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Rutgers Univ. student jumps off bridge after his makeout session is secretly taped...

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My biggest takeaway from the whole thing is that it's incredibly unfortunate that as a society homosexuality is still perceived so negatively that this kid felt the need to kill himself as a result of the incident. While it was certainly a mean, inappropriate and illegal thing to do, you would hope that an incident like this would simply be an embarrassing road bump in someone's life, as opposed to the catalyst to end it.

And just to get the avatar quoting out of the way:



NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
ccbfan said:
This could be 2 count of felony murder depending on the state.

When I was taking a law class the professor stated if you rob a store and somebody falls off a ladder and dies because you caused shock to him can lead you to felony murder charges.
This could never be a murder.

Unless its proven that the two had mind control powers and willed the guy into killing himself.


Mercury Fred said:
In a perfect world both of them would be both psychologically and physically ruined forever, so in that sense, yes prison rape could help both of them.
:lol :lol :lol


Survives without air, food, or water
Mercury Fred said:
It was pointed bullying designed to target someone who obviously was having a tough time figuring out who he was..

...Do we know that? It appears we are speculating quite heavily here.

Mercury Fred said:
They deserve to be ruined, in my opinion.

I just... I don't understand. Why? What could possibly be gained? Are we completely dismissing the idea he could be a stupid asshole college kid NOW but a reasonably respectful adult LATER? Kids being insufferable pricks is nothing new. The end result of this situation was incredibly unfortunate, but neither intended nor forseen by the kids who taped it.

Try them for their crimes, then let them try and salvage themselves some kind of future.


cit2mo is clearly disturbed by the disregard for his privacy—and the bigoted disgust—shown by both his roommate and the people commenting on his roommate's Facebook page "with things like 'how did you manage to go back in there?' 'are you ok?'"

how do those comments count as bigotry? sounds more like "oh shit what if he finds you in there messing with his shit"

EDIT: on finishing the article, how did the dude go from calmly handling this to outright suicide :/
No, they're bigoted.

Even though the campus is outwardly liberal, from personal experience I know this is not an accurate picture. There was a homophobic undercurrent at the school when I was there, and that was only 5 years ago.

Remember, this is the school that spawned James O'Keefe.


I am Korean.
Mystic Theurge said:
You don't think sometime in jail--an American jail--is a severe punishment?
I can't see how it could qualify as severe punishment. You don't die as a result. You're mildly inconvenienced for a few years.


magnificent83 said:
Very strange. That's definitely him and he seemed to be stable, but forum posts only show so much. He seems to be under the impression though that he only thought his roommate was watching it live and not recording it.

Has it been confirmed that it was recorded or streamed over the internet for others to see?

Freshmaker said:
I can't see how it could qualify as severe punishment. You don't die as a result. You're mildly inconvenienced for a few years.
Are you implying an eye for an eye?


BigAT said:
He comes off as shockingly calm, rational and under control for someone that committed suicide just 24 hours later. It seems like he was taking absolutely the correct steps to rectify the problem in a mature manner, I can't imagine what happened in the interim to cause him to end his life.

Probably a dispute with his room mate, or insults thrown his way, then deciding to kill himself.

Or worst it was murder, but extremely unlikely considering what has been said so far.
Prine said:
no. Thier intent was not to kill.
Nah, people will see them and think "Oh it's those creepy webcam people who were responsible for that kid's death." Murderers.

Pseudo_Sam said:
I just... I don't understand. Why? What could possibly be gained? Are we completely dismissing the idea he could be a stupid asshole college kid NOW but a reasonably respectful adult LATER? Kids being insufferable pricks is nothing new. The end result of this situation was incredibly unfortunate, but neither intended nor forseen by the kids who taped it.

Try them for their crimes, then let them try and salvage themselves some kind of future.
Do you honestly believe these freaks will be anything other than sociopaths from here on out. I'm sorry, but :lol

El Sloth

NobleXenon said:
Oh. I'll admit it was a hyperbole, but still, his life pretty much ended that night regardless. It takes a lot for someone to off themselves like this. If his parents and friends were homophobic and found out about him live on the net, this kid would pretty much be disowned and feel dead.

I disagree completely. His social and family life pretty as he knew it pretty much ended, yes, but that doesn't mean he didn't any choices other than suicide. And it took a lot for him to off himself? No, he took the easy way out of a tough situation. I won't pretend to know what his life was like, but there are always other choices than suicide. Always. Edit: I should probably mention that I'm speaking if you're a young adult/college student. I don't how it is to be a terminally ill patient/slave/prisoner nor will I pretend to.

Mercury Fred said:
In a perfect world both of them would be both psychologically and physically ruined forever, so in that sense, yes prison rape could help both of them.

You want to punish a crime with a even more heinous crime? Screw you.


giga said:
Very strange. That's definitely him and he seemed to be stable, but forum posts only show so much. He seems to be under the impression though that he only thought his roommate was watching it live and not recording it.

Has it been confirmed that it was recorded or streamed over the internet for others to see?
To the best of my knowledge it's all but confirmed that he watched it using iChat and had others connect to his video chat. I'm not an Apple user, so I don't really have a clue on the capabilities of the program. What is the maximum number of connections at any given time? Can you record off of it?


Mercury Fred said:
Do you honestly believe these freaks will be anything other than sociopaths from here on out. I'm sorry, but :lol

You're over-reacting way too much. They may have shown extremely poor judgement, even considering their young age, but they weren't exactly strangling kittens dude. It was a horrible prank gone bad, not sociopaths in training.


I am Korean.
giga said:
Has it been confirmed that it was recorded or streamed over the internet for others to see?
Are you implying an eye for an eye?
No. I'm saying prison isn't a big deal. I don't know why anyone would be upset about going to prison. You just gotta man up, and everything is fine. No social stigmas for an ex con, and aside from having someone else watch you take a crap, shower etc... Eh.

So you can't leave. It's no different than having a job really. I totally don't understand why anyone would even care about going to prison at all. It's more like a meaningless prank than something bad.

(Or, ITT: Derp.)
Fusebox said:
You're over-reacting way too much. They may have shown extremely poor judgement, even considering their young age, but they weren't exactly strangling kittens dude. It was a horrible prank gone bad, not sociopaths in training.
Not really.

If they had just randomly taped a random person and broadcast it, I'd agree that it's just a prank. This was about terrorizing and trying to humiliate some kid because he was making out with a dude. Sick. And yes, it does make them sociopaths.


El Sloth said:
I disagree completely. His social and family life pretty as he knew it pretty much ended, yes, but that doesn't mean he didn't any choices other than suicide. And it took a lot for him to off himself? No, he took the easy way out of a tough situation. I won't pretend to know what his life was like, but there are always other choices than suicide. Always.

Textbook answer. Life is not as pretty as you think everywhere. Sometimes suicide can be the only solution. Let's say you have a terminal disease that seriously impair your nervous system. Everyday you suffer unbearable pain and you need your family to wipe your ass because you can't do it yourself. You're in pain and a burden to everyone and you would say that there is always a solution? My God, some people are so full of themselve.


El Sloth said:
I disagree completely. His social and family life pretty as he knew it pretty much ended, yes, but that doesn't mean he didn't any choices other than suicide. And it took a lot for him to off himself? No, he took the easy way out of a tough situation. I won't pretend to know what his life was like, but there are always other choices than suicide. Always.

You want to punish a crime with a even more heinous crime? Screw you.

What in the world are you arguing about? How can you not comprehend that some people can, when in a certain situation, feel so hopeless that they prefer to end their lives rather than continue to live in suffering?

It's pretty fucking simple. Who said he "had no choice"? How many fucking bad choices did you make in your life? You can't accept that people sometimes need others to not fall into complete depression?

Seriously some people are acting like they're invincible. It's easy to say someone who kills himself is a coward, but how often do people have to deal with your shit attitude because of your own cowardice? How often do you insult others, lash out at them, either aloud or simply in your head? How often do you blame others, how often do you lie to them?

That's all cowardice, and cowardice projected onto other people. It just isn't as noticeable as suicide, but it's even more insidious. It's cowardice you hide even from yourself, that makes you king coward really.


Survives without air, food, or water
Mercury Fred said:
Do you honestly believe these freaks will be anything other than sociopaths from here on out. I'm sorry, but :lol

Good lawd, they're college douchebags. This kind of shit (the recording, not the suicide) happens all the time at major universities. That's not to defend their actions, of course - they should be tried for the crimes they committed. But that you can so casually and confidently wish them a lifetime of suffering is appalling.


Mercury Fred said:
If they had just randomly taped a random person and broadcast it, I'd agree that it's just a prank. This was about terrorizing and trying to humiliate some kid because he was making out with a dude. Sick. And yes, it does make them sociopaths.
they didn't know he was gay until the first recording/stream

also, I like how because he was gay it makes it go from prank to fucking hate crime :lol
El Sloth said:
I disagree completely. His social and family life pretty as he knew it pretty much ended, yes, but that doesn't mean he didn't any choices other than suicide. And it took a lot for him to off himself? No, he took the easy way out of a tough situation. I won't pretend to know what his life was like, but there are always other choices than suicide. Always.

You want to punish a crime with a even more heinous crime? Screw you.

Eh, I guess. I don't really want to get into the "meaning of life" or "quality of life" or whatever. I guess I can be thankful that I'm prodominately white, heterosexual male that doesn't have to deal with these social issues.


Cuban Legend said:
I like coming into these threads. They allow us to see who on GAF has lost their minds and who is still sane. :lol

You're the dick who called the guy who committed suicide a weakling. Shut the fuck up.
Pseudo_Sam said:
Good lawd, they're college douchebags. This kind of shit (the recording, not the suicide) happens all the time at major universities. That's not to defend their actions, of course - they should be tried for the crimes they committed. But that you can so casually and confidently wish them a lifetime of suffering is appalling.
A "college douchebag" is someone who drinks too much and vomits all over someone's door. No, these are people that don't mind harassing someone to death. I'm appalled that you're equating them with a couple of normal people getting fucked up and playing beer pong.

Jenga said:
they didn't know he was gay until the first recording/stream
Yes, genius. Why do you think the second recording even happened?


Jenga said:
they didn't know he was gay until the first recording/stream

also, I like how because he was gay it makes it go from prank to fucking hate crime :lol

Pretty sure they figured he was gay before that moment you know, with inviting a guy over and all.

And yes it makes it a hate crime since they humiliated him BECAUSE he is gay.
firehawk12 said:
This is the sad truth. Although I do wish that these people would be made an example of in some manner.

Not Necessarily.

Laramie, Wyoming still conjures up one thing:

Matthew Shepard.


Freshmaker said:

No. I'm saying prison isn't a big deal. I don't know why anyone would be upset about going to prison. You just gotta man up, and everything is fine. No social stigmas for an ex con, and aside from having someone else watch you take a crap, shower etc... Eh.

So you can't leave. It's no different than having a job really. I totally don't understand why anyone would even care about going to prison at all. It's more like a meaningless prank than something bad.

(Or, ITT: Derp.)
What would be an adequate punishment?

"You just gotta man up". I wonder how many times that advice has been given in this thread.


Ether_Snake said:
Pretty sure they figured he was gay before that moment you know, with inviting a guy over and all.
Clementi didn't mention whether or not he explicitly told his roommate that he was bringing a guy over, just that he wanted the room to himself
Salazar said:
You're the dick who called the guy who committed suicide a weakling. Shut the fuck up.
If you are in the mental state far away enough from sanity and reason to actually not just think of suicide but actually go through with committing the act of suicide on yourself, then you are mentally weak.

I'm only being logical with my thoughts on this situation, can't you see that? I mean no harm on or anyone distraught over the situation brought to light by this thread, why do you curse at me?


Wow, Ravi and Wei are from Plainsboro and Princeton Junction respectively. VERY close to where I live. Not surprised they're from there either.


I am Korean.
sangreal said:
Are you serious? Try getting a well paying job
Well paying jobs? That's easy. Just go to ITT Tech.

Besides, you really don't need much money anyway. Anyone that gets upset over going to prison should totally man up. It's no biggie. In fact, someone who gets worried over going to prison is a humorless coward.


Mercury Fred said:
A "college douchebag" is someone who drinks too much and vomits all over someone's door. No, these are people that don't mind harassing someone to death.

Someone who drinks too much and vomits all over someone's door is actually called a college 'student'. These two may have been douchebags, but they didn't 'harass someone to death' by any definition of the word.
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