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Disney pulls Maui costume

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Haha I'm just drunk at a bar and not that mad, but I've got to express my frustration with an insult so outrageous to get my point across
Amplified by a lot of non-Polynesian bandwagon jumpers, no doubt.

But the result is the same, we now have a world where companies will be more shy to try out non-Eurocentric costumes.

A win for culture?

I dunno, let's take an ethnic poll of the folks angry that the costume got pulled.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Disney caught flack from pacific islanders for the movie already. Which probably helped this decision.

Need to remember that. It's not just sjws. And it was this character specifically.

Most of the movie features voice work from Pacific islanders. Nearly the whole damn movie. Catching flak from a handful of people doesn't validate their opinion when their opinion is faulty from the onset.
Nah, you just can't use comprehension skills apparently, no matter how many times we try to explain it to you. Context is difficult for you I see, you simple asshole.

If saying that maybe we shouldn't appropriate another group of people and make basically their culture our own through a costume that dresses you up as a brown person then maybe I am an asshole. Or an SJW. Or a person who's thinks it's not okay. If you have to insult me, then you lost. You made zero argument as to why it's ok besides deflecting the word racist.

Edit: You're drunk. Makes sense.
I'm far from a Disney apologist, they're guilty of a lot of shitty things. But I've noticed that every time they try to do anything outside of the cookie-cutter white princess films they're known for, it's like the whole world is coming to an end. And it's almost always coming from the people that criticized the lack of a certain culture in the first place (offendable people). They are screwed no matter what.

This isn't the first problem they've had with this movie. They got shit earlier this year because The Rock's character was too fat and obviously there were no fat Polynesians back then. Now they've made the mistake of creating a costume for their kids movie. The wild idea that kids would want to pretend to be a character from this year's movie seemed smart but this gamble sure seems to have backfired on them.

Nobody can force you not to be offended by something but they also don't have to agree with your reasoning every time you choke out the words "cultural appropriation." Disney should just create movies about genderless, colorless shapes floating around it space. There doesn't seem to be a rage crowd for that scene yet.
As always, I'm extremely conflicted on matters of cultural appropriation. At an initial glance, it always seems silly and there's a lot of reasons to dismiss it. But then if you really think about the concept of commoditizing a culture, it becomes way murkier than it starts out as.

I really lack the understanding needed to form an opinion on it. But hey, if Polynesians complained about it, I don't see what the harm is in taking it off the market.

Ultimately I agree with you. The only real thing I take issue with is that, as others have mentioned, this kind of mentality will basically assure that Disney sticks to selling only costumes for their snow white princesses and children of other races will never be able to have a costume for a character of their own ethnicity.


Ultimately I agree with you. The only real thing I take issue with is that, as others have mentioned, this kind of mentality will basically assure that Disney sticks to selling only costumes for their snow white princesses and children of other races will never be able to have a costume for a character of their own ethnicity.

I'd have to do a google search, but has Disney ever made other costumes with skin as part of them?


If saying that maybe we shouldn't appropriate another group of people and make basically their culture our own through a costume that dresses you up as a brown person then maybe I am an asshole. Or an SJW. Or a person who's thinks it's not okay. If you have to insult me, then you lost. You made zero argument as to why it's ok besides deflecting the word racist.

But that's the point: this is not appropriating culture otherwise you'd have to argue that the character itself is appropriation or problematic in the first place. I don't particularly care about the costume being ok, I'm merely putting up counterpoints to something that doesn't make sense to me. I've no problems with people raising legitimate concerns about costumes, but there's nothing about the costume itself that is concerning.


If you see a white kid wearing that costume, make sure you shame them publicly.

The cool thing is, most superhero costumes are exempt 'cause they're basically zentai suits. It's why a lot of nonwhite kids take to Spider-Man so much.


i guess a clear costume with the tattoos on it was just too expensive or hard and they just had to brown it up

I'm trying to figure out how this would work from a practical perspective. What would it be made from? Something plasticky, or cellophane like? I can't think of anything comparable off the top of my head. Boys only I guess, because it would show nipples.

The big potentially counterproductive part here is that Disney needs to merchandise the fuck out of shit to make the P&L's work on these movies. One incident is not enough, but if it starts to be a constant stream of "don't profit off of my culture" despite the best intentions, they may decide it's easier to churn out a constant stream of basically generic white culture movies, where the diverse characters are mostly token, i.e. a minority character who has no identifiable culturally different traits, but does have brown skin.

I'm not sure if that's a step forward or a step back. Probably both in a way. One the one hand minority actors often get type casted into "black" or "Asian" roles, but on the other hand having no recognition of different cultures sort of reinforces a colorblind philosophy of race.


As always, I'm extremely conflicted on matters of cultural appropriation. At an initial glance, it always seems silly and there's a lot of reasons to dismiss it. But then if you really think about the concept of commoditizing a culture, it becomes way murkier than it starts out as.

I really lack the understanding needed to form an opinion on it. But hey, if Polynesians complained about it, I don't see what the harm is in taking it off the market.
It sets a precedent and opens a slippery slope.

Next you gonna remove the Hercules costume, because a few white ppl complained.

Then we cancel Oktoberfest, can't have a few Germans complain about culture appropriation.

Then we forbid Pizza...

Kidding a bit here, but you gotta draw the line somewhere. This is a kids(!) costume. Culture should be shared and the more it is exposed to, the better. I don't think many people knew about Mauli culture before. Why go through all this potential drama, when Disney can just resort to safe white characters and stories? Is that really a win for anyone?

i guess a clear costume with the tattoos on it was just too expensive or hard and they just had to brown it up
Because having half-naked 10 year olds on the street in a grass skirt is kinda creepy, don't you think? Also, the costume has "muscles".


Ultimately I agree with you. The only real thing I take issue with is that, as others have mentioned, this kind of mentality will basically assure that Disney sticks to selling only costumes for their snow white princesses and children of other races will never be able to have a costume for a character of their own ethnicity.

This situation was unique.

A black Disney princess will still have her damn Disney princess dress sold.

The costume here was presenting tattoos that go on human flesh and having to pick a damn color for the flesh. Instead of making multiple shades for all colors and creeds, they picked the shade of the character.

Silly uproar over this doesn't mean diversity is dead at Disney.


Which tbh is kinda stupid because Disney went to pretty extreme measures to try to keep it 100, to the point of casting that random Polynesian girl as Moana for a goddamn voice role

Also fucking hell this got heavy fast, I'm out

Most of the movie features voice work from Pacific islanders. Nearly the whole damn movie. Catching flak from a handful of people doesn't validate their opinion when their opinion is faulty from the onset.
the narrative in this thread is that social justice Warriors have somehow triggered is need to take the costume away but if Pacific Islanders did complain about the movie and they did I don't think that we can go with that narrative that people are being offended on behalf of others and that there was already a history with the movie and the depiction of this character this God.

It just can't be hand waved as a handful people had a legitimate complaint about it. Disney is a huge corporation. Why wouldn't they act to preserve their image.?

Google Voice is pretty cool
I'm trying to figure out how this would work from a practical perspective. What would it be made from? Something plasticky, or cellophane like? I can't think of anything comparable off the top of my head. Boys only I guess, because it would show nipples.

The big potentially counterproductive part here is that Disney needs to merchandise the fuck out of shit to make the P&L's work on these movies. One incident is not enough, but if it starts to be a constant stream of "don't profit off of my culture" despite the best intentions, they may decide it's easier to churn out a constant stream of basically generic white culture movies, where the diverse characters are mostly token, i.e. a minority character who has no identifiable culturally different traits, but does have brown skin.

I'm not sure if that's a step forward or a step back. Probably both in a way. One the one hand minority actors often get type casted into "black" or "Asian" roles, but on the other hand having no recognition of different cultures sort of reinforces a colorblind philosophy of race.

"accept our stereotypical merchandise or we'll make white movies!"

ok, fine.


i find the idea that this'll lead to take downs of all costumes and end all incorporation of minorities as leads in disney movies to be crazy
Actual Polynesians have expressed their objection over a costume like this and we have posters here dismissing them and moaning about those killjoys SJWs ruining their cultural appropriating fun again.

Please tell me how a dressing up as a Polynesian is comparable to a cat themed superhero costume or fucking Tarzan. Can't wait to see you all in next month's blackface threads.
the narrative in this thread is that social justice Warriors have somehow triggered is need to take the costume away but if Pacific Islanders did complain about the movie and they did I don't think that we can go with that narrative that people are being offended on behalf of others and that there was already a history with the movie and the depiction of this character this God.

Google Voice is pretty cool

How many Pacific Islanders complaining does it take to make it wrong? What about those that think it's a good thing? Do they cancel the negative opinions out, or are they just not counted?

The articles and threads about this have a handful of negative opinions quoted in them. I'm genuinely curious where we draw the line.


Actual Polynesians have expressed their objection over a costume like this and we have posters here dismissing them and moaning about those killjoys SJWs ruining their cultural appropriating fun again.

Please tell me how a dressing up as a Polynesian is comparable to a cat themed superhero costume or fucking Tarzan. Can't wait to see you all in next month's blackface threads.
See the next post after yours.


How many Pacific Islanders complaining does it take to make it wrong? What about those that think it's a good thing? Do they cancel the negative opinions out, or are they just not counted?

The articles and threads about this have a handful of negative opinions quoted in them. I'm genuinely curious where we draw the line.

I don't know that's not up to me all I'm pointing out is that Pacific Islanders have complained about it it made the news. It's not just people being offended on the behalf of them. That's a question for another thread possibly but it can't be ignored. And it's Disney's call enough to make Disney cancel the costume probably if the character didn't have trouble we'd still be seeing the costume but people have problem with the character and it wasn't people being outraged on the behalf of others Midwest Pacific Islanders that started issue


How many Pacific Islanders complaining does it take to make it wrong? What about those that think it's a good thing? Do they cancel the negative opinions out, or are they just not counted?

The articles and threads about this have a handful of negative opinions quoted in them. I'm genuinely curious where we draw the line.

I just don't think you yourself, as a non-Polynesian, should be the one basically asking "so when should we stop listening to Polynesians"
Like I'm still impressed the OP wilfully excluded the quote that identified the source of the complains as being from Polynesians. Started this thread off in a great way.


How many Pacific Islanders complaining does it take to make it wrong? What about those that think it's a good thing? Do they cancel the negative opinions out, or are they just not counted?

The articles and threads about this have a handful of negative opinions quoted in them. I'm genuinely curious where we draw the line.

You don't have to use skin color to sell a costume. They could have easily just had a wig made for it and fake tattoos if they wanted to go that route. But the tattoos themselves are a part of a culture, and to commodify the culture to sell merchandise for your movie is disrespectful. Besides the fact that browning the skin is a historic thing used to typify dark skinned people as all types of things. And it was used by white actors who would then do stereotypical acts associated with whatever color shoe polish they used.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Depends. Does Disney put Aladdin, Pocahontas, and Mulan themed attractions, rides, and actors into Disney World?

Definitely seen all of them at Disney World. Often times, the actors resemble the ethnicity of the character they are playing (is it cultural appropriation if a Latino person plays an Arabic character?), but sometimes, it is just a white tan guy playing Aladdin, or a tan girl with dark hair playing Princess Jasmine, etc.
Actual Polynesians have expressed their objection over a costume like this and we have posters here dismissing them and moaning about those killjoys SJWs ruining their cultural appropriating fun again.

Please tell me how a dressing up as a Polynesian is comparable to a cat themed superhero costume or fucking Tarzan. Can't wait to see you all in next month's blackface threads.

Can we just agree that there's "I find this offensive" and then there's "objectively offensive"? And that just because someone is genuinely, truly offended by something, it doesn't mean that said thing is an objectively offensive thing? Some Polynesians have stated that they're offended by this. That's a shame, and I don't doubt the validity of how they feel on a personal level, but it's a bit hard for me to take this seriously when the whole scenario was enveloped with SJW shit-stirring to begin with.


Can we just agree that there's "I find this offensive" and then there's "objectively offensive"? And that just because someone is genuinely, truly offended by something, it doesn't mean that said thing is an objectively offensive thing? Some Polynesians have stated that they're offended by this. That's a shame, and I don't doubt the validity of how they feel on a personal level, but it's a bit hard for me to take this seriously when the whole scenario was enveloped with skeleton shit-stirring to begin with.

No because this means that nigger would still be acceptable today if we followed that logic. So no, how about you just sit and listen when told.
No because this means that nigger would still be acceptable today if we followed that logic. So no, how about you just sit and listen when told.

Lmao, in what world would a word with so much historical baggage and hurt attached to it be sanely considered as "not objectively offensive," let alone be comparable to an innocuous kid's costume?
But that's the point: this is not appropriating culture otherwise you'd have to argue that the character itself is appropriation or problematic in the first place. I don't particularly care about the costume being ok, I'm merely putting up counterpoints to something that doesn't make sense to me. I've no problems with people raising legitimate concerns about costumes, but there's nothing about the costume itself that is concerning.

Well for one thing Maui is an actual legend in the pacific that people believe in and wearing tattoos that you're not connected to either spiritually and physically is inappropriate. Not to mention wearing brown skin is just wrong (source). I guess you can say the same thing about say Hercules but Hercules is just one of many white characters in the Disney canon while Moana is the first movie to feature Polynesians, a group of people who get next to no real place in any piece of entertainment. So I could see why that group of people who get no representation might be a little concerned about the costume. At the end of the day I'd much rather empathize and not disrespect a group of peole than argue that appropriating a culture that gets little attention anyways deserves to have a Halloween costume when there are thousands, if not tens of thousands of non-racist costumes to choose from. You know, like an actual asshole.
Definitely seen all of them at Disney World. Often times, the actors resemble the ethnicity of the character they are playing (is it cultural appropriation if a Latino person plays an Arabic character?), but sometimes, it is just a white tan guy playing Aladdin, or a tan girl with dark hair playing Princess Jasmine, etc.

Yeah, I think I remember reading about an actress (Hawaiian, I think), who played Mulan one day, and Pocahontas the next. Don't know how big a guy they'd look for to do Maui or if he'd be shirtless. The Tarzan actor was shirtless, but he wasn't around long.
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