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New Quinnipiac Polls: Hillary leads Trump by 1 in FL, PA. Trump leads by 4 in OH

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And what's the margin of error?

Just so you know a margin of error doesn't actually mean a poll showing x is leading by y 5 actually has a 50% chance of actually showing a 2 or 8 point lead.

You can simultaneously believe that Trump needs to be taken VERY seriously while also believe that Hillary is the heavy favorite at this point in the election. Because both of those things are true.

The Warriors still have shooting practice even when they're playing the 76ers in mid-February.
tutututut don't go blaming anyone else for Libya it's clearly her (and only her) fault.
If it wasn't for her Libya would not be in the quagmire it is so really the blame goes fully on her.
Don't try to walk back on that, it's her fault and that's it.

There was so much dog whistle in your post I went to the usual conclusion.

And that's the problem I'm getting so far.

Im bringing up how people view them and I'm explaining why both are polling close even though someone like Trump has been discounted time and time again and people jump to conclusions because I'm not posting as an absolute anti trump so people assume what kind of person I am.

I voted April 26th. Straight Bernie ticket here on Long Island. You can find that post in the thread for that dates primary here on GAF.

I'm a registered Democrat.
I never thought I would see the day where a collection of liberal minded people are arguing FOR the continued practice of paying slave labor to people in third world countries in order to keep the price of goods low. Trump has truly shook us.
I dunno, would you count being grossly misinformed, ignorant and stubborn as a label?

Considering my initial post here states I did not k ow exactly why he was labeled the way he has, yeah maybe, but nice to see how friendly people here are if they don't kiss Hilary's ass.
I never thought I would see the day where a collection of liberal minded people are arguing FOR the continued practice of paying slave labor to people in third world countries in order to keep the price of goods low. Trump has truly shook us.

Free trade, even with its problems which I'd like to see reforms of have accomplished in bringing billions of people out of extreme poverty. Reinstating tariffs will only make poor people in the 3rd world even poorer.
Look, I can't stand Hillary. She's a hawk of war, a corporate shill, and an all-around unlikable person.

But Trump has openly advocated war crimes, condoned violent treatment of peaceful protesters, said he wants to silence the press, used blatantly racist rhetoric and completely failed to lay down any legitimate stances on anything. Hillary makes me groan, but Trump is legitimately dangerous and anyone who thinks he's fit to hold office should have their head examined.
Considering my initial post here states I did not k ow exactly why he was labeled the way he has, yeah maybe, but nice to see how friendly people here are if they don't kiss Hilary's ass.
"I didn't know!" is not a defense.

"So what's so bad about Trump anyway? Btw did you guys know Hillary is a racist homophobic war criminal?" is not the point of someone speaking in good faith.


Unconfirmed Member
Unbelievable that we've arrived at a point where people are saying that a billionaire business man on be Republican ticket is not in bed with business.

You fucking people, man.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't believe what either of them are saying, because they are politicians

Bush: 'No new taxes' - we got new taxes
Obama: 'Change' - nothing changed

It checks out.

Wow what a way to be disingenuous with Obama and completely ignorant to the type of Congress we've had for the last six years, possibly even ignorant to how our government works.


I never thought I would see the day where a collection of liberal minded people are arguing FOR the continued practice of paying slave labor to people in third world countries in order to keep the price of goods low. Trump has truly shook us.

Ouch!!! Lol. You are kinda right though.
"I didn't know!" is not a defense.

"So what's so bad about Trump anyway? Btw did you guys know Hillary is a racist homophobic war criminal?" is not the point of someone speaking in good faith.

Well the response I got was from something Trump said in 1991, so I thought it fair to use past Hillary responses from 2002 if that was the route the answers were going to go.

Then I was told you can't hold her to a view from 10-15 years ago because it was a different time.

Pulling up the past isn't a one way street.
Wow what a way to be disingenuous with Obama and completely ignorant to the type of Congress we've had for the last six years, possibly even ignorant to how our government works.
"I don't get it. He was doing so good up until 2011. I don't know what happened! Guess the Wall Street checks must have cleared."
And Hillary wants to go to war with almost all of the world and wants constant regime changes and placing no fly zones which will only lead to potential war.

This is fucking bullshit. There is zero evidence Hillary wants to go to war with anyone.

Only one of those options puts this country in danger.

Trump wants to arm more nations with nuclear weapons. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/02/world/middleeast/obama-nuclear-security-summit-iran.html

Leaders have been asking Obama about Trump because they are scared shitless. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/trump-terrifies-world-leaders-222233

He also wants us to stop paying our part for NATO. http://www.nytimes.com/politics/fir...ump-tells-crowd-hed-be-fine-if-nato-broke-up/

But yeah, it's Hilary that would put us in danger, not the US. Never mind that she had a hand in the Iran negotiations in the beginning to prevent war (which Kerry brought home) and never mind that she was instrumental in the climate change negotiations which benefits the entire world.

Also called black kids super predators and said she does not support gay marriage.

This? Again? Really?

She also defended a man who took advantage of women. I don't care if it was her husband.

So Hillary shouldn't be allowed to stand by her man? This is the kind of sexism she's always had to deal with.

She's no saint herself.

Who is arguing she is?

Trump is hated for his words. Hillary is hated for her actions.

Bull fucking shit. What about Trump's scams like Trump university? not an action? or what about the Polish workers he bent over. Or the American workers screwed by him?

He also cheated on a previous wife. You know, I'm sure that's an "action."

But what are Hillary's actual actions that she is hated for? You only posted things she's said, not done.


Unconfirmed Member
Being pro-life and wanting to ban abortion are two separate things.

'Don't like abortions, don't get one'. Has he actually said he would look for justices that would ban abortion?

Oh so why can't you assume the opposite in this instance and believe the opposite of that, that which is he will ban abortions? Want to pick and choose what to believe? You can't get away with that garbage.
Free trade, even with its problems which I'd like to see reforms of have accomplished in bringing billions of people out of extreme poverty. Reinstating tariffs will only make poor people in the 3rd world even poorer.

Wrong. If you think the farmers who left their villages to make pennies in factories and live in a 300sq/ft box with 10 other people is being lifted out of poverty then that's your agenda. Sure it has made a select few Elite richer in both those third world countries and the US . But in general it's caused Mass exploitation of the labor force in both types of countries while our wages in the US dwindle comparative to the economy. There's nothing wrong with manufacturing and creating products within the United States. Dems used to be the party of paying a good wage and in turn that will increase people's buying power. This is why labor unions today are mostly democratic. What happened guys?
Ouch!!! Lol. You are kinda right though.

So, would you prefer us enact tariffs so those people making slave wages make no wages? Because that's the option if you enact tariffs and other heavy duty protectionist measures instead of doing what we should be doing - which is placing better labor and environmental standards in FTA's.
Well the response I got was from something Trump said in 1991, so I thought it fair to use past Hillary responses from 2002 if that was the route the answers were going to go.

Then I was told you can't hold her to a view from 10-15 years ago because it was a different time.

Pulling up the past isn't a one way street.
I didn't mention Hillary at all. You did.

You asked why Trump was racist, I laid out some of the dumb shit he's said, you countered with "yeah well so is Hillary!"

With one comment (super predators) that she's publicly disavowed and apologized for. Compared to Trump's very public history of saying offensive things and then doubling down on them when he's called out on it. I don't need to go to 1991 to find something racist Trump has said, the past week or so should suffice.

Just admit that you came in here looking for trouble. I bet you feel really edgy.

If you still want to fuck the homophobia chicken, Hillary never (as far as I'm aware) couched her opposition to SSM in language that shamed or belittled the LGBT community. As First Lady and senator she supported antidiscrimination laws, hate crime laws, lifting the ban on gays in the military, civil unions - she was the first First Lady to ever march in a pride parade. As Secretary of State a great deal of her time was spent promoting LGBT rights worldwide. Yes, she took a while before coming around on gay marriage. But she was an ally. The fact that you try to equivalate her stance on gay rights to the offensive shit that Trump says every day is frankly, offensive and wrong.

In fairness to Trump though, he doesn't seem to be too bad on LGBT issues compared to the rest of the party. He does, however, continue to oppose gay marriage and as recently as 2011 said gay couples shouldn't receive any of the same benefits. Which often was the civil union position (which were set up to be the same as gay marriage in all but name).
Wrong. If you think the farmers who left their villages to make pennies in factories and live in a 300sq/ft box with 10 other people is being lifted out of poverty then that's your agenda. Sure it has made a select few Elite richer in both those third world countries and the US . But in general it's caused Mass exploitation of the labor force in both types of countries while our wages in the US dwindle comparative to the economy. There's nothing wrong with manufacturing and creating products within the United States. Dems used to be the party of paying a good wage and in turn that will increase people's buying power. This is why labor unions today are mostly democratic. What happened guys?

Sorry, actual statistics disagree with you.

This is fucking bullshit. There is zero evidence Hillary wants to go to war with anyone.

Trump wants to arm more nations with nuclear weapons. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/02/world/middleeast/obama-nuclear-security-summit-iran.html

Leaders have been asking Obama about Trump because they are scared shitless. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/trump-terrifies-world-leaders-222233

He also wants us to stop paying our part for NATO. http://www.nytimes.com/politics/fir...ump-tells-crowd-hed-be-fine-if-nato-broke-up/

But yeah, it's Hilary that would put us in danger, not the US. Never mind that she had a hand in the Iran negotiations in the beginning to prevent war (which Kerry brought home) and never mind that she was instrumental in the climate change negotiations which benefits the entire world.

This? Again? Really?

So Hillary shouldn't be allowed to stand by her man? This is the kind of sexism she's always had to deal with.

Who is arguing she is?

Bull fucking shit. What about Trump's scams like Trump university? not an action? or what about the Polish workers he bent over. Or the American workers screwed by him?

He also cheated on a previous wife. You know, I'm sure that's an "action."

But what are Hillary's actual actions that she is hated for? You only posted things she's said, not done.

I used hyperbole to go against yours.

And now I'm a a sexist? Unreal lol.

Ive obviously made a mistake coming into this thread. I'll escort myself out. Obviously political discussion is t welcome around here if you're not pro Hillary.

Saw it as a Bernie supporter and and now even as someone who is likely to vote Hillary I see it by being someone who doesn't treat her as though she has no glaring flaws.
I used hyperbole to go against yours.

And now I'm a a sexist? Unreal lol.

Ive obviously made a mistake coming into this thread. I'll escort myself out. Obviously political discussion is t welcome around here if you're not pro Hillary.

Saw it as a Bernie supporter and and now even as someone who is likely to vote Hillary I see it by being someone who doesn't treat her as though she has no glaring flaws.
"Lol I said a lot of dumb shit and people called me out on it, you guys are mean I'm leaving ;("
I didn't mention Hillary at all. You did.

You asked why Trump was racist, I laid out some of the dumb shit he's said, you countered with "yeah well so is Hillary!"

With one comment (super predators) that she's publicly disavowed and apologized for. Compared to Trump's very public history of saying offensive things and then doubling down on them when he's called out on it. I don't need to go to 1991 to find something racist Trump has said, the past week or so should suffice.

Just admit that you came in here looking for trouble. I bet you feel really edgy.

If you still want to fuck the homophobia chicken, Hillary never (as far as I'm aware) couched her opposition to SSM in language that shamed or belittled the LGBT community. As First Lady and senator she supported antidiscrimination laws, hate crime laws, lifting the ban on gays in the military, civil unions - she was the first First Lady to ever march in a pride parade. As Secretary of State a great deal of her time was spent promoting LGBT rights worldwide. Yes, she took a while before coming around on gay marriage. But she was an ally. The fact that you try to equivalate her stance on gay rights to the offensive shit that Trump says every day is frankly, offensive and wrong.

In fairness to Trump though, he doesn't seem to be too bad on LGBT issues compared to the rest of the party. He does, however, continue to oppose gay marriage and as recently as 2011 said gay couples shouldn't receive any of the same benefits. Which often was the civil union position (which were set up to be the same as gay marriage in all but name).

Didn't say you said it. I have responses coming from everywhere.

I just know one person responses to my question with him saying he doesn't like black people counting his money.


Bush: 'No new taxes' - we got new taxes
Obama: 'Change' - nothing changed

It checks out.

I wish I had seen this post before I bothered. Its pure unfiltered BS and straight out of the Fox News Conservative bubble of nonsense. I would not have even bothered posting. Waste of time.

Explains a lot of the rationale though.
"Lol I said a lot of dumb shit and people called me out on it, you guys are mean I'm leaving ;("

Call it whatever you want. Makes no difference to me.

I'm not the one getting upset over this.

I'm basically being called sexist, ignorant, stubborn, etc.. So what's the point in continuing a discussion when the responses are always some sort of label?

I just find it pointless. It obviously won't lead anywhere worthwhile.
Sorry, actual statistics disagree with you.


Someone who lives off a farm and self sustains may be technically poor but are they in worse shape then living in a box but making more money? With poverty being relative and the person making pennies being rich compared to the person making nothing I'm not exactly gushing over your statistics. Even so I'm not trying to Crusade against poor working conditions in other countries. The u.s. President should look out for us Citizens First and undoubtably our wages have been falling for 30 years. Sorry if you don't think this has been a major cause. Are we trying to say the Conservative Republican agenda has won on this issue to where now even liberals accept it? I still believe in higher wages and a large middle class
I used hyperbole to go against yours.

horseshit. Here's what I said:

Saying almost all the illegal immigrants are rapists and killers is fucking racist.

Full stop.

Don't defend it.

Nothing in there is hyperbolic unless you believe calling illegal immigrants rapists and killers isn't racist.

Please tell me, what is hyperbolic?

And now I'm a a sexist? Unreal lol.

No, I distinctly avoided calling you sexist or anything at all. I said "this is the kind of sexism," which refers back to your statement here: "She also defended a man who took advantage of women. I don't care if it was her husband."

I didn't accuse you of being a sexist but I most certainly pointed out that that comment is the type of sexism Hillary has always had to put up with.

Ive obviously made a mistake coming into this thread. I'll escort myself out. Obviously political discussion is t welcome around here if you're not pro Hillary.

Saw it as a Bernie supporter and and now even as someone who is likely to vote Hillary I see it by being someone who doesn't treat her as though she has no glaring flaws.

Your mistake originally had nothing to do with Hillary. It was defending Trump's racism. Once you went down that rabbit hole, you just kept digging for reasons unclear to me.


Someone who lives off a farm and self sustains may be technically poor but are they in worse shape then living in a box but making more money? With poverty being relative and the person making pennies being rich compared to the person making nothing I'm not exactly gushing over your statistics. Even so I'm not trying to Crusade against poor working conditions in other countries. The u.s. President should look out for us Citizens First and undoubtably our wages have been falling for 30 years. Sorry if you don't think this has been a major cause. Are we trying to say the Conservative Republican agenda has won on this issue? I still believe in higher wages and a large middle class

Why do you think people leave their farms to live in cities since the Steam Industrial Revolution?
Why do you think people are congregating in cities more than ever before.
You can like the poor life in a farm in bumfuck Central Europe but sure as hell you'll have half the village youth leaving for the US if they could and would actually prefer even being homeless to what they have.
If you think people in the middle class have been getting fucked better update your dictionary for your description of the people poorer than them.
Someone who lives off a farm and self sustains may be technically poor but are they in worse shape then living in a box but making more money? With poverty being relative and the person making pennies being rich compared to the person making nothing I'm not exactly gushing over your statistics. Even so I'm not trying to Crusade against poor working conditions in other countries. The u.s. President should look out for us Citizens First and undoubtably our wages have been falling for 30 years. Sorry if you don't think this has been a major cause. Are we trying to say the Conservative Republican agenda has won on this issue to where now even liberals accept it? I still believe in higher wages and a large middle class

Yes, actually because most of those farms weren't like Kansas farms you're thinking of - they were subsistence farms that could've been destroyed with one bad storm so yes, as shitty it may look to us, living in a box with consistent work where there are also opportunities for their children to move up in the world is a positive.

Even if we enacted massive trade barriers, those manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. Because poor people in Bangladesh didn't steal them, automation stole them. Even manufacturing that is coming back to the US is coming back with less jobs because again, many of the jobs lost in 1996 were lost because a smart guy came up with a better way to do it.

I believe in higher wages, but you do that by unionizing service workers and such, not reenacting the trade barriers of the 30's.
I used hyperbole to go against yours.

And now I'm a a sexist? Unreal lol.

Ive obviously made a mistake coming into this thread. I'll escort myself out. Obviously political discussion is t welcome around here if you're not pro Hillary.

Saw it as a Bernie supporter and and now even as someone who is likely to vote Hillary I see it by being someone who doesn't treat her as though she has no glaring flaws.

The push back you are getting from the Greater-GAF Hillary Coalition (aka GGAFHC) is a simple culmination of months and months of unsubstantiated claims and attacks on Hillary from not only the Right, but also the Left. From what I have read they are mostly reasonable if not a little bit venomous at times. Ask questions and they will give a well measured response with sourced proof. You can't come in making inconsistent statements and arguments and expect to get out unscathed.


The push back you are getting from the Greater-GAF Hillary Coalition (aka GGAFHC) is a simple culmination of months and months of unsubstantiated claims and attacks on Hillary from not only the Right, but also the Left. From what I have read they are mostly reasonable if not a little bit venomous at times. Ask questions and they will give a well measured response with sourced proof. You can't come in making inconsistent statements and arguments and expect to get out unscathed.

that's not even a GGAFHC thing, try to pull that shit in Dark Souls thread or even a fucking Pokemon thread!
You'll be torn to shreds and what's left of you won't even be enough to look like a weak monster in Castlevania.
It's why we like discussing here, leave the BS at home and if you don't like people contesting your claim just stay in your ignorance bubble where no one question you ever.
horseshit. Here's what I said:

Nothing in there is hyperbolic unless you believe calling illegal immigrants rapists and killers isn't racist.

Please tell me, what is hyperbolic?

No, I distinctly avoided calling you sexist or anything at all. I said "this is the kind of sexism," which refers back to your statement here: "She also defended a man who took advantage of women. I don't care if it was her husband."

I didn't accuse you of being a sexist but I most certainly pointed out that that comment is the type of sexism Hillary has always had to put up with.

Your mistake originally had nothing to do with Hillary. It was defending Trump's racism. Once you went down that rabbit hole, you just kept digging for reasons unclear to me.

You said he believed almost all Hispanics were that. That's why reaponded by saying she wanted to go to war with almost all of the world because she has a rep for being a war hawk.

Of course I don't believe that though. However I do believe she will no doubt cause conflict during her tenure. I almost feel as though that is a certainty.

As for the sexism portion, alright so it wasn't calling me sexist, apologies for that then. Issue though is how if that is brought up it becomes the first line of response.

The point was that she didn't defend the women but instead worried more about her political career. This is what helps feed into many peoples mindset of "Hillary only looks out for Hillary". That is a line I hear all the time on conservative radio. I try to spend time listening to both sides so I hear all kinds of things.

My issues with her has zero to do with being a woman. I'm was just trying to point out inconsistencies with her, just as their is with Trump.

There is a reason both have big unfavorable ratings. Both are very flawed candidates and honestly I wish they didn't end up being our only two choices.

I would also hope people don't find me as a person who supports racism. Coming from a very racially diverse family it would be quite bad on my part.
that's not even a GGAFHC thing, try to pull that shit in Dark Souls thread or even a fucking Pokemon thread!
You'll be torn to shreds and what's left of you won't even be enough to look like a weak monster in Castlevania.
It's why we like discussing here, leave the BS at home and if you don't like people contesting your claim just stay in your ignorance bubble where no one question you ever.

I don't think everyone picks up on that unfortunately.


So, would you prefer us enact tariffs so those people making slave wages make no wages? Because that's the option if you enact tariffs and other heavy duty protectionist measures instead of doing what we should be doing - which is placing better labor and environmental standards in FTA's.

I'm for free, but fair trade. Look at all the roadblocks China has for American companies doing business in their country. That needs to end. China needs to stop manipulating their currency. America needs better trade deals. And yes, slave labor does suck.


You said he believed almost all Hispanics were that.

This is a direct quote from Donald Trump, from June 16, 2015, during his official announcement that he was seeking the Republican nomination for US President:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Trump said. “They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

“And some I assume are good people,” he added.

He then defended his remarks two weeks later.

This isn't about belief or pulling things out of the distant past. Trump is on the record, from less than a year ago, saying that illegal immigrants from Mexico are criminals, drug users, and rapists. No analogies or flowery speech or anything. Black and white.
The push back you are getting from the Greater-GAF Hillary Coalition (aka GGAFHC) is a simple culmination of months and months of unsubstantiated claims and attacks on Hillary from not only the Right, but also the Left. From what I have read they are mostly reasonable if not a little bit venomous at times. Ask questions and they will give a well measured response with sourced proof. You can't come in making inconsistent statements and arguments and expect to get out unscathed.

I guess the only good part for me is off the bat claiming ignorance, lol.

Good thing we have 6 months to go and it's one on one (I've given in on the fact Hillary if the nominee).

Easier to fact check when there isn't a ton of people running. I am also very willing to learn on the way. This place is quite aggressive though. Uncomfortable really, but I see that as a not so bad thing as long as it remains civil and doesn't drop into name calling and labels.

Passionate discussions comes during election years it seems. Before this year I've never been this deeply involved so it's a new experience for me.
Why do you think people leave their farms to live in cities since the Steam Industrial Revolution?
Why do you think people are congregating in cities more than ever before.
You can like the poor life in a farm in bumfuck Central Europe but sure as hell you'll have half the village youth leaving for the US if they could and would actually prefer even being homeless to what they have.
If you think people in the middle class have been getting fucked better update your dictionary for your description of the people poorer than them.

Yes, actually because most of those farms weren't like Kansas farms you're thinking of - they were subsistence farms that could've been destroyed with one bad storm so yes, as shitty it may look to us, living in a box with consistent work where there are also opportunities for their children to move up in the world is a positive.

Even if we enacted massive trade barriers, those manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. Because poor people in Bangladesh didn't steal them, automation stole them. Even manufacturing that is coming back to the US is coming back with less jobs because again, many of the jobs lost in 1996 were lost because a smart guy came up with a better way to do it.

I believe in higher wages, but you do that by unionizing service workers and such, not reenacting the trade barriers of the 30's.

You guys realize you are arguing against the policies that formed the backbone of the Democratic party pre-1990s right? Back to 1910s at least. This is what people mean when they say that Regan shifted the whole country to the right in the eighties . And this is also supposed to be one of its core principles today . It is fact that the middle class is shrinking. It is fact that wages in the US are falling. And this isn't about automation. It has been shown time and time again that as technology takes away jobs through automation it also creates them. This is about globalization.


To see these poll results so early will make Hillary and her supporters very nervous no matter how much they try to explain them away. I think Trumps positive poll numbers will only go up from here on out but I don't see Clinton's moving that much. That said if either shits the bed in the PPV debates then that could change. I think the first debate will be one of the highest rated shows in television history.
You said he believed almost all Hispanics were that. That's why reaponded by saying she wanted to go to war with almost all of the world because she has a rep for being a war hawk.

No, I did not. Post where I said anything of the sort. Once again, here is what I said:

"Saying almost all the illegal immigrants are rapists and killers is fucking racist."

No use of the word hispanic. And I explicitly said "almost all" instead of "all."

Maybe you're confusing me with another poster. Substantiate your claim about what I supposedly said.

As for the sexism portion, alright so it wasn't calling me sexist, apologies for that then. Issue though is how if that is brought up it becomes the first line of response.

The point was that she didn't defend the women but instead worried more about her political career. This is what helps feed into many peoples mindset of "Hillary only looks out for Hillary". That is a line I hear all the time on conservative radio. I try to spend time listening to both sides so I hear all kinds of things.

Why is she obligated to defend the women? Why can't she make her own choice? I don't know what really happened, few do. I mean, we know he cheated on her but lots of women stay with their man (and visa versa) after cheating. Why are we attacking Hillary for this? It's her choice. It's her private life. Who fucking knows why she stayed. Even if it was for political reasons it's because the country is too sexist to support her for leaving him!!!

Damn if you do, damn if you don't. This is what women, minorities, etc have to put up with all the time. We need to not think this way.

My issues with her has zero to do with being a woman. I'm was just trying to point out inconsistencies with her, just as their is with Trump.

Everyone has inconsistencies. Everyone changes their minds over time. That's fine. What's not fie is using racist rhetoric.

Trump's indicated very dangerous things. Besides language towards Hispanics, he called for the Muslim ban (also bigoted) and even talked about a database for Muslims. He also espouses sexist rhetoric for decades. He also makes fun of disabled people. He's also said he wants to restrict 1st Amendment Rights for the press. He wants to bully people that disagree with him.

And all this is before really commenting on his disastrous ideas, when he actually claims to have some.

Trump isn't a bigot because I want Hillary to win. He's a bigot because he's a fucking bigot. Let's leave it at that, shall we?

There is a reason both have big unfavorable ratings. Both are very flawed candidates and honestly I wish they didn't end up being our only two choices.

I would also hope people don't find me as a person who supports racism. Coming from a very racially diverse family it would be quite bad on my part.

What I think is, as a Bernie supporter, you might be upset about Hilary. Which is fine. But you're using that to project onto Trump to tear Hillary down.

No one says you have to like Hillary or even vote for her. Well, I don't advocate such. But don't come in here with false equivalencies between her and Trump and not expect to have reality put in front of you. Yes, they're both flawed candidates and yeah I'm sure many people want different choices. But that doesn't detract from who Trump is.

Trump has a long line of bigoted comments. You want to attack Hillary related to Sanders, then do so by arguing real things. Don't try to make Trump look better for the sake of hurting Hillary. It's unnecessary.


Someone who lives off a farm and self sustains may be technically poor but are they in worse shape then living in a box but making more money? With poverty being relative and the person making pennies being rich compared to the person making nothing I'm not exactly gushing over your statistics. Even so I'm not trying to Crusade against poor working conditions in other countries. The u.s. President should look out for us Citizens First and undoubtably our wages have been falling for 30 years. Sorry if you don't think this has been a major cause. Are we trying to say the Conservative Republican agenda has won on this issue to where now even liberals accept it? I still believe in higher wages and a large middle class
"Relative" poverty? Why bother measuring poverty if you're just moving the goalposts each time you have gains?
I used hyperbole to go against yours.

And now I'm a a sexist? Unreal lol.

Ive obviously made a mistake coming into this thread. I'll escort myself out. Obviously political discussion is t welcome around here if you're not pro Hillary.

Saw it as a Bernie supporter and and now even as someone who is likely to vote Hillary I see it by being someone who doesn't treat her as though she has no glaring flaws.

People called your shit out and now you want to bail. Hilarious.


You guys realize you are arguing against the policies that formed the backbone of the Democratic party pre-1990s right? And it's also supposed to be one of its core principles today . It is fact that the middle class is shrinking. It is fact that wages in the US are falling. And this isn't about automation. It has been shown time and time again that as technology takes away jobs through automation it also creates them. This is about globalization.

I can't talk about JesseEwiak but I fully understand that this is globalization.
The greatest boogeyman instigating people to vote for BS policies.
Not everything is great with globalization but it's not the great destroyer that comes with the doom of all nations.
And the Democrats pre-1990s can be wrong too, they weren't gods even back then.
This is a direct quote from Donald Trump, from June 16, 2015, during his official announcement that he was seeking the Republican nomination for US President:

He then defended his remarks two weeks later.

This isn't about belief or pulling things out of the distant past. Trump is on the record, from less than a year ago, saying that illegal immigrants from Mexico are criminals, drug users, and rapists. No analogies or flowery speech or anything. Black and white.

You misunderstand. I know what he said during his announcement speech. I was referring to when someone said he didn't want black people counting his money as proof he was racist. That quote was 1991 I believe.

That's what I was taking about when asked why I brought up Hillary being anti gay marriage at one point.

Of course I know Trump has said some really downright nasty things, like killing the families of terrorists.

I just didn't view the thought of sending illegals back as being racist.

Outside of that, yeah I could see some things being so, but initially my concern was whether or not it had much to do with his idea on building a wall to keep illegals out.

I work with tons of republicans. Believe me, I've heard my fair share of nasty comments and not just Trump related. Many people just have a very negative view on things and I'm not sure yet if Trump is truly one of those people or if he is only playing to that crowd to get the nom.

I also see him very unrepublican like things though, like praise planned parenthood, LGBT bathroom comments, universal healthcare, etc...
He confuses me.


To see these poll results so early will make Hillary and her supporters very nervous no matter how much they try to explain them away. I think Trumps positive poll numbers will only go up from here on out but I don't see Clinton's moving that much. That said if either shits the bed in the PPV debates then that could change. I think the first debate will be one of the highest rated shows in television history.

Explain them away is a fun term for explaining why a current outlier poll might be an outlier. It's also fun to imagine that Trump's poll numbers will go up! For reasons?
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