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Big XBLA sale (Outland,Shank,Trial,Yars Revenge, Blade Kitten, Trouble Witches, more)

snoopeasystreet said:
It's the not the points I have a problem with. It's that I have to buy them in chunks. All I want is 100 points and can't buy that with the current system.
You'll have some change. So what? Like I said, it doesn't go anywhere and there'll be something you want to buy in the future that you'll need the points for anyway.
snoopeasystreet said:
It's the not the points I have a problem with. It's that I have to buy them in chunks. All I want is 100 points and can't buy that with the current system.
I'm pretty certain I read in the past somewhere that it has to do with charging credit cards and the fees companies have to pay for each individual charge. Which is why, I believe, PSN, forces you to buy chunks of money for your wallet until you hit a certain price ($9.99?). I could be completely wrong about PSN as it's been some time since I last bought something on there but the idea is still similar. And if you've purchased a handful of stuff on iOS they typically don't charge for each individually and instead wait some period of time (24 hours?) to gather together multiple purchases into one single transaction.

Considering the fees Microsoft has to pay for every transaction it's preferable to only pay it once for 400 points and not four times for someone that needs to get 100 points four times down the road.

And of course there's your point that they leave you with leftover points ensuring you'll eventually have to buy more points down the road to get enough for some other purchase. There's no doubt some thought was put into that as well.

I could be talking completely out of my ass but I believe there's some truth to my first point.


Junior Ace
snoopeasystreet said:
It's the not the points I have a problem with. It's that I have to buy them in chunks. All I want is 100 points and can't buy that with the current system.

Maybe you just don't know when/where to buy them. I'm still sitting on 14,000 points from last Fall's K-Mart deals.
Bog said:
Maybe you just don't know when/where to buy them. I'm still sitting on 14,000 points from last Fall's K-Mart deals.
Pretty much. I have 10,000 ms pts and I paid about 50% for all of it, even still I don't buy XBLA games unless they are on sale because ice been burned too many times. I bought Outland and Torchlight for 400 pts each, after my discounted pts I paid $2.50 for each game


Junior, please.
Very tempted by Path of Go as I've always wanted to learn to play it, and 200 is next to nothing.

I hope there's a decent tutorial in there.


Shit. Nothing I want or don't own. Also, 240 pts for Hydrophobia is a great deal. Wasn't too bad of a game and the water tech is amazing.


thelatestmodel said:
Very tempted by Path of Go as I've always wanted to learn to play it, and 200 is next to nothing.

I hope there's a decent tutorial in there.

There is, its a fuun little game :) well worth the $2
Everybody in Australia go check the price of Serious Sam 2 right now.. I just downloaded it for free. Yes, I double-checked my paid list, its not there. I went through the specials page on Game Marketplace, Australian store. 11.38pm.

EDIT: Oh weird, it downloaded and its actually the video but linking weirdly. Seems to be a glitchy entry.
Each of these games is a smaller budget title so I can live with them not being in the same league as Deus Ex, Diablo, Mario, etc. Especially for these prices.

I already have the one I want, though.


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toythatkills said:
You'll have some change. So what? Like I said, it doesn't go anywhere and there'll be something you want to buy in the future that you'll need the points for anyway.

That's the scam though. Give us your $$$ now to get points that you aren't gonna actually use till the future. So we get more of your cash sooner to sit on and do with what we please. The point system is total bullshit.


Hope they never change the point system. When I can spend $35 on $50 worth of points that means I'm saving big time on my games. Even more so in conjunction with sales like these.


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Jtyettis said:
Hope they never change the point system. When I can spend $35 on $50 worth of points that means I'm saving big time on my games.

They could just sell you cards worth an actual monetary value verses points, and those could go on sale sometimes.
eek5 said:


where is this on NA live? cant find the deals!!!


toythatkills said:
Or alternatively, it's a system by which the same price can be applied to a game the world over. I much prefer it to PSN where a game in the US could then be substantially more expensive in Europe, or vice versa.
It's the same price in MS Points, but since the points are more expensive in Europe you end up always paying more than in the US and not only some times like on PSN (provided you bought the points with MS). There are several games that are $15/~12€ on PSN and 1200 MSP=15$/15€ on XBLA.
panama chief said:
where is this on NA live? cant find the deals!!!
It's right on the dash, either the third or fourth panel.

It doesn't really matter, just look for the games themselves, the prices is discounted there.


Feel kinda bad buying these when I have NO idea when I'll actually play them. Heck, I bought Lara Crof and GoL, finished the first stage and never played it again. Now I have Moon Diver and Outland to play. Trouble witches looks good too and for that price I could bite..

Between these games, Forza4 and Dark Souls I need a vacation...


snoopeasystreet said:
It's still a bullshit practice that's in place. It's not something that you can defend.

I can defend having 2-4 $ always leftover because I've never bought MS points for less than a 25% discount (usually 40%) so I've saved probably over 100$ since they decided to make it points instead of straight dollar amounts.


Brettison said:
They could just sell you cards worth an actual monetary value verses points, and those could go on sale sometimes.
Do PSN cards ever go on sale? The only one I've ever seen is when Target sold the $20 ones for $17 once. They've had like 3-4 promotions for 1600 points for $15 or less. I've never paid face value for any of my MS points.


I`m not seeing Torchlight for 400 points anywhere...I see Daggerdale and Clash of Heroes(awesome game,I have it on PSN) but no Torchlight....Canada thing maybe?

Really tempted to get Outland but I read it gets really hard?

Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
Was hoping for Contra Uprising and Rocket Knight, but I feel that I got two equally fun shooting and platforming games in Trouble Witches and Outland.

Hopefully there will be more fire sales similar to this leading up to a big black Friday sale.


So everyone agrees Serious Sam HD: Second Encounter and Torchlight are both worth 400 points? I played the first SS way back when it came out on the PC and I thought that it was quite a bit of fun.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
eek5 said:
Do PSN cards ever go on sale? The only one I've ever seen is when Target sold the $20 ones for $17 once. They've had like 3-4 promotions for 1600 points for $15 or less. I've never paid face value for any of my MS points.

2 points...

1) iTunes cards go on sale all the time if you look around, and those things are straight $$$ value, and not some bullshit points deal. There's no reason the cards can't go on sale if they are just $$$ verses points as it's the exact same value for MS.

2) MS already ditched the points themselves. WP7 uses ONLY real money for games. You can't use points. So obviously the credit card thing while semi valid (I know a lot of small business places have like a $5 card minimum) isn't an issue for MS.

PS: Also no reason they couldn't have point cards, AND MS could let you just pay real money for something and be done with it.
Jucksalbe said:
It's the same price in MS Points, but since the points are more expensive in Europe you end up always paying more than in the US and not only some times like on PSN (provided you bought the points with MS). There are several games that are $15/~12€ on PSN and 1200 MSP=15$/15€ on XBLA.
Actually, in the UK at least MS points cost almost exactly the same as they do in the US, based on today's exchange rate. If they were ever substantially cheaper in the US, I could buy points from there and use those instead to benefit from the cheaper price. OH. ANOTHER ADVANTAGE.

Also note that points get around irritating things like the price displayed on your console not being the price you pay because of state tax, etc.

Points rule.


toythatkills said:
Actually, in the UK at least MS points cost almost exactly the same as they do in the US, based on today's exchange rate.
So, it's just us Euro guys getting screwed? Well, that's okay, we won't be there for much longer anyway.

toythatkills said:
If they were ever substantially cheaper in the US, I could buy points from there and use those instead to benefit from the cheaper price. OH. ANOTHER ADVANTAGE.
I fail to see how this is an inherent benefit of points. You couldn't even do that before MS introduced payment via PayPal with the last (or second to last?) update, at least directly through their interface. With a lot of deals being for Gold members only, you also can't just switch accounts at will.


Torchlight is good from what I played of it, but it's too button mashy so it gets repetitive as a result. Plus the framerate takes a huge dip when there's several enemies on the screen. Still, it's pretty good if you like loot games like Diablo so 400 MSP is a nice asking price. I would have been more annoyed if it were 600-800MSP and would have thought it was a waste of points, let alone full price. I'm playing as the Melee class.

I tried Serious Sam 1 out, but I didn't like it, so I'm not going to check it out. I'm hoping Serious Sam 2 is better. Hydrobia is very tempting at 240MSP, but I only have 730MSP so I have to think about it soon plus I do want to check out BC:R2. Moon Diver trial is on deck as well.


panama chief said:
where is this on NA live? cant find the deals!!!

its not showing for me either.

yeah i just logged in on an alternate NA account and its there. when i log in on my main tag its gone and replaced with a game i already own.

excellent marketing scheme Microsoft!
Jipan said:
Torchlight is good from what I played of it, but it's too button mashy so it gets repetitive as a result.
Torchlight is boring as hell. Go through identical floors of a dungeon performing exactly the same fetch quests you performed on the last floor. They don't even try and present the illusion of variety, it literally feels like you've seen the entire game after ten minutes.


toythatkills said:
Torchlight is boring as hell. Go through identical floors of a dungeon performing exactly the same fetch quests you performed on the last floor. They don't even try and present the illusion of variety, it literally feels like you've seen the entire game after ten minutes.
I was hoping that would not be the case. Was thinking to myself I sure hope its not just dungeon after dungeon like this. Anywho, just 400 points.


toythatkills said:
Torchlight is boring as hell. Go through identical floors of a dungeon performing exactly the same fetch quests you performed on the last floor. They don't even try and present the illusion of variety, it literally feels like you've seen the entire game after ten minutes.
Yeah, I'm starting to see that. "Kill X monster in X floor," "Fetch this item in X floor." It's pretty boring all right. I just mindlessly mash X to win and throw in RT, LT B, and Y into the mix. Still for 400 MSP, it's o.k. so people can't go wrong. I think I could have gotten a better game at that price.
toythatkills said:
Torchlight is boring as hell. Go through identical floors of a dungeon performing exactly the same fetch quests you performed on the last floor. They don't even try and present the illusion of variety, it literally feels like you've seen the entire game after ten minutes.

Finally, someone else gets it.

I think half of the people praising it have either never actually played it, or have never played a loot type game and it feels new and fresh to them.


Hmm, nothing interesting there that I don't already have, though I'll give the Witchy shooter a go.

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