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Jim fucked up, right? (The Office)

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im goin with pam


No, Jim made the right choice at the time. But then the writers made Pam an unfunny, unlikeable jerk. I liked Pam of season 1-4 way better than Karen.


Pam was a loser. Roy was a loser, and Pam was Roy's doormat.

Jim was a winner, but he threw away his place in society so that he could listen to "Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam" for years.

When he finally worked up the courage to make a move, Pam shot him down, so he moved on with his life and landed Karen, a winner like him, but "a winner" was never what he really wanted.

But fate wouldn't let Jim move on with his life, and he and Karen were jammed into the office with Pam, who had changed her mind, and now wanted Jim to dump Karen, like she dumped Roy. Once Jim did that (Karen never really stood a chance), Jim and Pam's storyline was basically done.

Karen was objectively better than Pam, but Jim didn't make the wrong choice.


Kevin's character did have the biggest dive. I forget the episode but when he had the line, "it just felt nice to win one" I actually felt for his character. Then he just was turned into dumb guy who eats.
Can't think of a more brutal decline in the quality of a television show than Twin Peaks season 2, and even that had bits of genius scattered throughout.


love on your sleeve
Pam is hotter than Karen in every category. She's got the girl next door face and that rack that just doesn't lie.

Karen looks like she was modeled by Bethesda tbqh.

I really like Rashida Jones but I laughed hard at that.

I consider Karen a pretty forgettable character and never agreed with the bitchy Pam complaints so I guess I side with Jim on his choice.
Kevin's character did have the biggest dive. I forget the episode but when he had the line, "it just felt nice to win one" I actually felt for his character. Then he just was turned into dumb guy who eats.
It was Casino Night, the season 2 finale I believe. Kevin actually seemed like he was capable of being an accountant back then.

The Real Abed

Kelly was the funniest character in the show behind Michael Scott.
The scene where Jim and Dwight go on a sales call to get a potential client and Dwight calls the competition and gets put on hold and Jim calls Dunder Mifflin and immediately gets Kelly on the line and she goes crazy excited is one of my favorites.

Also when Jim comes back from Stamford and Kelly tells him everything that happened on TV in Hollywood and he asks "So what's new with you?" and she says "I just told you."

Or the "It is your birthday" episode when Jim and Dwight need to plan a party on short notice, though that's more of a Dwight moment. But Kelly goes along with it.

Or when Erin starts and her name is also Kelly so she goes by Erin and Kelly gets mad because her middle name is Rajnigandha AND I HATE IT!!!

Or also from that episode when she's sitting at Jim's desk looking longingly at the new boss talking about how much she loves him and Jim wonders if she's trying to have a conversation with him.

Or her complete and utter inability to not end up back with Ryan every. single. time.

So many good Kelly moments.

"Here, now let me take you from behind."


Pam was sweeter and cuter than Karen. Karen was hotter and less cutsey.
Jim was a pretty laid back guy and I think Karen was a little overbearing for him.

Remember when Jim freaked out because Karen wanted to move in on the same street? She'd probably have been over at Jim's place 24/7 bossing him around. He knew that and wanted no part of it.

Jim was way too laid back and chilled for Karen.
I was always on team PB&J so I was happy when they ended up together in season 4.

It's a trope. The same reason
Ted still went after Robin after his wife died.
<-- HIMYM spoiler

Unfortunately real life isn't TV so there's probably no chance of ending up with the girl I fell in love with at my old job. My situation wasn't anything like The Office.

Thanks for putting the "<-- HIMYM spoiler" tag where I could see it - after I read the spoiler. Genius.
Sorry but how did Jim do the wrong thing? Pam was amazing and their romance was perfect.


Sure in the unofficial spinoff episodes that started after the show ended in season 4 (after the dinner party finale) ... you might have a point. You know, the other show about Andy's singing career and his six different personalities.

I didn't enjoy her in that show, but that wasn't the office so it doesn't count.

The Real Abed

Thanks for putting the "<-- HIMYM spoiler" tag where I could see it - after I read the spoiler. Genius.
Do you go around randomly clicking unmarked spoilers when there's no context? I posted a warning. I did my part. Did it really matter? It's been 3 weeks. Surely you've seen it by now. Also, don't forget
Dexter becomes a lumberjack.
<-- Dexter spoiler

What I hate is when people don't even mark them at all and make you guess.


Pam was a brilliant character throughout. Pretty much the only likable character throughout the entire series along with Dwight.


Why the hell didn't he stay with Karen? She was driven, more intelligent, way prettier, and less of a pushover. Pam pales (literally) in comparison. Plus, you know Karen wouldn't have made a big stink about Philly! WTF, man? not to mention, Karen wouldn't have gone on with crying sessions with the boom mic guy behind Jim's back. Soft ass Jim just let that slide, too...

On top of that, it makes me so sad to see that the show eroded into the Jim & Pam show + Andy doing his worst at trying to be Michael Scott pt. 2 and Kevin being a complete buffoon. Kevin was actually smart in the early seasons. WTF, The Office? You were so gud.

Pam was way fucking hotter than Karen. Your other points against her might stand, though.

The part I didn't like about what they did with Andy is that they made him a complete asshole towards the end.

And lastly, buffoon Kevin was friggin' AWESOME.


Karen looks like she was modeled by Bethesda tbqh.

lmao. I am shaking my head, but this line was hilarious.

I acknowledge that the show ACTUALLY ended when Scott left and no later.

It was declining in quality around the time in any case, but I agree.

Pam was a brilliant character throughout. Pretty much the only likable character throughout the entire series along with Dwight.

They never did touch on Dwight and Pam's relationship enough. It was one of the better plot additions made in the newer seasons.
I acknowledge that the show ACTUALLY ended when Scott left and no later.

I got about halfway through season 8 before the show just became unbearable.

EDIT: I'm also salty that The Office character I share my name with (Gabe) is the biggest asshole/tool on the planet.
Karen symbolized "what could have been". Almost everyone in The Office had a crack at the "Big Time" at one point or another and move beyond the Scranton office, but inevitably most of them fell back into their parochial lives. Ryan becoming a coke addict was a good example - most of them just couldn't hack it in the world outside their circle.


Junior, please.
Why are we breaking it up into "winners" and "losers"? Genuinely baffled by this, Jim just followed his heart. It's not about who is better looking, who is more driven, etc.

And while we're on the subject, I find the later seasons very watchable. Obviously seasons 3-5 are the absolute pinnacle, but it's still great after that.

I love James Spader's performance in particular. The arc with the boom guy and breaking the fourth wall was utterly terrible, but apart from that, it really isn't as bad as some people say.

Interestingly, I never, ever watch the final episode. I've seen it once and that was enough. Just too sad. I always stop at the penultimate one and then just start over from the beginning in a month or two when I'm ready for another run through.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
How the fuck are people saying Karen (Rashida Jones) is unattractive compared to Pam?

I the what

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