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Mass shooting at church in Charleston, SC

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
They have to feed him, and driving from where he was caught back to Charleston is a bit of a drive. Probably stopped at the first place they found.
They didn't even stop anywhere. He was in cuffs at the police station and someone went and picked up food to give him since the station had nothing to offer. It's a complete non-story. (Not saying you're indicating it's a story, I'm speaking generally.)

There's an enormous amount of things to be angry about this year, Dylann Roof being given a meal is not one of them. People need to quit freaking about bullshit like this or the false belief that he wasn't in cuffs at the time of arrest. It taints the real anger and injustice.


What I want to know is why this shithead's roommate didn't say anything when he knew this asshole was planning something like this for months.

Sigh... I guess I know the answer, but seeing what his roommate said really pissed me off. The idiot had the perfect opportunity to stop this but he seemed to not care at all.


CNN probably helped to give you that impression, I'm sure.

CNN Apologizes to Osama Obama

And then, when the Bin Laden raid happened:

It seems they do it whenever they get the chance.


Probably should go in the other thread, but typing in Obama podcast and seeing how outraged people are that he said nigger is really weird to me. I'm reading stuff about how he's stoking the flames of the race war and other nonsense but the people who are the most upset about this seem to be racists themselves. I don't get it. Can someone please explain to me why the group most likely to use the word are the most upset that he said it and are claiming he's trying to start a race war?

I never said that the majority of people on welfare are black, I said it will financially hurt a lot of blacks.

No more than it would financially hurt anyone else on welfare no?


That the majority of people on welfare are black? Nope. That's a false narrative as myself and many qualified professionals have stated time and time again.

First source of statistics I found says that 38.8% of welfare recipients are white, and 39.8% are black. So while it's technically correct to say that "the majority of people on welfare are black," a plurality of people on welfare are black.

But even that isn't really the right comparison. The right comparison would be to look at the proportions relative to the US population, to see which groups' representation among welfare recipients are disproportionate. Taking data from again, the first source of such statistics I found, we've got whites making up 77% of the general population and 38.8% of welfare recipients. Blacks are 13.2% of the population and 39.8% of welfare recipients.

So if you want to be technically correct but grossly misleading in your use of statistics, keep on going. If you want to actually know about what's going on in the world, black people use welfare at a very disproportionate level. That's a fact.

Now, the idea of the "[implied via dogwhistle black] welfare queen" is a myth, but it's not because blacks aren't disproportionate recipients of welfare. It's because being on welfare sucks and characterizing someone who's unemployed, in poverty and barely scraping by on government assistance as a "queen" is ludicrous.
Probably should go in the other thread, but typing in Obama podcast and seeing how outraged people are that he said nigger is really weird to me. I'm reading stuff about how he's stoking the flames of the race war and other nonsense but the people who are the most upset about this seem to be racists themselves. I don't get it. Can someone please explain to me why the group most likely to use the word are the most upset that he said it and are claiming he's trying to start a race war?

No more than it would financially hurt anyone else on welfare no?

Wait what? What did I miss?
Just did my second Facebook Defriend in existence.

Fucker was talking about how SJWs were to blame for Roof's shooting. He was sick and fed up with SJW culture on Tumblr, so that's why he shot up a church full of a certain race. I told her that not only was she being completely disrespectful, she was prejudice as fuck and I promptly defriended her.

Now they are on my friends FB talking about how prejudice is only for bigotry. So then we go "but people equate Furry culture with Yiff Parties, nobody gives a shit about people that just draw animal cartoons and wear fox ears. That's prejudice". The response? Only 4chan hates Furries. The world loves Furries.
CNN Apologizes to Osama Obama

And then, when the Bin Laden raid happened:

It seems they do it whenever they get the chance.
Yep. That's why they're dead to me now. I mean even Fox News is kind of dead to me but at least they're unintentionally hilarious in their dumbfoundedness so there's a silver lining there.

CNN isn't even that funny when it fucks around.

First source of statistics I found says that 38.8% of welfare recipients are white, and 39.8% are black. So while it's technically correct to say that "the majority of people on welfare are black," a plurality of people on welfare are black.

But even that isn't really the right comparison. The right comparison would be to look at the proportions relative to the US population, to see which groups' representation among welfare recipients are disproportionate. Taking data from again, the first source of such statistics I found, we've got whites making up 77% of the general population and 38.8% of welfare recipients. Blacks are 13.2% of the population and 39.8% of welfare recipients.

So if you want to be technically correct but grossly misleading in your use of statistics, keep on going. If you want to actually know about what's going on in the world, black people use welfare at a very disproportionate level. That's a fact.

Now, the idea of the "[implied via dogwhistle black] welfare queen" is a myth, but it's not because blacks aren't disproportionate recipients of welfare. It's because being on welfare sucks and characterizing someone who's unemployed, in poverty and barely scraping by on government assistance as a "queen" is ludicrous.
You do realize that "welfare" can mean anything from "needing the kitchen sink and the rest of the home" to "just a small supplement of food stamps", right? That not everyone on welfare is literally umemployed (in fact I'd venture to say most aren't), in poverty (i.e the story of millionaires who were discovered to be getting food stamps. I'm not making that up, although it happened some years ago), or "barely scraping by"?

That goes for both white and black people. Hell, let's throw Asians and Latinos in there too since by your own numbers there's still a decent amount unassigned to the first two who are on welfare.

And yes, I know where that original post was getting to. However, people don't seem to realize how easily they perpetuate the fabled media notion of "there are no whites on welfare" when they only focus on speaking about one segment of the population who happen to make up a portion of those on said welfare programs, even if they feel their intentions when doing so are otherwise noble.

Also being on welfare doesn't have to "suck"; remember now, many white people were essentially on welfare following WWII as the gov't used that to help them get into better economic positions. If the gov't treated the program as a whole the same as they did in the late '40s/early '50s, the public stigma towards the program would be a lot different because the program itself would actually work.

And just to be a bit more sympathetic here for a moment, when people need help after falling on hard times and turn to something that's supposed to help them but only cripples them to becoming a dependent, you can't really blame them 100% or even heavily so for clawing away at a broken program.



Might be old, but the gun he used was bought legally, and was not the Gun his father got him.

That reads like his parents gave him money to buy the gun. Like this is still the same gun people were talking about his dad buying him.

Wait what? What did I miss?
it was on this podcast.


24 News tied to make it a big deal. Fox news of course was the leader of the pack lol....smh.

Red Mage

Our media is run by the stupidest people. "Alleged"? I don't know what to fucking say anymore. Obama using the N-word is not noteworthy in any respect given the context. These people are morons.


They have to use the word alleged or his defense could argue that the media has tainted the jury pool.


For the record, this is not true though. While mental illness is certainly a factor in many of these sorts of cases, there are more mass murderers who are found to have been normal than have any mental illness at all.


Earlier in this thread, some people confused my desire to see mental illness looked at along with many other possibilities as a reason I was ignoring the true causes of this case. I was not. Racism is clearly the dominant cause, I was simply saying we need to try to fix all this countries problems, because having nearly 25% of mass murderers with a mental illness means it remains one of the bigger root causes we have to investigate. And if we want to prevent these things, we need to fix all the problems, from the economic disparity in communities to the institutional racism right up to the mental health care provided in this country and gun control.

but it is not true you must be mentally ill to commit an act like this. not at all.

Mental issues are just something defendants suggest to effect the weight of the charges. What really needs to be looked at is the judicial system.

way more

RE: Burger King. Cops don't have a central kitchen where they can whip up a meal for the soon to be incarcerated. Should they not feed detained people in booking and just let them die?

Liberal GAF shows it's knowledge/compassion again.


The Autumn Wind
RE: Burger King. Cops don't have a central kitchen where they can whip up a meal for the soon to be incarcerated. Should they not feed detained people in booking and just let them die?

Liberal GAF shows it's knowledge/compassion again.
It wasn't that they fed him Burger King, it was people incorrectly thinking they stopped at Burger King on the way to the police station after arresting him so he could get something.
It wasn't that they fed him Burger King, it was people incorrectly thinking they stopped at Burger King on the way to the police station after arresting him so he could get something.
How would you know? First off, you're a liberal. Second, you're a girl apparently. Just more GAF hivemind!!
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