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Donald Trump descends further into madness - thinks SNL is helping rig election

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Lol thank you. One of the best moments SNL has done out of this entire election.


Whats funny is, apparently Trump spends all day and night watching shows he doesn't like.

What a miserable life.


Well to be fair it does help write the narrative of him being an unhinged asshole.

But to be even more fair, that's a narrative he started and keeps on writing himself everyday.
Isn't there a roast of Donald Trump...? How can you go from there to this?

Between this, his praise of Putin, Kim jun un, the attacks to the media, his desire to jail opponents..... and people want to vote for him? A person with all the markings of a dictator?


Good column from the Atlanta newspaper:
Nor is it possible to know what Trump will say or do next. But I have found a way to understand what Trump says or does by viewing it through a series of three lenses. And now I’ll share them with you:

1.First, last and always, Trump is about himself and only himself. Not his wife, his kids, his employees, his shareholders, his bondholders, the Republican Party, the United States of America — and certainly, dear voter, not you. He is in this, like everything else, for his own benefit and/or amusement.

2. Trump wakes up every day asking himself, what do I need to say or do to make sure everyone is talking about me by the end of the day? If you’ve ever wondered why Trump goes out of his way to make news even when it hurts his candidacy by overshadowing bad news about Hillary — and even gone as far as to wonder whether he does it because he’s secretly trying to get her elected — there’s a simple answer. He’s a narcissist (see above) whose self-absorption and insecurities make him crave the spotlight. There’s no conspiracy, and certainly no strategy here. Trump just wants the attention.

3. Trump doesn’t actually believe anything. This is why he can say one day that he’ll build a wall on the southern border and deport all illegal immigrants, say months later that he’ll do nothing different than past presidents, and say five days after that that he’ll begin deportations within an hour of being sworn in. There’s no consistency because he doesn’t believe any of it. He’s just saying whatever strikes him in the moment as the thing he ought to say.



Junior Member
I'm not sure how anyone can say this.

Like he doesn't have the charisma or presence of history's actual dictators. Not that this is stopping him and his rallies, but his personality is too weak. Though I'm not sure you can really present yourself that way in 2016.

He's a poor man's dictator just by his words. That doesn't make him any good or anything.


Isn't there a roast of Donald Trump...? How can you go from there to this?

Lol. About even THAT...
When a joke was pitched for Donald Trump's roast, claiming Trump escaped a post-apocalyptic wasteland of a world in his fictional 150,000-square-foot space station, Trump made sure the size was upped to 300,000 square feet.

According to the roast's writers, Trump did this again and again. Swapping out numbers for bigger ones, adding zeros, always concerned with the size of his make-believe wealth.


The meaning of "rigging" an election is really being diluted here. It should mean tampering with the votes on election day or something... Now it just means portraying a candidate in a negative light.


Funny thing about Trump is that they are whining because the mocking of the two seems uneven. It IS, but there is a good reason for that. Every flaw and stupid thing Hillary does PALES in comparison to EVERY thing Trump is doing.

To note, the coveted speeches for Goldman-Sachs were published, and my god, so boring, so dry. The only crime commited there was taking money for giving those speeches.

"Grab them by the eyelids" -Clinton


The meaning of "rigging" an election is really being diluted here. It should mean tampering with the votes on election day or something... Now it just means portraying a candidate in a negative light.

You'd swear Trump was just like those guys who angrily complain about game reviews...


Unconfirmed Member
Imagine actual real wars in the real world with this guy at the helm. What a dumb baby.


CNN has a clip of trump at a rally claiming that they should be made to take a drug test before the next debate. God I hope SNL runs with that


I thought free nude was like a edgy blamespace. Not to be taken seriously.. ever..

And you would believe in a full out rigged election if you read briebart. That site is really something... jesus is it something. Apparently the election is close/trump has won/I'm a thug...etc..etc..

Sou Da

I thought free nude was like a edgy blamespace. Not to be taken seriously.. ever..

And you would believe in a full out rigged election if you read briebart. That site is really something... jesus is it something. Apparently the election is close/trump has won/I'm a thug...etc..etc..

"Nah I was just pretending to be a dickhead"

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