment, but he got stabbed because he was stupid instead of outmatched. It's not like "White Gold" had anything else to do, her arc should have ended with giving Jack an awesome moment
  • Amanda getting shot. This one made more sense than Jack but because of Jack it just felt stupid and cheap. And again the execution was horrible. Amanda getting shot was literally commercial break fodder and that's it.
  • Margeaux's behavior this season was stupid and explicable, yet they somehow made it even worse in the finale. How was she talking to White Gold on the phone to coordinate Nolan's murder and then literally 3 seconds later she's changing her mind? And then what the hell happened to her?

Blah, easily one of the worst finales I've ever watched, and the worst part is that it wasn't because this entire season has been totally stupid. It's that they totally botched what could have easily redeemed this season with relatively small changes from what they decided to do.


If only they ended the series when amanda revealed herself to jack as he was about to shoot Dad Grayson.

The introduction of david clark was pure madness.


Aww I liked the finale. Was the pacing perfect? No. But it was solid--literally sailing off to the sunset--closure. Season 4 just had so many story beats that went against the pace of seasons 1-3, but I guess with the dwindling ratings, the team knew they sort of had to do a rushdown. No matter how many times this thread says how bad season 4 was, season 2 is still the worst.

But I don't want to continue standard internet displeasure when it's been an enjoyable ride and not an eye-rolling/hair-pulling experiencing. I've enjoyed the series from beginning to end. To me it's been pretty solid (for a network 22-episode show) and I'm sad to see it go. But I'm happy it got a proper ending for the most part.

That'll do, Ams/Ems. That'll do.
Spin-off starring Nolan would be great. Make it so, ABC (or Netflix).

It would be fitting for this show, like half the characters in it, to return from the dead under a new identity.

Anyway, yeah, there were clearly some story beats that were rushed and others that were kind of nonsensical or underdeveloped, but it's still not the worst finale I've ever seen (hi, there, Dexter).

I do feel like it's a bit of a cop-out giving her a storybook happy ending, though I guess that's probably what most of the audience wanted, so I don't really blame them.

The whole "White Gold" plotline was bizarre and silly. I would say "You can't just introduce a character out of the blue and instantly expect us to take them seriously", but that's pretty much what the show has done all along.

I'm kind of glad Nolan got the big hero moment instead of Jack.

I dunno. It wasn't the worst (hell, it's not even the worst that this show has done), but it was...somewhat underwhelming?
dLMN8R brought up something that I forgot to mention earlier... What the fuck at Margeux calling in a hit on Nolan only to regret it 3 minutes later and rush out like she had some strong friendly feelings towards Nolan. It was so jarring I started to wonder if maybe it wasn't Margeux on the phone and instead I had misheard the voice.

Sadly, this finale, while acceptable, is nothing compared to the greatness of season 3's ending ( had they not brought back David and had Conrad killed by someone else).
dLMN8R brought up something that I forgot to mention earlier... What the fuck at Margeux calling in a hit on Nolan only to regret it 3 minutes later and rush out like she had some strong friendly feelings towards Nolan. It was so jarring I started to wonder if maybe it wasn't Margeux on the phone and instead I had misheard the voice.

Sadly, this finale, while acceptable, is nothing compared to the greatness of season 3's ending ( had they not brought back David and had Conrad killed by someone else).

I deleted it from my DVR, so I can't go back and check - when was she supposedly calling in the hit? Was it before Nolan confronted her in her office or after?
I deleted it from my DVR, so I can't go back and check - when was she supposedly calling in the hit? Was it before Nolan confronted her in her office or after?

Literally the very scene before Nolan gets stabbed in the hand you hear White Gold on the phone with someone that sounds just like Margeux. White Gold is standing outside of Nolan's bar during the phone call - you can see Nolan in the background through the window looking into the bar. The phone call ends and White Gold walks into the bar in the very next scene.



I thought it was blatantly obvious that Margeux felt guilty, and was setting White Gold up (to help Nolan put a stop to White Gold getting to Amanda, and to also get back at White Gold for attacking Jack).

It just happened to be that White Gold managed to stab Nolan in the hand, before Nolan was planning to attack White Gold with a stun gun he was hiding beneath the bench.

There would have been no other reason whatsoever why Margeux would have been hanging out in Nolan's country club, why Margeux would have helped pull out the knife from Nolan's hand, and why Nolan would have already removed all the evidence incriminating Margeux from the USB stick he had in his pocket (that he planned to give to the police to imprison White Gold).


Like I said, there was a great finale just buried in there somewhere, but the execution was fucking awful. They probably could have used 95% the same script, but just fixed the editing, scene composition, and improved it 100%.

I thought it was blatantly obvious that Margeux felt guilty, and was setting White Gold up (to help Nolan put a stop to White Gold getting to Amanda, and to also get back at White Gold for attacking Jack).

It just happened to be that White Gold managed to stab Nolan in the hand, before Nolan was planning to attack White Gold with a stun gun he was hiding beneath the bench.

There would have been no other reason whatsoever why Margeux would have been hanging out in Nolan's country club, why Margeux would have helped pull out the knife from Nolan's hand, and why Nolan would have already removed all the evidence incriminating Margeux from the USB stick he had in his pocket (that he planned to give to the police to imprison White Gold).

That actually makes sense. I guess I didn't catch onto the whole thing - it goes well with Nolan/Margeux's previous scene where he was guilting her into confessing.


It was alright. I liked where the characters ended up. Emily and Jack together (with a puppy!) was good and Nolan's ending was great. Victoria and David dead feels right too. But the plotting was too rushed to get things where they needed to be and the episode suffered as a result.

Despite how much of a mess it has been post-Season 1, I have a lot of good memories watching the show. I definitely think it would have been better if it hadn't been stretched out so far. This series has always seemed like a great candidate for one of the modern anthology series where you switch characters/stories after each season. And the end with Nolan would have made for a great way to keep some continuity maybe if they had gone that route.

Oh well, there was still a lot of fun to be had. I will miss Emily (or Amanda... I never got used to calling her that) and Nolan. They were awesome.
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