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George Zimmerman went shopping for a 12-round tactical shotgun today~

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Neo Member
You left out the part where he stalked a teen and ignored police orders.

Oh, and the fact that he killed said teen.

I am by no means defending Zimmerman but stalking has a very strict legal denotation (following =/= stalking) and he was not in contact with the police on the phone. It was a non-emergency dispatcher who had no legal authority whatsoever. He suggested Zimmerman to not follow anyone for liability purposes.

I don't think anyone is going deny that he did kill someone though.


I don't troll. I know it's a little weird to see someone with a different perspective on an ideological echo chamber like Neogaf, but don't confuse it for trolling.

You kill someone through your own negligence, after escalating the situation further than it ever needed to get to.

But no, he did nothing wrong. The punk was just asking for it right?

Excuse me while I give you a dehumanizing stare....err...I mean roll my eyes.
The guy lives in America and is buying a gun isn't this like going to a store and buying Pringles?

Yeah I know his history but c'mon...


Uh, this is rather tasteless and horrible.

...How? You should be more concerned that he's going into gun manufacturing plants and smiling for photo ops after, you know, completely unnecessarily stalking and killing a child.

That is tasteless and horrible. I wouldn't be surprised if this piece of shit shot the first person to ask him for change in an alley.

Especially if he's buying kel-tech. Blurgh.


Kel-Tec has cool designs that would be noteworthy if they were made by a company that isn't Kel-Tec. I'm happy the thread's already explained why they suck.

This just adds to the suck.


Kel-Tec has cool designs that would be noteworthy if they were made by a company that isn't Kel-Tec. I'm happy the thread's already explained why they suck.

This just adds to the suck.

He's exactly the sort of paranoid maniac who'd buy their shit, too. It's like they market towards Dale Gribble.
I am by no means defending Zimmerman but stalking has a very strict legal denotation (following =/= stalking)

Please don't talk about things about which you know nothing. Stalking is, indeed, following.

In other news, I guess Kel-Tec relishes the killing of black teenagers.


Kel-Tec has cool designs that would be noteworthy if they were made by a company that isn't Kel-Tec. I'm happy the thread's already explained why they suck.

This just adds to the suck.

They are fine for what they are and most gun owners don't even end up using them, so is pointless to pay double for so called quality.

way more

It Says Here On Your Résumé, Mr. Zimmerman, That You Shot A Boy?
By Bryan Timmons, Regional Manager


You know what, let’s circle back to you shooting a boy.

I’m not going to lie to you, HR will probably need to take a second look at this after lunch today.

I’ve got to say, hiring you is shaping up to be a pretty tough sell to the higher-ups, George. If I’m trying to convince my boss that we should bring you on, I guess I could make the argument that, on one hand, it’s admirable you showed some initiative to protect the community. But, on the other hand, you shot a child. And my boss is a pretty perceptive guy, so he’ll probably ask if you were fearing for your life so much so that it was absolutely necessary to shoot an unarmed teenage boy at point-blank range.

George, I’m not an expert or anything, but I have to say it kind of sounds like you murdered someone.


They are fine for what they are and most gun owners don't even end up using them, so is pointless to pay double for so called quality.

Considering a PF9 costs 280 right now and you can find used Glocks for 400 or so, I think cheaping out on a device designed to contain a small explosion is asinine when the price difference between "unquestionable quality" and "regarded as bad" is so low.

I do agree most gun owners never fire their guns (which is dumb in the first place).


So where exactly do people feel Zimmerman went wrong? I know it's old news now but I've only really listened to one lengthy youtube video recently and the story was unfortunate but seemed more than believable with everything involved.

O and for what reason would people be asking him for a photo? That's the part I can't grasp, "O you were on TV!", or something? Either way, if I were him I would want some guns too.


There was an incident in the UK where at a football game a football fan was taunting a football player after he had been sent off. The footballer was Eric Cantona, and he famously ran up to the stand and flying kicked the guy.


10 years later, the guy, who was kicked by Cantona, wrote an article about how the incident had changed his life: friends disowned him, he was made redundant and couldn't find work because employers recognised him, he'd get abuse in the street.

Even though the footballer was the one who kicked him, the dude's life was ruined because people viewed him as the bad guy to put himself in that situation.

I just can't see how shooting a black kid dead wouldn't lead to the same conclusion?


There was an incident in the UK where at a football game a football fan was taunting a football player after he had been sent off. The footballer was Eric Cantona, and he famously ran up to the stand and flying kicked the guy.


10 years later, the guy, who was kicked by Cantona, wrote an article about how the incident had changed his life: friends disowned him, he was made redundant and couldn't find work because employers recognised him, he'd get abuse in the street.

Even though the footballer was the one who kicked him, the dude's life was ruined because people viewed him as the bad guy to put himself in that situation.

I just can't see how shooting a black kid dead wouldn't lead to the same conclusion?

if the guy who got kicked ran onto the field to taunt the footballer, then shot the unarmed sportsman when he defended himself.... maybe it'd be a more apt comparison.

edit: didn't read correctly. Just woke up.

Zimmerman's life is effectively ruined, deservedly so. He's going to be hated by a lot of people for a very long time for what he did. Taunts, threats against him and his family, the works. That doesn't mean he won't have a band of mouthbreathers supporting him for being part of their little 'gun culture'.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
So where exactly do people feel Zimmerman went wrong? I know it's old news now but I've only really listened to one lengthy youtube video recently and the story was unfortunate but seemed more than believable with everything involved.

O and for what reason would people be asking him for a photo? That's the part I can't grasp, "O you were on TV!", or something? Either way, if I were him I would want some guns too.

Well, there's the profiling the young black teenager simply walking down the street as a burglar based on the fact that he was a young black male, and there had been burglaries in the area by a young black male suspect over the previous few weeks/months.

There's the following him in his car with a loaded weapon.

There's the parking the car and chasing after him when he moved away from the roads and tried to "flee" (George's words, not mine).

There's the continuing to chase him after the emergency dispatcher strongly suggested, as best she legally could for liability purposes, not to follow him.

There's the getting into a fight with the teen.

There's the shooting and killing the teen.

There's the lack of any defensive wounds, suggesting that he made no effort to defend himself using anything BUT lethal force (despite significantly outweighing Trayvon and having martial arts training, which Trayvon did not have).

There's the fact that based on the account of how the fight happened and the body positioning, George would have had to have already drawn his gun before Trayvon allegedly got on top of him (so he drew his gun while trying to detain someone)

Hmm.. I'd say where he really started to majorly fuck up was getting out of his car and following someone that was trying to run away from him, to the point where the person being chased was afraid for his safety (according to witness testimony) That's assault, and since he was armed, i'd call that assault with a deadly weapon.


There was an incident in the UK where at a football game a football fan was taunting a football player after he had been sent off. The footballer was Eric Cantona.

Eric Cantona was a Footballing God, back then Manchester United were just so impressive. I stopped watching Football when that squad died.


This guy is such a piece of shit. My stomach literally turned. No one is denouncing his right to purchase a firearm, but to gleefully pose and take a picture with it? As if it's some badge of honor? The fuck. How can anyone defend this sort of callousness?


This guy is such a piece of shit. My stomach literally turned. No one is denouncing his right to purchase a firearm, but to gleefully pose and take a picture with it? As if it's some badge of honor? The fuck. How can anyone defend this sort of callousness?

Umm, there is no gun in the picture at all. Is GZ not allowed to smile in pictures, or what is the problem exactly?


Umm, there is no gun in the picture at all. Is GZ not allowed to smile in pictures, or what is the problem exactly?

He's not allowed to ever smile again, apparently. Everything this guy does will be over-analyzed and criticized. I wonder if he'll be able to find a decent job again.
He's not allowed to ever smile again, apparently. Everything this guy does will be over-analyzed and criticized. I wonder if he'll be able to find a decent job again.

Dude, the guy, known for recklessly using his 9mm, is trying to buy a fucking shotgun that holds twelve fucking rounds


I'd be packing serious heat as well if I was getting death threats every day. And by serious heat I mean a blade under 3" because I'm English.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Umm, there is no gun in the picture at all. Is GZ not allowed to smile in pictures, or what is the problem exactly?

He's not allowed to ever smile again, apparently. Everything this guy does will be over-analyzed and criticized. I wonder if he'll be able to find a decent job again.

And? Is he not allowed to?

Guys, it's not that he can't smile, it's not that he can't have a gun and live his life, it's the combination of -- killing a kid under questionable circumstances, getting off controversially, going to buy a high capacity shotgun shortly afterward, taking a photo op with somebody at the gun manufacturers where you cheese like you couldn't be happier while a kid you killed with a gun's family tries to mourn his death, and then allow that photo to be seen by everybody. It's the combination of all those things that make this photo seem distasteful and possibly call into question this ... individual's judgment

Not rocket science


Poor Zimmerman, can't even smile in pictures anymore. At the end of the day Trayvon is dead because he had the misfortune of catching a lunatics eye after purchasing some candy and ice tea. Zimmerman has the misfortune of not being dead or in prison while people make scathing posts about him on the interwebs.

Whose the real victim here?


rolls eyes

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Guys, it's not that he can't smile, it's not that he can't have a gun and live his life, it's the combination of -- killing a kid under questionable circumstances, getting off controversially, going to buy a high capacity shotgun shortly afterward, taking a photo op with somebody at the gun manufacturers where you cheese like you couldn't be happier while a kid you killed with a gun's family tries to mourn his death, and then allow that photo to be seen by everybody. It's the combination of all those things that make this photo seem distasteful and possibly call into question this ... individual's judgment

Not rocket science

"What's the problem, guys? Is it the dead kid again? Really??"


Well, there's the profiling the young black teenager simply walking down the street as a burglar based on the fact that he was a young black male, and there had been burglaries in the area by a young black male suspect over the previous few weeks/months.

There's the following him in his car with a loaded weapon.

There's the parking the car and chasing after him when he moved away from the roads and tried to "flee" (George's words, not mine).

There's the continuing to chase him after the emergency dispatcher strongly suggested, as best she legally could for liability purposes, not to follow him.

There's the getting into a fight with the teen.

There's the shooting and killing the teen.

There's the lack of any defensive wounds, suggesting that he made no effort to defend himself using anything BUT lethal force (despite significantly outweighing Trayvon and having martial arts training, which Trayvon did not have).

There's the fact that based on the account of how the fight happened and the body positioning, George would have had to have already drawn his gun before Trayvon allegedly got on top of him (so he drew his gun while trying to detain someone)

Hmm.. I'd say where he really started to majorly fuck up was getting out of his car and following someone that was trying to run away from him, to the point where the person being chased was afraid for his safety (according to witness testimony) That's assault, and since he was armed, i'd call that assault with a deadly weapon.

I sort of got the feeling Martin had a rough upbringing and previous problems with a history of substance use, freaked out at the sight of a cop from paranoia and aroused suspicion from Zimmerman who was trying to do a job after having borked up in similar circumstances a few weeks before by taking no action. Martin freaked out when approached, and attacked Zimmerman in some paranoid/drugged state, broke his nose, gave him black eyes, banged his head into the ground and started threatening his life before Zimmerman used his gun as a last resort after "40 seconds" while screaming for help.


That's all I'm going on, pretty much the first 23~ minutes. Protip; don't read the comments. Unless the video is made to be misleading and I've been fooled.


I seem to recall that the toxicology said he had insignificant amount of weed in his system at the time, there's also the part in which he was an scared unarmed minor stalked by a grown guy in a car.

Im gonna go with the "you've being fooled" theory, that one seems reasonable.
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