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Sony HMZ-T1 first Organic EL 3D head mounted display


orioto said:
And it seems to be depending on each individual ? I read somewhere that it depends on your eyes.. So it's basically a lucky shot, theater screen or home cinema..
From what I understand, there are optical adjustments for the lenses and a strap to get your head into the definitive spot. Once that is achieved, I am sure you will have zero problems getting the 750 inch image.


Manuxs said:
How do you know that IGN will be getting it soon ?
Go to Scott Rhode's twitter, he even tweeted me about getting it. Hopefully we'll have more hands on impressions soon.


Anyone else remember Master System 3D?



thuway said:
Gotdamn how I wish we had more impressions on this thing.
The cynic in me thinks it'll be a big piece of shit, or if it is a worthy product, there will be a revision within a year or so. As bad as I want to try one of these, buying one of the first ones is not a risk I can take unfortunately.


Grinchy said:
The cynic in me thinks it'll be a big piece of shit, or if it is a worthy product, there will be a revision within a year or so. As bad as I want to try one of these, buying one of the first ones is not a risk I can take unfortunately.
Same here, but this time I think Sony has a winner on their hands.

The research I've been doing on HMD's have made me realize how ludicrously expensive these bitches are. A slightly comparable unit to Sony's with a larger FOV, and higher resolution is 24 THOUSAND dollars. Similarly priced HMD's are no where near this quality. Either this thing is the shit, or the technology behind HMD's is still not ready for prime time.




They sound awesome, both GT5 and Resistance 3, however its in French :-/.



The first thing to do before you start playing is obviously set the helmet on his head so that the weight is well distributed, the two screens are well in front of our orbit and that the headphones are properly positioned on the ears. Obviously a step essential to fully enjoy the product.

Two PS3 games were available on the stand (Gran Turismo 5, Resistance 3), I of course tried both so I had to set two different helmets. And fortunately, since the first, can not focus my eyes on the screen, the image was therefore too high, forcing me to constantly raise the head (from the outside it must be worth a visit) but failed to get a picture net.

But the second I've finally reached easily. And good news for those who wear glasses, you can keep them without experiencing discomfort. For others, you will find under each screen one button to change depending on your view on the display screens.

In the atria, the setting is fast and simple, when properly placed the record is incredible, but we will return later.

It could, however, two things to blame this headset. The first is the weight of 420 grams and above its allocation. The nose has a load greater than the back of the head. The other black spot on the materials used for the arches, as it is plastic. Hard not to consider it deforms to use force or worse than it breaks.


Once adjusted the helmet is left for Gran Turismo 5, with the added bonus of a steering wheel and pedals. Although the game is 2D, the rendering is very good. A little confused at first, quickly becomes total immersion. On the other hand the impression of speed is relatively similar to what one can experience without the helmet. However, the 3D Viewer provides Personal actually something more to video games.

To be finally convinced you have to go a little further. In this case in the chair next to this time with the PS3 controller in hand and Resistance 3 in the console. Released in early September, FPS propels us into the shoes of Joseph Capelli, face tough 1957 chimera which has taken control of our planet. As well tell you right away, hemoglobin flowing.

With the helmet on your head is directly immersed in the world of our hero through a maze of tunnels under the city of New York. 3D rendering of the screen is stunning without being devastating for either eyes or the head.
Also the sound is incredible. All the sounds are perceived as they would be without the helmet. When a grenade explodes example, we know right away if it was behind the right or left of us.

Only regret for the time useless to turn his head, since the screen remains fixed. Hopefully in a few years, we can move while playing.


Sony Personal 3D Viewer provides a new gaming experience despite a few teething problems. The inability to run multiplayer mode with headphones each, the lack of robustness of the object and above the screen which remains fixed regardless of head movement.

Still, with a 3D game, the headset offers a unique experience, with a total immersion as well as audio and visual reproductions bluffing. Even in 2D product manages to plunge us into a world far from our living room or the room full of journalists waiting in line to try it.


Gynoug79 said:
Its still a bit to heavy and i cant see my self watching a full movie or playing a game without it getting uncomfortable. The little leather thing resting on ones forehead is too small for the weight and combined with the warm tempratures in the expo halls....

I also expressed some concern about the weight, but I think they'll be fine if you are sitting in a comfortable chair with some sort of head rest. It's not like you'll be jogging with these things on.

Gynoug79 said:
and the promised effect of sitting in front of a huge screen was not there for me. This might be better in a dark room where you cant see beneath it but at a bright booth it totally kills the immersion.I understand that the gap is probably there for some legal reason( people tripping and breaking their neck ? ) but still. Took the picture while waiting and it shows the gap where you can see through pretty good i think:

Your unit was missing the bottom pieces which block light out. I had the same problem when I tried them, After I finished I noticed the demo attendant holding the pieces (he actually put them back in after I tried it) smh...


As for the online gaming "problem" couldn't you just use the PS EYE or the official mic in destkop mode while you wear the helmet?


Grinchy said:
As for the online gaming "problem" couldn't you just use the PS EYE or the official mic in destkop mode while you wear the helmet?
Could do that but the sound wouldn't be that good, especially if there is other noise in the room that the mic could pick up... But I think you could just hang your BT set on the collar of your shirt and set the PS3 to output incoming voice comms through the HMD's headphones.


Well you can move the headphones off of your ear enough to wear a small bluetooth over the ear type headset. Just run the sound out of the receiver.


kpop100 said:
I also expressed some concern about the weight, but I think they'll be fine if you are sitting in a comfortable chair with some sort of head rest. It's not like you'll be jogging with these things on.

Your unit was missing the bottom pieces which block light out. I had the same problem when I tried them, After I finished I noticed the demo attendant holding the pieces (he actually put them back in after I tried it) smh...

Like I said , celling mount , it will cost about $5 bucks


Ardenyal said:
Could do that but the sound wouldn't be that good, especially if there is other noise in the room that the mic could pick up... But I think you could just hang your BT set on the collar of your shirt and set the PS3 to output incoming voice comms through the HMD's headphones.
I mean, as it is now, people wear their headset and it picks up explosions, gunshots, moms yelling for dinner, ect. It seems like using the helmet would actually create a better situation for the mic, since any sound it's picking up is coming from a relatively silent room.
So, what does the visor hook up to? A receiver box that comes with the visor?

I guess you would plug in your PS3 / Xbox 360 into the receiver box and then a cable runs from the box to the visor. Is that right?


Deadly Joker said:
So, what does the visor hook up to? A receiver box that comes with the visor?

I guess you would plug in your PS3 / Xbox 360 into the receiver box and then a cable runs from the box to the visor. Is that right?


hey, just thought about GT5 - with this helmet no more complaints about two steering wheels, you'll only see one!


oddly those impressions made me want head tracking. Not necessary for an FPS at all when you have a stick dedicated to 'mouselook' but having mouselook plus 'freelook' with head tracking could be amazing.


Neo Member
In the comments underneath the gizmodo hands-on, the guy insists that you really have the impression to be in the middle of a theater, in front of a big 20 meter-large screen. That is good.

Overall, his point of view is very interesting but I'm still concerned about the 720p. Nobody has been able to watch a 2D Blu Ray movie yet and I hope that the pixels don't show too much on this 720p display (compared to a 1080p plasma screen for instance).

On top of that, nobody has yet been able to verify that using the HMD for a 2 hour-movie or a 2 hour-game session was bearable.

One thing to notice though : in this hands-on, the guy emits concerns about the plastic straps, even suggesting that they might eventually break. If this happens, what are we supposed to do ? Buy another HMZ-T1 ?!


I wonder how it feels like watching a theater screen when you have no context - watching a real theater screen doesn't just float in space, you can see the walls and seats in the light of the movie. Not sure I'd want total sensory depravation.

They should have tiny green LEDs in the edges of the helmet, so that when you're watching a movie, it looks like the emergency exit signs in the corners of your eyes


there is joy in sucking dick
Manuxs said:
I hope that the pixels don't show too much on this 720p display (compared to a 1080p plasma screen for instance).

I'm thinking the screen is so pixel dense that 720p should be fine

I mean, the OLED screens in this are of a higher resolution than smartphones out currently (like the iPhone 4 at 960x640 which looks fantastic). The OLED screen are probably a couple of inches closer in regards to normal viewing distance vs. a smartphone.


Something seems really weird about putting this thing on, getting completely immersed in a movie or game, and then emerging from your entertainment coma hours later. I guess that's basically what I already do with regular screens, though.


Neo Member
mrklaw said:
I wonder how it feels like watching a theater screen when you have no context - watching a real theater screen doesn't just float in space, you can see the walls and seats in the light of the movie. Not sure I'd want total sensory depravation.

They should have tiny green LEDs in the edges of the helmet, so that when you're watching a movie, it looks like the emergency exit signs in the corners of your eyes

And occasionally, having someone cough in your ears as if you really were in a theater.
And also a couple of cell phone ringing (you know, just in cas the immersion wasn't complete at that point) :)


Neo Member
BlueTsunami said:
I'm thinking the screen is so pixel dense that 720p should be fine

I mean, the OLED screens in this are of a higher resolution than smartphones out currently (like the iPhone 4 at 960x640 which looks fantastic). The OLED screen are probably a couple of inches closer in regards to normal viewing distance vs. a smartphone.

But the iPhone 4 screen won't be blown out on a 750 inch display. That is the big difference.
If the iPhone 4 picture was blown out on a theater screen, I'm sure I would see the pixel grid.

This, and the fact that indeed, it seems you are no longer part of reality when you are wearing this. I mean, it probably is OK for 20 minutes or so. But what about, 2-3 hours ?
Won't I start feeling claustrophobic (even though I'm not) ?
When I play games or watch movies on my TV, there are always moments when my attention is diverted and I start looking around me. It's natural, I guess. But with his thing on, it will be impossible ...


there is joy in sucking dick
Manuxs said:
But the iPhone 4 screen won't be blown out on a 750 inch display. That is the big difference.
If the iPhone 4 picture was blown out on a theater screen, I'm sure I would see the pixel grid.

Ahhh, that's right. I forgot that there's actual magnification involved. I can see why people would want 1080p now.


Neo Member
BlueTsunami said:
Ahhh, that's right. I forgot that there's actual magnification involved. I can see why people would want 1080p now.

But I might be wrong !!!
I don't know actually. Can we really talk about magnification ? Because if it is some kind of magnification, then yes the 720p resolution bothers me.


BlueTsunami said:
I'm thinking the screen is so pixel dense that 720p should be fine

I mean, the OLED screens in this are of a higher resolution than smartphones out currently (like the iPhone 4 at 960x640 which looks fantastic). The OLED screen are probably a couple of inches closer in regards to normal viewing distance vs. a smartphone.

... pixel density is a non-factor (for the consumer) in this situation.

the new metric here is arc-minute. 1 arc-minute is 1/60th of 1 degree - this metric represents the limit of visual acuity for a person with 20/20 vision.

The larger something appears on your retina, the more pixels it requires, the smaller something appears on your retina, the less pixels it requires.

For reference - 1080p is at the limit of visual acuity for a person with 20/20 vision when it occupies a 32 degree field of view on your retina.

This screen occupies more space (45 degree FOV) with less pixels - ergo, you'll be able to percieve individual pixels easily enough.

But it is sharp enough, and the rest of the aspects of the IQ good enough, that this issue can be considered minor.


Manuxs said:
But I might be wrong !!!
I don't know actually. Can we really talk about magnification ? Because if it is some kind of magnification, then yes the 720p resolution bothers me.

well it's not going to be as sharp as sitting 1 foot in front of a 1080p TV and watching 1080p still images

but in motion OLED supposedly beats the crap out of LCD and even plasma (sounds about right if my Galaxy S2 is anything to go by) , so this 720p is supposed to rival all but the very best 1080p TVs and projectors. Basically it's the same reason why a $5000 plasma looks better displaying the same movies as a $1000 LCD even though they are both 1080p.

If people with $10,000 projector setups are excited over the image quality of this thing, I don't have any fears regarding the visuals :p

now to get some info about what's up with the headphones and I'll preorder


More Impressions, poor google translate :"-/

Source: http://www.dvdcritiques.com/news/news_visu.aspx?dvd=2464

The headphones Sony Personal Video Viewer 3D was one of the surprises of the IFA 2011, for those who have not had the chance to try this amazing proposal to Sony, a presentation in Paris takes place. So I had the opportunity to lace up my nose on that strange helmet Personal 3D Viewer HMZ-T1 makes us instantly dive into a personal movie theater, to enjoy HD in 2D or 3D movies and games.

Bruno Orru

The 3D Viewer Personal HMZ-T1 is announced by its creator as the first headset is compatible 3D virtual world with high definition OLED screen. It is surprising at first by futuristic, we see a perfect hero interstellar worn this helmet as it appears equally unlikely to be sitting this experience today. Yet this Personal 3D Viewer will sell well in France before the holiday season, priced at € 800. A nice sum, but this is not the squeaky Gamer much money in a latest generation graphics card that will come against me to find the price quite reasonable deal with the new proposed.

But what experience offers the Personal 3D Viewer? Well, simply put on the helmet on the head with care, while adjusting the height of stereo headphones (but capable of carrying a beeper virtual 5.1), the depth of the helmet via

The 3D Viewer offers Personal from his creative experience of theater with a screen of 19 meters (750 inches to link with the cast for televisions diagonal) with a drop of 20 meters. Subterfuge achieved in part by the fact that Sony has extended the 45-degree horizontal viewing angle of Personal 3D Viewer.

Caution, however, need to imagine yourself sitting on a bench in a public place to enjoy a digital production in the countryside, the helmet should absolutely be connected to the mains via an adapter box for connection to electrical wiring and serving as video thanks to its central connections in / out.

One of the performance of the Personal 3D Viewer is the quality of the two OLED screens that broadcast the 720p image. Sony told us before we launched the test headphones we have made have implemented their own OLED display technologies and semiconductor disks silicone to develop OLED color screen high-definition (1280 x 720) Ultra- for 18 mm diagonal (0.7 inch). These screens are based on technology that color separation is to cover with a color filter at the top of the organic layer white base for a wider range of colors and smoother images and bright.

In fact, unlike dozens of attempts to offer this type of helmet for two decades, this vision is clear, precise and without any real lag. It must be said that its board organic (organic light emitting diodes OLED means) offer a response time of just 0.01 milliseconds. This is ideal for movies to ensure clarity in the movement but also for video games, such as a race car as proposed by Sony as an experience.

Film and video game

The Personal 3D Viewer is fully adapted to watch a movie or play a game, I enjoy trying both experiments.
The only real handicap Personal 3D Viewer is its weight pull to the front. If you do not adjust with onions helmet, it "falls" on the tip of your nose and have experienced in just two minutes, I can assure you that it quickly becomes tedious.

For those who are afraid of being totally cut off from the outside world, I can assure you, the ground is still visible in front of us, just look down. On the other hand, I know that will be disappointed with this little piece of reality that is now the Personal 3D Viewer does not allow a complete seal against the real world, unless you're obviously on a dive play in the dark.

Another important point, one could imagine that our head follows the movement, especially in an action game. In my case, I have not had this reaction, even though the 3D game propelled me into a futuristic war and I had to run to escape the fire from my enemies.

A final word about the sound quality is excellent. The helmet, without filling audiophile to be characterized, delivers accurate sound and honest, which is perfect for watching movies or video games. It is possible to activate a 5.1 virtual restitution, four surround sound modes are available: movies, games, music and normal.



mrklaw said:
oddly those impressions made me want head tracking. Not necessary for an FPS at all when you have a stick dedicated to 'mouselook' but having mouselook plus 'freelook' with head tracking could be amazing.
I'm pretty sure there'll be many people disappointed at first with head tracking. That works, but the slight lag (input, processing, output, display) that can't be reduced to zero is a bit disturbing at first (and can make people sick if they abuse of fast motions of the head).

There's also others problems with the way eyes work (usually, when you move your head, you eyes are not static but move from one static point to another one in a rapid succession, which can't be exactly replicated with a HMD).

That being said, it's still really enjoyable.


mrklaw said:
hey, just thought about GT5 - with this helmet no more complaints about two steering wheels, you'll only see one!
When you look at the road, you see two steering wheels... in real life. It's perfectly normal. Your brain isn't just accustomed to it in a game. You'll still get two wheels with the helmet, unless you directly look at the wheel (and then, you'll see two landscapes behind). It should be easier for many people to look at the wheel, though, with no disturbing visual cues that suggest that the wheel is near the screen.

I you're talking about cross-talk, where there's cross-talk, you don't see object twice. You see three of them (one really visible, and two of them fainter on each side). If you see an object twice with a similar luminosity, it's a convergence problem.


thuway said:
I now kind of wish Sony went with something like Kinnect. Head Tracking + This = Awesome.
There's absolutely no way that kinect can do head tracking with that. Resolution is far too low to measure accurately head rotations, especially with something nearly spherical like a head.

When it's done with a system like kinect, usually the rotation is measured by the normal camera by computing the position of the eyes... difficult to reproduce with a helmet :)

A simple webcam (such as PS Eye) is sufficient, if you put beacons on the helmet (think 4 "move balls" arranged in a 3D fashion, e.g.). Putting gyros/magnetometers in the helmet would greatly help, though.


I know most people want this for gaming, but -

Does anyone in here care for watching films with it?

I really hope future renditions have a 2.35:1 resolution -

1692 X 720
2500 X 1080

For 2.35:1 films. Imagine having a curved screen on your face. :-O LOTR, Avatar, Gladiator, Blade Runner - Fuuuuuu........

Give it two or three years and we'll see a 1080p version, but I honestly want the 1692 X 720p version just to get the custom aspect ratio.


thuway said:
Give it two or three years and we'll see a 1080p version, but I honestly want the 1692 X 720p version just to get the custom aspect ratio.
I'm not sure that you would get a benefit from a 1692x720p compared to a 1080p. You won't suffer from black bars with an OLED HMD. You won't have an increase in horizontal resolution given that the sources on BR are, to my knowledge, never encoded over 1920 horizontally.

From an economical point of view, I don't think you would get a 1692x720 screen cheaper than a 1920x1080 screen (even with a lower pixel count), given that the market for it is probably far smaller, and thus become more expensive to produce. And the increase of FoV can also be applied to a 1080p screen.

On the opposite side, a 1692x720p screen mostly restrict the device to see movies...
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