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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best

Also, to add something more than bullplop to the debate, I love the controls in Amalur. Never had any issues targeting, my sorcerer fucks shit up.

I remember Fable II combat being good but I don't think it would compare. I'm not willing to go back to it though to find out, I'd rather just remember the good times when Lionhead made good Fable games.


amalur is so much like an mmo its not funny

also in the NRL states the cricket will not be shown live next Friday even though Australia is playing



David D Posted at 10:10 AM February 16, 2012
There's a job at Sydney and Melbourne Heart awaiting Miron. You wasted your time on the laughing stock that is Gold Coast United. Clive Palmer will close the gates this team so noone has to endure watching them again. Wooden spoonders this year and Clive to walk away next year.
Comment 1 of 55

Miron should go to Sydney absolutely. He is perfect for the club with his flair and pizzaz
Wait, not it wasn't.

There was the MMO (Kingdom of Amalur), which is still in development.

When Big Huge Games went under, they bought the game and changed it to fit into the KOA universe, making the RPG a prequel to the MMO.


but ever so delicious
I noticed Jambo posted about Minecraft nearly hitting 5 million owners.

Is it possible that minecraft is the wii equivalent for indie games? As in, It sells a fuck load and people play it for the first week then never touch it again?

I would love to see the daily play numbers from minecraft, If such a thing was even possible.


I'm not the only Christian in the village?

Stackboy, what church do you go to/preach at?

I've been going to a Baptish church for the last 5 years. Really involved. I play in the band, lead a bible study group and just now have completed a sermon course that our pastor took us through. It's quite a small church, about 120 people, but I really value the community we have.

What about you, legend?

Probably one of those mega churches that you loooooooove!

I've visited a couple of evangelist churches lately, to see what all the song and dance is about (literally). It's cool, everyone has a different way.


What cods said. Reckoning isn't an MMO converted into a single player game. It's a single player RPG made by a separate studio from the one making the MMO.

That said, it's structured a lot like an MMO. The combat is more responsive, but I think that's only because it can be due to not having to take ping times into account etc.


We discussed it a couple of days ago.

I think the layout is too crappy for me to bother with, haha.

It's great on iPad, but less than ideal on a desktop, I'd agree. The Age, the Guardian, the NYT, ABC online, the Conversation and now the Global Mail help me not be uninformed. At least now my Gina Rinehart safety net is stronger then ever.


Anybody got any spare US Club Nintendo codes? I want to see if I can requalify for platinum status this year on a new account, but I can only get about half-way on my own steam...
I'll give you mine. I don't use them anyway since I can't be bothered setting up a us account.

I'll try to remember to pm some to you later tonight. Remind me if I forget!


We don't need atheist conventions, we need a truly secular society where it doesn't matter if you're Baptist, Mormon, Muslim, etc. We need to reduce religious interference in public policy (Australian christian lobby) and make laws that aren't based on discriminatory tradition.

When we achieve that, atheist "rage" will be non existent. Hopefully along with honour killings, arranged marriage, homophobia and sectarianism.

We need more religious secularists. Of all persuasions. I know they're out there. :)


Has AusGAF paid much attention to the Global Mail? More great journalism than I have time to keep up with.

Spread the word, this needs more airtime - good quality stuff, very high signal to noise ratio. Biggest problem is finding time to read it all (well, any of it, really).

I wish athiests had a better place to congregate and chat than internet rage forums

Anyone read philosopher Alain de Botton's latest book, or heard him speak on this recently? He largely proposes just that: temples for atheists. 'Temple' could reasonably be exchanged for any other non-religiously-associated term, though, in my opinion, but I hear what he's getting at. He's in the country any minute now, by the way (his Melbourne Town Hall appearance is sadly sold out, if anyone cares).


We don't need atheist conventions, we need a truly secular society where it doesn't matter if you're Baptist, Mormon, Muslim, etc. We need to reduce religious interference in public policy (Australian christian lobby) and make laws that aren't based on discriminatory tradition.

When we achieve that, atheist "rage" will be non existent. Hopefully along with honour killings, arranged marriage, homophobia and sectarianism.

We need more religious secularists. Of all persuasions. I know they're out there. :)

I wasn't really talking about the need for athiest acceptance in society etc or the serious issues related to it. I was just referring to the sense of community that churches and youth groups similar to it generate, which is something I still feel mildly jealous of my more devout friends about.


We need to reduce religious interference in public policy (Australian christian lobby) and make laws that aren't based on discriminatory tradition.

Dare I say it, but 'hallelujah'.

True separation of church and state is a long way off, unfortunately, no matter how formally legislated against it may be. The ACL and others of their kin...<backspace> no, the less said the better there, I think.

I'm constantly floored by the numbers (and strength) of those that are against striving for secularism in this country, though.
Bye Troy McClure. Hello Dubstep Cat.

Turns out my account has been disabled now without me providing permission. Thanks heaps, Nintendo of America!
That really fucking sucks. Region locking gives the shits big time.

Annoying. You would think they would be smart enough to realise that wouldn't be great for me and might ask me if I want to alter my order. :-/
they care about money changing hands. Nothing more.

What is everyone else doing?
Cleaning and organising. Spent the last 6 weeks doing fuck all so now it is time to budget and organise for a wedding (also day to day life). Really shouldn't have put it off to read people bitching on the internet for 5 hours a day.

Besides, I can't target people's balls in Amalur.

Fable 2
Fallout 1 and 2

You also can't fart on someone. Also Bulletstorm had nut shots. Also Eat Lead. You didn't put enough time into that list.

I am going to try to just mainline Amalur, mostly because I hate everything about the world and universe as the most offensively bland fantasy. I fully expect that the game expects you to grind out sidequests before doing the main story, so that'll add a fair bit of challenge most likely. Not that I think the game would benefit from harder enemies.
Curt recommended mainlining the game a few times with different builds and then play a final run doing all the completionist things.

The (lack of) targeting does kinda suck though.
Archery could do with a tuneup on level 2. Aside from that I am very impressed.

amalur is so much like an mmo its not funny
There was the MMO (Kingdom of Amalur), which is still in development.
When Big Huge Games went under, they bought the game and changed it to fit into the KOA universe, making the RPG a prequel to the MMO.
After the buyout of BHG they revamped the game based on what 38 were doing with the MMO. I remember reading that Reckoning was meant to be a first step game into the MMO world so players would feel comfortable with the MMO.

Hopefully BHG can make a RoN2! Bring back Brian from the sleazy fucks at Zynga too while you are at it.

I wish athiests had a better place to congregate and chat than internet rage forums
Wasn't there a big conference this year? I had planned on going but forgot about it. Especially after Hitchens passed away.
Marsh go to the Sony Style stores in the City

they have em

But.....its SO far away. Thought it would be easier if you just fly one to me :D

haha, cool yea we were just discussing it on chat. i have been pretty interested in them for a while now, but quite an expensive release price, think i might sit back and watch the community reaction.


I wasn't really talking about the need for athiest acceptance in society etc or the serious issues related to it. I was just referring to the sense of community that churches and youth groups similar to it generate, which is something I still feel mildly jealous of my more devout friends about.

This. Which is really what (at the risk of repeating myself) de Botton is getting at in 'Religion for Atheists'.

I was raised in a Catholic family, but very early on I realised I couldn't/didn't 'believe', as much as I might've liked, or 'tried' to.

What I probably miss most is the community gathering to listen to a great orator, I think.
*buys 4GB 1st gen iPod Nano in 2006
*same iPod Nano dies in 2010
*Apple swaps it for a 8GB whatever-the-hell-gen-the-current-nano-is in 2012
*pours another drink

So religion.

My wife and I are atheists but her estranged brother is super-catholic. Very devout. Attends a church that does its mass in Latin. We did attend his wedding years ago and it was 2 hours of damn Latin. His linked-in profile photo is an old pic of a catholic bishop.
He's something something to with Linux at a tech company.

Easily the most fucked-up person I've ever met since he's impossible to have any sort of relationship with.

I want to keep Australia secular. Unfortunately, that more or less means armed oppression of all religions.


Bad at the game?

Mine seems to respond perfectly to what i want it to do. I have loved every aspect of what they have done.

I just played like an hour of it.

Magic rarely goes to the enemy that I point the dpad towards, instead it goes to the closest enemy / the enemy that I am currently fighting.

You cannot change targets when you are shooting off arrows until you wait about 2 seconds for your guy to start holstering the bow.

There also seems to be some fairly common variables causing my block to not be as instant as I want it to be. While swinging attacks with no enemies around, when I hit block, the shield comes out instantly. But it feels like when I'm in the middle of attacking enemies, there's a delay pulling out the shield. This leads to me pressing the block button, and half a second later being hit by a bad guy because my shield never came up.

Also, as far as the might tree goes, the moves you get for the greatsword and longsword both aren't that interesting. The longsword has a cool launcher, which the greatsword doesn't have, but even then it feels like I'm just rotating through my three moves over and over again - unlike in fable, where even though your attacks consisted only of an attack, a heavy attack and a block, it felt less like I was dialing in a combo and more making my own way through an encounter.

I am doing a might/finesse build, and it's... okay. There's not really much there for the ranged weapon, though. You get to do more damage with bows, and so far that's about it. I still use the lightning attack they give you in the tutorial, and it's nice to know that move doesn't get rendered completely useless 4 levels in unlike every other RPG.

I don't really get the complaint against Fable that you see everything in one playthough - which is correct, but I never felt the point of the fable games were to experience a move list - mostly because in Amalur you've given the option to straight up respec. The only difference is I have to lock myself out of an older skill set to access a new one, and probably pay some in-game gold. I'd rather just have all the abilities of my choosing awarded based off me actually using the abilities. But instead I've only split myself across two trees, and I'm only good at those abilities because I told the game I want to be good at them.

Also, I'll say it again. Amalur has no personality as a work of fiction. Sure, Fable had poop jokes coming out the ass, but beside that it also had a genuinely charming world to be in. Amalur is just absolutely dry. It's a world of walls of text, bored voice actors, terrible audio mixing and lore only a mother could love.

It puts me in an odd place where I'm not sure what it is about Amalur that should keep me playing it, when I'm obviously not going to enjoy what it presents for a story, but also when I'm not entirely enthralled by the actual game part of it.

I do enjoy the combat, mind you. It just makes me wish it was better.


Also, I'll say it again. Amalur has no personality as a work of fiction. Sure, Fable had poop jokes coming out the ass, but beside that it also had a genuinely charming world to be in. Amalur is just absolutely dry. It's a world of walls of text, bored voice actors, terrible audio mixing and lore only a mother could love.
The lore is decent, it's just presented very poorly. The art has some personality too. The main thing it's missing is memorable or relatable characters. Every single character is an information kiosk. This makes it pretty dry.


It's not formally legislated at all here is it?

Only sorta-kinda, very loosely, in airy-fairy terms that define next to nothing, confused by federal and state differences. Token gestures, really.

Apologies, it was poorly worded on my part - better would've been 'even with legislation, we'd still be a long way from true separation of church state in this country'.

Opens a whole other can of worms, really - our political system, and the 'power' of our independents to strongly push whatever their barrow is full of at their whim.

More importantly, I can't believe there's no free-to-air coverage of the NAB Cup footy this weekend. Our constitution is clearly broken.


@Kritz man i agree about the story, every side quest im just skipping through the dialogue after i read it, its so dry and bland. Im running a Rogue/mage and finding it quite fun, usually using my bow and then coming in with those crazy magic rings.

i can see it keeping my interest for a long time, while the story is bland the combat and loot drops make up for it :D


but ever so delicious
Fuuuuuuuck you apple and your keyboard shortcut placement.

That's the second time i've gone to save and closed the window. I'm sure it was that reddit post about how the Q and W were too close together that i viewed yesterday that's now jinxed my keyboard usage.

It was fine before then!


oh for fuck's sake...

now Mitch Marsh has a fucked up back...

can't remember Geoff having this many injuries....must be Mum's fault!!!
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