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G4 canceling X-Play/AOTS


I honestly don't think so, not in the days of widespread broadband.

You can get much more in-depth gaming coverage online, instantly, without annoying commercial breaks and stupid hosts etc. And there's greater interaction (chat room alongside the video etc) online too. I don't really see what a television channel could bring to the table.

A channel about tech/video games can work, you just need a lot of quality shows/programming. That wasn't true of G4 for the past what, 5-6 years?

I mean, when you look at cable, there are a ton of really niche channels that are doing fine. Why? They have/show good content. Video games are bigger/more popular than they ever were before. It can work.


So ends the last vestige of an idea that once held so much promise. Not surprising, but lots of good people behind the scenes on those shows. Hope they land on their feet.

Also Morgan...



You have internet access.

I sure do. I was going to post a pic of her here, but jesus everything images brings up is basically not safe for work.

Now I need to fap. Thanks GAF! :/

In all seriousness though while G4 being canned is something a lot of us don't care about and saw coming it is quite the shame they are axing it all. I would have MUCH preferred if they had rebooted it and tweaked it to not be a dudebro explosion of stupidity.


Saw this in the forum

G4's two longest-running and defining series, Attack of the Show! and X-Play, will be ending their run at the end of 2012. Both shows will include original episodes through the end of the year, and will look back at their most memorable moments as we lead up to their final episodes. A rotating lineup of guest co-hosts including John Barrowman, Michael Ian Black, Josh Myers, Paul Scheer, Rob Huebel and Horatio Sanz will join AOTS hosts Candace Bailey andSara Underwood, and X-Play hosts Morgan Webb and Blair Herter as part of the farewell shows.

With well over a thousand episodes each, Attack of the Show! and X-Play have defined gamer culture for a generation, serving as the launch pad for prominent personalities including Kevin Pereira, Olivia Munn, Chris Hardwick and Adam Sessler. Attack of the Show! debuted March 28, 2005 and from the start was the ultimate guide to everything cool and new in the world of technology, web culture, gaming and pop culture. X-Play made its debut almost two years earlier, on April 28, 2003 (on G4’s previous incarnation: TechTV), and immediately became the go-to destination for young men seeking the latest video game news, honest reviews, hands-on demos and exclusive video game trailers and footage. The year-end celebration will take you back through highlights of these landmark shows' history, including its exclusive live-from-the-floor coverage of San Diego Comic-Con and E3.

Both long-running shows helped define, as well as expand, the pop culture and gaming TV experience for a generation. We hope you've had as much fun watching them as we have had making them, and sincerely hope you join us in bidding a fond farewell to Attack of the Show and X-Play's as we look back over the next two months and head towards each series' finale.



So G4 is just going to be Spike 2, now?

That's a shame. Not that AOTS and X Play were amazing shows by any means, but they had their moments.


A channel about tech/video games can work, you just need a lot of quality shows/programming. That wasn't true of G4 for the past what, 5-6 years?

I mean, when you look at cable, there are a ton of really niche channels that are doing fine. Why? They have/show good content. Video games are bigger/more popular than they ever were before. It can work.

Most of those cable networks and shows are aimed at a more casual demographic though. I would describe gamers as a more "hardcore" geeky crowd that has embraced the internet. We get news instantly on Twitter and NeoGAF, we get podcasts delivered straight to us, same for YouTube subscriptions and Twitch live streams, etc.

Even with quality programming I don't think anybody would bother with a gaming channel.
The writing was on the wall after Sessler and Pereira left. It's a shame, but was inevitable since the the people running the channel had no idea how to do a 'gaming channel'.

How does one do a gaming channel these days, honestly? I'm really curious. There was another poster that pointed out that so many other niche channels exist, but they tend to cater to audiences who generally don't have symptoms typical of ADD/borderline ADHD like a lot of the gaming community seem to exhibit. And this isn't just a jab at gamers, but all of the "YouTube/Facebook Generation."

When everything and anything gaming is a click away and without commercial breaks, it's gotta be pretty hard to run a 24/7 video gaming network.


I hope Kevin finds work quick. He's a good dude, and while he annoys some, I find him genuinely entertaining and fairly knowledgeable.

He'd make a solid PR rep for a game company I feel.


Most of those cable networks and shows are aimed at a more casual demographic though. I would describe gamers as a more "hardcore" geeky crowd that has embraced the internet. We get news instantly on Twitter and NeoGAF, we get podcasts delivered straight to us, same for YouTube subscriptions and Twitch live streams, etc.

Even with quality programming I don't think anybody would bother with a gaming channel.

I don't agree. The large portion of male teens all the way up to male 30-somethings are into tech/games. There's definitely a big audience for it... at least enough for a cable channel.


I hope Kevin finds work quick. He's a good dude, and while he annoys some, I find him genuinely entertaining and fairly knowledgeable.

He'd make a solid PR rep for a game company I feel.

Kevin currently hosts a syndicated game show called "Lets Ask America". It's pretty good.



And I think now:

so from cool bros to douche hipsters?

hipsters don't like Ninja Warrior so fuck them


I haven't watched G4 is a good three years or so. Despite it's misgivings, I really liked G4 when it was in its infancy. Even though they weren't the highest quality, it felt like the people at the network believed in what they were doing. I loved stuff like Icons, Cinematech, and G4TV.com along with lower tier stuff like Filter, Cheat, Blister, and even Portal. Sad to see it end like this.


I didn't have the channel until when ScreenSavers was on, but at the time it was still about games 24/7. Just got hacked little by little and now... poof.
I know that when the original announcement was made (and now, with this news) a lot of time is spent by people trying to specifically notate the moment the brain stopped functioning, and the body was kept alive via a series of machines and artificial means. But for me, I was less interested in pinpointing the time of death, and more interested in mourning what was, and what could have been. Basically - this announcement just puts the period on a sad sentence that very clearly outlines what a giant squandering of potential G4 was.


For some reason, I thought G4 was ceasing to exist but I forgot it was rebranding. Oh well, sad but true. Good luck to the casts.

I still remember religiously watching X-Play WAY back in 2004, and watching The Screensavers right as they changed to AOTS and the cast started leaving one by one except Douchey Pereira.
I don't agree. The large portion of male teens all the way up to male 30-somethings are into tech/games. There's definitely a big audience for it... at least enough for a cable channel.

There's a big audience for just about anything from fly fishing to bird watching. This doesn't guarantee that bird watchers around the world are going to watch a channel dedicated to their favorite hobby. And even when half of the bird watching community decides it's a channel worth watching, that's still hardly enough to keep a network on the air (shit cost a lot of money, I assure you).

The simple fact that TechTV/G4 were almost constantly shifting their format should be more than enough to suggest that a purely gaming network isn't viable at this time. Remember when G4-TechTV was just started out and it had shows on cheat codes, Top 10 countdowns, review shows (<3 Judgement Day), documentaries on gaming companies and individual devs? 15-20 years ago I'm sure that would have been HUGELY successful, and every gamer with cable would have been watching.

But now when the same exact content is being released with just as nice (if not nicer) production value on various YouTube channels and sites like GameTrailers, it detracts from the viewerbase and subsequent market value of the network.


I still remember the Icons episode with Miyamoto. He drew Mario for them and tried to figure out how to say their slogan (watch what you play).


Edit: I just remembered my limited copy of Doom 3 has an episode of icons on it. I think I'll go watch it for the nostalgia.


I remember hearing the first time about 'network decay'. It's interesting to actually watch it happen in real time and be aware of it.

Oh look, another channel being turned into a networked aimed at the 18-34 male demographic. *sigh*


End of an era, but this is no surprise. I started watching X-Play when it was still GameSpot TV on ZDTV, then Extended Play on TechTV, and finally X-Play.

Adam Sessler is the man and I miss the old X-Play, but G4's dying viewership and financial troubles were the nail in the coffin.


My grandfather and I used to watch X-Play and AOTS back in the day (I watched X-Play when it was first known as Extended Play)

My grandfather is probably rolling in his grave at the moment


How does one do a gaming channel these days, honestly? I'm really curious. There was another poster that pointed out that so many other niche channels exist, but they tend to cater to audiences who generally don't have symptoms typical of ADD/borderline ADHD like a lot of the gaming community seem to exhibit. And this isn't just a jab at gamers, but all of the "YouTube/Facebook Generation."

When everything and anything gaming is a click away and without commercial breaks, it's gotta be pretty hard to run a 24/7 video gaming network.

I would be interested a tech/gaming channel that followed the same model as ESPN. Quick news updates every so often combined shows that have solid formats.

A video game/tech news version of "Around the Horn" would be entertaining (at least to me). Heck, that's pretty much what G4TV.com was.


Not sure if being a dick, or obeying some sort of contractual gag order.
I think he was rather unhappy with the way the network had gone in recent years. He'd always crack jokes about G4's programming in his later days on AOTS. He and Sessler have a show together on Syfy now that's not gaming related.


There were enough good moments on G4 (Cinematech, some episodes of X-Play, Some episodes of Icons) to make you think that some of the staff at some point really tried to make the network live up to it's potential.

I cut the cable cord over a year ago though, so I guess I can't complain as I'm not really part of their target audience anymore.
How is he being a dick? It was inevitable that he was going to be asked about it.

Throwing out a "no comment" instead of just well wishing the nice folks who lost their job I guess? I dunno, a no comment feels like he wanted to talk some shit about the networks short comings but couldn't for whatever reason.

Also, a hashtag doesn't seem to be the place to send blessings.

Maybe it's just me, but I felt like the 'ses did the classy thing by just being like "unfortunate news". KP just came off sarcasticy? I dunno, I got "dick" vibe from it. Prob just me.
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