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Shameless Season 5 |OT| I was here last season, where the hell were you?

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How's season 5 so far? I'm struggling really hard to get past season 4, can I just skip season 4 (I have like 4-5 episodes left). Or should I just skim through it because 5 is back to normal?
I really, really recommend finishing S4. It's got an incredible finish, and one of the highlights of the series.

Alright I'll try to grind through it. The Fiona turn was kind of unexpected. Lip being the only one that you can root for but he has his fair share of mistakes so for him to be all high and mighty just seems off. Carl is kind of still funny, but you can tell he's only to become a bigger douche from here on out. Ian has gone off the deep end, and Debbie is just annoying teenager status right now. I've been fast forwarding through all of Frank scene just hoping he would die already. It just seems like a chore to watch. The only one that isn't so damn depressing are the kev/vee/mickey scenes.


I didn't think it was possible but this season really made me dislike Vee.

Really hate the Debbie getting pregnant setup too. First she rapes someone now she's trying to get pregnant.


Sammi has always been the worst, how are some people only realizing this now?

For me, it's because before she was only involved with Frank, who no one sympathizes with because he's Frank. Now she is messing with Ian, who hasn't done anything really bad and was already dealing with some heavy stuff (bipolar/meds).


So not worth it
Debbie plot is incredibly bad. She's way smarter than that.

I think that's the entire point of her storyline. Here's a girl who is so smart she's seen as the de facto responsible parent of the family after Fiona got caught up in all her shit over the years and Lip leaving for school. She was the one that kept the family together, the one that took care of her little brother when nobody else did, ran the daycare so they had money, etc.

And now she's a teen and she's been treated as an adult since she was a kid. And her entire family has their own shit, Frank, Fiona, Lip, Ian, everyone is into their own fucked up shit and nobody is spending any time raising and educating Debbie, because they figure she's already so grown up and responsible she doesn't really need a parent.

And Debbie is sick of it, so she started rebelling, she's trying to be a teen and not being so responsible all the time. So here we are, her literally crying out for attention and still not getting it. Not even Fiona is giving her "the talk" as they're getting the pill. I think this whole thing is about, once again, showing how Fiona as a parent to her siblings has dropped the ball.


I hope the writers have something different in mind for Fiona because I really don't want to see the same arc play out again.


I think that's the entire point of her storyline. Here's a girl who is so smart she's seen as the de facto responsible parent of the family after Fiona got caught up in all her shit over the years and Lip leaving for school. She was the one that kept the family together, the one that took care of her little brother when nobody else did, ran the daycare so they had money, etc.

And now she's a teen and she's been treated as an adult since she was a kid. And her entire family has their own shit, Frank, Fiona, Lip, Ian, everyone is into their own fucked up shit and nobody is spending any time raising and educating Debbie, because they figure she's already so grown up and responsible she doesn't really need a parent.

And Debbie is sick of it, so she started rebelling, she's trying to be a teen and not being so responsible all the time. So here we are, her literally crying out for attention and still not getting it. Not even Fiona is giving her "the talk" as they're getting the pill. I think this whole thing is about, once again, showing how Fiona as a parent to her siblings has dropped the ball.

We're getting to see what Fiona must have been like as a teenager without raising the family to balance it out. And Debbie just isn't as good a character as Fiona to pull it off.
Hopefully Fiona doesn't up again, it will just leave the door open for Jimmy's return, again.
Lip doing the right thing, though maybe not with his girlfriend, Kev and V finally going to work their shit out, hopefully.

And now Mickey is going to destroy Sammi and we'll get a climax to that story arc.

..And Frank shows his human side, I think?


I just hope the end of the season addresses Fiona being an absentee guardian this entire season. Which is frankly so out of character, which is why it absolutely needs addressed. Like S4 was her spiral so that was the problem. But this season was nothing like that, it was just her being absent because she got married. Which recalling her situation with Jimmy, it's just very out of character.

So I hope that's addressed. Frank's crack about bad parenting may have been a joke, but considering Fiona is their parent and has been, it's kinda true.

I can't see Sammi lasting past this season though. For obvious reasons.

I also can't believe all the cast trimming that happened this season. Sheila, Mandi, and Carl put on a bus. Sheila was kinda done honestly, but Mandi and Carl are surprising. I'm sure Carl will return but the other 2 wouldnt shock me if they stayed gone save for a guest appearance or 2.


I can't see Sammi lasting past this season though. For obvious reasons.

I also can't believe all the cast trimming that happened this season. Sheila, Mandi, and Carl put on a bus. Sheila was kinda done honestly, but Mandi and Carl are surprising. I'm sure Carl will return but the other 2 wouldnt shock me if they stayed gone save for a guest appearance or 2.

It's weird that the character so instrumental in getting Lip to leave the south side, has herself essentially all but disappeared. Hopefully before the end of the show, they can reconnect at some point so she can see just how right she was in making him go.


It's weird that the character so instrumental in getting Lip to leave the south side, has herself essentially all but disappeared. Hopefully before the end of the show, they can reconnect at some point so she can see just how right she was in making him go.

Was it due to some other commitments for the actress? It definitely felt abrupt.


Man all you people talking about Mandi coming back...I'm still waiting for Karen! Sigh...

Also it's really Mickey and his Russian wife (and now lips professor) that are keeping me watching.
Man all you people talking about Mandi coming back...I'm still waiting for Karen! Sigh...

Also it's really Mickey and his Russian wife (and now lips professor) that are keeping me watching.

Mandi is way better than Karen. Karen almost ruined Lip for good thank god Mandi put that bitch in her place.
Two thoughts:
Well, that's one interesting way to get rid of Sammi.

No, Ian, what the fuck are you doing?
Monica is not the right way. Nooooooooo.


I wonder if Sammi will be back since there are a couple episodes left. I hope not, everyone thinking she's dead is fine. Poor Chucky though.

And jeez, I get the self esteem and identity issues with Lip leaving the depths of poverty but the writers aren't really doing a good job of presenting that side when he literally has multiple people dragging him up, throwing everything at him. It's especially hard to empathize when he just uses them and throws them away as he moves up. His dilemma just looks even more ridiculous in contrast to Ian. The scene between Ian and Monica was heartbreaking. He has no one else and that can't end well.

Trying to prolong the doctor's life is arguably one of the few good things he's ever done though lol.

Eh, he's doing for purely selfish reasons though. It started kinda sweet, Frank finally having something he could help someone with despite how toxic his life is to everyone. But it's not so much that she lives her life, it's that she's around for him.

It could be far worse but I am kinda disappointed. It's kinda boring but maybe I shouldn't be by Frank is being Frank.
I wonder if Sammi will be back since there are a couple episodes left. I hope not, everyone thinking she's dead is fine. Poor Chucky though.

And jeez, I get the self esteem and identity issues with Lip leaving the depths of poverty but the writers aren't really doing a good job of presenting that side when he literally has multiple people dragging him up, throwing everything at him. It's especially hard to empathize when he just uses them and throws them away as he moves up. His dilemma just looks even more ridiculous in contrast to Ian. The scene between Ian and Monica was heartbreaking. He has no one else and that can't end well.

Eh, he's doing for purely selfish reasons though. It started kinda sweet, Frank finally having something he could help someone with despite how toxic his life is to everyone. But it's not so much that she lives her life, it's that she's around for him.

It could be far worse but I am kinda disappointed. It's kinda boring but maybe I shouldn't be by Frank is being Frank.

There's only one episode left in the season. And what makes you so sure she's not 100% dead?

Edit: NVM I know what you're talking about now....


There's only one episode left in the season. And what makes you so sure she's not 100% dead?

Edit: NVM I know what you're talking about now....

Thought there was two more for some reason, but still they made a point to show it. It could be to leave things open for the next season I guess.


The Ian and Monica scene almost brought me to tears, this is gonna blow up in lip's face big time, I really hope fiona breaks it off with her husband because she doesn't want him frank and the doctor is creepy yet touching and micky and debbie was hilarious. Fuck sammi


Huge anticipation for the finale, lost it with the whole Sammi murder plot...but wtf at Ian going with Monica :(
they're really beating us over the head with this lip storyline. like literally having him standing with his professor and her husband (in suits at a cocktail party!) on one side and kev and vee (literally covered in wet shit) on the other. we get it, shameless writers. we really do.
they're really beating us over the head with this lip storyline. like literally having him standing with his professor and her husband (in suits at a cocktail party!) on one side and kev and vee (literally covered in wet shit) on the other. we get it, shameless writers. we really do.

Yea that really is a bit much. Cocktail party out of nowhere in the ghetto... conveniently a few houses down from where they all live. I mean really...

I thought the reaction of Mickey to Sammi being almost dead was great. Nonchalant and completely not bothered.


The Debbie/Mickey thing, hell yes. Welcome to being a Gallagher, Debbie. Though, seriously, Liam shouldn't have seen any of that, and she nearly hit him with a laptop. Poor kid. Mickey's reaction to Frank, "I wasn't locking it. I never touched that lock, get your eyes checked!" might be my favourite line in a long time, in any show. Sammi is going to revenge the shit out of this one.

Lip's story could use some better set up, since he's fucking over his girlfriend and his family for some upper-crust types that will toss him out pretty quick. I just hope he's able to get something good for himself without tossing away 4 years of character development.

Ian is in for a world of hurt, oh man. It's going to be interesting watching him absolutely fall apart. Or maybe kill Monica.

Frank, I'm a little surprised he's able to temper his self-serving side with actually doing what's right, even if he still got something in the end. His thing with the doctor, while definitely benefiting him is kind of sweet in a Frank Gallagher sort of way.

It's nice Fiona is sorting her shit out, it sucks that she's doing exactly what I said I didn't want her to do back when her boss was still Jeffrey Dean Morgan. At least she's back with the family again, love life in shambles or not.


Yea that really is a bit much. Cocktail party out of nowhere in the ghetto... conveniently a few houses down from where they all live. I mean really...

I thought the reaction of Mickey to Sammi being almost dead was great. Nonchalant and completely not bothered.

I wonder if Mickey was just messing with Debbie. Earlier when they were in the car and I can't remember what Mickey said about doing to Sammi but she was like "cool" and he kind of looked at her weird.

Then she was looking up water torture and stuff and it's almost as if Mickey lead her on to see how she would handle a situation like that knowing Sammi wasn't really dead.almost like he was testing her.

The Lip thing was alright and the party made sense considering people were buying up the properties. It seemed like it was planned to show Lip what he can have or what he can go back to. I certainly got the feeling the teacher is trying to do that.

It'll be interesting to see how the finale goes. I'm thinking Mickey gets shot. I guess it all depends what's going on with Ian, I mean how will the Mickey character hold up without Ian's. Those two certainly had the best storyline this season.


Good job tying up a lot of the loose ends while adding plenty of cliffhangers. I hope Ian is finally starting to normalize somewhat, I can't go through another season of him being batshit and down all the time. He was so much better in the earlier seasons.

Looking forward to seeing how they handle the Carl situation.

Hope to FUCK that Sammy is gone next season, or at least within the first 1 or 2 episodes.

Thought we were finally rid of her.

And holy fuck at Fiona's love life... get it together girl!

Lots to love about this show, it has great characters and some crazy funny stuff. But I'd like to see a bit more character growth, not just the same cycle over and over. Fiona is exhibit A in that.


I really enjoyed Frank & Bianca's story arc... couldn't believe how human they made Frank.

Can't wait for next season...


I really enjoyed Frank & Bianca's story arc... couldn't believe how human they made Frank.

Can't wait for next season...
Yes that was rather great.
When did they decide to make Debbie go full retard....

I like the end with lip and Ian chilling out
It doesn't make a lot of sense. She's one of the smarter kids, not up there with Lip, but she offsets it by being the most responsible. So I'm having a hard time buying it... but we'll see what happens.

That final scene was nice. Was great to see Ian and Lip relating again just as brothers without any crazy shit going on. I'm hoping next season sees Ian start to work things out more.


Loved the scene at the end with Lip and Ian in the car just chillin' and Frank comes by for a hit, show needs more of that.


This was a great season, but I wasn't too happy with the the ending. I feel that it was a sorta of a 'all's well that ends well' type finish. I liked the ending to Frank and Bianca's story, and they did a great job of humanizing Frank, surprisingly. But other than that, I felt like they glossed over too much details. Still looking forward to next season, though. I truly adore this series.
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