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Ghostbusters |OT| Is it the boobs?

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Something I disagree with from the reviews/impressions are the cameos. They're really not bad. Murray has the most time, but I thought what they did with his appearance was hilarious, and the rest were pretty good. Some said that there was a cameo every 10-15 minutes or something and that's just not true at all. When they came up, I felt that their appearances were handled decently.
Holy fuck I loved it. I fucking LOVED it! WOWWWWWW

The trailers and theme song were SO BAD and with GB84 as my all-time favorite movie I was hoping against hope it would at least be "ok" but it blew me away. Maybe because of my low expectations? But it did like everything right. I love the science behind their gear and the ghosts. There was just the right level of winks and nods to the originals for me. And the after credits scene made me squeal with excitement. God damn that was so good. Please for the love of god let it make enough money for Sony to keep GhostCorps open and make more.

I noticed during the credits that like 9 versions of the Ghostbusters theme song were listed, but does anyone know specifically which one played right at the end of the movie/start of the credits? It literally sounded like just an updated version of the original, by far the best cover of it.

Edit: Yeah about the cameos, hearing how poorly they were done I was expecting one at every turn but there are only what four? And they're pretty spread out and well done. The throwbacks IMO were perfect.

Also a lot of people in the other thread were really bitching out the way the new Proton Packs work but in the context of the movie it makes complete sense and I didn't think twice about it. Really really cool.
Something I disagree with from the reviews/impressions are the cameos. They're really not bad. Murray has the most time, but I thought what they did with his appearance was hilarious, and the rest were pretty good. Some said that there was a cameo every 10-15 minutes or something and that's just not true at all. When they came up, I felt that their appearances were handled decently.

Agreed, they're only distracting if you let them be, or decide you hate cameos.

Hell even Aykroyd's
I ain't afraid of no go ghost was great. Him being so nonchalant about ghosts and saying yeah yeah Class 5 yadi yadda was great.
Murray was frankly the weakest and even that was funny.

I'm torn between Aykroyd's or Weaver's as my favorite
leaning towards Weaver because they could actually parlay that into a role for her in the sequel and I'd be so on board with Weaver and Mckinnon
I noticed during the credits that like 9 versions of the Ghostbusters theme song were listed, but does anyone know specifically which one played right at the end of the movie/start of the credits? It literally sounded like just an updated version of the original, by far the best cover of it.

This one?

Anyone else notice how when the
tour guide was hanging onto the stairs ledge, how the camera panned toward him and being enveloped by the mist leading into the opening theme was the same way it was done in the original

Because that was fucking awesome.


There was one really bad part for me, and probably the sort of thing most people expected:

The dude that kept doing the middle finger act. It was terrible. At first it was kinda funny, but then it kept going and going. It's the type of thing that was likely improv'd but should have been cut down severely.

Also when they're going on about the cat out of the bag joke. Way too much.

Those were the only parts that were bad for me. The rest ranged from good to great.
That scene worked for me. It's silly and the physical gags all amused me. I'd call it a successful example of the kind of joke where the real punchline is drawing out and double down on a goofy action.
This one?

Anyone else notice how when the
tour guide was hanging onto the stairs ledge, how the camera panned toward him and being enveloped by the mist leading into the opening theme was the same way it was done in the original

Because that was fucking awesome.

Your link isn't a link ):

Also yes, that was rad. I actually stole that opening too for the webcomic I started a few months ago as a little tribute. I really liked the touches and nods to the originals a lot.
That scene worked for me. It's silly and the physical gags all amused me. I'd call it a successful example of the kind of joke where the real punchline is drawing out and double down on a goofy action.

It's not the absolute worst thing ever, but I feel like it was unscripted and pointlessly drawn out. It didn't ruin the movie for me, but I was like OKAY this is by far the worst attempt at humor so far, especially when you have these four excellent actresses together. It just ran on incessantly and took me out of it for a bit.

Like so much of the movie was very funny and entertaining, but that part to me felt like... this is probably what all the "haters" expected the movie to mostly be, and this scene is sort of giving them a helping hand. Luckily, it's one of like... two or three instances in the movie and doesn't much affect the rest of it.

Your link isn't a link ):

Weird, must have been a goof on my end. Try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlk_ub2TQnE
It's not the absolute worst thing ever, but I feel like it was unscripted and pointlessly drawn out. It didn't ruin the movie for me, but I was like OKAY this is by far the worst attempt at humor so far, especially when you have these four excellent actresses together. It just ran on incessantly and took me out of it for a bit.

Like so much of the movie was very funny and entertaining, but that part to me felt like... this is probably what all the "haters" expected the movie to mostly be, and this scene is sort of giving them a helping hand. Luckily, it's one of like... two or three instances in the movie and doesn't much affect the rest of it.

Weird, must have been a goof on my end. Try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlk_ub2TQnE

YESSSSS thank you!! And thank you Walk The Moon for not making a fucking repulsive cover like Fall Out Boy did.
Oh and there was one reviewer that complained they only fight ghosts once, at the end? What the fuck? Did that person fall asleep for like the entire rest of the movie, or just constantly go to the bathroom, or was just fucking around on their phone not paying attention?

I know this isn't a spoiler thread but if anyone was hesitant to see it based on that review, the person who said it was out of his fucking mind.
I think they meant that they only trap a ghost once. Which is true, and also true of the original-- well sort of, they go around trapping ghosts in a montage, BUT the only difference is that the new movie shows them trap a ghost one time, like a dedicated sequence where they trap it. There's no montage in the new one of them trapping a bunch of ghosts because the government puts them on lockdown.

But I get where they're coming from, however it's not that big a deal.

I just bought the 4K restoration of the original on Blu-ray, so I'm gonna close out my night with that. Been fun all.
I think they meant that they only trap a ghost once. Which is true, and also true of the original-- well sort of, they go around trapping ghosts in a montage, BUT the only difference is that the new movie shows them trap a ghost one time, like a dedicated sequence where they trap it. There's no montage in the new one of them trapping a bunch of ghosts because the government puts them on lockdown.

But I get where they're coming from, however it's not that big a deal.

I just bought the 4K restoration of the original on Blu-ray, so I'm gonna close out my night with that. Been fun all.

Even if that were the case I'm pretty sure the guy said it happened at the end during the final battle, which isn't actually anywhere near when it happens.

But again in the actual context of the movie
and them not even having a containment unit until the very, very end
it still works just fine. Looking back on it the movie's pace is much faster than the original's so there really isn't even a whole lot of time for a montage to have happened.

Ah man I can't wait to watch it again.


I think they meant that they only trap a ghost once. Which is true, and also true of the original-- well sort of, they go around trapping ghosts in a montage, BUT the only difference is that the new movie shows them trap a ghost one time, like a dedicated sequence where they trap it. There's no montage in the new one of them trapping a bunch of ghosts because the government puts them on lockdown.
The original takes place over two months, while this seems to take place over a week or so.
The paranormal activity is triggered by the 'bombs' making them stronger means they really didn't have anything to catch until hotel one went off
I don't understand this... That isn't even the main bad guy of the film.
Gozar is the main bad guy, Zuul is his minion along with Vince

In the original,
the very first thing we hear about the villain is "Zuul". It's just Zuulie the old nut saying her name.

The way demonic possession is assumed to work is that the entity needs power to come into our realm, and part of that stems from making humans aware of its presence. Therefore
them hearing "Zuul" on a recording made, presumably, during the climax where ghosts from all over time and space were coming out or a massive portal to the ghost realm, it makes sense that something really big announced itself.

I don't think Gozer should be the villain of the next movie, but I think it would be really awesome if they chose to instead build Gozer up as the Big Bad the way Marvel has with Thanos. We have such better tech now than we did in 1984, they could do some really spectacular things with Gozer the Destructor in an Avengers-style movie bringing together all the Ghostbusters teams from around the country. Maybe they could bring in an aspect of Aykroyd's original pitch and have them fighting a fucking TON of Gozer-style monsters, since Stay-Puft was only one of many they were meant to fight originally, and a smaller one at that.

IMO the stinger to this movie has the potential to be to Ghostbusters what "I'm here to tell you about the Avengers Initiative" was for Marvel.


Therefore them hearing "Zuul" on a recording made, presumably, during the climax where ghosts from all over time and space were coming out or a massive portal to the ghost realm, it makes sense that something really big announced itself.
My impression was that
Patty was listening to the recordings that Abby and Holtzmann made earlier on their 8 day trip
My impression was that
Patty was listening to the recordings that Abby and Holtzmann made earlier on their 8 day trip

I was honestly expecting that, and figured
the stinger was just gonna be a gag where they have Erin listen to the recording only to have it be the queef from earlier again. But I think it's supposed to be a new recording. Maybe not from the climax of the film but at least new since the 8-day trip.
I wonder if we'll ever find out? Someone's gotta get another interview with Feig! Maybe he'll respond on Twitter?

Edit: Asked him on twitter but I seriously doubt he'll respond. Hopefully they do another interview with him once the movie's been out for a bit and someone asks.
Regardless whether the film turned out horrible or wonderful, I always knew Kate McKinnon was going to steal the show. Big things in store for her. Leslie too from the sounds of it.

Probly won't see it this weekend...maybe the following one.
Forgot to mention: some local Ghostbusters enthusiasts came out for the opening I went to:


A local brewery also came out and made a green Slimer brew ale. It was green, and not very good, but I didn't care.


Forgot to mention: some local Ghostbusters enthusiasts came out for the opening I went to:

A local brewery also came out and made a green Slimer brew ale. It was green, and not very good, but I didn't care.

That's awesome :) I really hope things like that help people remember that the Ghostbusters fan community still has a lot of wonderful people in it.


Regardless whether the film turned out horrible or wonderful, I always knew Kate McKinnon was going to steal the show. Big things in store for her. Leslie too from the sounds of it.

Probly won't see it this weekend...maybe the following one.

Go see it. Seen it twice already and going again next week.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
I actually would agree it was good, and would re-watch outside of theaters. I found myself laughing a good bit! I still hate the new theme song.
Saw it last night, very fun, and enjoyed doing my part to further the sjw cabals agenda 4 wurld domination

It was pretty much exactly what I wanted, a real fun and solid modern comedy, that wasn't slavish to the original, just a couple of nods you can easily ignore or not. Hope it does well enough in the US and we get more.
Holtzmann's sequence with the dual proton pistols is just about the sexiest thing I've ever seen.

Holtzmann in general is possibly the thirstiest I've ever been over a film character.


Old Member
I feel that way about Kate McKinnon in general. The way she carries herself is just sexier than hell.


I applauded when I saw the
bust of Harold Ramis
as well as the credits honoring Ryan Kemp. I am so glad Paul Feig did that.
You can see the link I provided.
Oh I thought you posted that link just to do so not because you thought I asked about the original.

I was wondering about the new film having one "just like the original".
I believe the question was meant to be "Is there a Twinkie reference in the new film?"

I don't remember there being one when I watched it last night.
Oh ok. Weird meta advertising then lol.


Oh I thought you posted that link just to do so not because you thought I asked about the original.

I was wondering about the new film having one "just like the original".

Oh ok. Weird meta advertising then lol.

I know and I apologize for that misunderstanding.

I edited my post.


I thought it was a solid, ensemble comedy. Nothing more, nothing less. And, to be clear, I've never been particularly fond of Ghostbusters in any incarnation.

The four leads were very good and I thought that Helmsworth did a good job with the material but was pretty one note which is basically what the role called for.

I'm a big fan of Bridesmaids and I liked both Spy and The Heat but the thing that kept this film from being among them in terms of sheer enjoyment was, ironically, when it turned from a comedy into a Ghostbusters film. It feels like Wiig disappears from her own film in the third act when she goes from the focal point of the film to the least important member of the team.

The third act was just a slog of forced action beats, baffling 'universe rules' (so, the proton packs kill now, if ghosts are dead people then what the fuck is slimer, do these dead people/souls come from hell etc, etc?!?!?!) and empty VFX spectacle.

As much as I enjoyed the first half I just don't see where Sony intend to mine this alleged cinematic universe of theirs. There just doesn't feel like there's enough material to warrant anything beyond a second film never mind a supposed slate of inter connected films.

I'd like to see these four ladies bounce off each other comedically again in a sequel that relies a little less on ghosts and VFX and more on character based comedy.


I thought it was a solid, ensemble comedy. Nothing more, nothing less. And, to be clear, I've never been particularly fond of Ghostbusters in any incarnation.

The four leads were very good and I thought that Helmsworth did a good job with the material but was pretty one note which is basically what the role called for.

I'm a big fan of Bridesmaids and I liked both Spy and The Heat but the thing that kept this film from being among them in terms of sheer enjoyment was, ironically, when it turned from a comedy into a Ghostbusters film. It feels like Wiig disappears from her own film in the third act when she goes from the focal point of the film to the least important member of the team.

The third act was just a slog of forced action beats, baffling 'universe rules' (so, the proton packs kill now, if ghosts are dead people then what the fuck is slimer, do these dead people/souls come from hell etc, etc?!?!?!) and empty VFX spectacle.

As much as I enjoyed the first half I just don't see where Sony intend to mine this alleged cinematic universe of theirs. There just doesn't feel like there's enough material to warrant anything beyond a second film never mind a supposed slate of inter connected films.

I'd like to see these four ladies bounce off each other comedically again in a sequel that relies a little less on ghosts and VFX and more on character based comedy.

Beyond me actually having a very fond affinity to the original 2 (GB2 was a great part of my childhood), the rest of this rings true for me


What really turns me off from wanting to see the film, aside from it being an unnecessary rehash, is the way they've substituted CGI for the utterly charming practical effects of the original films. The ghosts look so generic and dull. Give me the puppets, please.

Also, Bill Murray did a lot to hold up the original movies.
What really turns me off from wanting to see the film, aside from it being an unnecessary rehash, is the way they've substituted CGI for the utterly charming practical effects of the original films. The ghosts look so generic and dull. Give me the puppets, please.

Also, Bill Murray did a lot to hold up the original movies.

The ghosts look amazing in action.

Also Slimer is a practical effect mixed with CGI


Saw it last night and loved it. The cast all play off of each other so well that id love a sequel just to see more of these characters. The only thing i didnt like was the climax. Obvious awkward cuts (they shouldve left a few seconds of the dance sequence- i was really confused until the credits revealed a scene got cut), hasty setup of the "rules", and the progression felt like an 80s NES game loosely based on the original movie. All of my complaints and nitpicks are reserved for that section (doesnt help i think the original has a great textbook climax). Enjoyed everything else, would love seeing it again!

B, but IMO I think if one of the characters had some knowledge of the occult might have made things gel a little better. I could have seen one of the characters going through a goth phase as a teen.

I think McKinnon's character was supposed to be this - Patty calls her Dr Frankenstein once or twice, and she whips out the ley line book when the others are saying they used to dismiss such theories - but they just dont set it up well.
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