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Bojack Horseman Season 3 |OT| Everyday It Gets a Little Easier

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I love it when animated shows do silent episodes. As a big animation fan it truly shows how powerful these images are and how attached we are to these fictional characters by quirks in their animation. Episode 4 was brilliant and I'm hoping someone deconstructs the heavier themes it was tackling like xenophobia.


I just wrapped season 3.

Thoughts on life:
Life is just a series of loops we keep repeating over and over again until we die, thinking we could actually change when nothing ever does. It never gets easier even if we tell ourselves the exact opposite.
What if
we just try to live life a bit everyday? It gets easier, but you gotta do it everyday.


watched the whole new season today... good lord this really wrecked me

im not sure if i like this or last season more
I think last season had much stronger individual moments or stronger like...episodes I guess but Season 3 had a much stronger overall narrative, stronger structure and consistent direction.

I'd say Season 2 had more lines you could quote that were amazing lines or quick bursts of emotion or despair whereas Season 3 was much better at creating longer stretches of consistent emotion. I also think the humor in Season 3 was a step above.
I can't help but rave on how great voice acting on this show really is. From the main cast, particularly Princess Caroline really delivers depth and a range of emotions so well. Their guests, seemingly so random like Diane's Terry Gross ringtone to Jessica Biel to Wiz Khalifa, really do wonders for selling jokes.

Episode 9 Spoilers

Bojack and Princess Caroline's talk at the end really was impactful. From Bojack saying "I do love you, by the way. As much as I'm capable of loving anyone. Which is never enough. I'm sorry" to PC begging Bojack to stay with him, with him flatly saying "no". God that really hurt.


Episode 6 is amazing.

Also I just started to read the bottom ticker this episode when they cut to the newscast. Guess I should have been on the lookout there for past episodes.

MC Safety

One of the best things about season three was the absence of Vincent Adultman. If ever a joke was in need of a rest, that was it.


I don't think bojack will have a happy ending. The show isn't about happy endings but that reality is more often than not shitty. I'm actually OK with it not having a happy ending either, that happens all the time.

I think Diane
will end up making a mistake and cheating on Mr peanutbutter with bojack. At the very least she's going to sleep with bojack regrettably after ending her marriage. She's just not happy.

One of the best things about season three was the absence of Vincent Adultman. If ever a joke was in need of a rest, that was it.

Personally I disagree, the season felt heavier than the last two, could have used more dumb gags. Plus Vincent adultman is one of the funniest characters ever even as simple of a joke it is. Maybe his juxtaposition in the show made it funnier than it should have been, but I liked him.


I really missed Wanda and personally that's why I prefer season 2. She was such an amazing character. I hope she makes an appearance in season 4.

MC Safety

Personally I disagree, the season felt heavier than the last two, could have used more dumb gags. Plus Vincent adultman is one of the funniest characters ever even as simple of a joke it is. Maybe his juxtaposition in the show made it funnier than it should have been, but I liked him.

The bits with Adultman in season two were absolutely painful.

It was funny for a little bit, got real old real quick, and thankfully the character has disappeared.

If you want absurdity, there's plenty of Mr. Peanutbutter and Todd to go around.
What's weird is that in the Netflix recap segment in the beginning, the Wanda relationship is summarized but it's never mentioned in the season proper.

Mike M

Nick N
What's weird is that in the Netflix recap segment in the beginning, the Wanda relationship is summarized but it's never mentioned in the season proper.
She's mentioned in the first episode, she got poached by another corporation and moved to Detroit. Her relationship with BoJack didn't have any loose ends, there's no real reason they'd bring her up.


So... still no one knows the name of the song at the final scene?

Anyway, did you guys see the cameo appearances of old characters?

In episode 2
Todd bumps into that mouse girl he clashed with in the backstages of Stars and Celebrities of Hollywoo. What do they know? Do they know things? Let's find out.

In episode 3
in the Bat Bat Mitzvah, we see the bat fella who gave BoJack and his fellow Horsin' Around actors Kazzaz' message.
Hollywoo is probably my favourite joke because it's so dumb
Then "Stars and Celebrities of Hollywoo. What do they know? Do they know things? Let's find out." Is probably my second fave because it's equally as dumb.
I guessed that from context but from who. I didn't recall if that was slipped in at some point in the season and if i missed it.

BTW, finding out Mr. Peanutebutter is
is funny

No, they were
deers, not horses, this girl was a horse

all that was done was it was hinted at during the abortion episode that maybe they didn't all have abortions.


all that was done was it was hinted at during the abortion episode that maybe they didn't all have abortions.

Didn't the horse have the same pattern as bojack? I wasn't really paying attention but I thought I saw the diamond pattern on her head


Didn't the horse have the same pattern as bojack? I wasn't really paying attention but I thought I saw the diamond pattern on her head

That only means that
he could have multiple children.

Also in rewatching episode 6 to find out what yall were talking about I noticed something. Is Sextina Aquafina no longer voiced by Aisha Tyler? It doesn't sound like her this time around.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Just finished Episode 6
Ok this season is going strong now. The jokes are all landing, the animal visual gags are still spot on and its actually been fairly heartfelt.

Also Brapp Brapp Pew Pew
That only means that he could have multiple children.

Also in rewatching episode 6 to find out what yall were talking about I noticed something. Is Sextina Aquafina no longer voiced by Aisha Tyler? It doesn't sound like her this time around.
Sounded like Wanda Sykes to me.


Marathons it yesterday and loved it. Looking forward to season 4 where I will undoubtedly forget a ton of stuff that happened this season.


Just finished episode 9. Man this show can be hard to sit through sometimes (in a good way).

Onwards to the finale!
Episode 10:



*Sails his ship into the sunset*


Just finished the season and I feel sad.

This show makes me laugh out loud and feel depressed in a single episode.
I really missed Wanda and personally that's why I prefer season 2. She was such an amazing character. I hope she makes an appearance in season 4.

I agree. I felt that without her the show was just retreading ground. Whilst the show is fantastic, there is only so many times I'm going to be able to watch Bojack and his emotional development go around in circles. Wanda was a catalyst for a different side of Bojack that I really liked, and I hope that it wasn't the last we see of her. If Bojack ever does find redemption, I want Wanda to be a part of it.


Unconfirmed Member
I agree. I felt that without her the show was just retreading ground. Whilst the show is fantastic, there is only so many times I'm going to be able to watch Bojack and his emotional development go around in circles. Wanda was a catalyst for a different side of Bojack that I really liked, and I hope that it wasn't the last we see of her. If Bojack ever does find redemption, I want Wanda to be a part of it.

Naw she's done with him. There's no way someone with her personality who had wasted more than half her life in a coma would have any desire to deal with Bojack's shit again after having moved on. She just isn't a broken enough person like the rest of the main cast (save for Mr PB but he's a strange case all around).


I still haven't seen all of the season yet, but I just finished Episode 4. It was fantastic; I loved
the interesting facets of the underwater city, the sea creature sight gags, Bojack learning from his faling-out with Herb and trying to apologize to Kelsey, and the fact that the bulk of the episode lacked dialogue
was a great reminder that this is definitely a lot greater than the comedy it presents itself as.

I'm not even 1/4 done with the season, and I already love it! The only thing close to a weak point was how Episode 2
recycled the gag of "making it painfully obvious what time period the episode takes place in" and ran with it even farther than before, but the backstory stuff was good


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Just finished Episode 10. Did not expect to be binge watching this today but my bike is out for repairs and its brutal hot out so I don't feel like going out. Gotta say this season is really good so far. Also good on Todd after Episode 10. I usually can't stand him but
he laid down the law and told it like it was at the end of Ep. 10


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
So just finished off episode 11
Man fuck Bojack. He's like the Walter White of celebrities. He drags everyone else down with him on his escapades.


Loved the season, they really mastered how to blend the comedy with the drama.

It's kinda hard to see sometimes the characters repeating their cycles of self destruction, you expect it of bojack, but
Princess going back into business and her inability to stop trying to save bojack, Diane still being willing to completely destroy Mr. PeanutButter for her own gain and unable to accept she's an awful person who still blames her shittiness on "being with bojack"
are a bit harder to digest, specially
Princess, she deserves to be happy, she's such a hard worker.

For me, of all the things, the scene that i felt got too real was in the last episode when Bojack
Was filming the Ethan-around episode and the little girl said she wanted to be like him and he has a nervous breakdown.

My fave part of this season was them taking animal visual gags and puns to the next level, like the scene at new york restaurant where the rats, pigeons and cockroaches look at each other suspiciously.

Also, Corgi Valet parker was my fave one joke character in the season.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Finished the season. Some (completely disorganized) thoughts:

-The second episode really does a good job of making 2007 feel like an eternity ago.

-Episode four was amazing. More shows need to do dialogue-free episodes. I loved how they portrayed the undersea world as sort of being Japan, especially the stereotypical "weird Japanese commercial" with Mr. Peanutbutter.

-Did anyone else feel like there was a real lack of Todd in this season? I mean, he was there, and the episodes he had were good, but it felt like there was much less of a focus on him this time around. Maybe Aaron Paul was busy with other things? Also speaking of Todd, is this the first show to directly address asexuality as a thing?

-Did anyone else think they were going to kill off Mr. Peanutbutter's brother and have him and Diane adopt his niece and nephew?

-The end of Episode 11 was a real punch to the gut. It was then that I realized that not only was it getting harder to like Bojack as a character, it's actually getting harder for me to not hate him as a character. He really is an awful person and I'm not sure the people who know him are better off in any way for it. And maybe that's the point, but it's getting harder and harder to see how he might ever get redemption. Like in the first two seasons it seemed like it might be a possibility, but now? I mean he's pretty much directly responsible for Sarah Lynn's death. And sure, it's easy to say that she would have inevitably gone back to drinking and drugs on her own, but would she? Clearly we can never know, of course, but when it all comes down to it, it's Bojack's fault.

-I love how the show almost seems to know what the viewer is thinking regarding Bojack. Like when he'd start to go on another one of his "I don't know if I can ever be happy" introspective rants, other characters would cut him off and basically say "No, shut up, you can't keep doing this". Most notably Todd in episode 10, which, holy shit, was incredible. You really get the sense that the other characters are getting just as tired of Bojack's self-destructive cycle of bullshit as the viewer is.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Just finished the season. Damn good, only episodes I wasn't huge on were the first two and started warming back with 3 and 4 is when it started getting really damn good again. I also like how they keep expanding the world.
Finished. What a great season. I cant believe how this show transformed from the first few mediocre episodes to the amazing show it is now. Those last episodes were brutal.
Finished the season. Some (completely disorganized) thoughts:

-The end of Episode 11 was a real punch to the gut. It was then that I realized that not only was it getting harder to like Bojack as a character, it's actually getting harder for me to not hate him as a character. He really is an awful person and I'm not sure the people who know him are better off in any way for it. And maybe that's the point, but it's getting harder and harder to see how he might ever get redemption. Like in the first two seasons it seemed like it might be a possibility, but now? I mean he's pretty much directly responsible for Sarah Lynn's death. And sure, it's easy to say that she would have inevitably gone back to drinking and drugs on her own, but would she? Clearly we can never know, of course, but when it all comes down to it, it's Bojack's fault.

Regarding this part I think that
It was inevitable, but he sped it up. She literally said she was doing her 9 months so that when she started taking drugs again, it would have a more powerful impact.


Unconfirmed Member
Regarding this part I think that
It was inevitable, but he sped it up. She literally said she was doing her 9 months so that when she started taking drugs again, it would have a more powerful impact.

She also tried to open up to him in 2007 before she got addicted to drugs but he sort of ran away, so he's partially responsible for her getting hooked in the first place, sort of.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Finished the season. Some (completely disorganized) thoughts:

-The end of Episode 11 was a real punch to the gut. It was then that I realized that not only was it getting harder to like Bojack as a character, it's actually getting harder for me to not hate him as a character. He really is an awful person and I'm not sure the people who know him are better off in any way for it. And maybe that's the point, but it's getting harder and harder to see how he might ever get redemption. Like in the first two seasons it seemed like it might be a possibility, but now? I mean he's pretty much directly responsible for Sarah Lynn's death. And sure, it's easy to say that she would have inevitably gone back to drinking and drugs on her own, but would she? Clearly we can never know, of course, but when it all comes down to it, it's Bojack's fault.

After watching this season, it's become apparent that
most of the terrible shit that happens to the people in bojack life is self inflicted. PC found happiness after being fired by bojack and the first thing she does is get back on the horse to fuck her life up. Diane puts herself in a knowingly terrible position that will come between her and Mr peanutbutter, with no bojack in sight. Todd is still an idiot, but his relationship with that girl actually seems stronger than it was pre bojack. Mr peanutbutter is still completely unaffected by bojack trauma despite being in his life longer than anyone. Sarah Lynn is a tragic case, because although he blames himself for that, she was long gone before she had a chance. He might have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but that removes the blame from the other poisons in her life that had a much stronger grip on her like her family and agents. His crime with Sarah Lynn was not seeing just how much pain she was in, especially when they showed she was like a reflection of a more successful bojack, complete with Diane's warning of an Oscar freakout


Episodes 9 and 10 were my favorite this season, as they tended to be in past seasons. Episode 11 was heavy, but predictable. I'm really pleased at the direction they went this season, the most interesting characters got a little more screen time, and the ones that were better off got less.

Season Spoiler
I liked how they fleshed out Mr. Peanutbutter a bit more. His character seemed like a bit of a hard swallow compared to everybody else on the show, who is basically miserable. It's good to see him with a little more depth, even though he does end up more stereotypical towards the end


His crime with Sarah Lynn was not seeing just how much pain she was in, especially when they showed she was like a reflection of a more successful bojack, complete with Diane's warning of an Oscar freakout

(Complete season spoilers)

I completely agree. If Bojack had as much critical and commercial success as Sarah Lynn, he would have suffered a very similar fate. No amount of acclaim or riches can magically turn you into a better person or give life meaning. If anything, it will amplify your nastiest traits.


Only finished the first episode but I'm already reeling. This is gonna get bad, isn't it :(

Mr Peanutbutter is the greatest character in the history of animation.
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