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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I don't think Trump is going to mind if everyone else chases that bandwagon cannibalizing each other. His lead is enough that he can hold off until or unless some other candidate builds off the Davis thing.

He's already staked out a mildly more-sane Iran position, and tried to duck the Davis thing. (Carly came out against Davis that I saw.) Which the others are drooling over. Rand Paul so far is the only one I saw who gave himself an answer with an escape hatch (saying he opposes the jailing, not removing her from office or whatever for violating the law), everybody else seems to be jumping feet first in. Huckabee is heading down there to their protest/vigil thing.

Key one here will be Carson, he should shoot for that Rand Paul trying to have it both ways version. I think he has much more "establishment" friendly interest about polishing his edges and stuff. There were similar thoughts about Cain. He wouldn't do well to chase social conservative stories of the week since he's fairly solid with them already.

All while Trump is slowly turning himself into a potentially "acceptable" candidate lol

Ivanka needs to get some kind of switch installed so he can turn off his ego during shit like with Hewitt or any further discussion of Mexicans.

I want to see George Pataki go "they should both be in jail" take off his mic and leave the stage because he's just done with it all.




We need to really rethink how we've let our Conventions go so downhill. No floor battles, no long extended fights over rules and platforms, no senseless hour long demonstrations, only one ballot for nominations, no sexy ladies of party unity wearing stickers all over.
But that doesn't take away from the fact that as more candidates drop out, their votes will go towards a Bush-type of nominee. Trump can't overcomb his unfavorable rating.

Edit: I'm off to bed. Maybe there's something I'm misunderestimating.

Bush has worse favorables than Trump with Republicans. Trumps in-party favorables are no longer terrible, using that to damn him is outdated.




We need to really rethink how we've let our Conventions go so downhill. No floor battles, no long extended fights over rules and platforms, no senseless hour long demonstrations, only one ballot for nominations, no sexy ladies of party unity wearing stickers all over.

And a serious lack of cigar smoke.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The only Trump ether at this point I am dying for is basically a "who?" to Bobby Jindal. Come on, The Don. Do it for me.


We need to really rethink how we've let our Conventions go so downhill. No floor battles, no long extended fights over rules and platforms, no senseless hour long demonstrations, only one ballot for nominations, no sexy ladies of party unity wearing stickers all over.

Aww.. there are still sticker ladies at these conventions..


I'm still annoyed at how early the conventions are this upcoming cycle. Really ridiculous. By the time Labor Day rolls around, regular folks are going to be like, "There were conventions..? When?"

We need a GOP floor fight SO bad this year. This may be the best chance in our lifetimes.


I don't think Trump is going to mind if everyone else chases that bandwagon cannibalizing each other. His lead is enough that he can hold off until or unless some other candidate builds off the Davis thing.

He's already staked out a mildly more-sane Iran position, and tried to duck the Davis thing. (Carly came out against Davis that I saw.) Which the others are drooling over. Rand Paul so far is the only one I saw who gave himself an answer with an escape hatch (saying he opposes the jailing, not removing her from office or whatever for violating the law), everybody else seems to be jumping feet first in. Huckabee is heading down there to their protest/vigil thing.

Key one here will be Carson, he should shoot for that Rand Paul trying to have it both ways version. I think he has much more "establishment" friendly interest about polishing his edges and stuff. There were similar thoughts about Cain. He wouldn't do well to chase social conservative stories of the week since he's fairly solid with them already.

All while Trump is slowly turning himself into a potentially "acceptable" candidate lol

Ivanka needs to get some kind of switch installed so he can turn off his ego during shit like with Hewitt or any further discussion of Mexicans.

I want to see George Pataki go "they should both be in jail" take off his mic and leave the stage because he's just done with it all.

I thought Trump did give himself a way out. "Law of the land, she could have let her clerks do it; I don't like that she was put in jail, etc."
@realDonaldTrump: .@MeghanMcCain was terrible on @TheFive yesterday. Angry and obnoxious, she will never make it on T.V. @FoxNews can do so much better!

@realDonaldTrump: Very low ratings radio host Hugh Hewitt asked me about Suleiman, Abu Bake al-Baghdad, Hassan Nasrallah and more - typical "gotcha" questions

@realDonaldTrump: Why would a very low ratings radio talk show host like Hugh Hewitt be doing the next debate on @CNN. He is just a 3rd rate "gotcha" guy!

@realDonaldTrump: Just announced that because of "Trump", advertising rates for debate on @CNN are going from $5000 to $200,000, a 4000% increase.PAY CHARITY?

Some gems from this morning. "Very low ratings" is so good. I love how this man sticks with his sayings.
Some gems from this morning. "Very low ratings" is so good. I love how this man sticks with his sayings.

To be fair, that Soleimani question was bullshit, especially how it was framed. Then again, Trump did do a terrible job with it. Shoulda just said that with matters of the middle east, as with all similar matters, he will seek opinions from specialists and members of the DoD in order to familiarize himself with the topic and then make an informed choice.
She is going to have an unfortunately tough four years if she wins. These conspiracies are going to continue into her administration and it is sad. :(
Yup. I expect the vitriol that's directed at Obama to stay about the same with Hillary.

And it'd probably be the case for a white male as well, I think the difference is it's much easier to rile the base up when it's a black man or a woman.


We'll see bile directed at whomever wins. It's worth it.

Bonus if Hillary wins: after demonizing the Clintons for over two decades, their detractors' heads will blow-up whenever Bill Clinton is referred-to as "First Gentleman." It'd make for some really fun Thanksgivings across the country. 😂


This Kim Davis issue is the first big event where I'm starting to see cracks within Trump's crowds at Breitbart and FreeRepublic. They're really struggling and beating each other up over it.


And a random thought: Trump isn't building a very robust organization thus far, it seems. I know Romney's team tried to build a ground game of its own (Orca) to compete with Obama's machine, with limited results. It'd be funny if his heavy media coverage strategy for the primaries hinders him in building up a proper ground game operation for the general.


Oh man, I remember reading about Orca.

It was so dumb that they thought they didn't have to test this shit in the real world before going full operations a few days before Election Day.


Republicans like that one intellectual (well, at least in their eyes). And this one's black, so checks the "i'm not racist; I like ben carson" box as well.

He's also never held office, which seems to be the primary qualification for the pissed off republican base. He's like Trump lite.
He is a freaking Neurosurgeon. I think it is safe to say he is intellectual from just about any normal persons perspective.

He also denies evolution and compares homosexuality to bestiality and thinks that prison rape turns people gay and thinks we should bomb the U.S. Mexican border and was the spokesperson for a quack supplement company under heavy lawsuits.

So, he's obviously a great neurosurgeon, but he's got some other stuff going on intellectually that is not so good...
Indeed. He won't be forgotten in my mind, unfortunately. "Obama...our top priority... make him a one term president.":/

The man should be commended for his honesty. Every single time republicans bitch about democrats pushing their agenda through, dems should put that damn clip on a loop.

Still can't believe he had the lack of sense to actually say that kinda thing. One would expect more from the turtle.

Handled his challenger and Cruz like a bawss, tho.
He is a freaking Neurosurgeon. I think it is safe to say he is intellectual from just about any normal persons perspective.

To me intellectual captures a lot more than being an amazing doctor, even if a neurosurgeon. You have to think critically about all aspects of life, one of the more notable being society, and probably be able to offer good solutions to problems. Ben Carson can't do any of those things, and, in fact, he proposes solutions that are demonstrably false and ridiculous. He flat out has talked out of his ass on topics. I don't think intellectuals do that.
To generalize, intellectuals deal with ideas and concepts, and are renowned for doing so.

Carson is a neurosurgeon. He deals with meat.
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