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Rutgers Univ. student jumps off bridge after his makeout session is secretly taped...

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Its like a Stephen King version of a Benetton ad gone horribly wrong :( The more I think about the more pissed and depressed I get. Theres no way this story can end on a happy note. His family and friends are going to have little in the way of comfort througha ll this.


Cloudy said:
But if the guy didn't kill himself. Would you still want the max for them? And from what I understand, they were making out not having sex..
If it was a girl getting taped, you'd be all white knight I bet. And he is a repeat offender. And "making out" was the dude's words. That could mean anything. I doubt it would be all that juicy if the people he was recording were only kissing.


He was videotaped having sex~which was broadcast over the web and that doesn't warrant sufficient jail time how?



Rorschach said:
If it was a girl getting taped, you'd be all white knight I bet. And he is a repeat offender. And "making out" was the dude's words. That could mean anything. I doubt it would be all that juicy if the people he was recording were only kissing.
Dunno a closet homosexual kissing another man is pretty juicy. :O
jon bones said:
the sheer volume of homophobic Neil Patels (a term i coined to describe the Indian Guido - loves hair gel and wearing button downs with graphic prints on em, starts fights at Indian get togethers, etc) at RU is hilarious from a distance and terrifying from within
Yeah, the way that people stereotype is damned depressing.
DY_nasty said:
Either way they're going to get to court and say it was supposed to be a harmless little CERTAINLY NOT HOMOPHOBIC OR HATEFUL prank gone wrong and that they're both soooooo sorry and saddened that they'll do everything in their power to be better people in the future.

and there won't be too much of anything that prosecution can do about it

Assuming the non-existence of incriminating chat transcripts, tweets, texts, etc., anyway


First tragedy, then farce.
Cloudy said:
While it's not perfect or even as good as it could be, our society has never been more accepting of homosexuals. Gay guys and girls in the past (when it was taboo) had it much tougher.

In fact, I am really pissed at this guy for doing this to his family and friends. Hell, I'm sad for the 2 other kids cos they'll have to live with this for the rest of their lives. I would understand it more if the Ravi kid jumped off a bridge...

but you don't know how accepting his family would be which may have been what was at issue in his mind.

Obviously the kid shouldn't have jumped, but I'm sure he just snapped.

The roomate needs to be prosecuted. Obviously not because of the suicide, but because he broke the law. The victim should have just called the cops and had him arrested for what he did instead of jumping.
Cloudy said:
But if the guy didn't kill himself. Would you still want the max for them? And from what I understand, they were making out not having sex..
Well in criminal law, perhaps that should not be much of a factor.

But in a civil suit (which will probably happen), you take your plaintiffs as you find them. His death will make the settlement bigger.


Rorschach said:
If it was a girl getting taped, you'd be all white knight I bet.

What's that supposed to mean? And it's not like I condone the taping. I'm just more upset by the needless loss of life...


This guy more than likely had no idea he was about to livestream a homosexual encounter. He probably thought his roommate would find it macho, or at the worst would feel a little ashamed, but then afterwards they would brofist.

I can understand what he likely going through, though. He's adjusting to a new school, only been living in a dorm for a month (only guessing here), and afraid to tell his new roommates he's gay. If you're anti-social and living in the dorms, your roommates are the only friends you're going to get. You don't want them getting all homophobic and turning against you.

Cloudy said:
What's that supposed to mean? And it's not like I condone the taping. I'm just more upset by the needless loss of life...

Tapists deserve to rot in hell as far as I'm concerned.


Foxy Fox 39 said:
I'm not assuming everyone should be Vulcan-like at all times, no. But normal people in that situation don't even consider suicide because its such a huge jump in logicality or simply; it just doesn't make sense. That's why I said he probably had some sort of mental illness (perhaps severe depression?) or deficiency that caused him to overreact to a situation that the majority of people wouldn't kill themselves over.

In terms of options that may have assuaged his embarrassment he could have moved to another city, dropped out of college, accepted his homosexuality or any number of options that normal thinking people would begin to consider.

It is sad news both in the facts that two students would stoop to such measures to embarrass someone, and that the other student actually ended his life over such a situation.
you're totally right. sorry about that; dunno what i was going for with the tone of that post. it just seems like such an obvious and almost redundant conclusion that this guy was emotionally imbalanced.

edit: on a side note, i tend to forget that kids as young as 18 are university students. something about the combination of Bastion of Higher Learning and Immature Pubescents is just frightening.


The piece if shit who very deliberately set out to make that dude's life hell deserves as much punishment as the law will allow.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Joe Shlabotnik said:
Assuming the non-existence of incriminating chat transcripts, tweets, texts, etc., anyway
Its hard to get the whole 'hate' thing to fly. As I said before, unless they make asses of themselves or something big comes out, they won't get hit with the full five years.
Vyer said:
The piece if shit who very deliberately set out to make that dude's life hell deserves as much punishment as the law will allow.
I highly doubt that it was his intent to "make that dude's life hell." It sounds like he was just a garden variety moron who thought he was playing a funny prank on his roomie. It doesn't take malice, just a lack of common sense.


This would've made the ending to American Pie pretty lame - instead of going to the prom, most of them just get thrown in jail for 5 years for webcamming their friend having sex.

Oh yeah, and Jason Biggs jumps off a bridge.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Meus Renaissance said:
I hope it destroys their lives. That was a wicked thing to do. If there is one group of people I have a relentless hatred of - its bullies
Where does the article say anything about bullying?

Thats one of the things that if anyone can actually prove, it'd certainly lead to harsher consequences. As is, its just a 'we left the webcam on again for the lulz' bullshit prank. Nowhere does the article imply that there was any real hate present. Just douchebaggery that indirectly led to a kid spazzing and killing himself.


DY_nasty said:
Where does the article say anything about bullying?

Thats one of the things that if anyone can actually prove, it'd certainly lead to harsher consequences. As is, its just a 'we left the webcam on again for the lulz' bullshit prank. Nowhere does the article imply that there was any real hate present. Just douchebaggery that indirectly led to a kid spazzing and killing himself.


sparkle this bitch
I'd probably kick both of them out of school and make them registered sexual offenders. But I can't really side with putting them in jail regardless of how big of dipshits they are.

Poor kid though, getting outed like that
Cloudy said:
It's pretty sad that the guy took his own life but giving these kids 5 years would be ridiculous. Taping him was wrong and broadcasting it was even worse but if the guy didn't selfishly take his own life, would people really be feeling the same way?

Suicide is for the weak. In this case, it's even more pathetic. It's 2010, no one who's reasonable gives a shit if you're gay...

Being gay in the United States still sucks, especially if you where just outed publicly, via a sex tape, to a homophobic society. If he didn't kill himself, I'm sure he would have been killed anyways. Better to end your life quickly than to let someone else do it slowly.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
shintoki said:
I'd probably kick both of them out of school and make them registered sexual offenders. But I can't really side with putting them in jail regardless of how big of dipshits they are.

Poor kid though, getting outed like that
NobleXenon said:
Being gay in the United States still sucks, especially if you where just outed publicly, via a sex tape, to a homophobic society. If he didn't kill himself, I'm sure he would have been killed anyways. Better to end your life quickly than to let someone else do it slowly.


Kills Photobucket
Just based on the OP news post it doesn't seem to me that being gay had anything to do with it (though being outed publicly I can certainly imagine would provide added stress and anxiety that could lead to suicide). It'd be speculation to say the roommate would not have posted if he was with a woman instead.

Sounds like he may be an equal opportunity douchebag.


NobleXenon said:
What? Is the United States all of a sudden a land of tolerance and forgiveness? From what I hear, and been to, it still not. :/
So you don't live in the US? Alright, thanks for clearing that up.
Guevara said:
D-bag roommate and co-conspirator:




NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
NobleXenon said:
What? Is the United States all of a sudden a land of tolerance and forgiveness? From what I hear, and been to, it still not. :/
Remind me to tell all my gay friends to kill themselves tonight :lol


DY_nasty said:
Where does the article say anything about bullying?

Thats one of the things that if anyone can actually prove, it'd certainly lead to harsher consequences. As is, its just a 'we left the webcam on again for the lulz' bullshit prank. Nowhere does the article imply that there was any real hate present. Just douchebaggery that indirectly led to a kid spazzing and killing himself.

That's pretty much how bullying works. They might as well have been going around shouting "lol look at this fag."


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Zeliard said:
That's pretty much how bullying works. They might as well have been going around shouting "lol look at this fag."
No... thats actually not how bullying works. All the article says is that his roommate twice left a webcam on while he was having sex. I don't see how that translates directly into bullying.

Those two were assholes, there isn't anything in the article that makes them bullies or homophobes though.
NobleXenon said:
Eh, then they would become another statistic, like this gay kid.
You should start a thread.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
They're no murderers, but the two that set this up deserve to have their lives ruined for a good couple of years. I'd say at least a year in prison probably wouldn't hurt either.


DY_nasty said:
Where does the article say anything about bullying?

Thats one of the things that if anyone can actually prove, it'd certainly lead to harsher consequences. As is, its just a 'we left the webcam on again for the lulz' bullshit prank. Nowhere does the article imply that there was any real hate present. Just douchebaggery that indirectly led to a kid spazzing and killing himself.

How can you say it's not bullying? They put out the video with the express purpose of getting lol's out of the guys very public humiliation. Why else do it? What is that if not bullying? There's nothing in the article to imply that they were friends - probably just assigned as roommates at the beginning of the semester. Ignorance of the consequences of your actions shouldn't be an excuse for 18 year olds. It's unfortunate but one of the leading causes, if not the leading cause of teen suicide, is homophobic bullying. Kids got to figure out that they don't live in a bubble, or at least get that the bubble can pop.


how tragic it is that our society is still so backwards that being outed can cause shame to the point of making someone commit suicide. very embarrassing and shameful.

though the asshole students deserved to be punished for their incredible breach of privacy, the guilt of their their actions leading to an unnecessary death will probably be more damaging to them than the justice system can give out.
DY_nasty said:
No... thats actually not how bullying works. All the article says is that his roommate twice left a webcam on while he was having sex. I don't see how that translates directly into bullying.

Those two were assholes, there isn't anything in the article that makes them bullies or homophobes though.

You should start a thread.

Thread about what?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Foov said:
How can you say it's not bullying? They put out the video with the express purpose of getting lol's out of the guys very public humiliation. Why else do it? What is that if not bullying?
Its called a prank. Pulling a prank on someone doesn't equal bullying or a hate crime.
There's nothing in the article to imply that they were friends - probably just assigned as roommates at the beginning of the semester. Ignorance of the consequences of your actions shouldn't be an excuse for 18 year olds. It's unfortunate but one of the leading causes, if not the leading cause of teen suicide, is homophobic bullying. Kids got to figure out that they don't live in a bubble, or at least get that the bubble can pop.
They don't have to be friends. Thats got nothing to do with it. Unless anyone can prove that this was some sort of hate inspired crime with the sole purpose of destroying the guy's mind or something then I really doubt that they'll be sentenced accordingly.

Homophobic bullying is a huge issue, but this situation hasn't shown anything like that. At least not yet.


DY_nasty said:
No... thats actually not how bullying works. All the article says is that his roommate twice left a webcam on while he was having sex. I don't see how that translates directly into bullying.

Maybe it helps if you don't divorce yourself from the circumstances. They put the camera there specifically because the guy is gay, and as a couple of college Normals, they wanted to broadcast his hilarious homosexual escapades to the world. On what planet is this not bullying behavior? They are trying to denigrate someone they feel is "lower" than them.

You won't find much behavior that is more emotionally and psychologically damaging to a person - this should be somewhat clear given that the guy killed himself as a result.

DY_nasty said:
Those two were assholes, there isn't anything in the article that makes them bullies or homophobes though.

No, I'm sure they broadcast their male roommate over the Internet having sex with a guy - complete with an "I saw him making out with a dude again, come on, come all" invitation tweet - due to their deep tolerance for homosexuals.

Jim Stark

Neo Member
DY_nasty said:
Its called a prank. Pulling a prank on someone doesn't equal bullying or a hate crime.

They don't have to be friends. Thats got nothing to do with it. Unless anyone can prove that this was some sort of hate inspired crime with the sole purpose of destroying the guy's mind or something then I really doubt that they'll be sentenced accordingly.

Homophobic bullying is a huge issue, but this situation hasn't shown anything like that. At least not yet.

If he was the target of their prank (which did in fact break the law) because of the pre-existing knowledge of his sexual preference, yes, it is a hate crime.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Zeliard said:
Maybe it helps if you don't divorce yourself from the circumstances. They put the camera there specifically because the guy is gay, and as a couple of college Normals, they wanted to broadcast his hilarious homosexual escapades to the world. On what planet is this not bullying behavior? They are trying to denigrate someone they feel is "lower" than them.

You won't find much behavior that is more emotionally and psychologically damaging to a person - this should be somewhat clear given that the guy killed himself as a result.

No, I'm sure they broadcast their male roommate over the Internet having sex with a guy - complete with an "I saw him making out with a dude again, come on, come all" invitation tweet - due to their deep tolerance for homosexuals.
prove the bolded. better yet, prove that they did it with the intent of ruining his life

most of your post is speculation though...


Zeliard said:
They put the camera there specifically because the guy is gay.
only speculative

I say they put the cameras there just because he was having sex

whether it was straight or homosexual, they did it because they thought showing their roommate having sex online would be a funny prank
Timber said:
you're totally right. sorry about that; dunno what i was going for with the tone of that post. it just seems like such an obvious and almost redundant conclusion that this guy was emotionally imbalanced.

edit: on a side note, i tend to forget that kids as young as 18 are university students. something about the combination of Bastion of Higher Learning and Immature Pubescents is just frightening.

Evidently the conclusion is neither obvious nor redundant seeing as some posts in this thread call for outrageous penalties towards the two offenders.

With that said, once again it must be "redundantly" noted that an emotional unstable man has committed suicide.
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