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Ghostbusters (2016) Trailer #1 (Feig, Wiig, McCarthy, McKinnon, Jones)

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My brothers group definitely hasn't been approached or discussed anything with Sony in any regards. I can say that with complete confidence because my brother would have told me. I was worried when he first started doing all the fan shit that he might get sued.

The bunch of them (4 "main cast" in their videos plus a few "extras" and 2 or 3 behind cam people) are just simply hyped for the new movie because it's something they love. My brother initially wasn't happy about the all women casting, then he got over it when he realized that was stupid.

Thanks for the inside scope. It's nice to know that there isn't some sort of shady nonsense at work with Sony using the fan base as a mouth piece.

My main issue with the reboot is the non-continuation of the established narrative. I like the characters that have already been established and want to see more of their story. I'm fine with introducing new characters (Extreme Ghostbusters, IDW Comics, the Video Game, ect..), but not ignoring everything that came before it all together. I place most of the blame squarely on Bill Murray though and his resistance to GB3 all these years. Then I blame Sony for not pursuing this more aggressively-- either getting Murray out of the way or pacifying him. Can you imagine if JJ and Paramount rebooted Star Trek with completely a new crew at the helm of the Enterprise? Recasting actors was inevitable, but those characters are timeless.

My second issue with the reboot is what I saw in the trailer didn't "feel" like Ghostbusters. It could just be a really bad trailer, which is my hope. I would love nothing more than to be happily surprised once I actually see this film and form a new bond with these characters.

My hope for a "true" sequel died with Harrold Ramis. It was all over at that point. I was never encouraged by Dan Aykroyd's recent talk about them being old with blindness and hip replacements. Good grief, is Aykroyd partially blind with a fake hip? No, so why does his character have to be this decrepit person? Just put his character in a role that suits him at this point in time. He would have likely been in a management position behind a desk at this point in his life or a field instructor supervising younger recruits.

Murray mentioned in one of his interviews that the way the writers went about turning him into a ghost as "kind of clever."

I've had thought about this, and came up with a way the writers could have figured out how to effectively kill a main character in a comedy, without the event becoming terribly sad for the audience nor completely dismissive of the beloved character that fans have come to love.

I was thinking what if they went the Zombie Cabbie/ Mummy route? Basically, there is an incident that results in Venkman's soul being separated from his physical body. In an attempt to bring Peter back from the "dead," perhaps Egon has developed some sort of "soul anchor" that is able to force Venkman's soul and body back together. Except there is only one problem... because Venkman's physical body is actually dead and this device is only forcing the soul to stay in, Venkman's body starts to decay and fall apart throughout the movie. Leaves plenty of room for some fun sight gags and such. By the end of the film, it becomes clear that this arrangement can't be kept up forever, and Venkman accepts his fate and passes on by destroying the soul anchor.

Kind of a fun way to kill off the character, but allow him to be a fruitful member of the group for the entire film. This way, Murray could have gotten his wish of being killed off quickly, but thanks to computer graphics, fans could have watched a decaying Peter Vankman on screen interacting with the other Ghostbusters.

I had even thought about how this plot point could work itself into the over-arching story. When you look at Ghostbusters, the guys talk about "crossing the streams" early in the film and how its bad and such, but by the end of the movie, that little random tidbit of information turns out to be the key to defeating Gozar. The same with GBII. Right at the beginning of the movie, Egon is telling Dana about this theory he and Ray developed about human emotions affecting their environment ("Let's see what happens when we take away the puppy?") and we see development of positively charge slime throughout the film (Dancing toaster?), which ends up with the introduction of the Slime Blowers and the Statue of Liberty. Fantastic foreshadowing.

With the "soul anchor," I was thinking that they would introduce this device very early with Egon experimenting on the local stray cats in the neighborhood. Perhaps, there are a couple of half decomposed cats "living" in the fire house that has the anchors around their collars. Egon is trying to figure out how to cheat death, but can't figure out how to stop the physical decay of the body. I could easily picture Peter shooting off wise cracks about "All Dogs go to Heaven" or murdering the neighbor girl's kitten, or Egon not satisfied with "just" 9 lives. It could be kind of funny if the bad guy at the very end of the movie turns out to be some sort of humanoid cat God.

The only reason I suggest that Peter "truly died" by the end of the film, is simply because Murray's lack of interest in the franchise. Perhaps his character willingly sacrifices himself, because only a "ghost" can cross the premortal plane needed to close a dimensional rift or something.

A fun "what if"...
I'm not sure if this was posted earlier but someone did a recut of the trailer. Cleaned it up a lot. Short and sweet.


lol. This was over 9,000 times better than the Sony cut. Someone hire this person.

Honestly, I think there a lot of trailers out there that misrepresent the way how a movie will look due to the cut, and focus on certain scenes.

Plus, wasn't this movie suppose to be scary?








There are times when Leslie Jones looks a little bit like an out of shape Terry Crews. I'd love to see them in a movie together where they have to dress up as each other for some reason. Like maybe Leslie can't go to a date she's been looking forward to, so Terry shows up with her clothing and makeup on. Then Terry can't get to the meeting in time, so Leslie shows up in a suit.

Kid Goku

Even though it doesn't look too good trailers often can be very deceiving and with Feig I don't think it'll turn out as bad as some are saying.

They usually put at least a few of the better jokes in the trailer.

If this is one of the better "jokes" then, whoooo-boy.

This just looks like another cynical, bastardized reboot of a classic. Bridesmaids was pretty good though so hopefully this isnt total shit but this first trailer....wow...things dont look good.

Also the new Ecto-1? Fuckin horrible.


Finally decided to watch the trailer and... well... it'll be funny for the masses? I mean, anyone who liked Fieg's movies are going to like this, but anyone who didn't like any of his movies before, won't like them now.
They usually put at least a few of the better jokes in the trailer.

If this is one of the better "jokes" then, whoooo-boy.

This just looks like another cynical, bastardized reboot of a classic. Bridesmaids was pretty good though so hopefully this isnt total shit but this first trailer....wow...things dont look good.

Also the new Ecto-1? Fuckin horrible.

What's wrong with the new Ecto-1?
Finally decided to watch the trailer and... well... it'll be funny for the masses? I mean, anyone who liked Fieg's movies are going to like this, but anyone who didn't like any of his movies before, won't like them now.
Nah I thought Bridesmaids and Spy were great and this is still looking pretty bad to me.

I like Fieg's earlier films enough to still have the hope this really was just a badly cut trailer but if not then they really should've just left well enough alone, especially after all the other failed attempts at getting another Ghostbusters off the ground.

Guessing it's already been posted given how huge this thread already is, but the Kinda Funny podcast's talk about why the trailer looks so bad with Max Landis I thought was pretty good. One thing that I hadn't noticed which absolutely does now after Max bitched about it was the plain, flat lighting everything has like in most modern comedy films compared to how natural (comparatively at least) the original Ghostbusters looked a lot of the time.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Yep looks a bunch of stuff that further backs the reddit post then.

"Oh the door opens THAT way" and "I drew sum tits" jokes. The Ghostbusters next mission will be bustin Comedy because its fucking deaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddd~
I mean, it's a better cut trailer, but it's also like...

I dunno, maybe Feig dictated that 85% of the jokes are off limits, so what the trailer houses have to work with is shit from a Far Side calendar (door goes the other way HAW HAW), and someone getting dropped at a rock concert.

...or maybe Feig & Dippold shit the bed.

on Ghostbusters.
If it's from the hack it's probably not the current one.

I didn't read -all- of it...but I think what I remember matches up?

Oh, there! I probably had it at one time, as I remember downloading the script packet from the leak. Don't have it now - I'll see if I can find it somewhere.

Find it!

We really doin that crowdsurfing pratfall?

Really now?

I mean, I DEFINITELY wouldn't catch her
she's twice my size!
International Trailer just hit

Not gonna lie, I'm dying at
Hemsworth looking like a complete shit with a way too big suit jacket

Real nice shot of the Times Square timey wimey stuff too. And ghost boobs..?

Way better trailer.

So it's gonna be more of a physical comedy movie. I'm cool with that. It'll differentiate itself from the original even more.

The visual style is great still and that second version of the theme song is great and Hemsworth looks like he's gonna be hilarious.

I dunno maybe I'm just more into the ghost busting as a vehicle rather than the ghostbusters and their relationship. I also am not holding up to the original because it's a ridiculous thing to do at this point.

Hemsworth, McKinnon and Wiig are fine to me so far. It's mostly the loud mouthed humor they're giving to Jones that has been consistently awful in both trailers.
She is quite very clearly saying 'pain' in the trailer.

Like it's not even close to anything else.

It's pretty close to Patty. Which is what she's actually saying. "Patty." That's her character's name.

You can see her saying it reeeealllly clearly in the gif posted upthread.

Of all the things to Zapruder...

"Focus closely on her mouth. Watch the tongue. Back, and to the roof. Back, and to the roof. Pat-ty. Pat-ty. The power of—back, and to the roof—Pat-ty."
So my guess is it's gonna be a more cartoonish silly irreverent Ghostbusters than more sarcastic wit seriousness of the original.

I'm cool with that because I loved The Real Ghostbusters cartoon and this looks more like that than the original movie.


She is quite very clearly saying 'pain' in the trailer.

Like it's not even close to anything else.
But pain doesn't even make much sense, does it? I took it as a parody on "The power of Christ compells you". Exchanging Christ with her own name would be the obvious joke.
Edit: oh, I see it's already cleared up
Dammit your right, I was sure it sounded like pain when I gave it a watch but it is Patty.
Without paying too much attention to it whilst watching the trailer I reckon plenty of people thought pain as well, as did I. Makes sense both ways in the context of things (not funny, but I get what it's saying.)


When the black lady jumped off the stage and landed lazer backpack first, it would probably really dig into her back from the force of hitting the concrete. Shit would hurt.

Ghost boobs was slightly better then the exorcist joke.
She is quite very clearly saying 'pain' in the trailer.

Like it's not even close to anything else.

Jones herself says it's Patty.

Also Jones is considering getting rid of her Twitter over the commentary over her role in Ghostbusters. She also apparently brought up a letter she received from an MTA employee who thanked her for defending the role. That letter is from comedian Joanna Briley, who also works as an MTA employee.

That international trailer does seemingly confirm the leaked synopsis of the plot, by the by.
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