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Why does this keep happening? Student posts in Blackface on social media

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Maybe she'll commit suicide from the life-ruining event and online/in-person abuse, if you're lucky.

Ha I have no information on how a website can track its users but I hope your alt can get tracked to your real account.

Keep hiding in the shadows.
Maybe she'll commit suicide from the life-ruining event and online/in-person abuse, if you're lucky.

A lot of people here don't understand is that it's just words and can only hurt you if you have a thin skin. We need to start thinking about how these poor people making mistakes feel.

GAF is murderers



Silly girl did she not think that it would horribly back fired on her heck even the panther on the jumper is shocked over what she did.

So from what I have observed am I assuming that this will get worse come Halloween?

Witch hunts are scary. Witch hunts against dumb kids on a forum full of supposed adults is terrifying.

I'm glad nobody on GAF has ever made a mistake, nor been given a second chance, otherwise 90% of the posters on this thread would be incredible hypocrites. I would venture that this idiot, upon seeing the reaction to this, will buck up her ideas real quick and learn the lesson you pretend you want her to learn.

Not enough says GAF, ruin her life, they decree.

Okay a few things;

1. There's no Witch hunt going on here.

2. She is at university, so she isn't a child and should know better, heck I knew not do to that shit when I was her age.

3. She chose to do this herself so she has no-one to blame but herself in dealing with the fall out.

4. This is not a little mistake is this a big racist no no and shows a lack of empathy and understanding regarding her fellow cohorts.
Call someone a racist publicly, that'll shatter their self esteem and have them shamed! How can you do that?

Call someone a nigger or do something racist? Nah though we don't know what they meant.


Why? For every damn step, why. Why think this was good to snap. Why post it to people to see it? Fuck, college applications should also ask if you're going to do some stupid racist shit.
Are you guys not pushing the same extreme opinions?
Did I just get exposed numerous times and have to resort to weird rtheortics?
Echo chamber confirmed
Nope and the Admins are free to verify that, if I get banned for offering a differing opinion in this echo chamber then so be it.

I haven't defended her actions, in fact I've made it pretty clear how stupid I think they were, I just don't think that on a first offence anybody should have their life ruined without having first been given a chance to rethink what led them to it and make amends.

Obviously I'm exercised because the lack of basic mercy and empathy (of having said and done dumb things at age 18, whether race-related or not) from dozens of posters asking for instant expulsion is really depressing.

sorry we ran out of those last year or the year before

I'm not really sure again blackface threads are annual occurrence
Nope and the Admins are free to verify that, if I get banned for offering a differing opinion in this echo chamber then so be it.

I haven't defended her actions, in fact I've made it pretty clear how stupid I think they were, I just don't think that on a first offence anybody should have their life ruined without having first been given a chance to rethink what led them to it and make amends.

Obviously I'm exercised because the lack of basic mercy and empathy (of having said and done dumb things at age 18, whether race-related or not) from dozens of posters asking for instant expulsion is really depressing.
I'll take you at your word, but I feel like you're getting caught up in a situation out of your control. People are going to do what they want with whoever's reputation in the world of public opinion. It's why celebrities have PR people. You can't control what aspect of your life is revealed to the world. You can't keep everyone's mouths and email accounts shut. She's now a celebrity to whoever reads about her story, and I hope she hires a good PR person and changes course on how she interacts with the world and minorities. We're alive for a very long time, she has many more phases of her life to go, and they can all be positive.


Nope and the Admins are free to verify that, if I get banned for offering a differing opinion in this echo chamber then so be it.

I haven't defended her actions, in fact I've made it pretty clear how stupid I think they were, I just don't think that on a first offence anybody should have their life ruined without having first been given a chance to rethink what led them to it and make amends.

Obviously I'm exercised because the lack of basic mercy and empathy (of having said and done dumb things at age 18, whether race-related or not) from dozens of posters asking for instant expulsion is really depressing.


Also what is this first offence you speak of? Do you first of all know the girl? Secondly is there some "code of offences" book I can buy that lists what is a first offence?

I mean I couldn't count all the stupid shit I've done, but none of it involved black face and snapchat. Does that mean I've yet to hit your first offence target?
Nope and the Admins are free to verify that, if I get banned for offering a differing opinion in this echo chamber then so be it.

I haven't defended her actions, in fact I've made it pretty clear how stupid I think they were, I just don't think that on a first offence anybody should have their life ruined without having first been given a chance to rethink what led them to it and make amends.

Obviously I'm exercised because the lack of basic mercy and empathy (of having said and done dumb things at age 18, whether race-related or not) from dozens of posters asking for instant expulsion is really depressing.

Why exactly is she entitled to multiple offenses for breaking lessons people learn in childhood (if this is even a first offence in to start with)? Why is she immediately more entitled to empathy for a racist joke and not the multitude of black students who have to share space with her?


Nope and the Admins are free to verify that, if I get banned for offering a differing opinion in this echo chamber then so be it.

I haven't defended her actions, in fact I've made it pretty clear how stupid I think they were, I just don't think that on a first offence anybody should have their life ruined without having first been given a chance to rethink what led them to it and make amends.

Obviously I'm exercised because the lack of basic mercy and empathy (of having said and done dumb things at age 18, whether race-related or not) from dozens of posters asking for instant expulsion is really depressing.

This is a discussion forum where others communicate and share opinions following the forum rules. You're free to make it clear that you think she should be given a second chance and others are free to say she shouldn't/criticize her actions. Just because your opinion doesn't match with others doesn't mean they are conducting a "witch hunt".


Everybody knows being called a racist is as bad as being called any other slur.


I guess this fits here as well:
Michael Freeden has argued that a key aspect of conservative ideology is being able to appropriate the values of opposing ideologies in order to protect the conservative's idea of the proper form of society. At the same time that the US switched from de jure (explicitly coded) to de facto (implicitly derived) institutional racism, racists realized that they could protect the institutions of racism by borrowing from the left's growing understanding of identity politics. They saw that the activity of "racism" could be isolated within certain overt behaviours, such as using the word "nigger," and that social discourse was moving away from blanket associations of actions with identities. They saw how the left made it taboo to use racist terms, as a way to shutdown racist discourse.

Racists decided that the best way to deflect public discussion away from de facto systems of racism was to make those discussions taboo, by borrowing the technique of coding certain terms (in this case "racist") as publicly unacceptable. They connected the term "racist" to identity politics by trying to dress it up as a demeaning term in the same way that "nigger" is. As a result, if you call a white person racist for, say, refusing to acknowledge a bias against black people within the criminal justice system, you're unfairly reducing them to a blanket identity which they don't see as their own. They can then center discussions about institutional racism around how it relates to white people and what their experiences are, diminishing the ability for the victims of systemic racism to argue their own cases.

That's a long way to say that it's an intentionally-conceived silencing tactic.
"Don't punish her too harshly" or, here's a radical ass idea.

Don't be a racist.

Or, at the very fucking least. Don't be a racist on the internet where everybody can see you being a racist.
Throw enough of these people out of school and some might start catching on that blackface isn't a cool thing to fuck around with.


This is a discussion forum where others communicate and share opinions following the forum rules. You're free to make it clear that you think she should be given a second chance and others are free to say she shouldn't/criticize her actions. Just because your opinion doesn't match with others doesn't mean they are conducting a "witch hunt".

Yeah true, but it's hard to take people seriously when they start trying to bait GAFers into suicide shaming. I can't really say that's being genuine in simply sharing opinions.

Actions have consequences, adults have to face consequences. Getting kicked out/suspended from a Uni isn't life ending in that none of your rights are being violated and you aren't being put in jail. Suck it up if it happens, learn, and pursue a career elsewhere or see if another Uni will admit you.

Just don't try and paint a narrative that you were forced to do a public black face "joke" and therefore shouldn't face any consequences.
Throw enough of these people out of school and some might start catching on that blackface isn't a cool thing to fuck around with.

This won't make people less racist, on the contrary.
It will just make them repackage their racism in a different way.
I don't see how this would be better in any way.
I'll agree with you on that at least, avoiding this dogpile is why I don't post. You're probably right about the rest of your reply too I just find it profoundly depressing to see the vitriol, and the way people take things and run with it to make it a bigger deal like suggesting she deliberately "blacked up" with gaffer tape (you can tell how male this forum is) to make a targeted attack on a group of people.

Which lends to the point that you don't understand what we're talking about at all.

Racism does not have to be intended to offend to be racist.
kids can't be this fucking stupid

when I was a freshman in college I knew what not to do. It has nothing to with graduating top quarter of my HS, this shit is just dumb.
don't ruin someone's life by kicking them out of school for doing something stupid...kick her off the team, yes, but wouldn't you want someone this ignorant to have more education? isn't that how we fight ignorance?

Maximus P

Was this posted to social media by the girl herself, or did this get upped by the receiver of the snap chat message?


This won't make people less racist, on the contrary.
It will just make them repackage their racism in a different way.
I don't see how this would be better in any way.

It's a marathon, not a sprint. To do nothing isn't a wise social experiment as humanity has an awful track record of auto-correcting itself if it isn't attempted to be funneled, or frankly dragged.

don't ruin someone's life by kicking them out of school for doing something stupid...kick her off the team, yes, but wouldn't you want someone this ignorant to have more education? isn't that how we fight ignorance?

The University doesn't have to mollycoddle, like it or not they can choose the candidates they want on their campus. Hence why you apply to Universities and possibly do interviews. A large part of that is to do with your high schools grades and current fit to any course requirements, but at least for me I also had to write a personal statement why I wanted to study.

Your rights are not being violated because an optional higher education faculty like College/Uni tells you they don't feel you are fit anymore to study on their campus and after due process decide to expel you. You can appeal, or you can suck it up and go learn elsewhere/begin working.


Maybe she'll commit suicide from the life-ruining event and online/in-person abuse, if you're lucky.

Can you cite a precedent that informs this ridiculous statement that doesn't reside in the ass you pulled it from.


Oh burner account in a race thread. Business as usual.


I'll agree with you on that at least, avoiding this dogpile is why I don't post. You're probably right about the rest of your reply too I just find it profoundly depressing to see the vitriol, and the way people take things and run with it to make it a bigger deal like suggesting she deliberately "blacked up" with gaffer tape (you can tell how male this forum is) to make a targeted attack on a group of people.

Post from your real account. Coward.


I'll agree with you on that at least, avoiding this dogpile is why I don't post. You're probably right about the rest of your reply too I just find it profoundly depressing to see the vitriol, and the way people take things and run with it to make it a bigger deal like suggesting she deliberately "blacked up" with gaffer tape (you can tell how male this forum is) to make a targeted attack on a group of people.

I'm a black woman. She deliberately did this to make a joke at the expense of black people. But what's worse than that are people running to her defense to infantilize and humanize her in order to shield her from the consequences of her actions, when her offense was the opposite and effectively dehumanized another group of people.

don't ruin someone's life by kicking them out of school for doing something stupid...kick her off the team, yes, but wouldn't you want someone this ignorant to have more education? isn't that how we fight ignorance?

If you care so much about her education, then contact her and have a long conversation about racism instead of putting it off on other people to do it.
I guess this fits here as well:

Michael Freeden has argued that a key aspect of conservative ideology is being able to appropriate the values of opposing ideologies in order to protect the conservative's idea of the proper form of society. At the same time that the US switched from de jure (explicitly coded) to de facto (implicitly derived) institutional racism, racists realized that they could protect the institutions of racism by borrowing from the left's growing understanding of identity politics. They saw that the activity of "racism" could be isolated within certain overt behaviours, such as using the word "nigger," and that social discourse was moving away from blanket associations of actions with identities. They saw how the left made it taboo to use racist terms, as a way to shutdown racist discourse.

Racists decided that the best way to deflect public discussion away from de facto systems of racism was to make those discussions taboo, by borrowing the technique of coding certain terms (in this case "racist") as publicly unacceptable. They connected the term "racist" to identity politics by trying to dress it up as a demeaning term in the same way that "nigger" is. As a result, if you call a white person racist for, say, refusing to acknowledge a bias against black people within the criminal justice system, you're unfairly reducing them to a blanket identity which they don't see as their own. They can then center discussions about institutional racism around how it relates to white people and what their experiences are, diminishing the ability for the victims of systemic racism to argue their own cases.

That's a long way to say that it's an intentionally-conceived silencing tactic.
Thanks for sharing this, this is spot on.

PInk Tape

She goes to a historically black university, does blackface, and saw no issue with it to the point where she decides to share that pic with someone else.

Like wtf.
kids can't be this fucking stupid

when I was a freshman in college I knew what not to do. It has nothing to with graduating top quarter of my HS, this shit is just dumb.

I think this is kinda missing the point. Being smart enough not to post black face picture with a comment like that on social media wouldn't have made her a better person.
Not being a racist would have made her a better person.

Sure, its baffeling to see stupidy like that, but in my opinion stupid racists are not more or less awful than the racists who know how to avoid being called out by avoiding certain words and things.


I'm a black woman. She deliberately did this to make a joke at the expense of black people. But what's worse than that are people running to her defense to infantilize and humanize her in order to shield her from the consequences of her actions, when her offense was the opposite and effectively dehumanized another group of people.

If you care so much about her education, then contact her and have a long conversation about racism instead of putting it off on other people to do it.

Well said. It doesn't take a psychologist (I'm one in study heh) to see that even the language she used is an other-ism making it my race (white) trying to fit in with that race (black). Fueling into the white vs black divide.

In reality most people don't give two shits about skin colour and will happily "fit in" with anyone who behaves decently and can show a friendly enough mannerism. Literally who gives a fuck what the largest demographic at your chosen Uni is, go there, make friends, and study. Or even if you aren't making many friends just put your head down and study hard and after 3~5* years on average you'll have a degree and career.

*I'm like Van Wilder, in my late 20's and still studying after making wrong course choices :p

Maximus P

She made it herself. Once your Snapchat is out there it is still your responsibility.

oh,i understand this completely.

But I also think it's stupid if the receiver of this message decided to put it online for everyone to see.There are some clever, well reasoned people on here but I'd hate for harm to be brought upon this girl for her stupidity. They should have shown this message to the correct people for them to deal with her accordingly.
don't ruin someone's life by kicking them out of school for doing something stupid...kick her off the team, yes, but wouldn't you want someone this ignorant to have more education? isn't that how we fight ignorance?

I'm interested to know why people chalk this up to ignorance. She lives in the same world I do where it's abundantly clear that jokes about a peoples race, particularly that of a historically disenfranchised and abused group, is unwelcome. That's an education I received long before college. And the black students that have to learn with her shouldn't be expected to put up with it on the off chance that she'll "learn". Why are people sure she'll learn a lesson anyway? She doesn't have to. Kicking her off the team or even out of school doesn't exactly mean she'll have an epiphany.
It's a marathon, not a sprint. To do nothing isn't a wise social experiment as humanity has an awful track record of auto-correcting itself if it isn't attempted to be funneled, or frankly dragged.

Thats true. But in my opinion education and having to engage with diverse groups are the best ways to fight racism. So cutting her off from getting an education at a university were she will face a diverse group of people will probably have the the opposite of a positive effect.
It would be less about fixing anything than about punishing someone for punishments sake.


Thats true. But in my opinion education and having to engage with diverse groups are the best ways to fight racism. So cutting her off from getting an education at a university were she will face a diverse group of people will probably have the the opposite of a positive effect.
It would be less about fixing anything than about punishing someone for punishments sake.

Well the Uni does also have a responsibility to care for students well-being. This is bound to cause tension, upset and unfortunately potentially even retaliation. I personally think they are right to suspend/expel, but even if they take a disciplinary action without suspension (warning/supervised study), the damage may already be done to all her fellow black students. That again is simply actions having consequences. You should not expect and demand the instant forgiveness of every person after you've taken the piss out of them. They don't owe you anything in return and at times in life you have to walk away knowing you'll never get that person(s) "back on your side".

The University as I've been saying all topic doesn't owe you anything either. They aren't your parents or guardians. You are there voluntarily and if you seriously fuck up don't expect them to always have to spend their time playing the parents of stupid "adults". Most Universities are very supportive when it comes to personal issues/mental health and problems fitting in, but this is far more extreme than the usual student ups and downs while at Uni.


Thats true. But in my opinion education and having to engage with diverse groups are the best ways to fight racism. So cutting her off from getting an education at a university were she will face a diverse group of people will probably have the the opposite of a positive effect.
It would be less about fixing anything than about punishing someone for punishments sake.
Brah she chose to go to hbcu and still acting a fool. College can't fix that kind of stupid


Everyone deserves to be humanised, finding a reason to dehumanise her is no better than her or anyone else dehumanising you.

I certainly wasn't attempting to shield her from consequences, I just don't believe that they should be potentially life-ruining. I can't believe that the options here are as binary as "let her get away with it" and "expel her immediately", a middle ground exists where her ignorance can be challenged, rectified by her and the institution, and some good can come of it.

I wish that idea wasn't so controversial, given that there's good evidence that it produces better outcomes than taking the nuclear option as a first resort.
No one is finding a reason, she posted something racist and is being held accountable for it. Calling her a racist isn't the same as dehumanizing a black people because of their race, that's fucking ridiculous.


I am just wondering. And i need to be careful how i ask this. But is it ever okay for a white person to dress up like a black person. Lets say some white dude wants to dress up as Obama for whatever reason. Is there an acceptable way? Or is it a no-go all the time? I am genuinly wondering dont judge me, one of our ministers recently did a blackface thing at an event. We still need to learn alot...
We live in this strange world where being called the N word and being called a racist are EQUITABLE INSULTS to a large amount of people.

That's fucked up.
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