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Ghostbusters |OT| Is it the boobs?

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Might need to stop sniffing glue
Saw it last night and loved it. The cast all play off of each other so well that id love a sequel...

They set up entry for a possible sequel, but I'd have concerns about that set up. Not so much in where they would have headquarters though, they should have not changed the headquarters to where the eluded to, but in whom they might be linked to in funding their operations. Maybe just me, but they should be a self operating entity.

The other thing is "Ghost Corps." This is linking together possible future GB projects to a universe. They can literally make additional movies or games or TV shows and not actually continue directly with these characters if they don't want to. They can make an all male story, all female story, mixed, games, cartoons, etc. This set up for this movie was so hated by so many that overcoming that issue with any decent level of success, I hope, keeps them involving these characters directly. I want more, but, tastefully done, not rushed projects worthy of consumer time and money.

This was a good start.
The ghosts look amazing in action.

Also Slimer is a practical effect mixed with CGI

Multiple VFX people have chimed in and said the Slimer puppet was not used in any final shots, and it's all CG.

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I thought Slimer looked good in the trailers, so I don't mean this as a negative thing.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
Multiple VFX people have chimed in and said the Slimer puppet was not used in any final shots, and it's all CG.

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I thought Slimer looked good in the trailers, so I don't mean this as a negative thing.

He did, but that *ahem* friend of his..... *coughs*


What really turns me off from wanting to see the film, aside from it being an unnecessary rehash, is the way they've substituted CGI for the utterly charming practical effects of the original films. The ghosts look so generic and dull. Give me the puppets, please.

Do you think they wouldn't have used modern CG technology for the first films if it had been available to them back then?.

I love practical effects, but the new ghosts look great on the big screen.


I don't usually do opening weekends but I think I don't think I can wait any longer for this one. Lots of positive feedback where it counts for me. All it had to be was not terrible so now I'm excited!


Edit: sorry, you meant the new film, I misunderstood what you said.

But to answer your question, no there isn't.
Yes there is. Even in the trailers you can see it. During the Times Square battle there's a billboard in the bacground that says "That's a big Twinkie!" on it:


As much as I enjoyed the first half I just don't see where Sony intend to mine this alleged cinematic universe of theirs. There just doesn't feel like there's enough material to warrant anything beyond a second film never mind a supposed slate of inter connected films.

I keep seeing people say this as if 7 seasons of a cartoon, plus 36 episodes of a revival cartoon, plus a video game intended to be a third movie, plus dozens of comic books don't exist. There is a fucking shitload of stuff they can do with the Ghostbusters universe in more movies. The thing that I feel GB16 does BETTER than the original, is actually set up that world to explore.
We can explore why some ghosts are human and some are creatures. We can explore ghosts VS demons VS demigods VS gods. We can explore more tech stuff on how to wrangle/bust/destroy/contain ghosts - they don't even have a working containment unit until the movie is actually over. We've now actually seen and been inside the portal between our world and the spirit world. They've set up Zuul and the possible coming of Gozer. They did the fucking spirit lines thing that I've never even heard of before but opens all kinds of awesome possibilities. The government is actually involved this time and acknowledges that supernatural and paranormal happenings are indeed real and just covered up. They could do aliens, which was a plot idea for GB3 at one point. They can have multiple Ghostbusters headquarters set up around the world, bringing in new types of ghosts from all the different regions, going into why they're different in different cultures.
The possibilities are almost limitless and we finally have the tech to actually do it and we've shed the anchor that was Bill Murray's reluctance to ever do a sequel so we can finally have the multi-film franchise Dan Aykroyd always wanted. Were you aware that he wanted to do more than just GB3, and had plans for a 4, 5, and 6 as well? Some of the stuff he wanted to do in the first movie was literally impossible at the time so they had to change the entire concept of the movie to suit a reasonable budget, but now those restrictions don't apply. They have two movies, 7 seasons of a TV show (8 if we count EGB), a video game, superb comics, and dozens upon dozens of unused ideas for unmade sequels that they can draw inspiration from for further entries, not to mention that Aykroyd himself and Reitman as well are now in charge of an entire studio set up with the sole purpose of making new Ghostbusters films.
Yeah, Ghostbusters is a massive universe. Some people seem to think that the franchise is the first two movies in a bubble. It has as much right to be a "cinematic universe" as anything else.
The third act was just a slog of forced action beats, baffling 'universe rules' (so, the proton packs kill now, if ghosts are dead people then what the fuck is slimer, do these dead people/souls come from hell etc, etc?!?!?!) and empty VFX spectacle.

The whole trapping ghosts thing was also a crutch to the ghostbusters though, since it limited what could be done. Every ghost encounter essentially was forced to be the same... hit ghost with proton packs, use trap, done. They creation of new weapons and being able to dissipate ghosts as they say, lets them do alot more in the universe, especially actually being able to have fights with more than one or two ghosts at a time finally.
The whole trapping ghosts thing was also a crutch to the ghostbusters though, since it limited what could be done. Every ghost encounter essentially was forced to be the same... hit ghost with proton packs, use trap, done. They creation of new weapons and being able to dissipate ghosts as they say, lets them do alot more in the universe, especially actually being able to have fights with more than one or two ghosts at a time finally.

And if they pull from RGB or the IDW comics, the idea of dissipated ghosts is actually extremely dangerous and can lead to some really really cool stuff. The IDW comics that go into it blew my fucking mind, I would LOVE to see that storyline adapted into a movie.

Also this isn't the first time they've used the Proton Packs to do more than just lasso a ghost. In the video game there are a bunch of upgrades to the packs that have all different kinds of effects on ghosts. If the original movies had been able to further progress it's something I'm sure they would have eventually gotten around to too since the game IS the third movie.

Plus it's not the Proton Packs themselves that dissipate ghosts, there are specific other tools that do it. The Proton Packs and wands still just wrangle ghosts. In the actual context of the movie it makes perfect sense.


I haven't seen the movie yet, but wanted to chime in on the cinematic universe stuff. To me, you cant do it unless you movie the series to more of an sci-fi/action series (I think this was actually Channing Tatum's idea when he pitched a reboot idea). If you keep it as a comedy series, there are just so many times you can make a comedy about ghosts. Youd need more movies with a tonal shift. It seems like that's what the comic books are like, but I never read them.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but wanted to chime in on the cinematic universe stuff. To me, you cant do it unless you movie the series to more of an sci-fi/action series (I think this was actually Channing Tatum's idea when he pitched a reboot idea). If you keep it as a comedy series, there are just so many times you can make a comedy about ghosts. Youd need more movies with a tonal shift. It seems like that's what the comic books are like, but I never read them.

The comics feel like the first movie to a T. Nothing else, even the second movie or game, comes as close to recapturing how the original movie felt as the IDW comics do. The guy that writes it really understands what made the first movie so enjoyable and he really runs with it. The science and understanding behind the paranormal stuff is really good. And since it's a comic it isn't confined to a specific run time of 2 hours or 22 minutes for a cartoon. I rave about the IDW series on GAF literally any chance I get, I can't recommend it enough.

But I think that just like how Marvel movies dip into different genres beyond just "super hero movie" they can do different sub genres to Ghostbusters and still have it fit. They could do one that's more straight horror, they could do a thriller, they could do an adventure movie, a buddy flick, even the original movie had romantic sublplots to it. The cartoons in particular got really dark and serious at times even.

Also this doesn't have anything to do with anything we're talking about but in the Walk The Moon cover of the Ghostbusters theme there's a part at the end where they repeat "B-b-bustin makes me feel good" several times and I will forever have it be fact in my mind that they did that as a tribute to Bustin which easily makes it the best of all the covers from the OST.


The comics feel like the first movie to a T. Nothing else, even the second movie or game, comes as close to recapturing how the original movie felt as the IDW comics do. The guy that writes it really understands what made the first movie so enjoyable and he really runs with it. The science and understanding behind the paranormal stuff is really good. And since it's a comic it isn't confined to a specific run time of 2 hours or 22 minutes for a cartoon. I rave about the IDW series on GAF literally any chance I get, I can't recommend it enough.

But I think that just like how Marvel movies dip into different genres beyond just "super hero movie" they can do different sub genres to Ghostbusters and still have it fit. They could do one that's more straight horror, they could do a thriller, they could do an adventure movie, a buddy flick, even the original movie had romantic sublplots to it. The cartoons in particular got really dark and serious at times even.

Also this doesn't have anything to do with anything we're talking about but in the Walk The Moon cover of the Ghostbusters theme there's a part at the end where they repeat "B-b-bustin makes me feel good" several times and I will forever have it be fact in my mind that they did that as a tribute to Bustin which easily makes it the best of all the covers from the OST.

That's a really good cover. It's the same song, but they made it their own with their own little touch.
After seeing this last night, I'm gonna go ahead and say it's EXACTLY what I expected. A good-to-great movie (depending on your age, I'd gather) with an amazing cast, excellent effects and honestly, the plot was actually better than either of the original movies, IMO (
the ley lines were, uh, super fuckin' cool

Favorite parts were definitely Patty & Jillian. I knew they would be, and I was not let down AT ALL. Leslie... she was just... I love her. I love her so much, I had all the faith in the world in her performance and damn, she delivered! It warms my heart that people are liking her as much as they are <3 And I gotta say, Kate was such a big part of her character it gave me warm fuzzies the entire time. I've never seen so much of myself in a character in... anything. It was bizarre and lovey. The fact we got to see these women being "themselves" and not through so much of a gaze-y Hollywood lens was so fucking refreshing I can't even begin to explain it.

Um yeah, anyway, there's a lot I really love about this movie, there's some stuff that was meh for me, but overall it was pretty great. Again I feel like a lot of the stuff that fell flat for people was there with a younger audience in mind (general lack of profanity in jokes and
Slimer's ladyfriend
come to mind) but all in all, very solid, definitely worth checking out in the theater, if not just to see the 3D. I hope to GOD the cast gets a sequel without all the baggage this poor movie is carrying around, because I believe THAT could truly be a classic.
Totally stoked to watch this tomorrow
since I paid 3$ for a ticket to BFG and I'm just gonna sneak into the IMAX 3D showing of Ghostbusters anyway
I haven't seen the movie yet, but wanted to chime in on the cinematic universe stuff. To me, you cant do it unless you movie the series to more of an sci-fi/action series (I think this was actually Channing Tatum's idea when he pitched a reboot idea). If you keep it as a comedy series, there are just so many times you can make a comedy about ghosts. Youd need more movies with a tonal shift. It seems like that's what the comic books are like, but I never read them.

This movie has that stuff. Quite an abundance as well.


If they do plan to make this shared cinematic universe I was wondering who I'd like to see in other movies. I started thinking about Martin Starr from Silicon Valley-and then I realized-I would just love the cast of Silicon Valley to just do their own Ghostbusters movie as new characters. It would be awesome and I can completely see it.


Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Drags at the start, but when they all come together it's great. Hemsworth was a treat. Last 20 minutes felt a bit rushed but I enjoyed it. Would definitely see a sequel.


I haven't seen the movie yet, but wanted to chime in on the cinematic universe stuff. To me, you cant do it unless you movie the series to more of an sci-fi/action series (I think this was actually Channing Tatum's idea when he pitched a reboot idea). If you keep it as a comedy series, there are just so many times you can make a comedy about ghosts. Youd need more movies with a tonal shift. It seems like that's what the comic books are like, but I never read them.

Come on Jump Street crossover. They're already doing MIB, so why not?
If they do plan to make this shared cinematic universe I was wondering who I'd like to see in other movies. I started thinking about Martin Starr from Silicon Valley-and then I realized-I would just love the cast of Silicon Valley to just do their own Ghostbusters movie as new characters. It would be awesome and I can completely see it.

The rough rumor was Tatum and Pratt leading a cast, but yeah, the Silicon Valley dudes would rock.

The director is the big thing though.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
I thought the movie was pretty good. The ghost designs were excellent: the right mix of intimidating and silly. The new weapons were badass and fun additions. The movie made me laugh a decent amount and had some really funny bits (Patti walking into the mannikin room slayed me), but a lot of the jokes didn't land. It was an about even hit or miss. Kevin, Holtzman, and Patti were easily the best of the characters. Erin and Abby as the more serious characters weren't as interesting. The cameos were mostly weak; my man Ernie Hudson had the best one. Overall, its not in the same class as the original, but is still a good time.
Yeah, Ghostbusters is a massive universe. Some people seem to think that the franchise is the first two movies in a bubble. It has as much right to be a "cinematic universe" as anything else.

If we're being perfectly honest here, Cinematic Universe is nothing more than a buzzword.
If we're being perfectly honest here, Cinematic Universe is nothing more than a buzzword.

Yeah, but it's an easy label to use to describe a series spanning multiple films with cross-overs and the like. I think the internet sees it as a negative buzzword in relation to studios trying to make dollars.


I thought the movie was pretty good. The ghost designs were excellent: the right mix of intimidating and silly. The new weapons were badass and fun additions. The movie made me laugh a decent amount and had some really funny bits (Patti walking into the mannikin room slayed me), but a lot of the jokes didn't land. It was an about even hit or miss. Kevin, Holtzman, and Patti were easily the best of the characters. Erin and Abby as the more serious characters weren't as interesting. The cameos were mostly weak; my man Ernie Hudson had the best one. Overall, its not in the same class as the original, but is still a good time.

Bill Murray's cameo worked for me, and it obviously worked for him, because he resisted being in a Ghostbusters movie for 20 years.
Good to great movie. I gladly eat any crow that I had being skeptical.

Kate absolutely stole the movie for me. Loved every scene she was in. She is probably my favorite GB character (and I loved the originals)
This was a great, enjoyable film. With some surprising laughs.
What was the problem again?

All the cameos were fantastic too. Even the silent one.


Finally watched the original Ghostbusters again after not watching it since forever, and I gotta say, it's a very strange movie. Like, really, really, weird. I actually think it's good in spite of itself, if that makes any sense.

Also, Rick Moranis is the worst thing ever in this movie, holy shit.

Gonna see the new film tomorrow to compare.
Loved it. Fire Sony's ad people. Completely botched this film for folks like me who weren't upset by it being a reboot and featuring women but because it looked awful. While I decided to go with my six year old, the theater was barren for such a primetime showing on opening night.
Finally watched the original Ghostbusters again after not watching it since forever, and I gotta say, it's a very strange movie. Like, really, really, weird. I actually think it's good in spite of itself, if that makes any sense.

Also, Rick Moranis is the worst thing ever in this movie, holy shit.

Gonna see the new film tomorrow to compare.


Finally watched the original Ghostbusters again after not watching it since forever, and I gotta say, it's a very strange movie. Like, really, really, weird. I actually think it's good in spite of itself, if that makes any sense.

Also, Rick Moranis is the worst thing ever in this movie, holy shit.

Gonna see the new film tomorrow to compare.

When I was thinking about the original movie, that came to mind.

And I say that as a Canadian.
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