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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -6| How much lower can we go?!

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From the New World - Episode 21

Hmmmm.... I'll say from a general stand point, this is probably the worst episode in this arc so far. Last week's episode might have had direction and storyboarding issues, but it was also very interesting and there were some really visually creative scenes. This week was a really standard episode with nothing of note in terms of visuals, and the direction and production in general just seems so lackluster. Most of the information presented in this episode are also confirmation of things which were already strongly hinted at previously, so the narrative doesn't move much either. I had some issues with the way they decided to present parts of the episode too. The non-linear aspect of their journey to the temple was unnecessary and poor executed, and would have been more compelling had it been done normally.

Oh well, only 4 more episodes to go. Probably can't get too bad at this point!


JoJo - 20

Wow, they absolutely nailed it. Looked like a show from a better-funded dimension.

Best episode of the series.

I was just comparing it to episode 15. This is such a vast improvement. No doubt it's what Part 3 will look like.

Rather than posting caps, just linking an album for the sake of spoilers: http://imgur.com/a/FLvLl
Most importantly is one could tell what the fuck was happening this time around.


JoJo 20

Holy shietttttttt, thing actually move.

And manlytears.jpg

That frigging italian song at the end ;_____;

The OST were bloody fantastic on the fight too.


Cross-post from the Jojo thread.

Jojo 20
Well fuck, that was a truly epic episode.
Manly tears, manly quotes, fabulousness.

And it looked amazing, too!




That was without a doubt one of the most moving and beautiful things I have ever seen.


Maturity, bitches.
I didn't realize there were something like five different GAF-tan designs until this "what should GAF's mascot be" thread appeared.
I like that my little suggestion was taken up. Saved me from colouring in a bit of Akari artwork (yes, I really would have done that)

Vote for me! We can overthrow Snuggler's tyranny together.
Little known fact: I was the one that stole his glasses.

Psycho-Pass 18

What The Fuck happened here? This episode look like shit, missing animations, atrocious drawings. Did they run out of funds for this show?
Well that's Psycho Pass for ya.


Jojo 20

Not only did this episode absolutely nail its emotional content (as the series has all along), but there was some actual action. And a lot of animation. And it was done pretty damn well. If I knew how to make .gifs, I'd link to some parts of the primary fight in this episode.


From the New World 21

Uh, kinda shitty. I thought the scheduling problems were a thing of the past with this show, but they appear again in full force!

Also I thought the storyboard was pretty weak, strange coming from the guy who did the awesome eps 9 and 17. Besides the annoying over 9000 variations of
Saki being shocked
, it lacked power, particularly in the scene where
the kid kills Shisei
, and as already said, the whole part of them going to the temple was bad and again felt very irrelevant.

This episode was not good at all in my books, except for the thing about
Squealer capturing babies to raise them into human WMDs
. I wasn't expecting that at all, and it was even foreshadowed since the first arc and all!

So, here's to the show recovering for the next episode.


While the site was down I took the opportunity to read the rest of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun and I sorely sorely need a second season. Apparently we'll be getting an OVA with the 12th and final volume that releases in the summer, and it'd be a perfect length for a second cour as well, but...

I also was thinking about something regarding how much violence is visited on male leads in other rom-coms (Hell, I think Ryuji gets hit by Taiga - physical blows, anyway - around three or four times in the first volume of Toradora), but I do think it's probably not directly comparable since while Tonari takes Haru's occasional stupid bullshit somewhat seriously it's still in a kinda weird place with it.


Some guy was inspired by the 686 Twitter icons that the Kill Me Baby official site put up to "celebrate" their BD sales. So inspired, in fact, that he made a mini ceramic tile (or something) out of each and everyone of them.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventures (2012) 20
That was so well done. The delivery of the whole thing was pitch perfect. I can't describe it in more detail because spoilers.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Some guy was inspired by the 686 Twitter icons that the Kill Me Baby official site put up to "celebrate" their BD sales. So inspired, in fact, that he made a mini ceramic tile (or something) out of each and everyone of them.
Oh. I thought this was a pile of unsold copies at first glance.


Toradora 24 - 25 End

A powerful and emotionally filled ending to a memorable show.

Thank you ext. I was browsing TVTropes forums while waiting for gaf to return and was getting annoyed at people from three years back, so getting something like this perks my spirits somewhat.

I was seeing people saying it exemplified everything wrong with shoujo at the time, which I think is a pretty weird complaint. Toradora looks kinda generic - hell, I avoided it for a couple of years on the assumption it was yet another tsundere boring-ass romcom - but the moment I hit that lightpole scene I knew there was something special about this show.

There are legit complaints about it, especially how crazy-paced the third act of the series and the overall ending is
especially the melodramatic running-away-from-home thing and Taiga's decision to take off to deal with off-screen, un-explained family complications for close to an in-story year
, and, perhaps how much of the plot is formulated on confession misunderstandings/accidents and resulting nonsense. But there's something about Toradora that really just hits ya.

I'm interested to see if the manga will follow the light novels closer; Seven Sea's translation job is excellent so far, but releases are slow. :T
Sgt. Keroro Episode 206 or "A Keronian never changes it's colour...until now"

So I managed to find a bunch of Keroro episodes from Season 5 subbed as a subber recently came back to sub Keroro again, hopefully all of this great anime will be subbed eventually.

Part A has the Keroro Platoon change their colours to make a fresh start to the new season, poor Dororo gets mistaken for Keroro multiple times and ends up depressed.

Part B has Dororo come up with an invasion plan using natto. Madness!

Great episode, I loved the 'natto bits for Newtype mobile suits' that Keroro came up with.
courtesy of Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyobu Kyosuke 7

For backstory was actually really good and well done. Kid Hyobu is so funny and the ESP Unit is already good. Really dont know what to expect for the fate and what not, but it has been a blast.


While the site was down I took the opportunity to read the rest of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun and I sorely sorely need a second season. Apparently we'll be getting an OVA with the 12th and final volume that releases in the summer, and it'd be a perfect length for a second cour as well, but...

Last I saw it was "My Little Bomba". :lolol!

I don't live in Japan.

Now what will you do with all those mini ceramic tiles?

Time for more parody art to celebrate this week's Jojo

It seems a number of anime girls cannot escape from being Jojo-fied!

Jojo's Bizzare Adventure 18

They got Jojo's waifu and gave her major Acupuncture therapy. He will now never ask to kiss her again.
She should have taken the early offers!


Shin Sekai Yori 20

You guys too focused with CGI boulder, this was good looking episode.. some nice animation and visual there.

Shin Sekai Yori 21

Now that's a meh episode.


Mouryou no Hako - 7

Man, I didn't get the first half of that discussion at all. All kinds of Japanese and Chinese etymology and mythology mixed up with each other. Although I guess I know now Mouryou are some kind of border demons.


Jojo's Bizzare Adventure 19

Huh. That's weird. Attempting to get in-between an antagonist's plans should usually end with them falling in love with you.

Other notable bits: Conversing while falling, too many gaudy palette face shots, still animated like a motion comic,
icicle rope
connected by Ripple waves and stray animal cruelty. Amusing note on the last one is that, earlier in the previous episode the antagonist spares a stray dog and in this one Joseph leg sweeps a random cat. Ha!

Spoilers: Trippin'.


I thought acheivements were supposed to make people happy... The worst part is that the Toei time should be at least tripled if you count Kamen Rider and Super Sentai, which I've watched just as much of as I have magical girl shows.


You will notice that the vast majority of the :wonzo occurs inside Love's room. I don't know what that entails.

Fresh is by far the most :wonzo Precure season. If you are keeping tha :wonzo folder it will be huge by the time you're done with the show!


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I thought acheivements were supposed to make people happy... The worst part is that the Toei time should be at least tripled if you count Kamen Rider and Super Sentai, which I've watched just as much of as I have magical girl shows.

That's nothing to be ashamed of.


That's nothing to be ashamed of.

Yup, just shock at the number actually being present, I'd say. People likely put in similar numbers to their hobbies but just don't have a time invested counter to make them feel bad.

I've spent more hours than that watching NFL games over the past 4 years.
:lol :(
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