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Shameless Season 7 |OT| Screwed in the USA

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The seventh season picks up a month after last season’s finale, with the Gallaghers ready for another sizzling summer on the South Side of Chicago. The Gallaghers have always scraped by, but this season finds some of them finally getting a leg up, with more changes than the currents of the Chicago River. When Frank (Macy) awakens from a coma to learn that his loved ones tossed him in the river, he declares war – Gallagher vs. Gallagher. But Fiona (Rossum) is too busy improving her own life to worry about Frank’s. After last season’s devastating betrayal, she’s now moved on, a warrior, and nothing is getting in the way of her new life as manager of Patsy’s – including her family. Gallagher Golden Boy Lip (White) finishes up his time in rehab, and emerges with a new outlook on alcoholism and a grim vision of his future, whereas the once-unstable Ian (Monaghan) is now thriving as an EMT and in a comfortable relationship. Debbie (Kenney) is still figuring out how to be a good mom to young Franny, while Carl (Cutkosky) has some big decisions to face as he enters manhood. With Fiona’s new determination to make something of herself, will the rest of the Gallaghers fall apart without Fiona there to pick up the pieces?


William H. Macy as Frank Gallagher
Emmy Rossum as Fiona Gallagher
Jeremy Allen White as Philip "Lip" Gallagher
Cameron Monaghan as Ian Gallagher
Emma Kenney as Debbie Gallagher
Ethan Cutkosky as Carl Gallagher
Brennan Kane Johnson and Blake Alexander Johnson as Liam Gallagher
Shanola Hampton as Veronica Fisher
Steve Howey as Kevin Ball.
Joan Cusack as Sheila Jackson.


Episode 1 - Hiraeth
Episode 2 - Swipe, Fuck, Leave
Episode 3 - Home Sweet Homeless Shelter
Episode 4 - I Am a Storm
Episode 5 - Own Your Shit
Episode 6 - The Defenestration of Frank
Episode 7 - You'll Never Ever Get a Chicken in Your Whole Entire Life
Episode 8 - You Sold Me the Laundromat, Remember?
Episode 9 - Ouroboros
Episode 10 - Ride or Die
Episode 11 - Happily Ever After
Episode 12 - Requiem for a Slut

Shameless Season 7 | Official Trailer

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Seen the first episode of the season. Pretty hilarious Episode 1:
Frank in a coma for a month and his dream of how fucked up everyone is. Everybody still hates Frank and we're pretty much banking on him being dead, so yeah.. they literally tried to kill him throwing him off the bridge last season. Oh yeah, the whole "I don't suck dick because you aren't circumcised" was pretty funny and bullshit.

Frank for right now is stuck in a wheelchair which is pretty hilarious with some of the things that happens as a result.


Wheres Sean? I actually can't remember if like the end of S6 addressed that.

Good premiere. Poor Ian. I really, REALLY hope Fiona does not get a new man this season. If Sean comes back, okay, but please, nobody new.
I knew this would be the premiere I loved tonight and it was. The fact that we're getting 24 episodes of Shameless in 2016 is amazing.


Wheres Sean? I actually can't remember if like the end of S6 addressed that.

Good premiere. Poor Ian. I really, REALLY hope Fiona does not get a new man this season. If Sean comes back, okay, but please, nobody new.

I think Sean said he was going back to rehab, but I'm not sure. I really hope they just let Fiona be single for a season too.

I knew this would be the premiere I loved tonight and it was. The fact that we're getting 24 episodes of Shameless in 2016 is amazing.

Homeland was finally good for something, getting delayed so that we could have more Shameless!


Wheres Sean? I actually can't remember if like the end of S6 addressed that.

Good premiere. Poor Ian. I really, REALLY hope Fiona does not get a new man this season. If Sean comes back, okay, but please, nobody new.

I'm sure he's bound to show up sooner or later. Sean, or Jimmy Steve. Or maybe she will actually be single for a whole season?


Consistently love this show. Carl has had such a wild arc.

I thought the time skip would be bigger. It's gotta be tough to plot a show like this out with the kids growing up so much between seasons.


Frank will bury all of them.

Ian storyline is meh. Lip is doing... fine? I don't know much about alcoholism, so I don't know if I'm drinking under his established rules work, but hhe looks quite pleased with himself, at last.

I hope Fiona stays single.
This won't happen, I'm sure.
Lip is trying to be a functional alcoholic, but something tells me we will see him become more like Frank this season. Could be wrong. Solid premiere.
fuck i need showtime. will have to switch out HBO Now in a few months once there's a good chunk of episodes. Loved Season 6 and wish I hadn't waited until Netflix for it.


This is one of those shows that ive had an eye on for a while cause it seems like it has quality actors and production all around and keeps truckin along, but it just doesnt get much GAF love. Saw the first episode, enjoyed it. Guess maybe im waiting for it to be finished to marathon it.
This show continues to impress. The scene where Fiona drags Frank down the stairs was a riot, with the night nanny watching on.

Ian storyline is meh.

Lip is gonna wind up being the second coming of Frank, the thing he hates the most.

The Carl blowjob stuff was funny.

And Debbie?

Um, yeah. Her, um, arms... are jacked.

big ander

That hallucination was a fantastic start. Ludicrous and on the nose and weirdly beautiful.

Sure looks like Lip's drinking is going to continue being a problem, which I think is a good thing—the way he has it mathematically bottled up not is sure to break down, and it'll be interesting for his character. Also I hope they send him back towards schooling, the idea of him working at some tech startup sounds cringeworthy. At the same time, that sounds like the more Shameless-y plot, so it's what I'm expecting. Same goes for Fiona: it would be awesome if she were actually single for a season, and you know there's absolutely no way she will be.

Frank I guess I'm fine with just being a chaotic figure from here on out. After the cancer plotline there's not much of anywhere to take him, I think. Carl's stuff now is better than his hoodrat shit. Wanna see Liam actually speak though. What's he supposed to be now, 7? I can't remember, is he supposed to still be doing nothing but nod because of the coke incident? Cause he seems otherwise intelligent and apparently does okay at school, don't remember any special education being mentioned.

Still think this was a dumb path for them to send Debbie down, entirely inconsistent with her character for the first 4ish seasons, but it's alright watching so far. (Also she just turned 17 y'all, so she was 16 all throughout the filming. Chillllll.) Ian's plotline is already kinda boring and seems to be another ugly depiction of bisexuality.

Although, maybe that's balanced out by the polyamorous marriage, a straight-up progressive story choice that remains wonderfully entertaining. I hope it doesn't implode or anything with these money troubles, I'd rather see this season (and every season after) treat them as a real family with normal problems.

In any case, there's still nothing else exactly like Shameless on TV and I'm glad we're getting two seasons in one year. (And I didn't even catch up on the sixth season until the summer, so I feel like there wasn't even a break.) This show always makes me want an old style.


fuck i need showtime. will have to switch out HBO Now in a few months once there's a good chunk of episodes. Loved Season 6 and wish I hadn't waited until Netflix for it.

Yeah that also bothered me. He clearly cannot controll it so he should have stopped completey. I am just sad how Lips Story lines went. I really liked his character in the first seasons.
I love this show. For me personally, it's the most consistent I've ever watched. One thing it's really good at is giving all of the characters a fun storyline. I never feel like "oh boy, hurry up and get through this segment" when they cut to a different character and that's super rare for me.

BTW, is that a mistake in the OP or is Sheila really coming back? I really adored her character.
Oh god, hairy balls lmao.

It's funny how there were a shitload of hot girls tonight between Carl's segment and then Ian's segment. Also for Fiona's hiring process. Felt bad for Ian fucking somebody who he is not attracted to at all.

Frank continues to be, well, Frank lol. I hate him for getting Liam involved though.

Dammit Kev, topless maid service!? How dumb are you lol.

End in-progress thoughts-

It was a funny episode though. Needed my comedic Sunday night show besides The Strain lol. I do like how they are grabbing random MadTV members into Shameless. Last year we had Will Sasso and now we have Arden Myrin. They need Bobby Lee lol.

I like the convo between Lip and Ian. 96% lmao. Too funny.


Carl's a lot more interesting to me in these later seasons and his storyline was a bit painful to watch this week. Lol.

I'm surprised Debbie is not caught yet. They don't have much going on for her right now.


Lip is trying to be a functional alcoholic, but something tells me we will see him become more like Frank this season. Could be wrong. Solid premiere.

Yep,thats what I think also...functional never lasts or works,ever....great premiere,love this show and they are going 24 episodes this season...? surprised by this but if a show can do it well,Shameless can.


"In my country the drinking age is four... and half."

Ian storyline with Caleb is really, really bad.

I was hoping that seeing all the rich college graduate would have been a wake up call for Lips, but nope.


"In my country the drinking age is four... and half."

Ian storyline with Caleb is really, really bad.

I was hoping that seeing all the rich college graduate would have been a wake up call for Lips, but nope.

Yeah I guess they are cutting Caleb out quickly to give Ian a new storyline with someone else.

I wonder what is going on at Lip's office. The wake up call should be that its crappy being an errand boy and fetching coffee for people but I guess they'll never have him go back to school.


How Lip keep getting all the hot girl? Best role in the show.
Deb going to get caught and put in jail. Any chance Mickey coming back? Miss him.


Poor Carl. :(

This storyline hits close to home. I know what's it's like to be treated like a freak because of a very minor detail on your body. It sucks, and it clearly doesn't look like it'll end well for him.

I thought he was a really obnoxious kid in the first few seasons, but he's really grown on in the last two seasons. I'm really surprised at how much I like him now.


There were so many things wrong with this episode.

1. It takes longer than 15 seconds to make a new tinder account and have matches.

2. It's gonna take way longer than 3 days after circumcision before you can have any sort of sexual relations.

3. The Caleb thing was so dumb and weird.

4. In the scenes where they all sleep in the living room, Debbie was never there lmao. Weird oversight, where the fuck IS she?
Lips has always been the writers' deary, his meeting with the professor in the last season played like a porno.
I enjoy how the show him completely fucking up, over and over again.
Screwed himself out of a great relationship, twice. Drank himself out of college and let his pride his chances. I think they are writing him this way to show us what Frank was like once.
I'm betting on a "I am not my father!" Moment this season or next.


Really loved the episode. Debbie remains the worst character on the show. I honestly hope she gets caught.

Many nice scenes with Ian, Lip and Carl. I want more stuff with the family together like the earlier seasons.
Yeah, I have no idea where they are going with Debbie other then getting arrested. I have to say, Carl has had great character development. He went from being to one of my hated characters to one of the most likeable, whereas they did the opposite with Deb.
It's especially stupid because Deb is walking around town with thousands of dollars and a baby. She has been selling baby carriages for a couple thousand dollars. It's either she is going to get arrested and have somebody bail her out with all that cash she has or she is going to get robbed by random people or by Frank (when he finds out).


TMI but I was circumcised at 10 and that storyline is so inaccurate it's not even funny.

It really was. Shameless has rarely been about realistic accuracy but this may be the worst offender yet. It takes about 6 weeks to fully heal, and the pain and uncomfortableness can last 2-4 post surgery. Not to mention the fact that after 3 days, nobody is gonna be down to go down on that. It's funny too since Dominique found some extra skin weird looking, but I guess she's fine with a still bloody, swollen, and bruised penis. I mean, it's a Carl storyline so this kind of immediacy is to be expected, but still.

The Tinder thing was hilariously fast too. You can't just take someone's phone and have a tinder account AND matches in 5 seconds. Hell, it probably would've taken longer than that scene to download the app in a bar with no wifi.

These are all minor things in the grand scheme of things but they were rather distracting. And again, where the hell was Debbie and her baby when they all had to sleep in the living room lmao


I started to skip the Debby parts since this new episode. Fiona is now an asshole and she could have said it a bit...friendlier? Fuck Frank. Hopefuly Lip gets the chance to show of soon, but I hope he wont fuck up. I am sad for Ian and that situation was heavy, but I loved the scene with the Ian and Lip - really felt like brothership.

still love shameless.


Did Fiona forget she signed up to be these people Legal Guardian? Yes, Debbie is trash and Lip is an ungrateful dick, but she really shouldn't let the underage Gallagher pay.
Yea, Fiona straight up was like, "fuck y'all I need to get mine!" She saw how that lady was doing money-wise and now Fiona wants to be able to replicate it. When she and Lip had that moment she probably realized, "this lady dropped out of high school and now owns the southside. What the fuck am I doing with my life?!"

Fucking Deb though. Where'd all her money go from selling all those stolen strollers?

Carl got some sweet karma though lol. Got the whole swat team and everything to bust open that frat house :D "I gave a girl a disease but I was clean. That's what the results say!" The looks on his older brother's faces were timeless lmao.

I guess Lip just said fuck it and will keep sucking these people's dick, huh? Pretty shitty being a slave to these entitled fucks lol. The look on his face when he gtabbed that piss bag. Oh, and that is pretty stupid that they showed them playing Gears of War on a VR setup..... Especially online Gears of War.
Oof I'm only about halfway through this week's episode but not feeling it. This new Frank scheme with the "new family" is a lame storyline. Hopefully it dies quick.


Did Fiona forget she signed up to be these people Legal Guardian? Yes, Debbie is trash and Lip is an ungrateful dick, but she really shouldn't let the underage Gallagher pay.

That was my problem with this scene. I hope it's addressed, since it was such a major plot point earlier.

The thing Lip said to her was wildly assholish even for him.


Please kill Frank off already. He's literally the Team Rocket of the show at this point.

Meanwhile, Debbie continues to wonder how many L's a character in a series can hold.
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