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Opus Angelorum said:
I think the flash forward concerning Jack and Kate is actually a double bluff.

Really? I was pretty sure that they confirmed that it's an actual future. You never know though...


Living in a one-dimensional world...
Jeff-DSA said:
-People get left and Jack's conscience gets to him and drives him to drunken regret
Jeff-DSA said:
-Ben really was going to let them go, but the people coming to the island found them and forced them to show them the heading to the island
And this.


I'm pretty sure that the S3 flash-forward is not even close to the end of the timeline...

Also, interesting start to S4 as its up on darkufo, cool beginning :D
armubaba said:
I'm assuming everyone is on Eastern time, so the play-by-play commentary is by that time? West-coasters screwed total. :(

Thats correct, eastern time is when the posts can be made unspoilered. Pacific time people should avoid the thread.

There are a couple of viewers in Canada on Atlantic time who get it a bit earlier. They're usually nice enough to spoiler tag their comments though, although I don't blame them if they don't.

Saying something like "canadian feed starting!!!!" is also a good indicator for everyone else to GTFO of the thread. Im not sure if Canada will get the episodes an hour early this year though.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Kevtones said:
I'm pretty sure that the S3 flash-forward is not even close to the end of the timeline...
Yeah I dont think its near the end of the timeline either. I reckon Jack will evetually find a way back onto the island.
29. "[KOREAN]!"


It was your dumb idea, stupid.

Although this particular Season Three episode does a good job of making the people who complain that the first six episodes of the season focused too much on Jack, Kate, and Sawyer look stupid, it still features one of the tactically brilliant Sayid's dumber ideas.

And so Sun ends up shooting poor Trixie in the chest and gets knocked off the sailboat. But don't get too concerned, Jin. She shouldn't have been on that boat in the first place.

Also, when it comes to yelling in the water, you've got awfully big shoes to fill.


Does anyone listen to podcasts focused on Lost? My faves are Lostcasts, Jay & Jack and The Lost Community.
Milchjon said:
I thought this thread would be updated daily?!?!


I liked the idea and execution of the thread.

I'm going to be doing two big updates until 20 and then go daily again. The bottom third is just too nebulous.

Don't worry. I love it too.


Interesting tidbit revealed on darkufo from a later episode in Season 4:

At an auction place Mr Widmore bids on a prize item from the personal collection of Alvar Hanso : a journal from the Black Rock ship

Ya so anyone know what happens after 8 episodes? That strike is the most depressing thing ever. Is it still possible to finish the next 8 and air them in time? I dont want another huge break.


Kevtones said:
Interesting tidbit revealed on darkufo from a later episode in Season 4:

At an auction place Mr Widmore bids on a prize item from the personal collection of Alvar Hanso : a journal from the Black Rock ship


Why the fuck did you not TAG THAT?!
Lion Heart said:
Ya so anyone know what happens after 8 episodes? That strike is the most depressing thing ever. Is it still possible to finish the next 8 and air them in time? I dont want another huge break.

Expect a huge break :(


DocX said:
Does anyone listen to podcasts focused on Lost? My faves are Lostcasts, Jay & Jack and The Lost Community.

I just started listening to Lostcasts again now that they've put up another podcast. Can't stand Jay and Jack though, their podcast is alright I guess but the people who call in are the particularly stupid variety of Lost fans who think that the random black guy in the background is actually Michael or Mr. Eko, or think that Alvar Hanso is actually on the island and he's Jacob. Unlistenable.


Kevtones said:
Now tagged. It really wasn't much of a spoiler, just kind of interesting...

General rule of thumb is to tag anything that has to do with season 4. Even episode titles.
probune said:
I just started listening to Lostcasts again now that they've put up another podcast. Can't stand Jay and Jack though, their podcast is alright I guess but the people who call in are the particularly stupid variety of Lost fans who think that the random black guy in the background is actually Michael or Mr. Eko, or think that Alvar Hanso is actually on the island and he's Jacob. Unlistenable.

Since MYOKMwSAS ended, there are no Lost podcasts anymore.


I agree about Jay & Jack and the callers. I mean, I see why they do it because it attracts those listeners who hope they can get "on the air" and that means repeat customers.

But, yeah, those calls annoy the crap out of me. There are STILL people who call in and talk about it being purgatory or some stuff like you mention. If it was just a random call once or twice during the podcast, it'd be different. I tend to fast forward through those. I still listen b/c of the connections they have with the dude who used to do The Transmission from Hawaii. I think Jorge calls in to them sometimes, too.

I just listened to one called The Lost Community. It seemed nice.

By the way, if you want to subscribe to a feed that has all kinds of podcasts put into one feed, google Lost Podcasting Network.
Make Your Own Kind Of Music w/ Scott And Steve was the only great/worth-listening-to Lost podcast. It wasn't filled with embarassing prognostications or boring blowhards. It was just filled with awesome.

It's pointless to recommend any other ones except the official one because the rest are so riddled with cringe it's not even funny.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Make Your Own Kind Of Music w/ Scott And Steve was the only great/worth-listening-to Lost podcast. It wasn't filled with embarassing prognostications or boring blowhards. It was just filled with awesome.

It's pointless to recommend any other ones except the official one because the rest are so riddled with cringe it's not even funny.

The Lost Initiative (UK lost podcast) Isn't too bad.


I sense strong emotions in you for Scott and Steve. Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of us?
Jeff-DSA said:
Why do you think Jack was saying that they needed to go back? I have a few theories:
-Other people who have left the island have their lives implode and Jack's trying to escape his own (and Kate's) self-destruction

That one. The crash ended up being the best thing that ever happened to most of the characters, and the island had something to do with that.
Back in full force. Trust me. I've got them all written down now.

19. "You want your DAMNED thirty dollars back? I WANT MY KIDNEY BACK!"


It's like, enough already.

While this is truly a great Locke yell, there was always something even I didn't buy about the indignation he felt about having his kidney stolen. Sure, it symbolized his father's betrayal, sure it was a physical violation that could never truly heal, but, I don't know. I mean, you've got another one dude. No need to go off on that poor woman over it.

And sit in front of a dude's house for like ever.

And break it off with poor Turanga Leela.


So fucking AICN spoiled who
the Oceanic 6
are and now I'm pissed.

Claire doesn't get off the island? What the fuck! What was the point of Charlie dying then?
Blader5489 said:
So fucking AICN spoiled who
the Oceanic 6
are and now I'm pissed.

Claire doesn't get off the island? What the fuck! What was the point of Charlie dying then?

Gee, hmm, I wonder why. I wonder who of all people could possibly be compelled to tell her to stay off that fucking helicoptor. Who among our castaways would have critical information regarding this situation and be in a position of trust considering the circumstance.


18. "What's that? What? EAT that? Dude, dude, I'm starving, but I'm nowhere near that hungry. No. No thank you. No way, no."


Aw, Hurley. That's a bit harsh.

Seeing as how Hugo Reyes comes from a Spanish-speaking household, you'd imagine he'd have a bit more respect for other cultures and, in this instance, other culture's food. You'd also figure he'd know that simply yelling something in English won't make what he's seeing more intelligible to someone who doesn't speak it.

Yet he responds to Jin's benevolent offer of food by yelling gibberish in his face.

But it was really funny, wasn't it? Like, Fall-In-Love-With-Hurley-Instantly funny?



Himuro said:
I have to finish watching season 3 before season 4 starts! So much pressure.

Thats what I'm doing right now, I got the Season 3 Blu-Ray for Christmas and I started it up a couple of days ago... I forgot how damn good Season 3 was!


Junior Member
BenjaminBirdie said:
More detailed impressions, please.

Oh, you didn't come off that way at all. I appreciate it actually.

I always think about the Michael betrayal, which is one of the only things that didn't end up getting spoiled for me and it was SO fucking ill. But I am so weak.

But I will do my best.

Disney did an excellent transfer. It looks better than the 720p signal ABC broadcasts. Along with Uncompressed Sound, the jungle, beach, hatches look unbelievable. Also, I saw no grain or noise. 5/5


Junior Member
Not to start a shitstorm, but I thought season 3 was the weakest of them all. I thought they revealed too much within a season. Suffice to say, I could be wrong. Season 4 will bring all new mysteries.
I just think Jacks wants to go back because you know, his life has never been the same since he got back in 'the real world'. Its only shitty. He just cant get confortable there again. Maybe they were all just meant to stay on the island and not doing so just feels... wrong.


Oh man, interesting reveals about episode 4.2 on darkufo:


I believe that CD stands for 'Confirmed Dead' which is the episode name.


Hey, that clip said the premiere is 2 hours.

Is that episodes 1 + 2 together, so that means we only have 7 weeks of episodes?

Or is episode 1 two hours long?

Or is it like a one hour recap show then episode 1?
omg rite said:
Hey, that clip said the premiere is 2 hours.

Is that episodes 1 + 2 together, so that means we only have 7 weeks of episodes?

Or is episode 1 two hours long?

Or is it like a one hour recap show then episode 1?

One recap and then one hour.


You gotta feel for Jack a little. It's obvious that he wants Kate, but due to her past he can't be with her. He's a doctor, so he can't live a life on the run. Sawyer, on the other hand, also committed murder (plus his days conning people), so he will have to be on the run continually when he gets back if they've ever managed to trace that killing to him. Basically, the moment Sawyer pulled that trigger he made himself the perfect match for Kate (logistically speaking).


Wait a second, you've been playing us this whole time, haven't you!

Okay, I'll admit it. This one is just a strange personal favorite of mine. It was the first moment where you got a hint of Ana Lucia's real, almost-military, personality. It's a moment that's always resonated with me, for some weird reason.

No other explanation, really. I just thought it was super bad-ass.
Will be installing COX HD on January 29th for this premier.

It seems soooooooooooo long since I've looked forward to going home and turning off all the lights, unplugging the phones and locking the door. :D
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