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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT4| Everyone Else Would Beat Catspajamas


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MLG Winter Arena - Player List:

MLG Providence '11 Top 8
Leenock, Naniwa, DongRaeGu, Mvp, Huk
, MC, Haypro, Idra
European OQ Top 8
Violet, Ret, Thorzain, Pomi, Socke, Sjow, Grubby, Merz
Korea/Taiwan OQ Top 8
Nestea, Parting, Losira, MarineKing, Oz, STC, Ganzi, San
North American OQ Top 8
, Ddoro
, Sheth, SaSe, Axslav, Artist, Minigun, DDE

Toronto, Victory Cafe, 4pm-10pm, Feb.26th, BARCRAFT:








Meet at this Tim Hortons at 3pm.
I'm 25 and if i was nearby i would certainly show up. Age shouldn't stop you from having fun and you will be with like minded people who won't judge you anyway.
Panda how do I spend my macro :(

Against FFA I typically expand twice asap(unless rocks are blocking me), with no gas taken until I'm on around 40 supply or so. This leaves me with a huge amount of minerals which only increases once the third gets saturated. I have a habit of banking money in anticipation of tech: for instance I may get a spire and almost wait for it to finish before spending any money. It's a bad habit, I keep noticing it in replays.

I just won about four ZvPs in a row against diamond Protosses despite floating a shit ton of minerals. I try to get a macro hatch around the same time I put down my third (although I've forgotten to get the macro hatch more than a few times).


Panda how do I spend my macro :(

Against FFA I typically expand twice asap(unless rocks are blocking me), with no gas taken until I'm on around 40 supply or so. This leaves me with a huge amount of minerals which only increases once the third gets saturated. I have a habit of banking money in anticipation of tech: for instance I may get a spire and almost wait for it to finish before spending any money. It's a bad habit, I keep noticing it in replays.

I just won about four ZvPs in a row against diamond Protosses despite floating a shit ton of minerals. I try to get a macro hatch around the same time I put down my third (although I've forgotten to get the macro hatch more than a few times).

The other day when I did a ZvP, the opponent did FFA.

I spent my resources on an expansion, then a few lings and roaches to help take down the third, and help defend against a push(which did come). From here I just focused on lots of upgrades, a macro hatch, and going quickly to broodlord tech.

When I was going to make my push back on him, I double expanded as I went out. I crushed his collasi and stalker army without any issues, and was sitting on just the right amount to reflood to max, and even add in a few extra broodlords to the mix.

Now I'm not god like, but maybe somewhere in there of what I mentioned is some things you could do as well that you aren't such as going for faster upgrades, broodlords, or using that extra mineral pile for a double expand when you push.

Help any? Oh and I used extra minerals to properly defend all my bases with 2-3 spines, and 1 spore since I was being a bit lazy about my scouting.
Its really hard to get demoted to silver, took me like 7 hours of straight losses to get there.

I was in high silver last season. Forfeited my single placement match and got sent to bronze. GLORIOUS!

wut. Initially misread this thought it was on Saturday. Might make it now. How old are you guys? i'm 37 and feeling way to old to show at a SC2 meetup.

I'm 27 if it makes you feel any better.


Ok, here's a question: why is the SCII Editor's pathing on a basic melee map so horrible? SCVs can dance over the edge of any ramp, meaning I have to add more unpathable regions just so units get stopped by destructible rocks.

I had forgotten how unnecessarily complex SCII's editor is. They should have offered a dumbed-down option for non-programmers. I could understand Brood War's editor and whip something up in no time. Now even doing basic force setups takes time and triggers.


Ok, here's a question: why is the SCII Editor's pathing on a basic melee map so horrible? SCVs can dance over the edge of any ramp, meaning I have to add more unpathable regions just so units get stopped by destructible rocks.

I had forgotten how unnecessarily complex SCII's editor is. They should have offered a dumbed-down option for non-programmers. I could understand Brood War's editor and whip something up in no time. Now even doing basic force setups takes time and triggers.

Blizzard had to make it complex to allow their users to come up with the next DotA-type gaming revolution, so they could miss the boat and have Valve steal the market out from underneath them.


Blizzard had to make it complex to allow their users to come up with the next DotA-type gaming revolution, so they could miss the boat and have Valve steal the market out from underneath them.

Haha, the time to do the next DotA was years ago. Blizzard and Valve both missed that chance. I get the sense DotA is nowhere near as popular as it once was (aka more popular than Counterstrike in Asia.)

Valve at least has the chance to nurture the market forward to a next-gen platform (with LAN support, suck it Activision-Blizzard).


So I've run into so many bugs/errors in the last 2 days while playing that I actually posted on bnet forums about it, it was getting out of hand.
The other day when I did a ZvP, the opponent did FFA.

I spent my resources on an expansion, then a few lings and roaches to help take down the third, and help defend against a push(which did come). From here I just focused on lots of upgrades, a macro hatch, and going quickly to broodlord tech.

When I was going to make my push back on him, I double expanded as I went out. I crushed his collasi and stalker army without any issues, and was sitting on just the right amount to reflood to max, and even add in a few extra broodlords to the mix.

Now I'm not god like, but maybe somewhere in there of what I mentioned is some things you could do as well that you aren't such as going for faster upgrades, broodlords, or using that extra mineral pile for a double expand when you push.

Help any? Oh and I used extra minerals to properly defend all my bases with 2-3 spines, and 1 spore since I was being a bit lazy about my scouting.

Yea, getting upgrades makes sense but oftentimes I'm floating minerals with limited gas, so I can't get a bunch of upgrades right away while I prepare for Mutas. Usually I get my gas late, and the first 100g goes to speed, next 100g goes to Lair, next 100g goes to melee upgrade (I switch those around depending on if it looks like a 6 gate is coming). Then I kind of get preoccupied saving gas (and minerals) for Mutas. I just played a couple games where I just kept building lings and spines (and drones) which helped.

I've been noticing a lot of early Robo builds from Toss lately, like 3 gate 1 Robo, then they move on to 6 gate or whatever. That has made me stop getting Roaches in case of a 6 gate push, and instead relying on spines and +1 lings. So basically I use that composition to shut down the third, then switch to Roaches.


I cannot watch any TVT's anymore and that was my favorite matchup for a while, so I am happy if more protosses and zergs make it to the finals in any tourney :p

fuck tvt
fuck zvz
fuck pvp

i welcome zvp finals (go zerg :p) but i hate how tvp is played right now (watching terran die slowly even when they win 200 army battle).


Basically, Jinro and Elfi just traded armies back and forth in the center. Jinro probably dropped 25 nukes in the game for positioning and chip damage. Elfi kept attacking up ramps, which is normally a good way to die, but his storms kept him into fair trade scenarios. Eventually Jinro was able to secure that base where the last battle happened and Elfi rushed it with all his remaining units and probes. Jinro micro'd around the planetary and held on for the win.

It was nuts, man.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Im not getting it. Dont feel like supporting a 20 dollar PPV event.

VODs will be free a week later so I can catch any interesting games that way I guess.


I don't have time to watch enough this weekend to justify the tag. I do think it's $20 worth of content. You'll get more hours of entertainment out of the $20 than you would from two trips to the movie theater.

I'll have to catch up with VODs later.


Not buying it. Might go to Barcraft on Sunday for finals.

If I really want to watch Starcraft this weekend I still have one of the Code S semifinals to watch and swathes of Code A games.


The storm radius really needs to be toned down. You can't go mech against Protoss if you're Terran, and storm either eats up all your bio or forces you into constant retreat. It gets a bit silly at times. Either that, or bring back the ghost EMP radius to what it used to be. Terran's spellcaster sucks now.
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