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Old GAF and silly bans


My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
I got banned for offering what I thought was genuine hard learnt advice I got from dating, something along the lines of "always fuck your partner", though in the circumstance of the thread's topic it was seen as victim blaming or condoning harrasment as the op did not want to have sex with his girl and she slapped him or something... I can see it the way the mods saw it, but I did not mean it that way, of course I did not elaborate* my advice for comedic effect. After that I was a lot more careful of what I said, felt like I was walking on eggshells.

* In my first real love I lost the lust for my girl and would say no to sex (we went from everyday in the first year to once every 2 weeks), eventually she ended up cheating and we split, and I got no sex for many years after that. From then on I learnt to either always (within limits) say yes, or if there is a huge discrepancy in sex drives you should address it by separating or whatever will make you both happy.


Never got ban because never joined SJWGaf.

Just curious, in the OldGaf, did anyone got banned for stating "female" instead of girl/woman?


Thank god I wasn's a member during all the Kingdom Come Deliverance outrage.

I would have been banned with the power of a thousand suns


I took a month for saying "I believe in Catholic social teaching." I didn't elaborate in any way, just left it at that.

Whatever goofball mod it was said I was banned for trying to "hide" my toxic views behind my religion.
I was permad during the collapse for saying how happy i was to see the SJWs go. Couple of months later and SJW doesn't warrant you a perma ban anymore.

Patrick S.

I got my only GAF-ban because around the time the Nintendo Switch came out, I said that, to me, the Switch felt more like a toy than a proper console. I almost broke my neck from how hard I had to shake my head in disbelief when I read the notification.


I got banned for recommending that a troll get banned for trolling us all in a thread.

I guess as a "junior" I wasn't allowed to have an opinion.

That ban lasted about 10 years until I decided to email y'all and try to get back in...... thankfully the new guard thought that shit was as ridiculous as I have for damn near a decade lol


Unconfirmed Member


ResetERA is past gaf it ever becomes that again then RIP
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Anyone remember when Dragona was a mod?

She would ban EVERYONE who made a comment on drivers [of vehicles] who were women... If those comments could be construed as critical, then she banned you.

One of the most egregious examples was when there was a video clip of a woman driving a minivan that ran into something. A poster pointed out that the driver was a woman and copped a ban.

And Evilore was totally OK with it.

He said that Dragona "was OG".

What got Evilore to de-mod Dragona was when he found out that Dragona was letting her boyfriend use her account.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Anyone remember when Dragona was a mod?

She would ban EVERYONE who made a comment on drivers [of vehicles] who were women... If those comments could be construed as critical, then she banned you.

One of the most egregious examples was when there was a video clip of a woman driving a minivan that ran into something. A poster pointed out that the driver was a woman and copped a ban.

And Evilore was totally OK with it.

He said that Dragona "was OG".

What got Evilore to de-mod Dragona was when he found out that Dragona was letting her boyfriend use her account.

Mix of accurate, perhaps the appearance of how things were from an outside perspective in some cases, and inaccurate. There was a lot of friction between Dragona and I behind the scenes and I'd prefer if you didn't speak as if you know what I was and wasn't "totally okay" with. It was a balancing act between keeping the forum orderly and wrangling the extreme egos of the Dragona and Bish types back then since very very people were willing to mod gaming side and its heated console wars, and in some cases the overall positives of the law and order seemed to outweigh the overzealous/personal chip-on-shoulder nature of some of of it, which I also adjusted downward or overturned plenty of times. I did a whole lot more of that than banning.

We had a falling out when I allowed a thread on trans issues to discuss the medical science of trans issues in a neutral and respectful manner, which apparently made me an evil bigot.

For the record, though, she's a bad driver.


I had one where the mod put as note something about my skill to use rethorics and sarcasm to "walk always near the line but never crossing it". My proudest ban ever lol


I got banned for 2 months for this post and was accused of being a racist for not being hyped on the Mafia 3 bandwagon because as an Italian, I knew better about how insipid the characterizations of organized crime characters can be.


Diverse, haha. These games indulge in the most stereotypical characterizations ever.

That's it.

I got permabanned for something equally stupid -- for disagreeing with a Talib Kweli video about how white imperialist beauty standards are stealing the concept of beauty from Asian nations and forcing them to adopt Eurocentric ones. I was polite, provided evidence, and sided with several asians on the forum (backslashbunny etc) who also disagreed with the video, and said that Asians still retain their own version of beauty and fashion. Again, called a racist and banned. This forum used to be quite the dump.
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lil puff

I had several thread whining bans, and one ban about being insensitive to this celebrity that kept trying stunts for publicity. Don't remember who it was anymore.

The permaban came from a thread about 2 chicks (one black/one white)crossing each others path in an airport, they gave each other dirty looks and a fight escalated. I recall the people in the thread stepping up to defend only the black girl and I ended up in this both sides argument and got dogpiled and baited. At that point, I was done with the site and pretty much said so.

Stomping out the cockroaches

was the explanation from Bish


I don't remember the reason but my ban messages here were fucking stupid.

Bish banned me and gave me the following message "sit down" if i ever see him better believe that's the first thing I'm going to tell him.

The final ban message was "you're not a good fit for our forum please go somewhere else"


Oh found my perm.. funny thing is I've drank rubbing alcohol before and it will fuck your stomach if you keep it moderate. And the guy wasn't even trying to kill himself come ob


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Sorry. :|

Meanwhile in 2015:


Now that we're largely post-GG and she's not the figurehead for women in a war against basement dwelling 8chan terrorists, it's probably time for Anita Sarkeesian's poorly researched, reactionary blanket statements and self-sabotaging fringe feminism to not always be given attention by default.

Suffice to say a few overzealous folks like Charlequin were not operating in good faith on the team.
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Gold Member
I got banned once (for a week I think) for equating something to believing in Santa Clause. I think that's the only time I was banned if I remember. Maybe one other time, but I think that was it. I always thought that was ridiculous though. But I just laughed about it.


Since this is also about ERA I just have to vent here.

Little backstory: I'm mostly a lurker and I think I never had a problem on GAF since I stayed clear of the more provoking topics. Then the whole ERA thing happened and since it seemed that all the cool kids went there I went there too. BIG mistake :/

My first permanent ban was in a topic about this esport dude that demanded nudes from a teen fan. People in the thread wanted the guy to go to prison for this. I'm a social worker so throwing people that are clearly not mentally developed and/or stable just seemed crazy to me. I also said the girl got lucky that she learned that dudes can be real assholes without being hurt much. I had a childhood friend who got abused alot as a teenager by her boyfriend and another who got rapped and laughed out of the police station cause her skirt was too short, so I knew how it is to learn that lesson the hard way. Reason: downplaying the sexual abuse of minors. Seems we got fucking wannabe attorneys in the mod team.

I was fucking furious since it's damn hard for me to get an email address that is usable for GAF and ERA. I somehow managed to get a second work address and register a new account and chalked the whole thing up to me being an insensitive asshole and that I'm not a native English speaker, so maybe my intent was misinterpreted.

With my new account I was very careful to stay far away from such topics and keeping my head down, which was not easy with every second topic being something shitty I worried about as a teen or "I think XYZ! Am I crazy?!" Who cares? This is not Reddit...

Well it worked till Blizzard made something in memory of TotalBiscuit and someone made a thread about it. Holy fuck did they piss on his grave, waved their dicks and danced in joy that he was dead. And anyone who dared to say otherwise was shouted out the door. That's where I drew the line! I loved TB and wouldn't let those basement dwelling nice guys shit on him. But I learned my lesson so I did it in a polite way...

Blizzard creates a commemorative TotalBiscuit cosmetic bundle for StarCraft II (Read OP)

First one week ban and after "review" one month since I dared to criticize how those anti GG people present themselves.

Frankly they can fuck right off, I dont care anymore about ERA. In my eyes those are hateful and ignorant people who shit on discussion and diversity in the sake of being seen as "progressive".

When I came back here I was pleasantly surprised that topics are discussed in a normal manner and that people are allowed to have opinions. If the opinion is shit they have to deal with the backlash and can explain themselves instead of being nuked out of the site.

So thanks NeoGaf for being awesome and first and foremost just normal!

Now I feel better...thanks for reading :D


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I got a ban from the other place for saying I didn’t know who a particular actor was and looking them up on Google.


Permabanned junior account for saying Half-life 2 boat section was boring and not that good game today ( not aged well or something) in your raise your flame shield thread. OR was a totally SWF but naughty picture that i really don't remember well were i posted. What a jerks.
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Story time folks.

A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. There was a thread about paedophilia, I think the title was literally 'lets discuss paedophilia'.

This is when GAF was being moderated by, how do I put this nicely... folks who would likely describe themselves as 'woke', prefix their username with a female pronoun despite being male, and most likely to have a twitter avatar featuring a wolf cropped to ensure the nipples are clearly visible.

Given the (usually) zealous moderation, I was both surprised that it wasn't locked, and that it had reached 8 pages (16 pages if you were one of those horrible 50 post per page peasants).

So I clicked, as you would right? Let's be honest, attempting to have a serious debate about mental illness on an internet forum is akin to pissing into the wind, and young/stupid McCheese wanted to prance around in the splashback.

Now I read threads back-to-front (don't judge me) so jumped to the last page and started reading. There was one chap who seemed to think that, you know what? it's no big deal. In fact, being attracted to kids is pretty much the same as being gay. He was harping on about persecution and the subjectivity of age of consent laws. I was pretty gobsmacked. clicking back in time across the previous pages, it was a graveyard of banned accounts of folks calling him out, asking how the fuck the thread was being kept open, and generally acting as most folks would have acted given the situation.

McCheese wasn't pleased, McCheese wasn't pleased one little bit. McCheese might have told him to chemically castrate himself.

The guy was a moderator and nuked my account from orbit, I remember he didn't even leave me a ban message. What sort of monster designs a ban system on a forum and makes the message field optional? how do they sleep at night! Anyhow, the universe likes balance and banned him to prison for having dodgy pics on his computer. So in foresight my advice wasn't all that terrible.

The sad part is the guy probably genuinely needed help, but saw regular users as so far below him, that their advice was treated with contempt.
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Gold Member
I got a temp banned in a Wii love fest thread here, but I kind of deserved it.

I pretty much stopped posting on Era after getting a warning in in a thread when some gaming site said they weren't doing politics anymore. It was an obvious dogpile thread and I should have just stayed out.
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Well it worked till Blizzard made something in memory of TotalBiscuit and someone made a thread about it. Holy fuck did they piss on his grave, waved their dicks and danced in joy that he was dead. And anyone who dared to say otherwise was shouted out the door. That's where I drew the line! I loved TB and wouldn't let those basement dwelling nice guys shit on him. But I learned my lesson so I did it in a polite way...

Blizzard creates a commemorative TotalBiscuit cosmetic bundle for StarCraft II (Read OP)

First one week ban and after "review" one month since I dared to criticize how those anti GG people present themselves.

Frankly they can fuck right off, I dont care anymore about ERA. In my eyes those are hateful and ignorant people who shit on discussion and diversity in the sake of being seen as "progressive".

When I came back here I was pleasantly surprised that topics are discussed in a normal manner and that people are allowed to have opinions. If the opinion is shit they have to deal with the backlash and can explain themselves instead of being nuked out of the site.

So thanks NeoGaf for being awesome and first and foremost just normal!

Now I feel better...thanks for reading :D
I had a guy at ERA who literally just registered to PM me about John Bain since i happened to have made a thread about his wife Genna. He would go on pages upon pages of accusing TB and his wive of all sorts of things, how Genna was evil and what not. I was told that even if nobody would know, atleast i would... even though i literally no connection with TB whatsoever lol.

I took screens of it, it really is that crazy.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
That would be awesome if you could do that. Thanks!

Confirmed identity via cross reference of user data, old account merged into new one, and gave you your original username back since that seemed most likely to be your preferred. You should retain your login cookie and current password from the ecpinem account otherwise. Sorry for the trouble and let me know if there's anything else.

Anyone else with similar circumstances, PM me or bump the ban justice thread. Happy to help.
Confirmed identity via cross reference of user data, old account merged into new one, and gave you your original username back since that seemed most likely to be your preferred. You should retain your login cookie and current password from the ecpinem account otherwise. Sorry for the trouble and let me know if there's anything else.

Anyone else with similar circumstances, PM me or bump the ban justice thread. Happy to help.
Would be cool if I could get my old account back and get it merged with this one (I preffer my old username "mindfreak191"), it was a junior account, but as stated above the ban was just ridiculous....Thank you in advance!
that bish dude is a complete and utter dork. hes the one that banned me but its weird how back then people would always jerk him off with all these lame "banned" gifs. i hope he steps in dog shit

lil puff

Most of my bans were warranted to be honest, and I said things where I should have, but did not get banned to be completely honest. But that was over a decade ago I've grown up since then :)


Gold Member
that bish dude is a complete and utter dork. hes the one that banned me but its weird how back then people would always jerk him off with all these lame "banned" gifs. i hope he steps in dog shit

He is such a little Bish, who think he is hard and acts all "oppressed" in the liberally comforts of Ontario, Canada. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

He has "ghetto guilt/envy", much like the rapper Drake. :messenger_winking:
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He is such a little Bish, who think he is hard and acts all "oppressed" in the liberally comforts of Ontario, Canada. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

He has "ghetto guilt/envy", much like the rapper Drake. :messenger_winking:

Honest question, with no malice, but why he isn't a mod in resetERA?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
For my 9+ years of posting, I never did get a ban hehe.
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