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LOST 06.12: "Everybody Loves Hugo" (Because He's Like The Best Character On The Show)

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Solo said:
Des will visit Sawyer, somehow create the circumstances by which he and Juliet will meet for coffee, and voila - Sawyer's flash.

I hope they do something emotional with that. I mean that has serious potential for the man tears, especially after the dock scene in What Kate Does (great episode).


brandonh83 said:
Sure, this is possible. And sensible. The thing that keeps telling me that there's going to be way more to it is the new information we have. It just seems so blatant to me at this point. You have Desmond over in the X timeline showing them the truth. Things from the island are starting to bleed over into the XTL <---can this be the new official acronym? Anyway, right from the get-go of this season, we had a Jack and Locke scene were Jack expressed interest in taking a look at Locke's condition. Locke tells himself and Helen that he's not going to do it. He comes close to calling the good lord Shephard a few times but never does. He needs a final push to get to meet up with Jack again, but too bad it was in the form of the brothamobile.

I'm just seeing all the events in the XTL as something that will lead up to MIB's downfall. It seems likely to me that Jack may fix Locke in the XTL and this will have an on-island effect of some sort. Notice I'm saying all this stuff without mentioning Locke busting up out of his grave. I don't think that will happen. I'm just arguing that it's plainly clear to me that Locke will, in some form and in some fashion, help the characters out in a big way.

What if Locke just succumbs to his injuries next week and dies? :lol


Solo said:
Des will visit Sawyer, somehow create the circumstances by which he and Juliet will meet for coffee, and voila - Sawyer's flash.

My guess is that Des will try to 'awaken' Sawyer, Sawyer will spend the whole episode dealing with Kate but won't recall anything, and then BAM! - he meets Juliet and memories of the future come back to him, making Skaters worldwide hang themselves.

And writing that out, I just realized, that at the point in time we see in the X timeline, most of the things the survivors remember hadn't happened yet, which would suggest that the timelines are not parallel to each other. Do you know what I mean?


Fail out bailed
I think its weird that so many people in this thread feel comfortable calling bullshit on other people's opinion of this season.
Each season of LOST has a distinct tone, theme and even pace. The creators have talked about this. Its part of what keeps me watching.
A side effect of this though, is that some seasons will lose people.

I have loved this season (although I was in the minority in feeling like Ab Aterno was a stone best left unturned) but I think its natural for each season to have detractors.

Granted, some of the opinions people express are poorly formed or maybe short sighted... but I'm sure they aren't "hating"
They are probably like most people and have a lot of trouble putting their finger on what they don't like about something.

Anyway, not trying to start a flame war or something, but it always bugs me when people accuse others of liking/disliking things for ulterior motives.



brandonh83 said:
I hope they do something emotional with that. I mean that has serious potential for the man tears, especially after the dock scene in What Kate Does (great episode).
Maybe Julliet will even realize there are two timelines, similar to Desmond? Miles heard her say "It worked" after she died, so perhaps her conciousness was / was connected to X Julliet's conciousness?


Wonder if we'll ever see what's happened with Rose and Bernard. I don't know that we can assume that they time traveled back to the present after the incident...


Costanza said:
oh come on, like knowing something like that is going to ruin your enjoyment of the episode.

you guys are ridiculous.


Especially since we were openly talking about this week's ep being Hurley centric about this time last week. REALLY not a big deal, and I consider myself pretty spoiler sensitive.

I guess the only exception would be if the "centric" episode was for a surprise guest star or something.


Yaweee said:
Solo is a dick. You don't spoil shit like that. Why would you post that here? If they cared or wanted to know they'd be in the other thread already.

Wait what?

Next episode title and centricity has always been cool.


Yaweee said:
Solo is a dick. You don't spoil shit like that. Why would you post that here? If they cared or wanted to know they'd be in the other thread already.

Ive done this for EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE. THIS. SEASON. Next week's title and centricity has always been fair game. Chill.


To me, its like episode titles. You're a goddamned liar if you say knowing the title of a LOST episode has ever spoiled anything for you. Same goes for centricity. Oh no, Ive been "spoiled" and learned its a Hurley ep!


Junior Member
:lol at the complaints about the centricity "spoiler". If anything, knowing that it's everyone-centric adds to the mystery because anything could happen to anyone in these episodes.
How I see it, if you're so spoiler sensitive that you don't even want to know whether or not an episode had any scenes filmed in Hawaii, you wouldn't enter any related message board discussions.


This is a stupid debate. I've come down hard on spoilers in general, but sometimes it's just stupid. Episode title? Not a spoiler. Discussing centricity? Not a spoiler. If you go into the next episode knowing that the title is The Last Recruit, and thinking it is everyone-centric, there is no way it will diminish your possible enjoyment of the episode.

The title could be referring to anything. It could be referring to MIB recruiting his last ally, which is certainly what they want it to sound like, or it could be something in reference to the X timeline, or it could be both. Either way we don't know who is being recruited. No spoiler.

The centricity can't spoiler anything either. It's either about a character, or it's about multiple characters, or it is not about any character off the island. None of these could possibly make someone enjoy the episode less.
Solo said:
To me, its like episode titles. You're a goddamned liar if you say knowing the title of a LOST episode has ever spoiled anything for you. Same goes for centricity. Oh no, Ive been "spoiled" and learned its a Hurley ep!

actually thats not true, i learned the season 5 finale title a couple of months before it aired. So i basically knew what the finale would be about


Solo said:
To me, its like episode titles. You're a goddamned liar if you say knowing the title of a LOST episode has ever spoiled anything for you. Same goes for centricity. Oh no, Ive been "spoiled" and learned its a Hurley ep!
That's kind of bullshit, if you knew Des's episode was about him two weeks before, you'd probably know he was the thing Widmore had locked up. It spoiled the surprise for me. That being said, next weeks episode being centered on no one, if that's true, means nothing.


Jealous Bastard


Unconfirmed Member
RevoDS said:
:lol at the complaints about the centricity "spoiler". If anything, knowing that it's everyone-centric adds to the mystery because anything could happen to anyone in these episodes.
Except Sun / Jin reunion, lol amirite?


I think there's a huge difference between knowing what a episode title is weeks or months in advance, and discussing the episode title of NEXT WEEK'S EPISODE. When there is a press release out for next week's episode, an official blurb about it, and official sneak peak videos, anyone complaining about the episode title and centricity should shut the fuck up. :)


well not really...yet
Drealmcc0y said:
actually thats not true, i learned the season 5 finale title a couple of months before it aired. So i basically knew what the finale would be about
Theres a difference between knowing the title several months before and knowing it the week before it airs.
Yaweee said:
Wow, I'm sorry for starting this whole mess. I didn't have a problem with what Solo posted (I already knew), but that he used a spoiler source to reveal it before any official ABC material did.

It's all good, dudes! ;)

Episode title is at ABC.com. DO NOT GO THERE for they have an AWESOME MINDBLOWING PREVIEW of the show feature a 30 second conversation.


Yaweee said:
Wow, I'm sorry for starting this whole mess. I didn't have a problem with what Solo posted (I already knew), but that he used a spoiler source to reveal it before any official ABC material did.

ABC press release for The Last Recruit came out yesterday, btw.
Yaweee said:
And it revealed virtually nothing about who does what.
Dude. Does it really matter if he reveals that everyone is featured in that episode? Did you see the sneak peaks and the previews of the next episode. It's pretty straight forward from where the season is going to.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
OneEightZero said:
Got too tired, gonna finish 'em tomorrow. I did finish yours though, Speeding.


This is what I mean by too dark, Fireside.

I'm digging it, thanks for the effort, just not quite sure if it's too spoilery. Lost-GAF, is it that big of a deal to have a gif of Locke/Jack looking at eachother? Just wanna be sure before I grab it.
Guys, just chill! I come here every week to enjoy the respect people have for the show and the discussions. Why turn it into a bickering fight? I understand for the purist they really don't want to know the title or centricity of the episodes but this is truly one of the last places we can discuss LOST safely. Let's not fuck it up.

Is it ok to discuss the synopsis of next weeks ep?Who do
you think joins camp Locke? Seems like Locke needs them all. I could see Sun being convinced and Lapidus as well. But, Hurley and Jack? After their contact with Jacob. Can't be. I guess the chance to be tempted is important.



There, that just about covers everything. :D
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