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PoliGAF Thread of Post #7323 (LAST DAY TO REG. IN CO,FL,IN,MI,OH,PA,TX,VA)

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when is my burrito
Trying to do my part. Sent it to my very mixed/varied politically leaning family and friends.

Hey all,

Just thought everyone should have some resources in case you recently moved or go to college or just plain aren't registered to vote. Everybody's votes are really important come November. Now, I'm not going to advocate for any of the candidates but Barack Obama's campaign set up this website for people to use.

It does require an email address and your zip code so they can tell you when and where you can register and/or start to vote. I honestly don't know if they sign you up for any email newsletter but unsubscribing should be a cinch if you don't want it.


This site should have all the resources you need to get registered in your state or your current address if you've moved since 2004 as well as showing you when and where you can vote. I know Iowa has early voting so most of you can now vote at any time and it will show you where your polling place is or where you can early vote. Deadlines are coming up soon. In case you didn't know: if you go to college in any state, in the vast majority of states, you can get registered in that state. In some states, you can register online.

I wrote this email myself, by the way. This isn't some canned spam email. Anyways, have a good week and I hope to see some of you at Wartburg homecoming or over the holidays, if not before then. Please pass this on to as many people as you feel comfortable sharing it with.

29 days to Election Day!
ratcliffja said:
Well that's pretty awful. I have moved and don't get off work until 6. If I can't register, I'll be very upset.

Fortunately, I was able to just call in and have the county clerk update my address. They're just going to mail me the updated registration card. Crisis averted.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
No, so he's not worth voting for.

I know. Sooner or later both these candidates will realize that healthcare for the poor will be supplied by a combination of kindness and charity from billionaires...and magic!


Unconfirmed Member
Tamanon said:
Campaign finance has been the one thing he's been able to abuse with reckless abandon. You'd think he was dating it.


Also, I'd love to see the regulars at Hillary is 44's reaction to Hillarys speech today at the 8th Annual Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy Committee Luncheon in New York:
Iknow, I know, "They have a gun to her head, she doesn't mean it!

HRC said:
I come today with a very clear, unequivocal message. We are facing extremely difficult times in New York and America. It will be challenging for our nation and our state to navigate through these unchartered waters. We will need leaders who will understand what it takes to reassert our economic stability, create new jobs while at the same time remembering those who are most likely to be left out and left behind.

I am absolutely positive with every fiber of my being that we must elect Barack Obama and Joe Biden to be our President and Vice President on November 4.

As a woman, as a lifelong advocate for women, children and families, as a New Yorker, as a Senator and as an American, this is not even a close choice. This must be approached with the same level of commitment and intensity that we have ever seen by any campaign and by any citizen movement. Because we cannot afford the same failed policies for the next four years that we have endured for the last eight years.

Especially for women, we have a lot riding on this election. Whether it is equal pay for equal work - something which I have fought for my entire life and during my time in the Senate. Barack Obama is for it. John McCain is against it.

Whether it is having control and choice over the most intimate and personal decisions in our lives. Barack Obama is for it. John McCain is against it.

Whether it is expanding Family and Medical Leave so that more people – men and women – can balance family and work in those difficult times when you’re under so much pressure. It needs to be expanded and protected. Barack Obama is for it. John McCain is against it.

Whether it is universal health care. Quality, affordable health care for every single American. Barack Obama is for it and John McCain is against it.

And whether it is a Supreme Court that will protect our rights and side with people who are disadvantaged who are disempowered or not. Barack Obama will appoint justices who will get back on the side of the constitution and our people and John McCain will not.

Clearly, in a time of such serious economic consequences we see the difference in the economic philosophies between Barack Obama and the Democrats, and John McCain and the Republicans. We have had nine straight months of job losses. Costs are going up for average families while wages are stagnant. We know women face economic challenges often first and more personally. Anxiety about paying for gas and groceries and retirement and paying for healthcare bills and keeping up with the mortgage. Small businesses are struggling today. Hardworking men and women are wondering what happened to them. Now, Eleanor Roosevelt is a good person to channel these days and to think through another time when Democrats again came to the rescue. It seems that Democrats are always rescuing America from profligate Republican policies.

To paraphrase one of my favorite Eleanor Roosevelt quotes: ‘a woman is like a teabag, you never know how strong she is until she’s in hot water.’ Well, the same is true for America. We’re in hot water. But we will with the right leadership show strength and resolve. We will roll up our sleeves and get to work. But the only way we will find our way forward is by electing a President and Vice President who understand what’s at stake, who share the values that America represents here at home and around the world that will come with solutions that work.

We need a fresh start, and the Obama-Biden Administration will provide that. America can rise again as we have before from the ashes of the Bushes. And get back on a confident and optimistic path into the future.

The biggest risk for America is four more years of the last eight years. It is the economy and the last thing I want and I hope you agree is to put mavericks in charge of the United States economy at this moment of need. Mavericks in Washington and on Wall Street got us into this mess. Let’s have some adult supervision again and pull ourselves out of it.

I have been all over this country on behalf of the Obama campaign - from Florida to Ohio to New Mexico to California with the same message: that it is time for us to unite.

Not just Democrats and Independents and even repented Republicans, who recognize the stakes of this election are too high for politics as usual.

As I have said many times, No way. No how. No McCain. No Palin. That is not the path that we need to be taking. This is a fight for our future and it is a fight we must win. I have done over 40 events for Barack Obama and at every one I see people moving toward us, making up their minds.

Barack and I may have started on different paths, but we are on the same journey now, and it is a journey to return Democratic leadership to the White House and to America at a time it is desperately needed.

I am hoping under Chuck Schumer’s leadership we will obtain a filibuster-proof Senate which I think is in the realm of the possible. Chuck and I were in LA Friday night raising money for these great Senate candidates we have across our country. I hope we return all of our Democratic incumbents in the House, which I suspect we will, and add to their numbers which I believe we can.

As November 4 approaches, more and more people will be making up their minds to get on the right side of history. The side with the America we believe in, the values we hold dear, that can-do spirit that is unafraid to look reality - no matter how harsh it is - in the face and determine that we can move forward. So I’m hoping that especially those of you who especially worked so hard for me will work as hard if not harder this next month on behalf of our Presidential ticket, Senate candidates and House candidates, and all of the candidates across New York.


So pathetic how the McCain campaign is trying to bring back Ayers/Wright/Rezko now. :lol

Do they seriously not realize how incredibly transparent a tactic that is? And irrelevant? Nobody cares about any of that shit. Obama has already long been vetted and put an end to this BS with his speech on race.


I would like to direct your attention to: http://pollster.com/

Obama: 296
McCain: 163
Toss Up: 79

Florida and Colorado flipped to "Lean Obama".

Obama over 270 even before toss ups are included. Which includes Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Missouri and Indiana. Obama has a good shot at every single one of them.


Vennt said:

Also, I'd love to see the regulars at Hillary is 44's reaction to Hillarys speech today at the 8th Annual Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy Committee Luncheon in New York:
Iknow, I know, "They have a gun to her head, she doesn't mean it!

Bravo, Hildawg, bravo.


Unconfirmed Member
StoOgE said:
I havent been to Hillaryis44 in a while.

Its a very sad lonely place now isnt it?

It's actually a very amusing low-population echo chamber of conspirisy theory tinfoil, "OMG The 4th Reich is coming!" crazyness.

(I read it often :lol)
GhaleonEB said:
I would like to direct your attention to: http://pollster.com/

Obama: 296
McCain: 163
Toss Up: 79

Florida and Colorado flipped to "Lean Obama".

Obama over 270 even before toss ups are included. Which includes Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Virginia, Missouri and Indiana. Obama has a good shot at every single one of them.
Barack Obama is ahead in NC!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so proud of my state. :D :D
Oh how I love Sarah Palin. She has officially surpassed Kevin Youklis as my most hated person on the planet (TM).

Can you explain this to me at her rally today? (paraphrasing) gee, I was really annoyed Couric wanted to know things about me and not have me just randomly spout Republican talking points. Because those are the issues we should be talking about, the issues that affect real Americans! Now, about Obama and a 60s radical...

I really think I should stop following this campaign (and this thread) for a bit. She is such an afront to people's intelligence and it's driving me crazy that she has this sheep-like following.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
BobTheFork said:
Wow, that's funny AND sad. With every attack McCain gets more and more desperate and it gets both a little funniest and a little sadder each time. They really don't want more people registering to vote do they?
I'm almost positive that ad has nothing to do with the McCain campaign. That being said, the maker of the video makes a plea at the end of the video to visit their website and "learn" about the issues.

Shitty shitty shitty.


BobTheFork said:
Wow, that's funny AND sad. With every attack McCain gets more and more desperate and it gets both a little funniest and a little sadder each time. They really don't want more people registering to vote do they?
I lol'd when they had the black people on there. how could they agree to that?


Zeliard said:
So pathetic how the McCain campaign is trying to bring back Ayers/Wright/Rezko now. :lol

Do they seriously not realize how incredibly transparent a tactic that is? And irrelevant? Nobody cares about any of that shit. Obama has already long been vetted and put an end to this BS with his speech on race.

Yeah, if they were gonna use this tactic, they should have been doing it since June instead of the "experience" garbage (which they then undercut with Palin lol). It reeks of desperation right now..
Have a friend who's gone astray. This was his response to the NYT article about Obama's economic philosophy:

The term "Laissez-faire economics" is used allot in the article.
If you want more money in the goverment budget you must increase the money coming in, very simple principle. Obama wants to lower the taxes on people making under 250,000 and raise them on people over 250,000. In order to have more money coming into the goverment taking this route the people making 250000+ must match the taxes the < 250000 people make and then add some more. This means we are increasing the amount of money in goverment's budget and decreasing the money in markets. This is not laissez-faire economics. YES Obama will cut taxes for more people, NO he will cut more taxes on the market overall.

However Obama hopes that by doing this this will enlarge the market and therefore both parties can win; people will make more and the goverment will get more money (and eventually be able to lower the taxes back to the normal amount). However the article also talks about how at the start of Regan's term taxes on the very rich were extreamly high and this hurt the market because these people could not invest some of their excess money.

The word they use in the article that you might notice obama shys away from often is "inequality". NYTs mentions that Obama wants to end inequality by redistributing the tax burdin. "[Obama's] tax cuts are really the essence of his market-oriented redistributionist philosophy (though he made it clear that he doesn't like the word "redistributionist")." No shit he doesn't. That sir is the main reason I consider Obama a socialist. To me the idea to cut taxes / eliminate taxes to the poor and suplement / substitute them with increased taxes to the wealthly is wholeheartedly un-ameriacan and I dare say socialist.

Anyone who's well-versed in these areas willing to give some input against these points?
OuterWorldVoice said:
Bill Clinton would be a fucking awesome Secretary of State.

Just saying.

So you'd have Bill hundreds, if not thousands of miles away from his lovely wife. Going to places like France, Japan, UK. All by himself.

There's just no fucking way he turns that down :lol


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Tyrone Slothrop said:
i kind of miss the nail-biting aspect of this race now that it's actually gone :p
I'm not at all convinced that this is how it's going to play out on Nov 4th.

Don't let your guard down until the final bell rings.


StoOgE said:
I havent been to Hillaryis44 in a while.

Its a very sad lonely place now isnt it?

Well didn't Daily-Kos find out that there's only like 10 active posters there? And that was during the primaries :lol
cashman said:
I lol'd when they had the black people on there. how could they agree to that?
LOL well come on, there are many black republicans. The people I don't get (many of whom I work with), are the black people who are voting for McCain because they don't want people to think they are only voting for Obama just because he's black.


First tragedy, then farce.
Red Blaster said:
Have a friend who's gone astray. This was his response to the NYT article about Obama's economic philosophy:

Anyone who's well-versed in these areas willing to give some input against these points?

1) Obamas plan is a tax decrease overall as well as for the middle and lower class. It isnt as much of a tax cut as McCains, but it is still an overall cut.

2) McCain is proposing massive budget increases as well as massive tax cuts, which means crazy debt spending.

3) Laissez-faire capitalism = libertarian utopia = completely unregulated market, we dont have one of those. Your friend needs to not throw buzzwords around he doesn't understand.
Red Blaster said:
Anyone who's well-versed in these areas willing to give some input against these points?

Tell him Obama just wants to restore the taxation levels to those under Reagan in 1986. Ask him if Reagan was a socialist for having those kind of tax rates.


BobTheFork said:
LOL well come on, there are many black republicans. The people I don't get (many of whom I work with), are the black people who are voting for McCain because they don't want people to think they are only voting for Obama just because he's black.

Sure, why not? As a black person, the main thing you are worried about is all those black Presidential candidates taking your vote for granted! :lol


Batteries the CRISIS!
Fragamemnon said:
The WSJ/NBC was national wasn't it? This was Ohio. You know, the place from which nothing good comes from.


we gave you unappreciative assholes airplanes and Cedar Point.


BobTheFork said:
LOL well come on, there are many black republicans. The people I don't get (many of whom I work with), are the black people who are voting for McCain because they don't want people to think they are only voting for Obama just because he's black.
they are basically insulting every other black person out there in stating that they only vote for Obama because he's black.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
BobTheFork said:
LOL well come on, there are many black republicans. The people I don't get (many of whom I work with), are the black people who are voting for McCain because they don't want people to think they are only voting for Obama just because he's black.

Maybe it will be a reverse Bradley Effect and they will vote Obama when no one is looking.
lawblob said:
Sure, why not? As a black person, the main thing you are worried about is all those black Presidential candidates taking your vote for granted! :lol
lol yea, They'll just wait for a few more legitimate black Presidental candidates to get a good look at the white house and then they'll take it seriously.:D


First tragedy, then farce.
Danthrax said:

we gave you unappreciative assholes airplanes and Cedar Point.

1) North Carolina totally did the flight thing.

2) Cedar point smells funny. Magic Mountain 4 life.

Just kidding, just dont fuck it up this time
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