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Rutgers Univ. student jumps off bridge after his makeout session is secretly taped...

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Ether_Snake said:
Pretty sure they figured he was gay before that moment you know, with inviting a guy over and all.

And yes it makes it a hate crime since they humiliated him BECAUSE he is gay.

In America, are gay people the biggest target for hate crimes? I remember the statistics were high a couple of years ago, before the federal hates crimes law applied it to other states, probably increasing the numbers because of an expanded pool. Just curious.


NobleXenon said:
In America, are gay people the biggest target for hate crimes? I remember the statistics were high a couple of years ago, before the federal hates crimes law applied it to other states, probably increasing the numbers because of an expanded pool. Just curious.

No, I'm pretty sure that title still belongs to blacks and possibly mexicans. Gay hate crimes are extremely rare.
Cuban Legend said:
If you are in the mental state far away enough from sanity and reason to actually not just think of suicide but actually go through with committing the act of suicide on yourself, then you are mentally weak.

I'm only being logical with my thoughts on this situation, can't you see that? I mean no harm on or anyone distraught over the situation brought to light by this thread, why do you curse at me?
I suppose a mentally ill person is mentally weak in the same way a cancer patient is physically weak. The error in this way of thinking, of course, is that both mental illness and cancer are biological problems; we are fortunate that science has evolved beyond Descarte's dualism. The mind and the brain do not form a dichotomous relationship.

Anyway, most people associate mental toughness with one's ability to endure mental anguish, and those with mental illnesses deal with far more mental anguish than the average person by simple virtue of their having a mental illness. I would that those who deal with constant thoughts of death, self-hatred, etc. are very mentally tough, even though their minds are ill as hell. Living with that kind of an illness is likely incomprehensible to those who haven't experienced it.


Survives without air, food, or water
Mercury Fred said:
A "college douchebag" is someone who drinks too much and vomits all over someone's door. No, these are people that don't mind harassing someone to death. I'm appalled that you're equating them with a couple of normal people getting fucked up and playing beer pong.

1) The phrase "harassed to death", while technically accurate, implies they meant for this kid to kill himself, which is insane.

2) Yes, these are textbook college douchebags. This stuff happens in college. Again, not condoning, just explaining. I don't know what else to say... did you go to a major university?

Jim Stark

Neo Member
FlawlessCowboy said:
The world is cruel. Some people need to toughen up.

News at 11.

Honestly? I sorta agree with this, but I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I don't think people should retreat and internalize their pain. I would sleep soundly if I opened this thread and the result was him gunning both of those students down.


I am Korean.
Fusebox said:
Someone who drinks too much and vomits all over someone's door is actually called a college 'student'. These two may have been douchebags, but they didn't 'harass someone to death' by any definition of the word.
Would he be dead now if they hadn't live streamed his personal business?
Fusebox said:
Someone who drinks too much and vomits all over someone's door is actually called a college 'student'. These two may have been douchebags, but they didn't 'harass someone to death' by any definition of the word.
Well, you can parse it anyway you like. The fact is, they're responsible for another human being's death. Gosh, with wacky college hijinks like that, maybe they can get their own reality show!


Freshmaker said:
Well paying jobs? That's easy. Just go to ITT Tech.

Besides, you really don't need much money anyway. Anyone that gets upset over going to prison should totally man up. It's no biggie. In fact, someone who gets worried over going to prison is a humorless coward.

Oh sorry, I thought we were having a real discussion. Forgive me.

Freshmaker said:
Would he be dead now if they hadn't live streamed his personal business?

They didn't manage to stream anything
Mercury Fred said:
Well, you can parse it anyway you like. The fact is, they're responsible for another human being's death. Gosh, with wacky college hijinks like that, maybe they can get their own reality show!
No, we are all responsible for our own lives.
Yeah I don't know why I am so disturbed by this. From what I can tell first time was an accident. Second time the whole thing got shot down. From gwaker he went to the RA and probably the residence director for the building which are usually psychology grad student to have this issue delt with. So between that day and the next something happened that cause him even further harm.

You know what sucks going away to college and having to live with some one you don't know. But when I was there they had this program where you could match yourself with a room mate and meet them.


Professional Schmuck
funkmastergeneral said:
He's potentially going to jail because he secretly taped someone having sex, which is against the law. He's not getting charged because the kid jumped off a bridge.

I don't believe that. That's certainly the legal justification, but nobody gives a shit if the dude transfers to Boston College instead of killing himself.


Super Member
derder said:
You guys are overreacting.

Imagine if everything was the same except he was recorded masturbating to furry porn--or worse, he was wearing a furry costume.

This bloodlust would be replaced with gifs and :lol.
You would most likely be right. But does that make it okay? Does the term "furfag" differentiate itself from "faggot"? Or is using "furfag" not exhibiting the same behavior?

There were times when GAF users may have (or not) crossed the line (Jeff Bell, FeoNAG, LiveJasmin) depending on how you view these issues, they can be not serious or even funny.

"NeoGAF respects your privacy."

I forgot whether Detective GAF was mentioned in the FAQ but it's not there/I couldn't find it, so there's the first line of the Privacy Policy. Two of the incidents I mentioned involved info-digging, and LiveJasmin was a (kind of) fun thread that turned shitty.

Should it be policed? Hopefully, a lot of people can judge for themselves (and indeed that's what people should be doing) but obviously some people can't.

That's why things like this happen. Someone told them (or showed them) that it was okay to harass someone for any reason. Skeptics in this thread are right that it isn't entirely the roommates' fault.

And as awesome and funny as the Jeff Bell incident was, some people were punished.

El Sloth

Vamphuntr said:
Textbook answer. Life is not as pretty as you think everywhere. Sometimes suicide can be the only solution. Let's say you have a terminal disease that seriously impair your nervous system. Everyday you suffer unbearable pain and you need your family to wipe your ass because you can't do it yourself. You're in pain and a burden to everyone and you would say that there is always a solution? My God, some people are so full of themselves.

I don't have a good answer for this. I won't pretend to know how a terminally ill patient would feel, I was mostly talking from the view point of a college student/young adult. Sorry, I should have probably clarified. I tend to get heated and dumb when the conversation turns to suicides, but that insult at the end wasn't necessary, dude.

Ether_Snake said:
What in the world are you arguing about? How can you not comprehend that some people can, when in a certain situation, feel so hopeless that they prefer to end their lives rather than continue to live in suffering?

It's pretty fucking simple. Who said he "had no choice"? How many fucking bad choices did you make in your life? You can't accept that people sometimes need others to not fall into complete depression?

Seriously some people are acting like they're invincible. It's easy to say someone who kills himself is a coward, but how often do people have to deal with your shit attitude because of your own cowardice? How often do you insult others, lash out at them, either aloud or simply in your head? How often do you blame others, how often do you lie to them?

That's all cowardice, and cowardice projected onto other people. It just isn't as noticeable as suicide, but it's even more insidious. It's cowardice you hide even from yourself, that makes you king coward really.

Not sure what you're getting at here, honestly. I know I'm not invincible, especially lately when I've become more aware of my mortality due to recent events. Signed myself up to be an organ donor just last week actually. You're post is really confusing me, I guess I'm a coward? Whatever I ain't got no time to keep arguing over the internet over an issue people will forget in a week and then go back to laughing at cat gifs(me included).

This will teach me to come into news threads and share my opinions and challenge the opinions of others again.


NobleXenon said:
In America, are gay people the biggest target for hate crimes? I remember the statistics were high a couple of years ago, before the federal hates crimes law applied it to other states, probably increasing the numbers because of an expanded pool. Just curious.
From the FBI's website:
Of the 7,780 single-bias incidents reported in 2008:

51.3 percent were racially motivated.
19.5 percent were motivated by religious bias.
16.7 percent stemmed from sexual-orientation bias.
11.5 percent resulted from ethnicity/national origin bias.
1.0 percent were motivated by disability bias.
And 72.6% of the race crimes were "anti-black bias" crimes. So, unfortunately, African-Americans are still BY FAR the biggest target for hate crimes.

PantherLotus said:
I don't believe that. That's certainly the legal justification, but nobody gives a shit if the dude transfers to Boston College instead of killing himself.
I'm inclined to agree with you.


Professional Schmuck
Mercury Fred said:
I agree. When people get shot, it's their own fault for not dodging the bullet that's flying toward their forehead.

Oh, come now, MF. Nobody pushed the poor guy off the bridge. This act was reprehensible, but he's not responsible for his death.
Mercury Fred said:
I agree. When people get shot, it's their own fault for not dodging the bullet that's flying toward their forehead.
I must have misread the part of the article where the assholes pushed this guy off the bridge.

They are not responsible for his death. He is. That doesn't mean they escape punishment. And it doesn't mean he was a "mental weakling" or whatever else you want to describe him as. But his decision to end his life was his own. No one made him do it.


I am Korean.
PantherLotus said:
Oh, come now, MF. Nobody pushed the poor guy off the bridge. This act was reprehensible, but he's not responsible for his death.
They merely caused it. Totally different.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Freshmaker said:
They merely caused it. Totally different.

The kid even went and changed his facebook status before he jumped.


Freshmaker said:
They merely caused it. Totally different.

Eh, we're treading a thin line between having personal responsibility and being a product of our environment.

What caused him to possibly jump off a bridge is his own decision. He decided that was the best way to deal with his problems.


I am Korean.
DY_nasty said:
I think you folks are missing a rather major issue here while defending the "prank". You're acting like the guy would've killed himself regardless. Fact is, no invasion of privacy = no suicide.

So yes, they caused his death.


Professional Schmuck
Don't you dare suggest I'm defending that reprehensible prank. That's irresponsible posting, and Hito can call me w/e he wants, I won't stand for it.

Freshmaker said:
They merely caused it. Totally different.

Well, that's actually a good question. Did this asstard's actions actually cause it?


Freshmaker said:
I think you folks are missing a rather major issue here while defending the "prank". You're acting like the guy would've killed himself regardless. Fact is, no invasion of privacy = no suicide.

So yes, they caused his death.
You don't know that. Maybe he had been struggling with his homosexuality for some time and this was merely an incident that accelerated what was the inevitable end to his conflicted life?

Of course I don't know whether that was or wasn't the case either, obviously. That's kind of my point. But don't go making assumptions where you clearly aren't in a position to do so.


Freshmaker said:
Fact is, no invasion of privacy = no suicide.

We don't know what other personal problems he was struggling with at the time, or what kind of mental issues he may have been predisposed to.

I'm putting it on record now:

If I ever jump off a bridge because I have a disproportionate emotional reaction to an event, it's my fault, and not the fault of anybody else.
I don't think half the people in this thread went to college. College is supposed be one of the best parts of your life, you make friends there that last a life time. Stuff like this shouldn't happen. I just want to know what motavated him to commit suidcide and how they can prevent it.

I know for a fact rutgers takes this stuff very seriously they have special interest housing on college ave explictivily for students that feel like they will be harassed for there gender race or sexuality.

I think three lives were ruined and that's a shame.
Fusebox said:
Has this thread really sunk this far already? :lol
Oh I'm sorry.

The two who did this are just a couple of all-American, fun loving college pranksters that deserve, at most, a slap on the wrist.

Am I doing it right?
Freshmaker said:
I think you folks are missing a rather major issue here while defending the "prank". You're acting like the guy would've killed himself regardless. Fact is, no invasion of privacy = no suicide.

So yes, they caused his death.
So, basically, anyone who's had their privacy invaded is automatically given an out to commit suicide? :lol

i remember my first year how a friend of mine found out his room-mate had secretly taped my friend's gf and himself having sex. The university DB kicked the room-mate out of school and from what I remembered he couldn`t get into better universities béc it was on his record. Sad this wasn`t the situation for this story but the conspirators are getting rightfully what they deserve.


I am Korean.
BigAT said:
You don't know that. Maybe he had been struggling with his homosexuality for some time and this was merely an incident that accelerated what was the inevitable end to his conflicted life?

Of course I don't know whether that was or wasn't the case either, obviously. That's kind of my point. But don't go making assumptions where you clearly aren't in a position to do so.
Thing is, I'm right.
FlawlessCowboy said:
So, basically, anyone who's had their privacy invaded is automatically given an out to commit suicide? :lol

Not much of an "out" since the person in question is now dead.

It's impossibly stupid to claim that publicly humiliating someone doesn't in any way contribute to that person later committing suicide however. Actions have consequences, and things don't just happen for no reason.


Professional Schmuck
Mercury Fred said:
Oh I'm sorry.

The two who did this are just a couple of all-American, fun loving college pranksters that deserve, at most, a slap on the wrist.

Am I doing it right?

MF, you're not even being rational dude! Do you even know why it's called suicide (and not murder)?
PantherLotus said:
MF, you're not even being rational dude! Do you even know why it's called suicide (and not murder)?
There are a lot of people here defending the two as some kind of light pranksters when it seems obvious to me that they targeted someone they felt they could hurt.


Freshmaker said:
I think you folks are missing a rather major issue here while defending the "prank". You're acting like the guy would've killed himself regardless. Fact is, no invasion of privacy = no suicide.

So yes, they caused his death.

We don't know that. For sure the ''prank'' didn't help. I think having to live with the fact that your prank led to someone dying is a harsh enough punishment on top of the invasion of privacy charges.


Freshmaker said:
Thing is, I'm right.

Based on...? Now that we know there was no broadcast you're left with a tweet saying that he saw his roommate kiss a dude. Grounds for a new roommate and/or criminal case certainly, but suicide? From a guy that does public pornographic cam shows? I don't get the impression from his postings that his sexuality was a secret but either way he comes off as pissed, not humiliated.

The fact is he didn't leave any information as to what contributed to his suicide. He mentions being an entrepreneur, maybe his businesses went poorly. Maybe he hated school. Only 3/50 kids in his class even knew who he was, not a good sign for someone adjusting well to college. Maybe the RA didn't do enough to help him (does this make the RA a murderer too?). Maybe all of the above. I have no idea, and neither do you.
Two immature kids pulled off an insensitive prank without thinking of the potential consequences. They're annoying freshmen, just like thousands of others in America. I sense a strong racist undercurrent in those condemning them as anything more.


sangreal said:
Now that we know there was no broadcast you're left with a tweet saying that he saw his roommate kiss a dude. Grounds for a new roommate and/or criminal case certainly, but suicide? From a guy that does public pornographic cam shows?

If he was in fact 'cit2mo' then this is a very interesting point.


Mercury Fred said:
There are a lot of people here defending the two as some kind of light pranksters when it seems obvious to me that they targeted someone they felt they could hurt.

Pranks can still be felonies. The crime they committed is a minor felony. You are espousing that they be treated as first or second degree felony perps. You're the one making the leap, not the people treating the case for what it is.

As far as their "intent", you have no viable way of proving that. Nor are you in any position to pretend like you do and scold others that don't see it your way.


I am Korean.
sangreal said:
Based on...?
Not being wrong.

Now that we know there was no broadcast you're left with a tweet saying that he saw his roommate kiss a dude.
He was also blatantly trying to set up a live stream of the next encounter.

The fact is he didn't leave any information as to what contributed to his suicide. He mentions being an entrepreneur, maybe his businesses went poorly. Maybe he hated school. Only 3/50 kids in his class even knew who he was, not a good sign for someone adjusting well to college. Maybe the RA didn't do enough to help him (does this make the RA a murderer too?). Maybe all of the above. I have no idea, and neither do you.
Sure I do.

But yah, brah, I totally dig this whole let's get utterly lost in a sea of mindless relativism where even a clear crime doesn't necessitate punishment line of thought. It's liberating to find that no asshole has ever done anything wrong.

Vamphuntr said:
We don't know that. For sure the ''prank'' didn't help. I think having to live with the fact that your prank led to someone dying is a harsh enough punishment on top of the invasion of privacy charges.
You're doing it wrong. You're also supposed to be pissed that they are potentially facing criminal charges.


voodoojohn said:
Two immature kids pulled off an insensitive prank without thinking of the potential consequences. They're annoying freshmen, just like thousands of others in America. I sense a strong racist undercurrent in those condemning them as anything more.

bunch of anti-indian and chinese bigotry

Jim Stark

Neo Member
voodoojohn said:
Two immature kids pulled off an insensitive prank without thinking of the potential consequences. They're annoying freshmen, just like thousands of others in America. I sense a strong racist undercurrent in those condemning them as anything more.


It's always about race, huh? What happened to just good old fashioned hatred?


voodoojohn said:
Two immature kids pulled off an insensitive prank without thinking of the potential consequences. They're annoying freshmen, just like thousands of others in America. I sense a strong racist undercurrent in those condemning them as anything more.
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