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Guild Wars 2 public Beta is here for pre-purchases! [Stress Test June 27th]

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That's exactly what I don't like, too :) I'd go with the racial skills and stuff, give people bonuses for choosing a class, not disadvantages. In GW2's case I could imagine race specific weapons with additional skills and stuff, not limiting but expanding the skillset.

edit: Oh cool, didn't know about those things! Nice! (Next time, please tell me this somewhere in the character editor, Arenanet!)

All I can say is Charzooka.
uuhh... who would want to use that?

I would. I think WASD is an old control scheme that can be modified and improved with a stick. I'd rather have my 3 fingers on situational keys instead of hovering/holding my direction. Using 1 finger to point in a direction is more useful than using 2 fingers IMO (for directional).

The only issue I see with these types of pads is that my thumb will be used as directional instead of hovering over space bar for jumping over environmental objects.


I think race choice should make much more of a difference in terms of gameplay. I'm not saying "race x should be the only one to be class y", but I think they need some kind of advantages and disadvantages to make race choices matter, since there is no PVP around this or anything.

That said, the races in GW2 look far more unique to me (from a visual perspective) than in pretty much ever other MMO around, so I don't really get the WoW comparison here.

The WoW comparison was purely based on the amount of choice you have in terms of races and that each is vastly cosmetically different.

Their plants, not elfish at all. They grow from seeds in a giant tree. They may fill that fantasy gap of where elves normally sit, but I really don't see them as elves.


Ah, gotcha, well that clears that up. I guess out of the races that interest me, Asura, Charr and Sylvari aren't bad at all.

I think the Charr, Asura, and Sylvari alone beat the cavalcade of Tolkien-trope races in WoW.

A little on the Sylvari that distinguishes them:

They have plenty in common with various typical elves but there's some weird unique stuff as well. Mostly we know very little about them so far though.

Perhaps it's just missing the amount of choices that I miss, I loved something like the Forsaken/Undead.

EDIT: And perhaps I'm just over analyzing, because I'm not one to have a million different alts anyway, so a few races I like will be plenty enough for myself, but to have more variety in the world is always nice :)


Still think the first priority for any MMOer is to get a N52(te)(I have the Belkin one, but I'm assuming the razer one is fine).

WASD is replaced by D-pad movement. Remove the nub though!

After that to get the Razer Naga or maybe another mouse, that still has more buttons than the standard fair. That RAT MMO mouse looked decent. I use the naga + the N52te. Some MMO's sadly are pretty damn ridiculous how much skills you have to manage and I dislike switching profiles or using modifier buttons.

edit: Not sure what's more important for GW2 in particular though, since I haven't played it. :|

I really wish I could try this out somewhere. Does that d-pad really work well for movement?
I was watching a youtube video about guild emblems and saw in the options you could put the emblems on weapons and shields. I thought you could also put the emblem on your armor? Was this feature disabled in the beta, or am I just crazy?

The emblems on your weapons seem like they wouldnt be very noticeable at all :(
Experienced players very rarely only use WASD for movement though. Using your mouse for movement is crucial and so called "keyboard turners" don't really stand a chance in PvP. I don't really see this not being the case with Guild Wars 2. In fact, I am sure it never has been more important.

Seeing as - at this point - anything that is not mouse + keyboard is just simulating mouse + keyboard, there really can't be any real advantage with using alternatives anyway. Or am I missing something?

In the end, I am pretty convinced the vast majority of people "getting somewhere" in PvP will be experienced MMO (and probably PC) players using what the game was designed for and what they are the most comfortable with: mouse and keyboard.

Now, if anyone feels more comfortable with a gamepad or some other alternative, that's perfectly understandable and it's nice to see people got these to work with the game. The desire to play a MMO with anything else than mouse and keyboard is just an odd concept to grasp for me. I did not really want to start a real debate about this. Most of the time this only leads to some people taking things too personal.

The problem is quantity. It's fun the first few times to realize that you can dodge an ettin's huge hammer attack that does 1/3 of your health. But after the 25th time, you just want to stand there and eat it. It's the same thing that bugs me about raiding in traditional MMOs. I enjoy learning a hard fight, applying the strategy correctly and overcoming the challenge. But doing it over and over again week after week is just irritating. I just want to stand in the fire and collect my fucking loot. I've already proven myself, why the fuck am I still playing this game?

I am very sorry to be that one guy to quote this yet again, but I can't help it. Please, do not take offense in what I am about to say, because it's not meant as a personal insult.

You are part of the problem. The problem of pretty much every MMO of the last 5 years that is. Attitudes like yours are what caused MMOs to become less and less demanding and challenging with each new patch, revision or release.

If you are truly upset about not being able to watch TV while playing, you should probably think about why you are playing in the first place.


You are part of the problem. The problem of pretty much every MMO of the last 5 years that is. Attitudes like yours are what caused MMOs to become less and less demanding and challenging with each new patch, revision or release.

If you are truly upset about not being able to watch TV while playing, you should probably think about why you are playing in the first place.

Never been so bored in a game that I had to do something else to kill time while playing. Video games are supposed to be what you're using to kill time with, if you're using another form of entertainment to kill time in an MMO when you are playing, maybe play a different game.

Since in GW2 you don't need to wait to find parties and whatnot, you can pretty much be active the entire time you are playing which is awesome.


I'd be honored

I pushed for it to happen bby. We needed an assistant but we found a hero. Or something

luv u

I have finals through the week so don't expect me to be around much until Friday. Sorry about that. I can still be on and make the podcast though.


I suppose its a little late to be posting weekend impressions, but I was busy yesterday. This is gonna be long so get ready (or just scroll on past).

I ran a Norn Ranger for pretty much the entire weekend and had a total blast. Admittedly I went Norn because I didnt' want to spoil the other races' personal stories, but by the end of it I was a little fonder of them. Movement did feel slower because there so big though I was able to offset this a bit with the Signet of the Hunt skill, but on the other hand it feels great flying into melee with a huge guy with and equally huge greatsword.

Going into the game I figured I'd main a shortbow and keep a greatsword for whenever enemies came in to melee me. In practice I loved the greatsword so much that shortbow became an afterthought that I used against bosses and other things I didn't want a protracted melee fight with. It really surprised me considering I generally hate melee in other games.

Unlike some others in this thread I was never underleveled, but thats probably because I played with friends who were other races so we were hopping between the different starting areas all the time. In the end I got to level 21 and the farthest out I went was the zone north directly north of Hoelbrak on the map.

Perhaps the best thing about GW2 was that I kept running into events and saying "just one more!" My pack's been full for the last 3 events, I really need to get to a merchant, but on the other hand those sons of svanir aren't going to kill themselves. By Sunday I hit the monthly achievement for 100 events and thought, "Damn, really? I could have sworn I've done nowhere near that many".

Advice for those interesting in running Ranger: Your pet is really important. It's really easy to overlook your pet, but using it properly is an integral part of being a ranger. They're very different from GW1 pets in several ways.
- Different pets have different stats. Choose your a pet that fits your style. I went with Hyena/Polar Bear because they're both high vitality and can keep enemies off me while a melee. I tried the raven and while it has a cool move set (swiftness!) it drops way too fast for my taste.
- Your pets have different skill sets. Each pet has four skills, but only one that you can activate at will. It tempting to select a pet just based on this one skill, but the others are just as important. The fact that my Hyena can knock down/cripple and my bear can regen/negate damage is monumentally useful.
-You can swap your pets in combat. Think of them like and extra set of weapons. It's also important to know that when a pet is defeated you can swap them out for your other living pet. Once the swap cools down (I think it's longer if the pet is dead) you can pull the first pet back out at full health.
-A defeated pet returns to its master. This is probably the most obvious one to anyone who tried the ranger, but when a pet is defeated it doesn't just drop on the ground. It slowly walks back to to you making it easier to rez. On a side note I noticed the Signet of the wild skill regens your pet while defeated making it a little easier to rez. I do not know if this is a bug or feature.

Just as a last bit of advice to the meleeists getting left out of boss fights. Carry a ranged weapon in your second weapon slot if you don't particularly need your other set or just keep one in your pack. If you're really sitting there doing nothing, you're probably out of combat so you can equip a different weapon. I realize this is just a bandaid and that those playing melee play it because they enjoy it and may not want to play a ranged character. I hope Arenanet does something to make melee more viable in boss fights, but until then this may be your best option. You never know, you might really enjoy it! I never thought I'd be maining my greatsword so it wouldn't surprise me if some people discovered they loved ranged combat.
I think the wait for the second beta weekend is going to be worse now that we all have had a chance to play it.

I hope they say/hint at when the next weekend will be.

The best would be if they let us know that the beta has made them really comfortable about when to release the game and they just tell us when it will be. I have a feeling though that they will reveal the release date at the end of the last BWE (which we wont know is the last).
I think the wait for the second beta weekend is going to be worse now that we all have had a chance to play it.

I hope they say/hint at when the next weekend will be.

The best would be if they let us know that the beta has made them really comfortable about when to release the game and they just tell us when it will be. I have a feeling though that they will reveal the release date at the end of the last BWE (which we wont know is the last).

The wait is becoming more unbarable the more I read about stuff I didn't even realize was in the beta. Also for some random reason seeing the different bag types in the game makes me really happy.

Awesome to see Anet post this. This is exactly what melee needs.

It's going to be a hard thing to ballance when they want no tanks. Even if there is no threat a decent enough person with a decent amount of blocks could figure out a way to get in the way off attacks and block them from other users. I think it will be really interesting to see what they do.
Never been so bored in a game that I had to do something else to kill time while playing. Video games are supposed to be what you're using to kill time with, if you're using another form of entertainment to kill time in an MMO when you are playing, maybe play a different game.

Since in GW2 you don't need to wait to find parties and whatnot, you can pretty much be active the entire time you are playing which is awesome.

Exactly. I just struggle to see the logic behind his complain.
Diablo 3 in 2 weeks.
That'll help us get pass the time in between each BWE.

I guess, but honestly I am not that excited about Diablo 3. I really haven't been following it but I might get it, especially if the release date for Guild Wars 2 ends up being 3-4 months from now.


Diablo 3 in 2 weeks.
That'll help us get pass the time in between each BWE.

I guess, but honestly I am not that excited about Diablo 3. I really haven't been following it but I might get it, especially if the release date for Guild Wars 2 ends up being 3-4 months from now.

Diablo 3 will scratch a different itch, but I can understand, I'm excited as hell for Diablo 3, and who knows what will happen, but it still feels like "that game" to play until GW2 launches.

Other then that, I'll be getting it cheap with a gift card I still have left over from christmas, and it'll be plenty awesome regardless.

I'll make it a priority to add my GW2 buddies here primarily as well :)


LTTP, I pre-ordered the game on the 30th, doh! Day after beta ended. I imagine they'll have more. Anyone know the schedule?


Guild Wars running great, so I'll go through my characters later and see what can be taken to Hall of Monuments. Running max settings, though could only run GW2 second to lowest setting. Hopefully that'll improve in release.

Add me on ... Dark Divinor. Yeah, I know the game sucks. I was 14/15.
Surprised so many people rolled Mesmer.

Is it just me, or does "target closest" not always work? I bound it to "C" (just like GW1) but I would occasionally target animals instead of enemies.


Diablo 3 didn't do it for me. Maybe I'll pick it up down the line or I'll convince someone to buy it for me but it won't really scratch that GW 2 itch. Nothing will I guess...

Edit: That Ele video is pretty damn good. One of the classes I was leaving for last because I was sure I was going to play one.


Holy hell. Ele seems so damned versatile. All the PBAoE/AoE/knockdowns is nuts. Makes me wonder if that was a previous Alpha tester or dev. Guy knew setups inside and out.

Agreed, what a glorious video, but given time, I'm sure there will awesome videos of all classes.

But Elementalist will far and away be my main class. Can't wait.
Holy hell. Ele seems so damned versatile. All the PBAoE/AoE/knockdowns is nuts. Makes me wonder if that was a previous Alpha tester or dev. Guy knew setups inside and out.

Versatile and damn near overwhelming. I struggled in pvp for the most part because it took me a while to figure out how to get the other pvp weapons so every time I tried it I was using a staff which I wasn't used to playing with, so it was hard to keep track of all the skills. 20 different skills for each weapon combo. 20! And here I was wanting to be able to swap weapons on top of that.
Weren't Air element spells the go-to for PvP back in the original Guild Wars? I rarely ever played PvP so please don't take this question as sarcasm. That video is amazing btw.
Here's an example where I DO agree with Krameriffic in a weird way. One of my many, many issues with FFXIV was the amount of active button pressing it required. But see, it's because it wasn't at all like GW2; it was FFXI except with shittier combat and no auto-attack. I was doing the same thing, but I had to press the button each time. I don't want GW2 to be ANYTHING like FFXI (I completely disagree about the combat being repetitive; hell, the scaling he complains about is exactly the sort of thing that changes encounters on the fly), but in this case, I really did wish I could have just thrown on a macro, kept the game windowed, and browsed GAF or watched a movie or, hell, taken my damn dog on a walk while I crafted shit. Basically, it's a more active version of Farmville in a fantasy setting, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Just not at all what GW2 is trying to do or should ever be.

I think with crafting the list of recipe's just needs changed. It's just a long list that you just look for what you can make and make it. I don't know how they could change it at all, but that's my only gripe. The discovery aspect I love.


Surprised so many people rolled Mesmer.

Is it just me, or does "target closest" not always work? I bound it to "C" (just like GW1) but I would occasionally target animals instead of enemies.

I believe it targets the closest enemy not already targeted.

I would be right next to an enemy and use it to target that enemy, but if for some reason I hit it again, it would move to the closest un-targeted.

BTW, I am not seeing the difficulty complaints. I went to Essex Hills at level 14 and was able to solo level 18-22 mobs. People need to just apply some effort. Once you find a good setup, it is difficult to die. I found my optimal setup 14 hours in at level 13, I had 63 deaths. When it ended, I had 25 hours, was level 21, and had 65 deaths.

This was my setup:

From about level 4 to 12, I used a greatsword and a hammer. Greatsword for taking out multiple foes, hammer for single foes. This was when I died the most. I initially thought Guardians would be less squishy, but being in the front line is not how they should be played. They have skills like Sancuary for a reason - to hit and run. Which leads me to the next part.

From level 13 and on, I adjusted my setup. I used a sword and shield as one set, and a scepter and focus as the next. What this allowed me to do is as follows: The sword let me jump into battle and blind melee foes. When the blinding ended, the other skill unleashed rapid attacks that also blocked incoming attacks. After that I would get a few more attacks in then activate shield skills. The first one does some extra damage, the next one knocks foes back. At that point, I'd switch weapons. Scepters allow you to immobilize foes. I'd cast that, then use the AoE spell Bane(I think). This finished off most foes. If not, a dodge and the focus skill (forget the name) finished off what was left. If this were a mob instead of a single enemy, or if there was magic, I would use Sanctuary and cast Bane on myself. Then switch to Sword/Shield, teleport in and inflict blindness, then use my shield skill to do some damage then knock foes away. Switch back to scepter, re-use those skills and attack from distances.

This whole thing is not to brag. I never tried it in PvP so I'm not sure how it works against intelligent opponents, but it worked for me. That's what this game is all about - adventuring and finding out what works best to suit your playstyle. It is not like other MMO games where there are optimal skills, and it is not like GW1 where PvX is your only way to get decent. It's new and fresh and people need to find what suits them best instead of looking for the "right" way to play - there isn't one.

Sorry ahead of time for any mistakes. Never noticed how difficult it is to type long messages on my 3DS


It's going to be a hard thing to ballance when they want no tanks. Even if there is no threat a decent enough person with a decent amount of blocks could figure out a way to get in the way off attacks and block them from other users. I think it will be really interesting to see what they do.

Survivability does not a tank make; above all else, tanks are about specialized crowd control. Seeing as there is no particular aggro table, and no way to directly influence mob targeting, ANet needn't worry about giving melee a bit more defensive ability. See: Fiona in Vindictus.
For some reason I thought I remembered reading way back that you'd be able to be in more than 1 guild at a time. This isn't true, right?
Survivability does not a tank make; above all else, tanks are about specialized crowd control. Seeing as there is no particular aggro table, and no way to directly influence mob targeting, ANet needn't worry about giving melee a bit more defensive ability. See: Fiona in Vindictus.

I'm not saying it's just going to make a tank out of nowhere, but it would definitely make a damage taking class more possible though. With there being no aggro it will still make it hard but if you get a class with decent crowd control and you couple that with the ability to get in the mobs way and mitigate damage from other players and it does make a tanking light class more possible. I also say this in comlpete theory, block type skills and the ability to get in the mobs way together would sort of make a tanking ability just taking out the aggro aspect.
The wait is becoming more unbarable the more I read about stuff I didn't even realize was in the beta. Also for some random reason seeing the different bag types in the game makes me really happy.

It's going to be a hard thing to ballance when they want no tanks. Even if there is no threat a decent enough person with a decent amount of blocks could figure out a way to get in the way off attacks and block them from other users. I think it will be really interesting to see what they do.

Yeah, I didn't even get to try PVP or WvW! So mad ... but that's OK, probably would have soured me on the whole experience playing as a melee. Can't wait for more though!

Btw here is a really good PVP ele video:


He uses almost the same build that I found the best for PVP ele (I had a different elite though), except he just plays it much better than I did. :p

I would say that is impressive if I had any idea what was going on lol


Album posting time!
Human starting zone and Divinity's Reach

Jesus Christ, did we play the same game? I thought I spent an exorbitant amount of time exploring, but I never came across half the locations in this album.

Where was the cave filled with debris, the swamp with the red leaves and green mist, this overgrown statue area and whatever this amazing-looking place at?

What really surprised me in that post was the fact that the Sylvari are apparently not gonna have your typically big RPG boobs, because despite their interesting lore, their appearance is sort of a standard opportunity to have a "sexy elf" race, and I hope they are legitimately subverting this.

Considering the Sylvari do not sexually reproduce and bear no young (they're born fully grown from the Pale Tree), they'd have no reason for sex organs or breasts. But they mimic human apperance because the Tree has memories of humans visiting (her seed was actually planted by a human) so that's what she modeled her 'children' on. But I don't imagine it would have any concept of human attractiveness and neither would the sylvari. The wiki has a bit on their culture, with comments on how they have simply adapted the cultural norms of other societies to blend in, in regard to clothing and such.

4. A 'Say' chat like in WoW to speak with players around your location
5. A way to turn on/off the new message sound. That was so annoying.

/Local is pretty much the same thing, the chat really only spreads as far as the region you're in.

And yes to turning off the chat chirp. I thought it was just some repetitive ambient bird sound until someone in GChat pointed it out. Then I could not unhear it.

I haven't read much about Sylvari, but I guess they're the sort of "Night Elf"-esque race?

They definitely have some elven overtones, but to call them "Night Elf"-esque is somewhat of a disservice. Kristen Perry did a great job with their redesign;

I pushed for it to happen bby. We needed an assistant but we found a hero. Or something

We've said time and time before that we'd be watching out for helpful people to make Officers, since that's really their only purpose (well, that and stop drama). We definitely had more than 100 people in GAFGuild since we had to start a second one. I didn't expect quite so many people and having more officers is going to help. Especially since it will be impossible to make personal connections with so many people.

I hope they say/hint at when the next weekend will be.

We were discussing this last night, I can almost guarantee that the next Beta event will be May 18th - 20th. The two weekends before it are simply too close to the last beta, and May 26th-28th is Memorial Day weekend and they know their players are going to have holiday distractions and their employees probably want the time off. There's also holiday pay to consider.

Btw here is a really good PVP ele video:


He uses almost the same build that I found the best for PVP ele (I had a different elite though), except he just plays it much better than I did. :p

Ugh. There should be a mandatory rule on GAF that if you're going to post videos with WubWub, you need to put some kind of disclaimer so people can auto-mute on load. Ugh.


How much will optimizing the game help the performance, realistically speaking, do you guys think?

Edit: Not that I'm TOO worried, I've got an 470 GTX & noticed a few hiccups but I was also running the game on ultra with fraps running too... just doing a few test runs. (Want to finally start using my Youtube account, start posting vids soon, starting with GW2, hopefully you all can look forward to it.

I might upgrade to a new video card if it wont help much but I wont even consider it until I know the optimization has been completed.
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