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Novel Writing-Age: NaNoWriMo 2013

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Does anybody have any tips for coming up with cool names for characters and places and the like? I don't like resorting to random name generators, because it feels like I didn't earn it. On the other hand, dammit, I'm having a real hard time coming up with a name that I love for my main character and for the main HQ that I want to serve as the primary iconic location of the story.

I tend to just use placeholders like Peter or Tom. I find about a quarter of the way in you will know exactly what they are called and can do a search and replace to fix it up.

If you are not sure going in, it will take some exploring first.


Does anybody have any tips for coming up with cool names for characters and places and the like? I don't like resorting to random name generators, because it feels like I didn't earn it. On the other hand, dammit, I'm having a real hard time coming up with a name that I love for my main character and for the main HQ that I want to serve as the primary iconic location of the story.

It's interesting. What I do Is simply write the char out and a name pops to me. Now that doesnt work for everyone but yeah.
I wish I could photoshop, so I could work up a mock cover for inspiration to actually finish this year.

I've been cooking up an urban fantasy type trope flipper of a novel for a few months now, hopefully I can get it off the ground with this.
I also made a placeholder cover out of boredom:

I see this thread pop up every year and tell myself I really should get off my ass and give it a shot (well, get off my ass by sitting down and typing lol).

I've got two stories floating around my head that have been fermenting for years screaming to get out.

One is related to a homebrewed fantasy RPG setting I have made and actually ran a couple of games in (the players loved the setting and adventure). I always thought it would be neat to explore the setting/lore/mechanics in a story format. I've got some really epic scenes painted in my mind.

The other is a science-ficition setting. I've mulled over this one for a really long time, and once even banged out 20k or so words of the worst sort of fiction imaginable. I got blocked and stopped writing it, then a year or so later went back to review it and was so appalled by what I had done I ended up deleting it all. I think I have much better ideas this time around but what I attempted before was so embarrasingly bad I'm actually frightened to try again. There is probably naruto-sonic love story fanfiction on 4chan better than what I wrote. *shudders*

My biggest problem I have is coming up with a plot. I create dozens of characters, sometimes even writing out pages of back stories for them. I also have a bunch of scenes I daydream about, epic battles, awesome one-liners, moments that make your heart race...but absolutely no freaking clue how to make any of that stuff happen.

If I sit down to make an outline, I draw a complete and total blank that refuses to be filled with ideas. I think I get too worried that my plot will either be too derivative (Rag-tag Band of Brothers must take the Bangle of Baking to Mount Dume and destroy it) or too complex (The 57 political factions plot and scheme against each other, not realizing they are being manipulated by the Dark One who is actually just a alter-ego of the main character who is actually the reborn spirit of a saint that died fighting the Prime Evil ten thousand years ago and is planning to use the reborn one to return to the world! Also there is a love interest who has a secret and dragons)

I suppose the best thing to do is plan out the characters over the next week, then spend the next month banging at the keyboard with my eyes closed.

Sign me up!

Username is Moofaa


Ooh, I might try to hack together a cover myself for a bit of inspiration. To the internet!

EDIT: Here we are. The bluesman image I found on the internet and is by a fellow named ringleadertophat. Obviously if I were to actually publish the book for monays I'd commission a drawing or something. :p Didn't spend much time on the typesetting but whatever.



Paranormal murder mystery featuring the son of a deceased Fortune 500 CEO who works in a small town bookstore. I don't even know where this is going. We'll see next month I guess?


Reluctant Member
Instead of writing a traditional novel I'm actually going to be writing down the plot to my RPG in novel form.

I probably still won't reach the finish line.
guys is it considered badform in nanowrimo if i entirely start over on what i was gonna do last year

cause i've been planning on completely starting over for a while now, so i figure that this would be a good time to do it


guys is it considered badform in nanowrimo if i entirely start over on what i was gonna do last year

cause i've been planning on completely starting over for a while now, so i figure that this would be a good time to do it

I don't think so. I did that last year it was a completely new story.


I didn't even think about making a cover....
Except to execute my idea for a science fiction cover I immediately thought of needing a copy of Bryce. ... which I didn't even think was still a thing since the last time I touched it was in the late 90s.

Then I found out it still exists!
... and that there is no version that will work on the latest OSX. My hopes for a super stereotypical alien planet cover, shattered.


Does anybody have any tips for coming up with cool names for characters and places and the like? I don't like resorting to random name generators, because it feels like I didn't earn it. On the other hand, dammit, I'm having a real hard time coming up with a name that I love for my main character and for the main HQ that I want to serve as the primary iconic location of the story.

I'm pulled names from authors on my bookshelves in a pinch.
My favorite websites for name ideas are Behind the Name for first names and The Surname Database for looking up specific last names. I usually just pick whatever letter I feel like and an ethnicity and start scrolling.


Hey GAF, I got a dialogue question. I tend to use the present tense in my stories for regular narrative. "Jill walks to the door and sees a vampire." Rather than, "Jill walked to the door and saw a vampire," because I heard active tense is preferable to the passive. Does that go the same for dialogue?

"You know, but then again, I enjoy dicking around with Glen even more. In fact, why can't I just get paid to dick with Glen from eight to five? The folks here seem to get a kick out of it." Terry replied as he exited the elevator.


"You know, but then again, I enjoy dicking around with Glen even more. In fact, why can't I just get paid to dick with Glen from eight to five? The folks here seem to get a kick out of it." Terry replies as he exits the elevator.

Which is preferable?
Hey GAF, I got a dialogue question. I tend to use the present tense in my stories for regular narrative. "Jill walks to the door and sees a vampire." Rather than, "Jill walked to the door and saw a vampire," because I heard active tense is preferable to the passive. Does that go the same with dialogue?

"You know, but then again, I enjoy dicking around with Glen even more. In fact, why can't I just get paid to dick with Glen from eight to five? The folks here seem to get a kick out of it." Terry replied as he exited the elevator.


"You know, but then again, I enjoy dicking around with Glen even more. In fact, why can't I just get paid to dick with Glen from eight to five? The folks here seem to get a kick out of it." Terry replies as he exits the elevator.

Which is preferable?

You have confused passive voice and active voice with past tense and present tense. Your examples aren't active vs passive, they are
ast vs present.
Active voice:
The vampire devoured jill

Passive voice:
Jill was devoured by the vampire.

Active voice will feel better in 90 percent of sentences. Past tense vs present tense is stylistic and down to personal preference. Just consistently use whichever one you pick.


Hey GAF, I got a dialogue question. I tend to use the present tense in my stories for regular narrative. "Jill walks to the door and sees a vampire." Rather than, "Jill walked to the door and saw a vampire," because I heard active tense is preferable to the passive. Does that go the same for dialogue?

"You know, but then again, I enjoy dicking around with Glen even more. In fact, why can't I just get paid to dick with Glen from eight to five? The folks here seem to get a kick out of it." Terry replied as he exited the elevator.


"You know, but then again, I enjoy dicking around with Glen even more. In fact, why can't I just get paid to dick with Glen from eight to five? The folks here seem to get a kick out of it." Terry replies as he exits the elevator.

Which is preferable?

You have confused passive voice and active voice with past tense and present tense. Your examples aren't active vs passive, they are
ast vs present.
Active voice:
The vampire devoured jill

Passive voice:
Jill was devoured by the vampire.

Active voice will feel better in 90 percent of sentences. Past tense vs present tense is stylistic and down to personal preference. Just consistently use whichever one you pick.

Exactly. Passive voice is generally frowned upon per the usual "good writing practices." It can be a helpful tool in some cases such as mysteries, since you cannot, or don't want to, identify a subject: "The victim was stabbed in the back with a letter opener!"

As for your dialogue question, you're going to want to keep the verb tense consistent throughout narrative and dialogue tags/beats or it can be off-putting to a reader.


As for your dialogue question, you're going to want to keep the verb tense consistent throughout narrative and dialogue tags/beats or it can be off-putting to a reader.

It's driving me insane. I can't make up my mind on which verb tense to use. At times I feel like using both, but a combination of OCD and uncertainty is holding me back.


It's driving me insane. I can't make up my mind on which verb tense to use. At times I feel like using both, but a combination of OCD and uncertainty is holding me back.

My personal belief is default to past. I have seen so many people on forums and in real-life discussions say they can't stand reading present tense. I also find that past tense is easier to write because it just comes more naturally and tends to produce less moments where you think, "this sentence sounds strange."

There are very good reasons to use present, though. Lots of young adult fiction is in present, for example, since it can often feel more immediate and give the reader a deeper connection to the character and their interactions when combined with a first-person perspective.

What I'm saying is, there's no wrong answer and the right answer is up to you! Sorry! :p
I've been telling myself for years I could write a novel, and I've even had one in my head for the last year or so. I always get tripped up coming up with names, to the point that it totally derails me every time I try to write anything. Though sounds like it could be a good motivator to actually write something, though, and not let that doubt get in the way...

What the heck, I'm in. Username: matthewwhatever


Wow. Lots and lots of people this year. We've passed last year's count, right?

Not necessarily. The counts for prior years are based on actual participants--people who wrote at least 1 word. People who signed up and then never showed up again are not included.

We'll see!
I've been telling myself for years I could write a novel, and I've even had one in my head for the last year or so. I always get tripped up coming up with names, to the point that it totally derails me every time I try to write anything. Though sounds like it could be a good motivator to actually write something, though, and not let that doubt get in the way...

What the heck, I'm in. Username: matthewwhatever

Huzzah. \[-_-]/

And it is a great motivator. If you get stuck for names just poll the thread or use placeholders. Don't get caught up on the details.
These both sound pretty interesting. 2 sounds a little more unusual, but 1 comes equipped right off the bat with both a clear throughline and several subplots to play with. Since you have a few more ideas for it, I suspect that's the one that interests you more... am I right?

Yeah. I've definitely thought about 1 more and have a more concrete outline for the story. Since it's a sequel I've already established a lot of the mythology in the first story so I won't be as bogged down with explanations and can keep the writing tighter.

That isn't to say I haven't thought about 2, but the problem is while I know the twists and turns you can't really include those in a byline so it comes out more generic.

I definitely think 1 will take the least planning and since my schedule's going to be tighter this year, going with the one I'm less likely to hit roadblocks on would be a good idea.


300chf ain't shit to me
Haven't updated my NaNoWriMo page yet. Not sure how to note that it'll be 2 projects (finishing up last year's and a new one)

I am doing exactly the same thing, haha :) Yay for NaNo rebels, and good luck!

I'm getting excited for November! Today I met up with a girl from my area who's also planning to do NaNo and we had a great chat about it (and enjoyed the awesome fall weather). On Sunday I'm headed to a Pre-NaNo meetup in Zürich where about 10 people are due to show up, so that should be fun, too.

Edit: My NaNo page is here http://nanowrimo.org/participants/lauren-g
I am doing exactly the same thing, haha :) Yay for NaNo rebels, and good luck!

I'm getting excited for November! Today I met up with a girl from my area who's also planning to do NaNo and we had a great chat about it (and enjoyed the awesome fall weather). On Sunday I'm headed to a Pre-NaNo meetup in Zürich where about 10 people are due to show up, so that should be fun, too.

Edit: My NaNo page is here http://nanowrimo.org/participants/lauren-g

Clooooud! :D

Yay for rebelling. How much left do you have to go on last year's now? Jelly that you have meet-up peeps already. I wonder if there are any Adelaide-ers(?) doing this. Be fun to have a wine and write for it.


300chf ain't shit to me
Clooooud! :D

Yay for rebelling. How much left do you have to go on last year's now? Jelly that you have meet-up peeps already. I wonder if there are any Adelaide-ers(?) doing this. Be fun to have a wine and write for it.

Hey :)

I'm 40k into last year's. If I want to ever finish the story I'm probably going to end up at around 80-90k, though! I wanna try to put at least 40k more into last year's and maybe do 10k into something new. So it's an unconventional NaNo year, but should be fun :)

Oh wow, you're in Adelaide now? Awesome! I've missed out on some things, apparently! I actually cut down on GAF so I could devote more time to writing. Most of it has just been practice, but I think it helped... we'll see :)

If you put in your region on the NaNo website, you can see if there's a meetup group in your area. You should check it out! I was surprised how many people in Zürich are doing it, especially considering it's a German-speaking area.


This is the first time putting together a concrete outline for my story. I'm using Scrivener and it's coming together really nicely. I have some great ideas for each of the three acts.
There are a few problems but I figured I'll let my discovery-writer-self handle the finetuning when I'm in the project. There's just so much you can anticipate with your outline. I'm going to let my characters breath and live. Yep.

Can't wait to start this!
This is the first time putting together a concrete outline for my story. I'm using Scrivener and it's coming together really nicely. I have some great ideas for each of the three acts.
There are a few problems but I figured I'll let my discovery-writer-self handle the finetuning when I'm in the project. There's just so much you can anticipate with your outline. I'm going to let my characters breath and live. Yep.

Can't wait to start this!

Just installed Scrivener on my laptop and finished messing around with the tutorials. Now I am sitting here staring at a blank project and fidgetting with anything within reach.


My outline hit 4,000 words so I've put it aside until Nov. It's the usual story of an art forger at the Global Fair in New Paris in the year 1933. Neither of the world wars happened, but instead there was the Big Threat, or as the French say 'Le Grand Menace.' Which was a world wide hoax of an alien invasion that had some disastrous consequences, and not just that Adolf Hitler is now a popular artist instead of a ruthless dictator. When the ex-pat Englishman main character gets kidnapped, things start to get complicated. I don't know if he'll ever finish that fake Rubens.


Is anyone other than me in the NoVa region and going to the kickoff party on Sunday? If so, let me know and maybe we can appropriate a GAF corner.


contribute something
Does anybody have any tips for coming up with cool names for characters and places and the like? I don't like resorting to random name generators, because it feels like I didn't earn it. On the other hand, dammit, I'm having a real hard time coming up with a name that I love for my main character and for the main HQ that I want to serve as the primary iconic location of the story.

In a fantasy story, use obscure place names for peoples' names, and use obscure peoples' names for place names. It always works.


My outline hit 4,000 words so I've put it aside until Nov. It's the usual story of an art forger at the Global Fair in New Paris in the year 1933. Neither of the world wars happened, but instead there was the Big Threat, or as the French say 'Le Grand Menace.' Which was a world wide hoax of an alien invasion that had some disastrous consequences, and not just that Adolf Hitler is now a popular artist instead of a ruthless dictator. When the ex-pat Englishman main character gets kidnapped, things start to get complicated. I don't know if he'll ever finish that fake Rubens.

Sounds awesome. Mine hit the buffers owing to recent events and I'm 90% sure I'm scrapping it.

*FAIR WARNING* Don't read if you're of a sensitive nature: ;/

theme: child destruction

It's 2053 and the world hasn't really changed as much as other fictional universes say. Film is obsolete. A boy finds a film roll somewhere and attempts to rewrite history solving a mystery that has evaded the grasp of detectives for over 40 years
I've decided I'm going to participate. Even though I have catastrophic amounts schoolwork, I am not capable of focusing on it with every possible moment. NaNoWriMo will be better for me than gaf-time.

Now to think of a plot of such abysmal quality that my internal critic will not even bother to get out of bed to harass me in the first place....


Here's a blurb for my current concept:

Isaac Wakefield returns to his quaint home town after being expelled from Harvard a broken man. Yet, things seem to be looking up when he finds a job at his favorite childhood bookstore and meets an interesting girl as a result, but soon he has to deal with worse troubles than an alcoholic mother that has given up on life. Evil has come to Azure Falls in the form of a string of strange and gruesome murders and disappearances, and as someone with a history of violence Isaac is the primary suspect.


I was brushing my teeth this morning, waiting for the caffeine to kick in, when suddenly an idea hit. It came out of me as if I knew the story all of my life.

But over the course of less than 2 minutes my mind came up with an ORIGINAL pirate story. It was quite literally one I've never seen before, although it does share some similarities with the Odyssey. Whether a book or screenplay, I had the beginning, the middle, the end, a list of characters, a few plot twists, even the climactic battle. I repeat: less than two minutes.

So weird how stories come out sometimes, isn't it?

Of course, I'm set on my NaNo idea, so it's too late and I would have to write without extensive research and clean up the authenticity later, so maybe next year.
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