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Drive Club - LATEST Footage High Quality Download (May 16)


I guess I have an excuse for coming last in every race


I'll be doing that as well.


That depends on personal preference, no? Not sure how adding a "period" at the end of your post was necessary.

I played the shit out of Blur and it's one of my favorite racers from last gen, joining the ranks of some other overlooked racers like Split/Second. I've seen enough of PGR4 to know you're comparing apples and oranges. One one hand, we've got the off-road racing in jungles, valleys, and islands of Motorstorm. On the other, you've got buildings, which I find less interesting.
Oh the period definitely wasn't necessary, I just tend to become more absolute when talking about (IMO) the racer with the best looking environments last-gen :) I think comparisons can absolutely be done though, and for me there's nothing that makes any of the Motorstorm titles' environments look more realistic than that in PGR4's. And IMO doing realistic is a lot more impressive than doing fantastic/bombastic titles because there's less going on to distract you from them.

Obviously I don't want to turn this into a pissing match and I know Motorstorm was a fantastic looking game, I just want to show you where I'm coming from :)
My apologies for coming off a little too aggressive there. Like I said, I have a tendency to get a little over-enthusiastic :)


I guess I have an excuse for coming last in every race
Oh, I'm pretty sure that with such a feature, I'll be "coming" first.

Holy Fuck. I just got to download this and give it a watch. Hands down, best looking racer I've seen - possibly best looking game period.


I downloaded the video and man I'm in utter awe. They knocked it out of the park, especially with their lighting and modeling.

and this makes me want a new MotorStorm so bad.


How about looking around with head tracking using the PS camera?

They had said there were no plans at launch. But that was prior to the delay. Will tweet and see if we can get an answer

That's still a pretty solid number. I still really want to see the snowy mountains track most of all. I mean, that track just looks bonkers.

Yeah 25 unique track is more than I'd expected. Looks like each unique track is a different region, so we should be getting some good variety as well. I think they plan to show the snowy mountains next

Oh, I'm pretty sure that with such a feature, I'll be "coming" first.




There is something really ugly in this footage. The Pagani interior is atrocious, I mean the actual car.


Oh BTW, I don't know if it's in this video as well, but in one of the others w/ 30x time speed, the clock on the dashboard moves 30x quicker <3


I'm not a fan of the design, at all. It just kills the car for me.

I kind of agree, the steampunk interior does not match the sexy futuristic exterior of the car at all. I would still drive the fuck out of one though.

are the distant mountains part of the skybox?

I don't think that's possible with the lightning engine. They need geometry to realistically react to the time of day.


The shakey-cam when you're in chase view needs to die in a fire. I find it intensely distracting, and it almost give the impression of frame rate judder.

Everything else looks gorgeous.
Everybody is praising Evolution for the visuals and sense of speed, which is understandable, but.the real hero seems to be the handling. Honestly, I didn't expect it to look this fun...

The sense of speed and the sense of the "feel" of the track are pretty awesome though. Looks like you can feel every woop and hole in the track.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I've lost count how many times I've replayed the clip. It just looks and sounds damn good. I like the hectic nature of the gameplay too.

I know l sound like a broken record but if they refine the motion blur/line aliasing it's just going to look fabulous. I just hope Evo have picked up on this lol.


Looks pretty damn good.

Only one thing I wish it had: storms.

I'd love to race during heavy rain and snowstorms.

Still though, they nailed the weather lighting perfectly. It looks fantastic.


The shakey-cam when you're in chase view needs to die in a fire. I find it intensely distracting, and it almost give the impression of frame rate judder.

Everything else looks gorgeous.

No no no! Please Evo don't listen to this nan lol. The shakiness adds to the immersion factor and sense of speed. I want it to feel aggressive and powerful and almost like you're trying to tame the beast.

are the distant mountains part of the skybox?

Doubt it. They're probably part of the level geometry. The sky itself has proper volumetric clouds that are affected by light, so it's not like your typical racing game where everything above is just a skybox.


This really exceeded my expectations! It's almost unbelievable. I want to see what a new motor storm would look like from them.


The latest footage is really great.

I was one of those complaining and although I still think the previous 2 aren't as good, they do look a LOT better now I've watched them on the TV rather than the laptop (the night one still looks a bit shitty though imo although like another poster said, I can now see the reflections inside the dash as well as other details which improve it much more. I can even now compare them in quality to this latest footage, the only difference being the track/day etc).

This latest track though shows more nuance. The track has an uneven road with little jumps and interesting lines which makes it look exciting to drive on - the great vista helps too!

The handling and Ai look absolutely great! It really seems like you might have to fight to win! The track design on this latest footage fills me with excitement and I can't wait to see the rest of them (hope there are some city tracks).

When you look at the motion blur and the trees on this latest footage, I really think they are close to nailing the oficial gameplay trailer - Well done EVO!

I absolutely love the windscreen reflections and after playing F355 on the Dreamcast and once seeing a zoomed in GT5 screenshot which only really showed the windscreen, I've always longed for 'that dash' view - ITS PERFECT and I'm so grateful that EVO can see the importance of such a view. Brilliant! :) Why has no-one else ever done this? Mind boggles (looking at you GT5 - could have saved a mass amount of time if this was the only 'cockpit' type of view).


1. Framerate is very janky and NOT smooth ENOUGH. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.DEFINITELY NEEDS WORK.

2. Aliasing isn't half as bad as I thought cos it's mainly power lines and other bits along with a bit of dithering and an occasional pop up (but looks a lot worse at night) but IT

If they can sort this for launch, I'll be very happy and excited and I'll even preorder if they say they are addressing this and gonna sort it, especially after them saying they are doing so in the past (framerate and AA especially iirc).

If they can provide weather I'll be buzzing my tits off!

If they can somehow (I know its a long shot and not to do with them) Logitech wheel support (GT25), my mind will be BLOWN!

Either way, I'm now looking at close to a day 1 and almost a pre-order :)


Game looks great, though it's a shame but I think the video bitrate is not good enough, it still murders a lot of detail, still much better than a shitty yooutube video. What I find strange is that the Chile gameplay on gamersyde and on that Sony site from last year, provided better quality than the new ones.


I'm pretty sure that's supposed to simulate the imperfect reflections from the paint flakes, i.e. the reflection is in fact processed to look like that.
I think he's talking about the blocks around the edges of the reflection. I could be wrong, though.
my god, the amount of 3D foliage in this game in unbelievable - is that entire mountainside comprised of actual, polygon based trees?
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