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Trump's Saudi speech to urge unity against radical Islam



Trump receiving the gold medal of authoritarianism from one authoritarian to another

Isn't it illegal for presidents to take personal gifts beyond a certain monetary value?


Isn't it illegal for presidents to take personal gifts beyond a certain monetary value?

Yeah, and this trip he will violate all sorts of laws. I mean, he has a fucking hotel lit up in American flag colors in there. No wonder he went.


Persecution Complex
Isn't it illegal for presidents to take personal gifts beyond a certain monetary value?

It's pretty standard for heads of state to give gifts to each other.

I'm not joking, I think I've seen that exact gold necklace at the Nixon library that was a gift to him from the Saudi leaders at the time. I do know that the Saudis gave Nixon a really nice gold necklace that is in his Presidential library but IDK if it's that exact one.


It's pretty standard for heads of state to give gifts to each other.

I'm not joking, I think I've seen that exact gold necklace at the Nixon library that was a gift to him from the Saudi leaders at the time. I do know that the Saudis gave Nixon a really nice gold necklace that was in his library but IDK if it's that exact one.

I know they give gifts to each other, but they're not kept by Presidents. I remember Obama receiving a car in Japan that he couldn't keep. I could see Trump trying to keep it.


On one occasion, during George W. Bush's administration, a call was placed to the National Archives to pick up a puppy. The president of Bulgaria had presented the puppy as a gift during an official visit and because U.S. presidents are limited in the gifts they can accept from foreign leaders, it had to be sent directly to the National Archives. But a puppy is difficult to archive, so it was eventually placed with a family.

If he tries to keep that gift personally, he's committing a crime.


Persecution Complex
Yeah, that's the exact necklace given to President Nixon in 1974.

"The highest order of King Abdul Aziz Al Saud, presented to President Nixon by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, 1974"

I have the picture on my phone from when I went to the Nixon library 3-4 years ago. Can't post it right now,


Yeah, that's the exact necklace given to President Nixon in 1974.

"The highest order of King Abdul Aziz Al Saud, presented to President Nixon by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, 1974"

I have the picture on my phone from when I went to the Nixon library 3-4 years ago. Can't post it right now,

That's not my point, he can take it so long as he archives it right away. He cannot actually keep it.
Yeah, that's the exact necklace given to President Nixon in 1974.

"The highest order of King Abdul Aziz Al Saud, presented to President Nixon by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, 1974"

I have the picture on my phone from when I went to the Nixon library 3-4 years ago. Can't post it right now,

Yea that order is given to most heads of state.



Yea that order is given to most heads of state.

I'm not saying there cannot be a ceremony around it, but Trump's gonna wanna take it for keeps, which this is the detailed rule on the matter:

If it's a foreign dignitary, the Constitution bars the president or any federal employee from receiving presents without the consent of Congress.

Congress has generally allowed for accepting gifts of "minimal value" from foreign governments as a sign of courtesy. Refusing them may cause "offense of embarrassment" and ultimately sour relations, according to a Congressional Research Service report prepared in 2012.

Minimal value, which is revised every three years, was pegged at no more than $375 in 2014.

But foreign leaders tend to want to give items that are worth more than that. A lot more.

According to an annual listing of gifts from foreign dignitaries to various federal officials, oil-rich Saudi Arabia has routinely bestowed the most blinged-out, opulent ornaments.

For instance, in 2014, the late Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz handed over six presents worth more than $1.3 million, according to the most recent data available. That includes a men's gold and silver wristwatch ($18,240), a white gold men's wristwatch ($67,000) and for the first lady, a diamond and pearl jewelry set ($570,000).

The jewelry can't be pocketed by the president or his family unless they're willing to pay for it at fair market value — seen as a way to cast off bribery allegations.


Regardless, I doubt he'd be so dumb as to ignore this rule... Right?


Isn't it illegal for presidents to take personal gifts beyond a certain monetary value?

I'm not joking, I think I've seen that exact gold necklace at the Nixon library that was a gift to him from the Saudi leaders at the time. I do know that the Saudis gave Nixon a really nice gold necklace that is in his Presidential library but IDK if it's that exact one.

Isn't this a tradition between U.S. presidents and the Saudis?

Edit: NyMartin90 beat me to it.


A $100 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Trump accepting the same medal as other presidents from the King and just promising to cooperate more with S.A.

How the fuck are Trump supporters —who pummelled Hillary for indirectly having ties with Saudi Arabia— taking this? Or are they applying the usual cognitive dissonance about how Trump is "different" and playing 5D quantum-chess?
I'm not saying there cannot be a ceremony around it, but Trump's gonna wanna take it for keeps, which this is the detailed rule on the matter:


Regardless, I doubt he'd be so dumb as to ignore this rule... Right?

Yea I didn't say anything about whether he wants to keep it or not, just that it's not an exclusive item for Pres. Trump.
He obviously won't keep it, it'll eventually be in the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library decades from now.
Can't what?

I can't stand the guy as much as the next guy, but him simply existing in the midst of customs and cultural demonstrations that almost every high profile figure invited to SA does doesn't call for an outrage.

I shit on gwb for it, I shit on Obama for it, and I will shit on Trump for it.

Those fucks are the biggest propagators of terrorism world wide, are actively murdering Yemeni civilians, and domestically are basically north korea except with beheadings and oil instead of half assed nukes and gulags.

The world would be a better place if every bomb, missile, and bullet used in Iraq and Afghanistan went after the heads of these worthless fucks instead.

Edit: I shit on Hilary for it to and I thought the one easy win for Trump in my eyes would be to not enable these theocrats.


needs 2 extra inches
I shit on gwb for it, I shit on Obama for it, and I will shit on Trump for it.

Those fucks are the biggest propagators of terrorism world wide, are actively murdering Yemeni civilians, and domestically are basically north korea except with beheadings and oil instead of half assed nukes and gulags.

The world would be a better place if every bomb, missile, and bullet used in Iraq and Afghanistan went after the heads of these worthless fucks instead.
Oh. Okay.
Yeah, that's the exact necklace given to President Nixon in 1974.

"The highest order of King Abdul Aziz Al Saud, presented to President Nixon by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, 1974"

I have the picture on my phone from when I went to the Nixon library 3-4 years ago. Can't post it right now,
And we all know what happened to Nixon a few months later that year
I shit on gwb for it, I shit on Obama for it, and I will shit on Trump for it.

Those fucks are the biggest propagators of terrorism world wide, are actively murdering Yemeni civilians, and domestically are basically north korea except with beheadings and oil instead of half assed nukes and gulags.

The world would be a better place if every bomb, missile, and bullet used in Iraq and Afghanistan went after the heads of these worthless fucks instead.

Edit: I shit on Hilary for it to and I thought the one easy win for Trump in my eyes would be to not enable these theocrats.

I believe the people of Iraq and Afghanistan also believe the same thing for the US

over the top posting can go so many ways... it also doesn't lead to anywhere


I know they give gifts to each other, but they're not kept by Presidents. I remember Obama receiving a car in Japan that he couldn't keep. I could see Trump trying to keep it.



If he tries to keep that gift personally, he's committing a crime.

"I should totally keep this gift, a beautiful gift, very beautiful, all in pure gold, and I really appreciate this gift, the Saudi king couldn't have been nicer, such a nice person really, you wouldn't think so because our fake news, that's what I call them, "fake news media", our fake news media are always making it sound like they're all bad over there, but it's not true, the Saudi people are terrific people, really incredible people, the bad ones usually go to Syria or Europe or try to come to the US, but... we have extreme vetting now, and we could do even better if the Democrats and their paid protesters would just accept that I have the right, I have it, it's my right as president, and I'm president now, even if a lot of people thought I would never win I did and it was a great electoral college win, one of the best really, but... I have the right to block anyone who poses a threat to our country, from coming in.

So... I will send it to the national archives, but if I wanted to I could totally keep it, I really could."
A $100 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Trump accepting the same medal as other presidents from the King and just promising to cooperate more with S.A.

How the fuck are Trump supporters —who pummelled Hillary for indirectly having ties with Saudi Arabia— taking this? Or are they applying the usual cognitive dissonance about how Trump is "different" and playing 5D quantum-chess?

"He's going to bomb them as soon as he leaves" or something.
A $100 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Trump accepting the same medal as other presidents from the King and just promising to cooperate more with S.A.

How the fuck are Trump supporters —who pummelled Hillary for indirectly having ties with Saudi Arabia— taking this? Or are they applying the usual cognitive dissonance about how Trump is "different" and playing 5D quantum-chess?

It's literally as long as Trump does it it's fine..
Tomorrow is the important day...

Today was basically signing some agreements and some celebration but Tomorrow is Trump engaging in three summits with at least 37 Country leaders and around 20ish CEOS,etc...
Can't what?

I can't stand the guy as much as the next guy, but him simply existing in the midst of customs and cultural demonstrations that almost every high profile figure invited to SA does doesn't call for an outrage.

Ah, kind of bullshit considering what Trump has said about Muslims and Islam.

There doesn't need to be outrage from normal people because we know Trump is a spineless pussy who talks out of both sides of his mouth, but his fans should be outraged based on how he fed their anti-Muslim/Islam sentiments. I'm sure some are.
Does he not realise those swords are used to execute people?

Anyway, I wonder what Trump will achieve with his speech. As a Muslim, I cautiously optimistic. But I'm also looking forward to the dumpster fire.

He won't achieve anything because the message is the same that has been given a trillion times: SA and USA should work together to combat extremism. That's obvious but SA only has interest in combating extremism as it relates to terrorist attacks against it's hierarchy. Extremism of the practice of Wahhabism in the country is a non-issue for them.
Does he not realise those swords are used to execute people?

Anyway, I wonder what Trump will achieve with his speech. As a Muslim, I cautiously optimistic. But I'm also looking forward to the dumpster fire.

Nothing. But American media will bust a collective nut praising him for being able to read off a teleprompter for an hour without going on long winded tangents about himself.

Van Jones will tell you he's the most presidential appearing President ever.

Then come Monday he'll be back to his same bullshit as usual and everyone will act shocked.


His whole time there all he is doing is laying groundwork to build a new hotel and golf course there.
Vice President Mike Pence urged graduating students at a Pennsylvania college to become leaders and cited President Donald Trump's "leadership and perseverance" as an example.

"If you aspire to lead, you'll need courage, because leadership brings both honor and opposition," Pence told hundreds of graduates and their families Saturday at the Grove City College commencement.

Pence cited Trump as "an example of leadership and perseverance" to applause from the crowd, citing the president's efforts on the economy, education, security and — to more applause — for standing "without apology for the sanctity of life and all the God-given liberties in the Constitution of the United States."

"But as the president said just about a week ago in a ceremony just like this, 'Nothing worth doing ever came easy,'" Pence said. "'Following your convictions means you must be willing to face criticism from those who lack the courage to do what's right,'" the vice president quoted the president as saying.

After that, y'all should be ashame of yourselves for doubting the Trump. /sarcasm
It also urges Arab and Muslim leaders to ”drive out the terrorists from your places of worship," the AP reported.

I'll call out shit when I see it, but I don't need to be pressured by white christians to do it. Does this actually have the effect they want or is it purely to look tough?

This is such a condescending-ass remark and it has been so common over the last sixteen years. Your average muslim will turn people over they suspect might be violent. They don't need to be told to do it. This is white America trying to make themselves feel better by pretending they have a moral highground over brown people. I am not enlisted into your crusade because you called me for it, I don't want anyone to hurt anyone else. It's my own moral compass that tells me how to handle this.

While we're at it, you want to encourage white frats to keep the rape in check? No? Wonder why that is.


Those fucks are the biggest propagators of terrorism world wide, are actively murdering Yemeni civilians, and domestically are basically north korea except with beheadings and oil instead of half assed nukes and gulags.
Like I just don't understand the mentality behind this post. What exactly do you call the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Vietnam? The US has directly and indirectly killed orders of magnitude more civilians than Saudi Arabia ever has.

Murdering Yemeni civilians?
You mean like 3 months ago:

Funding terrorists?

Or all of the various times the US has outright assassinated the leaders of countries it simply didn't like? When it helped overthrow Iran's democratically elected government?
Permanently changing the course of that nation forever. Hell America directly funds Saudi Arabia anyway, why shouldn't we be dropping bombs on the US for that? Why is it only a one way thing here?

Nevermind the US's own human rights abuses such as Guantanamo Bay or Abu Gharib?


Or the operation of the largest domestic and International surveillance system in the world, one that literally violates the human rights of almost everyone in the world on a daily basis?

Why are beheadings any worse than the electric chairs, lethal injections, or gas chambers? There's only one western country on earth that still practices the death penalty.
Nevermind the unofficial death penalty carried out by America's police force every day, where smoking a cigarette while black can get you killed.
The world would be a better place if every bomb, missile, and bullet used in Iraq and Afghanistan went after the heads of these worthless fucks instead.
I'm sure the many Iraqi orphans living in squalor feel the very same way about America.

Get the fuck off your high horse with your "just nuke them all" shit.
Saudi Arabia has issues, things that should absolutely be criticised, but it doesn't mean the world would be better off if they were all dead.
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