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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I'm concerned that these manufactured scandals will cause Republicans to not recognize Hillary as the legitimate President of the United States when she's elected.

One difference I see between Republicans and Democrats is that Democrats do respect the office even if the guy holding it is from the other party.
The argument that usually follows my query is, "bush was hated justly, he earned it
How is that remotely the same? People disagreed with the SC decision for valid reasons.
It's like we're not even trying anymore.
I never saw the near-universal refusal to recognize the democratically elected POTUS or the utter lack of respect for the office of the last 7 years back when Bush was President.

It was mostly Michael Moore fanboys.

There was legit salt in 2000 because Gore would have won if overvotes hadn't been tossed out. Gore indisputably had more voters attempt to cast votes for him in the state that decided the election.

Compare that to Obama winning an overwhelming victory in the election and still being perceived as illegitimate.


We're effectively in a cold civil war between Urban America and Rural America; segregated news sources, huge cultural gaps, bases that are becoming less open to compromise.. neither side's base is going to treat the other side's presidents as legitimate until something fundamental happens to change the landscape.

To channel Gilda Radner: It's always gonna be something.



George W. Bush and the Republicans hijacked the 2000 election with the help of their discredited accomplices on the US Supreme Court. They have no right to traditional forms of democratic deference, particularly when pursuing an unpopular extremist agenda. An honest media ought do everything possible to insure that no one loses sight of the astonishing circumstances through which Bush acceded to the presidency. Get over that.

James Carville, political strategist for former President Clinton, believes the Democrats are playing nice with Bush for no good reason. 'I'm kind of unimpressed with the argument that an unelected president has the right to have people in the Cabinet who always agree with his philosophy,' Carville says. 'People rejected that philosophy at the polls.'


They came out in scores, co-existing on the parade route with supporters of the new president and lining Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol to the White House. Interspersed between Bush-Cheney signs and Texas flags were thousands of protest placards, bearing inscriptions such as “Bush Cheated,” “Hail to the Thief,” “Selected not elected,” “Bushwhacked by the Supremes” and “Golly Jeb, we pulled it off!” There were also plenty of R-rated signs, like “Dick and Bush” and “George Wanker Bush.” One poster included a caricature of a metaphorically toothless Bush in the image of Alfred E. Neuman.
“We won’t go back, send Bush back.” “U.S. Navy out of Vieques.” “Free Mumia.” “We want Bush out of D.C.” “Racist, sexist, anti-gay, Bush and Cheney go away!” “Georgie go home, Georgie go home.” “You’re not our president.” And so on. Sadly, due to strict regulations set forth by the feds and Washington police, the oversize puppets that had lent a sense of street theater to other protests during the past year were largely absent this time around.


In the year that has passed since the 2004 election, not a single major American news outlet has published a serious investigation of whether the victory was properly awarded to George W. Bush. Is that because Bush won fair and square and, as a spokesman for House Speaker Dennis Hastert put it, only the "loony left" claims otherwise? Or is it because, as some on the left argue, there is too much proof that Bush stole the election and the U.S. media are afraid to say so?


It didn't help that Kerry conceded immediately, despite questions about Ohio. The American press is less an independent truth seeker than a transmission belt for the opinions of movers and shakers in Washington. If the Democratic candidate wasn't going to cry foul, the press certainly wasn't going to do it for him. Thus the job of raising questions was largely left to mavericks—most of them from the left wing of the Democratic Party and beyond.

Such was the news that most Americans received. Although the tone was scientific, “realistic,” skeptical, and “middle-of-the-road,” the explanations offered by the press were weak and immaterial. It was as if they were reporting from inside a forest fire without acknowledging the fire, except to keep insisting that there was no fire.2 Since Kerry has conceded, they argued, and since “no smoking gun” had come to light, there was no story to report. This is an oddly passive argument. Even so, the evidence that something went extremely wrong last fall is copious, and not hard to find. Much of it was noted at the time, albeit by local papers and haphazardly. Concerning the decisive contest in Ohio, the evidence is lucidly compiled in a single congressional report, which, for the last half-year, has been available to anyone inclined to read it. It is a veritable arsenal of “smoking guns”—and yet its findings may be less extraordinary than the fact that no one in this country seems to care about them.


Presidents were being considered illegitimate by a segment of the losing side or elections being stolen goes back to 1796.

The only truly "stolen" election was 1876. And the appointment of David Davis to the Senate is almost so clever of fix it's worth giving it to the Republicans.

You're just living in the moment of Obama so his illegitimacy due to being born in the foreign nation of Hawai'i seems fresher.


No Scrubs
There were effigies burning nonstop from like 2006 onwards bro

Well at that point he had started 2 wars, fucked up the Katrina response on an unheard of level, and tried to privatize part of social security. Normally any one of those things would lead to huge protests, but all three? I'm actually a little shocked it wasn't worse.


Well at that point he had started 2 wars, fucked up the Katrina response on an unheard of level, and tried to privatize part of social security. Normally any one of those things would lead to huge protests, but all three? I'm actually a little shocked it wasn't worse.
Yet the only thing that actually led to protests was Iraq. And most of those were foreign. Or post-occupation.

Hillary voted for it because it was popular.

And in the end, the protests did nothing. Just like Occupy.
There's not much of a difference between the extremes of the left and right. Both are full of delusional people who feel like something is being taken from them, don't believe the opposite side has any legitimacy, hate moderates in their own party, believe in government takeovers, etc.

Hearing liberal extremists hand wring over vaccines, GMOs, trigger warnings...no thanks. I'd rather discuss reverse racism with S.E. Cupp.
The extreme of the right is far, far larger.

I don't even know what to say if people are seriously trying to argue that the way Obama has been treated is not unprecedented.


Yes, but then children will never be kidnapped again. Why wont you think of the children?
Let's just record the entire world all the time so nothing bad ever happens while our privacy becomes increasingly squandered.
This is basically happening

Wow, I sound like a whiny libertarian.


No Scrubs
There's not much of a difference between the extremes of the left and right. Both are full of delusional people who feel like something is being taken from them, don't believe the opposite side has any legitimacy, hate moderates in their own party, believe in government takeovers, etc.

Hearing liberal extremists hand wring over vaccines, GMOs, trigger warnings...no thanks. I'd rather discuss reverse racism with S.E. Cupp.

Well, our political spectrum has always been more like an open circle than a straight line.


There's not much of a difference between the extremes of the left and right. Both are full of delusional people who feel like something is being taken from them, don't believe the opposite side has any legitimacy, hate moderates in their own party, believe in government takeovers, etc.

Hearing liberal extremists hand wring over vaccines, GMOs, trigger warnings...no thanks. I'd rather discuss reverse racism with S.E. Cupp.

Except those lunatics aren't making decisions on a national level, or shutting down the government because they are butthurt, or wanting to dismember the supreme court, or wanting to gut education, or wanting to gut women's right, or wanting to start wars, or...
That Iowa poll comes out in a bit right?

The main difference between the fringe left and the fringe right is the fringe left is largely put on the sidelines whereas the fringe right is openly embraced by conservative institutions and define their agendas


There's not much of a difference between the extremes of the left and right. Both are full of delusional people who feel like something is being taken from them, don't believe the opposite side has any legitimacy, hate moderates in their own party, believe in government takeovers, etc.

Hearing liberal extremists hand wring over vaccines, GMOs, trigger warnings...no thanks. I'd rather discuss reverse racism with S.E. Cupp.
If we had a legitimate political spectrum in this country then perhaps we wouldn't even need to worry about any of this. The US is too far to the right generally speaking, and demonstrates a willingness to bend over in the name of corporatism and sensationalism all too often.

You really don't see this bullshit in any other westernized country.
Except those lunatics aren't making decisions on a national level, or shutting down the government because they are butthurt, or wanting to dismember the supreme court, or wanting to gut education, or wanting to gut women's right, or wanting to start wars, or...

I certainly hope young liberal fascists grow up once they leave campus but who knows. I can imagine them influencing policy in very ugly ways.


Hillary better RUN for ha superdelegates.

Bernie's dead guys, right? Right? Right? Right? Hahaha. I can tell you what is wrong with Hillary. She doesn't campaign. She hits up private fundraisers and doesn't actively seek out Joe and Jill Voter. When she does campaign she tells you the answer to your question will be answered when she's President. You Hillary supporters should all start freaking out right now. Bernie at 35 without Biden. 30 is the ceiling? Right guys? Right? 30? Okay then.
Vaccines dislike and language policing is pretty similar across party lines. The GOP has spent the last 24 hours fuming about Hillary's boxcars comment.

Ben Carson is second in GOP polling right now and he wants Japanese Internment camps scrubbed from US history books.


I don't even know what to say if people are seriously trying to argue that the way Obama has been treated is not unprecedented.
It's not.

John Adams campaign on Thomas Jefferson said:
a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father.

Federalist newspaper on what the election of Jefferson would bring said:
Murder, robbery, rape, adultery, and incest will be openly taught and practiced, the air will be rent with the cries of the distressed, the soil will be soaked with blood, and the nation black with crimes.

Republican newspaper on Adams said:
a hideous hermaphroditical character with neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman
Bernie's dead guys, right? Right? Right? Right? Hahaha. I can tell you what is wrong with Hillary. She doesn't campaign. She hits up private fundraisers and doesn't actively seek out Joe and Jill Voter.

You're not wrong about that. She has a few tightly controlled "public" events here or there, but overall all she is doing is fundraising plus the occasional pie-in-the-sky policy proposal on twitter. It reeks of cowardice as well as entitlement. And the DNC is complicit by not having debates right now. Now is the perfect time for debates, instead of simply letting Hillary's slow political death drag out for months. Give Sanders the chance to take her on, live for all to see.


The DNC wanted 6 set debates and that was it. After the 26 in 2008 that they lost control over.

Actually both parties wanted to do this. And have. I think the GOP just knew there'd be a bigger field, so that's why they went earlier. They caved last minute on those second-tier debates.

Only three of the DNC debates will happen in 2015. One of the 2016 debates will be on Univision only.

Sanders said:
"At a time when so many people in our country are giving up on the political process and the turnout is so low, when public consciousness about government is not high, I would like to see us be debating all over this country," he said. "I'd like to see the DNC have more debates. I would like to see labor union groups. I would like to see environmental groups, women's groups, gay groups...different constituencies, host events and have us debate. So I believe the more debates, the better."

Asked whether he believes the DNC is "putting a thumb on the scale in favor of Hillary Clinton," the party's dominant early frontrunner, Sanders said, "I don't know. Maybe."
O'Malley said:
"The good news is our party actually has ideas. Our party actually has solutions. (The Republican Party) does not, and I think we're hurting ourselves if we try to limit debate," he said. "What is this? The World Wrestling Federation? This is the Democratic Party, and we need to have a democratic debate about the solutions that will actually serve America's families."

Voters are eager to hear solutions to the country's economic problems and are paying attention to candidates who share their outrage about the economy, O'Malley added.


Hillary's hide and seek routine is especially bad now that we've seen Donald Trump's media saturation and social media accessibility. No candidate acts like they want the job more than Trump, or boasts about how much better a job they could do than Trump, and it's winning people over. Hillary needs some of that, but I doubt she has it in her.

Now that I think about it's quite fascinating how good Trump is at getting his message out in the face of an unfriendly media. Easily the best of any Republican I've seen. Hillary can't step out in front of the cameras without getting chased off by email questions.


Hillary's hide and seek routine is especially bad now that we've seen Donald Trump's media saturation and social media accessibility. No candidate acts like they want the job more than Trump, or boasts about how much better a job they could do than Trump, and it's winning people over. Hillary needs some of that, but I doubt she has it in her.

Now that I think about it's quite fascinating how good Trump is at getting his message out in the face of an unfriendly media. Easily the best of any Republican I've seen. Hillary can't step out in front of the cameras without getting chased off by email questions.
dat performance


It really has come to this? Desperate.
Are you denying the Internet was flooded with ugly racism form Bernie supporters online in the height of the BLM craziness? Because it was clearly there. Thankfully it has died down significantly.

I wonder if you guys realize I like Bernie more than Hillary. It's funny. You don't need to take it so personally, the racism was all over the place during that. Denying it happened is crazy.
Are you denying the Internet was flooded with ugly racism form Bernie supporters online in the height of the BLM craziness? Because it was clearly there. Thankfully it has died down significantly.

I wonder if you guys realize I like Bernie more than Hillary. It's funny. You don't need to take it so personally, the racism was all over the place during that. Denying it happened is crazy.

The face of Sanders campaign arent the racist ex Ron Paul supporters that like Sanders because who knows why. Yes, they are loud and disgusting but I dont think they have tainted the image of Sanders campaign. That was my problem with your implication.

Right out of the pollsters fingers:

Sanders is picking up speed in Iowa because Dem likely caucusgoers genuinely like him, NOT cuz they're motivated by opposition to Clinton.



Of course, I would assume some people who strongly dislike Clinton would deny they are supporting Sanders because they dont like Hillary. Like, not even wanting to give her that credit.
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