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LOST 06.12: "Everybody Loves Hugo" (Because He's Like The Best Character On The Show)

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TheGreatDave said:
Characters don't die in a timeline then come back in a physical form.

Sayid doesn't count, he's not the same person.

Truth is, we don't know many specifics about anything. And while you're right that they don't come back in physical form, that doesn't mean that they don't have any effect on the story. Michael reappeared and gave Hurley some insight for example. I'm not saying that Locke will come back to life, but I think he WILL do something great and to the benefit of everyone, be it in whatever life or whatever existence.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
brandonh83 said:
Truth is, we don't know many specifics about anything. And while you're right that they don't come back in physical form, that doesn't mean that they don't have any effect on the story. Michael reappeared and gave Hurley some insight for example. I'm not saying that Locke will come back to life, but I think he WILL do something great and to the benefit of everyone, be it in whatever life or whatever existence.
I'm sure Locke X will do many great things, and expect him to play a big role in unifying the two timelines. And Locke's ghost can talk to Hurley and I'd have no issue.

I still think it's very unlikely he'll return on island in anyway. Him eating Smokey out would be a terrible way to end that character, and two Lockes on the island would be silly.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I'm digging it, thanks for the effort, just not quite sure if it's too spoilery. Lost-GAF, is it that big of a deal to have a gif of Locke/Jack looking at eachother? Just wanna be sure before I grab it.
Fuck it, I'm flipping the switch.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Fuck it, I'm flipping the switch.

I think it should be fine. To the random poster who hasn't watched Lost, or is in the process of watching it for the first time, that could be from any season. Not spoilery at all.
TheGreatDave said:
I'm sure Locke X will do many great things, and expect him to play a big role in unifying the two timelines. And Locke's ghost can talk to Hurley and I'd have no issue.

This is all I expect. I won't lie that I'm holding out for something even greater. I'm just arguing that it's ridiculous to assume that Locke's role in the story is over because he died.


StuBurns said:
It's strange how they have a higher res Lost card than Lost does. Lost's floaty intro thing is really crappy looking too. I wonder why.
It was said long ago that one of the producers whipped it up on a plane ride, and they've used it ever since.


Desmond will throw MIB down a well, but he'll hang on to the rim.

MIB will beg Jack for a hand, and then Jack will respond with:

"This is for John Locke"

and kick him down the well.

Then Jack will go Super Saiyan sprout blonde hair.


Am I LTTP with this? Hilarious either way. :lol



not a medical professional
Menelaus said:
It was said long ago that one of the producers whipped it up on a plane ride, and they've used it ever since.

one of the producers = J.J. Abrams
hence why they don't want to change it.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
God damnit, where the mother fuck is Christian. This is like, the longest they've withehld him in a season, hasn't it?


Nameless said:
For the record, this isn't directed at anyone in particular, but it perplexes me to no end why people go out of their way not to enjoy something. Much less something they claim to be a fan off. To 'waste' their time merely to have something to complain about. Why? There literally has never been a show on TV where one couldn't over scrutinize to the point of negativity. Not one. Jesus Jacob Christ, being in a constant state of malcontent can't at all be pleasant, can it? If you feel LOST sucks, as someone said earlier, stop watching. You'll never find a simpler solution to anything. The "I invested 5 years" argument is bullshit..Why torture yourself? What does that say about your life that you rather spend it negatively than.. not? The most logical course of action would be to stop watching now, and if you must, finish off the series in a chunk once it's concludes instead of miserably trudging through the rest of it(that's what I'm going to do with the last 7 or so episodes of Heroes at some point).

Not saying LOST threads have to be a giant circle jerk but there's a difference between smart criticism and incessant bitching. There's a difference between pointing out plot holes and shitting on the story by jumping to conclusions about what you can't possibly know when there's still six hours left in the narrative. And just because the writers didn't take the series in the direction of some lame-ass theories you spent far too much time coming up with doesn't mean the season is lame or poorly done. Some of the shit, some of the stupid ass fuckin drivel posted in this thread(s) has just wrong & ill-informed, if not pulled directly from someone's ass and slapped on the keyboard. FUCK.

Only 6 hours left. At least try to enjoy it. Do it for me. And if you you think I'm an asshole do it for yourself. You might fine that the sun's a little brighter in the morning.
good post 100% agree


half a moon said:
did they even say christian would play some kind of role?

He better. That's the one person (fuck Walt, Libby, and the rest) that we need to see more of. I'll be pissed if they don't answer what's going on with Christian.


Solo said:
Based on new information in the minor spoilers thread - 6.13 - The Last Recruit - everyone-centric
:D :D awesome, I love that, we usually only get them on season premieres or finales
thekad said:
He better. That's the one person (fuck Walt, Libby, and the rest) that we need to see more of. I'll be pissed if they don't answer what's going on with Christian.
There's no way they don't show more of him. He's been the main focus of Jack's story arc since the beginning, and he's been involved in the island plot regularly up until this season (well after the end date was set). If they leave that question hanging, it'll be the biggest mistake in the show's history, IMO.


brandonh83 said:
Truth is, we don't know many specifics about anything. And while you're right that they don't come back in physical form, that doesn't mean that they don't have any effect on the story. Michael reappeared and gave Hurley some insight for example. I'm not saying that Locke will come back to life, but I think he WILL do something great and to the benefit of everyone, be it in whatever life or whatever existence.
So what about that theory about "its only the people that wasn't buried". Has that been answered...?


SpeedingUptoStop said:
God damnit, where the mother fuck is Christian. This is like, the longest they've withehld him in a season, hasn't it?

How can Christian appear again? He's the smoke monster. The smoke monster can no longer change forms now. He's also dead in the X timeline and they lost his body. There are also no more flashbacks. It's over. No more Christian.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Maybe Claire has intel on Christian's whereabouts.

I'm hoping her and Jack get to discuss their common daddy issues.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
duckroll said:
How can Christian appear again? He's the smoke monster. The smoke monster can no longer change forms now. He's also dead in the X timeline and they lost his body. There are also no more flashbacks. It's over. No more Christian.
Smokey and Christian being the same entity isn't a guarantee. There's many conflicting issues.


duckroll said:
How can Christian appear again? He's the smoke monster. The smoke monster can no longer change forms now. He's also dead in the X timeline and they lost his body. There are also no more flashbacks. It's over. No more Christian.

All signs point to Christian NOT being the smoke monster.

1) He appeared off-island.
2) He appeared on the main island while Smokey/Locke was over on Hydra island.
3) Claire refers to "My friend" and "my father" as two separate people. There's something generally weird with what she sees as her friend, when Locke-form was only a few days old when the conversation took place.


duckroll said:
How can Christian appear again? He's the smoke monster. The smoke monster can no longer change forms now. He's also dead in the X timeline and they lost his body. There are also no more flashbacks. It's over. No more Christian.
He not the Smoke Monster, he's appeared off island for one.


Catalix said:
Smokey and Christian being the same entity isn't a guarantee. These many conflicting issues.
Not to mention Christian met Sun and Frank WAY after the Flocke take over. Christian's body missing in both timelines is suspect and I expect him to play a critical role in the finale.


Christian Shepard is stuck on the Island like Michael. This is fact, as in many previous episodes he was one of the whisperers. Christian is not the Smoke Monster, but the Smoke Monster may have used his form to manipulate Claire.


duckroll said:
How can Christian appear again? He's the smoke monster. The smoke monster can no longer change forms now. He's also dead in the X timeline and they lost his body. There are also no more flashbacks. It's over. No more Christian.

Claire referred to Christian and MIB/Smokey as if they were two separate people.

Plus: we've seen Christian in the cabin with someone else (probably MIB).
threenote said:
Christian Shepard is stuck on the Island like Michael. This is fact, as in many previous episodes he was one of the whisperers. Christian is not the Smoke Monster, but the Smoke Monster may have used his form to manipulate Claire.

This gels with me. I like it. I don't think Christian was the smoke monster. As you said the smoke monster may have taken his appearance to trick Claire, but when Jack sees Christian on the beach in season 1, I think he... is seeing Christian on the beach.


Blader5489 said:
Claire referred to Christian and MIB/Smokey as if they were two separate people.
She's bat shit mental.

EDIT: To be clear, I'm not saying Christian definitely is Smokey, just that I don't think anything Claire says is evidence.
duckroll said:
How can Christian appear again? He's the smoke monster. The smoke monster can no longer change forms now. He's also dead in the X timeline and they lost his body. There are also no more flashbacks. It's over. No more Christian.

No way can he be smokey, he has been off island twice, once with Jack and once with Micheal. Also Christian's body isnt in his coffin when Jack finds it in S1, but ocke's body is still in his coffin when smoky becomes him. They need to explain what Christian is, and think they will.
Yaweee said:
All signs point to Christian NOT being the smoke monster.

1) He appeared off-island.
2) He appeared on the main island while Smokey/Locke was over on Hydra island.
3) Claire refers to "My friend" and "my father" as two separate people. There's something generally weird with what she sees as her friend, when Locke-form was only a few days old when the conversation took place.
2) the sound of the smoke monster was on the main island right before they saw christian.
Solo said:
Mirrors are no longer needed. They appeared up to and including Desmond's episode. But once Charlie made Des "feel it", there is no need for subtle odd glances at the character's reflections. Desmond is making them reflect in a much more powerful way.

Bravo. I was just thinking that I didn't remember any Hurley-mirrors but it makes total sense.
Catalix said:
Maybe Claire has intel on Christian's whereabouts.

I'm hoping her and Jack get to discuss their common daddy issues.

I completely forgot about this. They haven't even had the opportunity yet. Does Claire even know? If Kate told her, it wasn't on screen.
Liara T'Soni said:
I completely forgot about this. They haven't even had the opportunity yet. Does Claire even know? If Kate told her, it wasn't on screen.


Jack: I have tons of faces

*Claire lunges at him with knife*

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Solo said:
Ive done this for EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE. THIS. SEASON. Next week's title and centricity has always been fair game. Chill.

Yea but you're still a dick.

What a waste Lapidus and Miles have been this season. Both really interesting characters, and now it looks they are just set up for some sacrifice-like death. Really wish Miles had some real closure with his Pierre, and Lapidus better fly someone somewhere


Kinda more of a reference to last weeks episode. But the MRI thing is weird. Way back in season 1, prior to ever witnessing the smoke monster, people were speculating that it had something to do with MRIs, since Rose said in the first episode that smokies sound was very familiar to her.
cnizzle06 said:
Kinda more of a reference to last weeks episode. But the MRI thing is weird. Way back in season 1, prior to ever witnessing the smoke monster, people were speculating that it had something to do with MRIs, since Rose said in the first episode that smokies sound was very familiar to her.

To be fair, people speculated every possible explanation, including but not limited to the sound of grasshoppers fucking
cnizzle06 said:
Kinda more of a reference to last weeks episode. But the MRI thing is weird. Way back in season 1, prior to ever witnessing the smoke monster, people were speculating that it had something to do with MRIs, since Rose said in the first episode that smokies sound was very familiar to her.
electromagnetic fields play a role in MRI, desmond, the hatch, the island. smokie? don't know. could be.


John Harker said:
Yea but you're still a dick.

What a waste Lapidus and Miles have been this season. Both really interesting characters, and now it looks they are just set up for some sacrifice-like death. Really wish Miles had some real closure with his Pierre, and Lapidus better fly someone somewhere

Frank is cool and all, but interesting? There's not a single damn interesting thing about him. :lol

I do want to know why these two are still on the show. Like, what possible contributions can they make to the story.
cnizzle06 said:
Kinda more of a reference to last weeks episode. But the MRI thing is weird. Way back in season 1, prior to ever witnessing the smoke monster, people were speculating that it had something to do with MRIs, since Rose said in the first episode that smokies sound was very familiar to her.
I think that's because she's from NYC and one of the sounds used for smokey is an NYC cab receipt printer.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
cnizzle06 said:
Kinda more of a reference to last weeks episode. But the MRI thing is weird. Way back in season 1, prior to ever witnessing the smoke monster, people were speculating that it had something to do with MRIs, since Rose said in the first episode that smokies sound was very familiar to her.

yea cause its the sound of a NYC taxi printer receipt

Frank is cool and all, but interesting? There's not a single damn interesting thing about him.

I do want to know why these two are still on the show. Like, what possible contributions can they make to the story.

He's interesting because we know so little about him. He's funny, and friendly, and seems to care a lot... but other than him oversleeping, we know nothing about him. We've even had multiple Miles flashbacks, but nada really on Frank. Other than Illana once mentioning he could be a candidate.


John Harker said:
yea cause its the sound of a NYC taxi printer receipt

Maybe you're right, but I don't think they'd have her say that line simply to point out the origin of the literal sound effect. Maybe I'm looking too much into this.



Blader5489 said:
Frank is cool and all, but interesting? There's not a single damn interesting thing about him. :lol

I do want to know why these two are still on the show. Like, what possible contributions can they make to the story.

Epic deaths or funny lines, nothing else.
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