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Yakuza 0 |OT| Yes, you can start with this one!

That leveling is...way high than mine. I think only one plat is +30 and no golds are +25

That might be the reasons then...

By the way, I didn't grind either. I did enough to just raise the fanbase enough for a new challenge + do all the special training for the newly gained plat hostess.

You've got to pair up the plats with the mega rich and wealthiest customers and let your gold grind with averages or poors unless there's a wealthy that's more compatible with them.

Find the right FEVER TIME timing for the maximum utility of rich people and windows for profits. Don't be afraid to give gifts to your hostesses during the "check please " closures of a session to bulk up their HP. Ideally you want all your hostesses fit enough to never be demoralised beyond a smiley. If your hostesse had a neutral face after one session you could have afforded to do it better.


I experienced a strange technical error for the first time today and would really appreciate if anyone who knows what I'm talking about could chime in.

So, it's no big deal or anything but I loaded up the game to play and I noticed the sound effects were completely delayed in the start menu. Didn't make too much of it and continued to load my progress but soon noticed that all game sound effects were delayed. I closed the app. And tried again, same thing. I fixed it by restarting my ps4. Just in case anyone is wondering I'm just at the beginning of Majima's story, chap 2 I think.

Thanks in advance!
I experienced a strange technical error for the first time today and would really appreciate if anyone who knows what I'm talking about could chime in.

So, it's no big deal or anything but I loaded up the game to play and I noticed the sound effects were completely delayed in the start menu. Didn't make too much of it and continued to load my progress but soon noticed that all game sound effects were delayed. I closed the app. And tried again, same thing. I fixed it by restarting my ps4. Just in case anyone is wondering I'm just at the beginning of Majima's story, chap 2 I think.

Thanks in advance!
Huh, hasn't happened to me. Could be an bug in the OS or perhaps there were some threads happening in the background that were malfunctioning.

Glad to hear it got fixed with a restart though, else it could potentially have been a hardware issue.


Huh, hasn't happened to me. Could be an bug in the OS or perhaps there were some threads happening in the background that were malfunctioning.

Glad to hear it got fixed with a restart though, else it could potentially have been a hardware issue.

Yeah, my PS4 not in perfect working order and spits out disks every so often so any other issue worries me. I'm not surprised it might just be an isolated issue with my machine though. Tried to take care of it best as I could but still seems to be fading on me. Bummer! But yeah, it's working fine now so hopefully it doesn't happen again. Thanks for your 2 cents!


I'd like to echo most people's opinion here and just say how much I'm digging this first Yakuza experience. I'm real early so I can only imagine but the systems seem pretty simple and entertaining, something I can definitely appreciate given i don't have that much timeto play. It's rad!
Yeah, my PS4 not in perfect working order and spits out disks every so often so any other issue worries me. I'm not surprised it might just be an isolated issue with my machine though. Tried to take care of it best as I could but still seems to be fading on me. Bummer! But yeah, it's working fine now so hopefully it doesn't happen again. Thanks for your 2 cents!

Is your PS4 a launch model? The ones that have Capacitive proximity (touch-based) buttons instead of good ol' fashioned pressable buttons?

Cause a LOT of people have that issue too including me. There are a few ways to fix it but ALL of them involve messing with the console.

Problem is that it's a combination of the eject button being super sensitive, even to voltage fluctuations some times. And a few more problems with the build.

This is the most "drastic" fix but it's also the most reliable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB1RHi8HojY

It will effectively stop the eject button from working but it's really not that big of a deal since you can always eject while the ps4 is running, by pressing options on the controller and selecting eject disc.


If your PS4 a launch model? The ones that have Capacitive proximity (touch-based) buttons instead of good ol' fashioned pressable buttons?

Cause a LOT of people have that issue too including me. There are a few ways to fix it but ALL of them involve messing with the console.

Problem is that it's a combination of the eject button being super sensitive, even to voltage fluctuations some times. And a few more problems with the build.

This is the most "drastic" fix but it's also the most reliable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB1RHi8HojY

It will effectively stop the eject button from working but it's really not that big of a deal since you can always eject while the ps4 is running, by pressing options on the controller and selecting eject disc.

Man, thanks so much for the link. I am definitly one of people who's just dealing with it right now. Tried a couple of fixes (the placebos he talks about) but I hate never knowing if it'll happen again. I never saw that most recent fix so thanks for pointing me in that direction. PS4's been working fine for the last little while but if it ever buggers up again I'll know what to do. Cheers!
Yeeees, I just achieved 100% in the game and did all of the climax battles.
Now the only thing that remains is to beat in Legend difficulty.
Well after 120+3 hours i think i will take break to play something else (maybe dishonoured 2) and go back in month or so to take the well deserved plat xD.
Overall I really enjoyed the game, both the story and the gameplay, although i didn't find the game so much better than the previous.I think it was surely better paced overall and a little more grounded which helps a lot if you a newcomer to series but everything was familiar to me.
Yeeees, I just achieved 100% in the game and did all of the climax battles.
Now the only thing that remains is to beat in Legend difficulty.
Well after 120+3 hours i think i will take break to play something else (maybe dishonoured 2) and go back in month or so to take the well deserved plat xD.
Overall I really enjoyed the game, both the story and the gameplay, although i didn't find the game so much better than the previous.I think it was surely better paced overall and a little more grounded which helps a lot if you a newcomer to series but everything was familiar to me.

My man! Congrats on doing those ultimate climax battles! I'm stuck on ultimate one with Kiryu vs three tough opponents, got any tips?
They really don't give you any time to do any of the minigames after Ch. 7, do they? I don't know why they waited until the plot was in fifth gear to unlock the cabaret club and real estate. I guess the only way to get anywhere with those is to totally ignore the story for a long time right at the start. I mean I can't really complain because the story is so good, but I just wanted some downtime and the game has me strapped in for the ride at this point.
They really don't give you any time to do any of the minigames after Ch. 7, do they? I don't know why they waited until the plot was in fifth gear to unlock the cabaret club and real estate. I guess the only way to get anywhere with those is to totally ignore the story for a long time right at the start. I mean I can't really complain because the story is so good, but I just wanted some downtime and the game has me strapped in for the ride at this point.
Just do all of the side stuff in Premium Adventure mode after finishing the game. You can continue your savegame from where you end the story.
My man! Congrats on doing those ultimate climax battles! I'm stuck on ultimate one with Kiryu vs three tough opponents, got any tips?

For all the kiryu ultimate battles i just used beast mode and spammed

sqare+square+square+triangle, except the ones with Sera where I used the rush style

Man, beast mode just wrecks every boss.

The first ultimate battle is not so bad.Wiat till you play the second one. Sera vs Majima is a tough battle to beat :p.You have to be flawless for like 5-6 minutes strait and have a looot of patience


They really don't give you any time to do any of the minigames after Ch. 7, do they? I don't know why they waited until the plot was in fifth gear to unlock the cabaret club and real estate. I guess the only way to get anywhere with those is to totally ignore the story for a long time right at the start. I mean I can't really complain because the story is so good, but I just wanted some downtime and the game has me strapped in for the ride at this point.
I refuse to budge from chapter 10 because I can feel the ending breathing down my neck. It also means I'm locked out of Majima's stuff but whatever. I have a real estate empire to run and kart races to win - you can't make me play you the way you were meant to, game!
For all the kiryu ultimate battles i just used beast mode and spammed

sqare+square+square+triangle, except the ones with Sera where I used the rush style

Man, beast mode just wrecks every boss.

The first ultimate battle is not so bad.Wiat till you play the second one. Sera vs Majima is a tough battle to beat :p.You have to be flawless for like 5-6 minutes strait and have a looot of patience

Thanks for the tips! Also loving/hating the fact that their are tougher battles ahead! But hey, that's the Yakuza life I guess!
Just do all of the side stuff in Premium Adventure mode after finishing the game. You can continue your savegame from where you end the story.

Yeah I know Premium is there, I just am not fond of the pacing structure. It's like giving someone a 10 course meal and then being told they have an hour to eat it all. Premium is the equivalent of the take-home box. Naw I want to play minigames when I want to play them.

Anyway, I just finished that
long long fight with yakuza and Kuze
in Ch 9. That was fairly tough. Only had a couple health drinks on me so I had to be on my game.
Used beast style to thin out the thugs and then smashed every sign I could find over Kuze's head. He couldn't keep up.


Finally got through mahjong down. One win on the Advanced table is all you need for the money. I suppose to get a straight flush I should play the easiest table? After that I only need to somehow finish the batting centre and get all weapons and accessories to 100% the CP list.


In the final chapter now, awesome game.

I think I am one of the few that prefers playing Kiryu though. But both characters play good. And both stories are really well done.


Settling in now. I should really stick to Brawler style. Heat moves so much easier to do and health much easier to manage.

That, and man I should have sold these plates and found this shrine long time ago.
Fuck the baseball minigame was hard to complete... At least for me? I didn't try the rest of the minigames, but are they as hard as this one?
I mean we are far from the crazy completion goals of Yakuza 3 but still it hurts a it lol
this fucking game...
Just finished it today and I loved every minute of it!
It was my first Yakuza and I'll definitely play some of the other games in the future.
I just finished this game last night. It was my first Yakuza game and I'm so happy I got introduced to this series. What a great story; the voice acting and presentation are superb. My only gripe would be that the lower budget held back the quality of side content presentation but the gameplay was great and oh my God at the amount of activities they packed into this game.

I was really digging Goro Majima in this, he carried himself so well. His character stole the show for me. I'm guessing his personality is very different in the other titles.
Just finished the game.
I feel like from chapter 11 on there was hardly time for side quests. Or maybe I was just so into the story that I focused on that. But the second half of the game rushed by.

Really enjoyed it. It was my first Yakuza experience.

I loved Majimas character development.

Great game!

Just finished the main story. 29 hours, 55 minutes with about 26 % completion. I explored quite a bit in the first 2/3 of the game but felt like the story drove me forward in the last act which I didn't mind at all.

Some general thoughts on the game, story and characters as a first time Yakuza player...

Game: It feels like a labour of love. The details, the writing, the characters, the subquests and humour all tie in together so well... and there's so much of it!

Story: Probably the best story I've played this gen, are all of the stories this good? I imagine this was an even bigger treat for long-time Yakuza fans but as someone who didn't know any characters going in besides Kiryu, it really delivered for me. Plenty of turns, great writing and excellent VA. It's sold me on Kiwami already.


Overall: Incredible game through and through. Great cast of characters, lovingly detailed world, loads of fun, meaningful side-mission stuff to do.

Thanks to all the Yakuza experts as well who have answered my questions in the thread.
Just finished the game, first real Yakuza after messing around with 4 a while back. Clocked in at around 55 hours and 27%. It got to a point where the story was too good to not just press through it. (As well as having this, RE7, Nioh, Nier, FF14 and about a billion other things to play soon)

Anyway, super enjoyed it and looking forward to Kiwami. They have a Yakuza fan for life now!

P.s finally a first post. Took the longest time to get verified ha!
The amount of content in this game is absolutely ridiculous, in a good way.

Thinking of canceling my Nioh preorder because I'll probably still playing this by the end of the month.

The side stuff is so much fun I actually have to force myself to continue the main story (which is excellent) every once in a while. Currently deep in the cabaret club management which is almost a full game in itself.

This is going in my GOTY list for sure. And what a great start for my first Yakuza game. I'll be getting Kiwami on day one now.
First yakuza game here, fucking love it
I'm at the end of chapter 6.
"Well, half an hour of Yakuza won't hurt".

*1,5h, two boss fights and three cutscenes later*

Literally just finished this game, credits are rolling as I type and I have to say... this game has blown me away.

The amount of content, the quality of said content, every side quest different and well written, the combat and various styles... THE PURE HYPE WHICH WAS THE FINAL BOSS BATTLES.

Goro Majima you have rocketed in to my my top 5 badass video game characters. I love that guy.

This is my first Yakuza game and I am gutted I missed out on all the other ones, what are my chances of remakes of every Yakuza game? Slim to none I imagine... but I need it.
As someone for whom Yakuza 0 is their first game, I definitely plan to buy Kiwami, and then 6. I'm not sure after playing 6 I'd then want to go back and play 2, 3, 4, and 5, especially if 6 already shows me the story recaps for the others.

In a perfect world, Sega would've had the 2 remake ready to go after Kiwami, but this is the problem with trying to both produce remakes and new games with stories that all tie together.
I really wasn't feeling this game for the first good section. I liked the characters and the story but the combat was not enjoyable at all for me. The whole opening Yakuza base section and the boss just felt like too much without having a good control of everything.

Once I got out to the open town and fought a dude who pulled a knife on a girl who sold him her panties and ran into Miss Tatsu, things became much much better.

Side note, let me marry Miss Tatsu. I don't care if it creates a time paradox.
My first Yakuza game. Fantastic!

Story is fun. Fighting is fun. All the characters are great.

I thought the English subtitles with Japanese voice acting would bother me, but I don't think it would be as good any other way.

and these dumb mini games I heard so much about and assumed I wouldn't like? Can't get enough of them. So much fun.

Thanks for another great recommendation GAF!
Guys I want to just immerse myself in Yakuza lore and history and read through every single game's story line... but what if the release remakes of all of them!!!??

Do I wait and experience it all fresh? Yakuza 0 being my first Yakuza game has awoken a fire inside me that I never knew existed. I am in love with the series already... why did I never play these games! Kiiirrryyyuuuu Maaajimaaaaa!!!

When is Kiwanis remake coming out in the UK!? Oh man, i'm an addict right now! I need more!
I'd like to echo most people's opinion here and just say how much I'm digging this first Yakuza experience. I'm real early so I can only imagine but the systems seem pretty simple and entertaining, something I can definitely appreciate given i don't have that much timeto play. It's rad!
Just finished. As my first real Yakuza experience (I only played about an hour or so of the original on PS2), I can see why people love it. This is a true video game, jam packed with so much to do, great action and a great story. Can't wait for Kiwami.

I think I should make a thread showing these impressions from the first time Yakuza players. It's really an incredible title to start the series with.
Not sure if I'm missing something because I haven't played Yakuza 4 but I'm about confused about (Chapter 4 Spoilers)
Majima's seeming motivation to get back in the Yakuza. Saejima is basically on death row so why is it so important for Majima to get back into the Yakuza to preserve a spot for him? That doesn't make sense to me.


Not sure if I'm missing something because I haven't played Yakuza 4 but I'm about confused about (Chapter 4 Spoilers)
Majima's seeming motivation to get back in the Yakuza. Saejima is basically on death row so why is it so important for Majima to get back into the Yakuza to preserve a spot for him? That doesn't make sense to me.
It's his form of penance. Majima wants to be there because he definitely believes Saejima will return...which, according to Yakuza 4, is an accurate prediction.

There is also the freedom that comes with being a clan member. Don't forget that there are spies watching him 24/7 so he can't skip town, which would be pretty important in fulfilling Majima's desire to protect Saejima's sister.


Point blank the enemy dispensers, buy lives, have fun figuring out the final encounter. Great game and one of my first single credit clears, and I'm always tempted to put credits into it now that I've unlocked it.

Yeah, there was no way I was beating the game. lol. I did get 100,000 points though, which was enough to pat myself on the back! The 7-Way shooter is a godsend to blast through most of a level when you can afford it. Fun game, for sure!
There is also the freedom that comes with being a clan member. Don't forget that there are spies watching him 24/7 so he can't skip town, which would be pretty important in fulfilling Majima's desire to protect Saejima's sister.

which is quite weird that he doesn't mention her AT ALL during this game.
How import friendly are Kenzan, and Ishin?
(Assuming you don't speak Japanese and are playing with the guides)
You'll essentially be doing everything through the guide.

And there are very well detailed guides for both. I'm currently playing through Ishin myself, and have had no problems understanding what to do or what's going on. The guide is incredibly detailed.

I'd even recommend printing out the guide if possible (a pdf version exists for Ishin's, not sure about Kenzan) as that will help considerably when you sit down and play.
How import friendly are Kenzan, and Ishin?

Extremely unfriendly if you don't speak Japanese, but there are excellent guides for each at KHHSubs.com..

I'm learning Japanese at the moment, and I think I'm going to jump into Ishin before too long with the KHHSubs guide as a back up. Kenzan would be much harder for me, though, because of the irritating inability to pause cutscenes in the earlier Yakuza games. Yakuzas 5 and onwards are a dream for Japanese learners, because you can pause every line of dialogue in the game if you need extra time to work them out, but the earlier ones you just have to be good enough to catch it all on the fly :p


Question for people who have finished this game and the rest of the Yakuza games: major spoilers

so does Majima actually become evil or something? I'm looking up some stuff now and seeing that he's apparently Kiryu's big antagonist for the rest of the series or something? I think it would break my heart to see Majima do some extra especially evil shit, and I'm not sure I'm ready to experience that. Don't tell me what he does specifically, just tell me if I'm going to have my heart broken.

edit: fuck...top of the page...DON'T CLICK THE SPOILER!!!
Question for people who have finished this game and the rest of the Yakuza games: major spoilers

so does Majima actually become evil or something? I'm looking up some stuff now and seeing that he's apparently Kiryu's big antagonist for the rest of the series or something? I think it would break my heart to see Majima do some extra especially evil shit, and I'm not sure I'm ready to experience that. Don't tell me what he does specifically, just tell me if I'm going to have my heart broken.

edit: fuck...top of the page...DON'T CLICK THE SPOILER!!!

has lots of respect for Kiryu, in the early games he'd mainly fight Kiryu because "he wanted to be the one to kill him" but I think he just loves to fight someone on his level, since he just seems to enjoy fighting. The two of them are actually good friends, Majima comes to Kiryu's aid several times in later games, its really only the first game that he seems to be "evil", or... well just really crazy!


Gold Member
Question for people who have finished this game and the rest of the Yakuza games: major spoilers

so does Majima actually become evil or something? I'm looking up some stuff now and seeing that he's apparently Kiryu's big antagonist for the rest of the series or something? I think it would break my heart to see Majima do some extra especially evil shit, and I'm not sure I'm ready to experience that. Don't tell me what he does specifically, just tell me if I'm going to have my heart broken.

edit: fuck...top of the page...DON'T CLICK THE SPOILER!!!

nah, majima's never 'evil'. 'seriously whacked', maybe, but definitely not 'evil'. & always 'lovable' :) ...
Question for people who have finished this game and the rest of the Yakuza games: major spoilers

so does Majima actually become evil or something? I'm looking up some stuff now and seeing that he's apparently Kiryu's big antagonist for the rest of the series or something? I think it would break my heart to see Majima do some extra especially evil shit, and I'm not sure I'm ready to experience that. Don't tell me what he does specifically, just tell me if I'm going to have my heart broken.

edit: fuck...top of the page...DON'T CLICK THE SPOILER!!!
, he's never an antagonist. Heck, in one particular instance, Majima's the only ally Kiryu has!

They just have this relationship of Majima always wanting to pick a fight with Kiryu because he loves a good fight and Kiryu is one of the best fighters out there. But they both respect each other and consider each other friends, if not straight up brothers. Both respect each other's ideals.


so, I don't speak Japanese so I could be mishearing but is it just me or does the guy in first parking lot Rush dodge training scenario yell the same thing that the Gunstar Heroes yell when they throw someone?

It's pretty close if not. I'll have to A/B it later.
Beat the game a few minutes ago, and gotta say, if this ain't on my GotY shortlist by the end of the year, that will mean that this year is gonna be absolutely insane in terms of game releases. Won't recount all my thoughts, but I will say that releasing Kiwami so soon after Zero seems like a mistake to me. I consciously didn't spend as much time on this game as others have (I beat it in a little more than 30 hours) because I don't want to burn myself out before Kiwami comes out, seeing as it looks like it plays very simliarly to this game. But I can imagine a lot of people who bought will have had their fill and then some by summer time, and skip or put off Kiwami.
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