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Rutgers Univ. student jumps off bridge after his makeout session is secretly taped...

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NobleXenon said:
Being gay in the United States still sucks, especially if you where just outed publicly, via a sex tape, to a homophobic society. If he didn't kill himself, I'm sure he would have been killed anyways. Better to end your life quickly than to let someone else do it slowly.
He. Lived. In. New. York. Fucking. City.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
NobleXenon said:
Thread about what?
About how all non-heterosexuals should just off themselves right now - die quickly instead of waiting for the mob to drag them out of their homes and be beaten to death in the streets.


From the info at hand, imo this is just a tragedy and I feel sorry for all involved. I don't think the prank was done of out spite or hate, the students all seem young enough to do stupid shit without considering the consequences and as a prank it seemed fairly tame compared to the shit I've been involved with in the past.

Sad that he felt he his only option was suicide, sad that they have to deal with the consequences of having unintentionally prompted a suicide.


Ignis Fatuus said:
He. Lived. In. New. York. Fucking. City.
dude NYC is like, second in the US for public homosexual lynching, just behind san francisco*

*this is really what europeans believe
DY_nasty said:
About how all non-heterosexuals should just off themselves right now - die quickly instead of waiting for the mob to drag them out of their homes and be beaten to death in the streets.

Eh, too lazy to make a "hate crime of the day" thread. :lol
It's not the guys fault the weakling friend of his decided to jump off a bridge for being videotaped. Shit happens all the time with people being taped as part of a joke. Millions of internet videos out there are of people being taped without them knowing.

The most the perp should get charged with is is invasion of privacy and that's it, nothing else.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
That doesnt mean much, there is still a sizeable amount of people who are anti-gay or phobic and there are lots of Catholics and stuff.
Yeah we're killin' all our gays around here. Best commit suicide before we find you.


There is a defense force for mother fucking anything

Hopefully the guy gets the max sentence, but the reality is he probably won't see any jail time


jim-jam bongs said:
This makes me angry. Really fucking angry. Angry that we live in a world where people are too afraid of being persecuted for their sexuality that they feel like they have to hide it, and angry that there are other people who would persecute them.

Fuck this shit.


Jim Stark

Neo Member
ChocolateCupcakes said:
That doesnt mean much, there is still a sizeable amount of people who are anti-gay or phobic and there are lots of Catholics and stuff.

You would be surprised how many people in this country think NYC refers to just Williamsburg and Greenwich Village, unaware that parts of Queens or Staten Island might as well be rural Kentucky if you're not white and catholic.
Jim Stark said:
You would be surprised how many people in this country think NYC refers to just Williamsburg and Greenwich Village, unaware that parts of Queens or Staten Island might as well be rural Kentucky if you're not white and catholic.
In the country? When you say "the city" in New York, people don't think Queens or Staten Island.

When you address a letter to "New York City, NY" it's not going to Brooklyn.

Jim Stark

Neo Member
Ignis Fatuus said:
In the country? When you say "the city" in New York, people don't think Queens or Staten Island.

Naw I mean outside of NY. My point was just that there's the perception of NYC as a haven of tolerance and some parts are far from it. I'm not saying he grew up tortured, but to say that just because he's from "NYC" his life was all sunshine and rainbows is irresponsible.

Jim Stark

Neo Member
Ignis Fatuus said:
Yeah because that's exactly what I said.

Noble said that life in the United States is hell for homosexuals. You fired back saying that he's from New York City. What sort of implications did you expect?
Jim Stark said:
Noble said that life in the United States is hell for homosexuals he would have been murdered slowly after being outed. You fired back saying that he's from New York City. What sort of implications did you expect?
:lol I don't know. Maybe that we don't murder every outed homosexual in our city?

I guess literacy ain't what it used to be.

NobleXenon said:
Eh, maybe in thirty years we can debate how tolerant America is with their gays. :lol
Nah man in thirty years we'll be done killing all of the ones who haven't committed suicide for fear of our slow lynchings.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
NobleXenon said:
Eh, maybe in thirty years we can debate how tolerant America is with their gays. :lol
Well, as long as they don't all kill themselves like you suggested...
Jim Stark said:
You would be surprised how many people in this country think NYC refers to just Williamsburg and Greenwich Village, unaware that parts of Queens or Staten Island might as well be rural Kentucky if you're not white and catholic.

So true, Staten Island has so much hate crime and it is technically still part of NYC, it being a borough and all.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Rorschach said:
Taping someone having relations without their knowledge is illegal anyway. Even if this guy "meant no harm" or whatever. Anyway, it's not like he felt any remorse judging by the tweet. Fuck that guy. He doesn't get my sympathy.
Bingo. This shit is illegal and rightfully so. Period. It shouldn't have anything to do with what happened after. Calling it a prank is no defense anyway. Intent has nothing to do with its illegality. This kind of invasion of privacy shouldn't be tolerated under any circumstance.
i think it's a shitty prank, but it's rutgers my alma mater we used to do this kind of shit all the time. I think during my tenor we found out couple students did porn, and not the classy stuff but some of the hardcore stuff you have to look away at. And every year there would be a leaked sex tape. I wonder if the DC++ server we had at rutgers was closed down due to this =(.
DY_nasty said:
Its called a prank. Pulling a prank on someone doesn't equal bullying or a hate crime.

They don't have to be friends. Thats got nothing to do with it. Unless anyone can prove that this was some sort of hate inspired crime with the sole purpose of destroying the guy's mind or something then I really doubt that they'll be sentenced accordingly.

Homophobic bullying is a huge issue, but this situation hasn't shown anything like that. At least not yet.

It's a prank if you're friends. It's bullying if it's someone you don't give a shit about. There's a difference, your friend finds you punching them in the arm funny, the random kid down the hall sees it as a reason to stay locked in his room.

I don't think this guy thought his roommate was going to have a good laugh and have a beer with him reminiscing about the time he filmed him having sex. It was a malicious, fucked up thing to do.


If someone taped me riding bareback I'd just point straight at the lens and give 'em the old Patrick Bateman smile and muscle flex combo.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Dan said:
Bingo. This shit is illegal and rightfully so. Period. It shouldn't have anything to do with what happened after. Calling it a prank is no defense anyway. Intent has nothing to do with its illegality. This kind of invasion of privacy shouldn't be tolerated under any circumstance.
I'm not calling it a prank as a defense. I'm saying that -according to whats stated in the article- its not a hate crime and this crime of invasion of privacy was done without the clear intent of ruining the guy's life and driving him to suicide.

They broke the law and should be punished for it. I never said otherwise.


Technosteve said:
i think it's a shitty prank, but it's rutgers my alma mater we used to do this kind of shit all the time. I think during my tenor we found out couple students did porn, and not the classy stuff but some of the hardcore stuff you have to look away at. And every year there would be a leaked sex tape. I wonder if the DC++ server we had at rutgers was closed down due to this =(.

Last I checked, DC++ server was still up.

On topic, this shit is not acceptable. It's never okay to do what these two kids do, regardless of their intentions. And it was incredibly stupid for them to even think it was okay (not illegal) for them to do. Burn 'em.

Sho_Nuff82 said:
I don't think this guy thought his roommate was going to have a good laugh and have a beer with him reminiscing about the time he filmed him having sex. It was a malicious, fucked up thing to do.

I doubt it. He put it online, something that is no longer "between friends", and outed a closet homosexual. That's not a little, "haha, got you!" joke. It's a, "I just changed your life, and probably just made things much worse for you" joke.

Edit: Wait, misread your sentence. I agree with you completely.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Mystic Theurge said:
Molly was charged with two counts of invasion of privacy while Ravi was charged with four.

I hope the charges stick. The both of them deserve to rot in jail for a while.



Not the first person to have an unauthorized sex tape released to a school before. Sucks for anyone, and its a pretty big leap to assume it is because he was gay. Straight kids have been bullied since the beginning of time as well.

Ignis Fatuus said:
He. Lived. In. New. York. Fucking. City.

um, who? The kid who killed himself grew up in, lived, and died in NJ
sangreal said:
um, who? The kid who killed himself grew up in, lived, and died in NJ
Are we going to pick nits over which half of the bridge he jumped off?

Granted though that he lived in NJ. When I heard he jumped off the GWB I assumed NYC. Indeed in New Jersey you are much more likely to be murdered, though for reasons entirely unrelated to homosexuality.


Dan said:
Bingo. This shit is illegal and rightfully so. Period. It shouldn't have anything to do with what happened after. Calling it a prank is no defense anyway. Intent has nothing to do with its illegality. This kind of invasion of privacy shouldn't be tolerated under any circumstance.
It's being defended as a prank because we have people on here wanting the offenders to be charged for far more than an invasion of privacy.
Cuban Legend said:
It's not the guys fault the weakling friend of his decided to jump off a bridge for being videotaped. Shit happens all the time with people being taped as part of a joke. Millions of internet videos out there are of people being taped without them knowing.

The most the perp should get charged with is is invasion of privacy and that's it, nothing else.
Hey, what's it like to not have a soul?


These aren't stone cold assassins, I'm sure they're feeling absolutely gutted about their actions right now.

Besides, don't you people remember 'Sleepers'..? I'm sure their lives are already wrecked, I fail to see how adding prison-sex to the mix will make anyone feel better.
Fusebox said:
These aren't stone cold assassins, I'm sure they're feeling absolutely gutted about their actions right now.

Besides, don't you people remember 'Sleepers'..? I'm sure their lives are already wrecked, I fail to see how adding prison-sex to the mix will make anyone feel better.
In a perfect world both of them would be both psychologically and physically ruined forever, so in that sense, yes prison rape could help both of them.


Hmm, I just don't see enough malicious intent behind the act to warrant that kind of punishment. Just imo of course.
Mercury Fred said:
In a perfect world both of them would be both psychologically and physically ruined forever, so in that sense, yes prison rape could help both of them.

It's a bit strong. It was a prank gone wrong, and someone couldn't handle it. Stuff like this happens all the time and people don't off themselves over it. They are gonna get possibly 5 years and their lives are likely going to be ruined anyways.


ChocolateCupcakes said:
That doesnt mean much, there is still a sizeable amount of people who are anti-gay or phobic and there are lots of Catholics and stuff.

Guess them black folks out to end their lives too, I hear the US is racist!

As for the topic in question, really sad stuff. I think the ones guilty of having done this deserve no sympathy whatsoever and harsh sentences. I don't give a fuck that no one would care if he didn't kill himself. I never go out of my way to insult, mock, or humiliate others. Only a sick mind would do so. I got no respect whatsoever for such people.

apana said:
What does being Indian have to do with it?

He's Indian himself so you can't call him racist! Better luck next time!
BattleMonkey said:
It's a bit strong. It was a prank gone wrong, and someone couldn't handle it. Stuff like this happens all the time and people don't off themselves over it. They are gonna get possibly 5 years and their lives are likely going to be ruined anyways.
It was pointed bullying designed to target someone who obviously was having a tough time figuring out who he was. They deserve to be ruined, in my opinion.
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