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Lawyer says Ohio killer's execution botched; took over 20 minutes for man to die

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ITT people know 100% sure the executed was guilty.

Executions are barbaric and this is just further proof of how barbaric they are. The state should not be interested in carrying out emotion-based petty revenge. They're in the punishment and rehabilitation business, not forcing medical personnel to kill another human being.

I completely agree with you. Some of the comment are making me as sick as what happened to that man. Not to mention the lack of intervention he obviously did not receive after being subject to an abusive childhood which likely caused mental health issues. I don't know what all of the answers are but I know that killing people isn't one of them.
Those who understand that humans are fallible and can sometimes imprison and execute innocent people? Adding to that the fact that you could be tortured before death based on this case, as a moral person I don't know how anyone could advocate this?
Well, "fairness" means different things to different people. I guarantee every single person on this earth will differ on what's 'fair' on certain things. Also, in this case:

"DNA evidence confirmed McGuire's guilt, and he acknowledged his responsibility in a letter to Gov. John Kasich last month."


This is beyond moronic.

Death penalty is not a deterrent. When the state uses the death penalty, it is showing the citizenry that violence is how we as a nation deal with our problems. When we send that message, murder increases.

But you're just going to keep believing in your barbaric notions. Go right ahead.

So he "feels justice." Whoop-de-fucking do. What does that do for anyone?

From the people who brought you "No one will steal if you cut people's hands off."
Tell that to his victim. She's too raped and murdered to argue her case, though.

I can't even begin to imagine the pain that she, her husband, and the rest of her family suffered. It's just too cruel. I don't blame anybody for not sympathizing with this guy- outside of the circumstances of his execution, I know I certainly don't.

That being said, if we're going to use capital punishment, I would prefer that we do our damnedest to make sure it's done in the most quick and painless way possible. I don't think there's any need to pile on more pain. We shouldn't be experimenting on a human's life in this manner.


This is beyond moronic.

Death penalty is not a deterrent. When the state uses the death penalty, it is showing the citizenry that violence is how we as a nation deal with our problems. When we send that message, murder increases.

But you're just going to keep believing in your barbaric notions. Go right ahead.

So he "feels justice." Whoop-de-fucking do. What does that do for anyone?

Who gives a shit what it does for anyone else. What does it even matter to you? The punishment fits the crime.
Frankly, I'd have let her husband beat him until he was a crippled mess and then choose whether he should be executed or left to die on a road side, but it's not up to me.

You commit premeditated (non-self-defense/accident) murder, you get your shit fucked. Hard. Hell, air it unedited on national television. Would be a whole lot less murdering going on. Put an end to this shit quickly.

Wow...it seems you were born in the wrong era, the middle ages suits your bloodlust.

Seth C

From the people who brought you "No one will steal if you cut people's hands off."

If you knew you'd be punished every time you exceeded the speed limit on the highway, would you still speed on the highway?

Wow...it seems you were born in the wrong era, the middle ages suits your bloodlust.

Nah, I'm content right here in this era, but then again I'm not behaving like they did back then and raping and murdering innocent women. Ya feel me? He brought it on himself. Easy choice not to behave that way. EASY.

This isn't someone who was starving and desperate and robbed someone to feed himself and survive. Nope. This is someone who raped and murdered someone. At that point I feel no sorrow for what comes to him after. Sorry if that offends you.


In my criminology class we watched a British documentary where a man traveled the states to find the most efficient and pain free way to execute someone. They showed all the various research into executions and even examined how different states do it now. He finally found a way that was efficient and pain free (I forget what the method was exactly. Had to do we a NASA/pilot like machine where it spins the person in circles until they pass out. But if you continue past them passing out they will die. The host tried it to the point of passing out and said it felt pleasant like laughing gas.

So he concluded this was the most humane way to do it. It was quick. It didn't make the person suffer. So when he presented his findings to this lady that runs executions for her state she said: "why should a criminal be afforded the luxury of a quick and pain free death, let a lone a death that feels good before they die".

The point of the documentary (or rather how it ends), is that he didn't factor in that people want their criminals to suffer. That even though he found the most efficient and humane way to execute, it didn't matter because it was too kind to the criminal.

It was a fascinating watch.

I'm sure people would roll with the argument of it being too humane beyond the fact that sounds rather expensive for a process I don't think we even use often enough to warrant the cost. Executions on the whole are pretty barbaric though. I don't have any opinion on whether they should occur or not, but I don't believe that there is any one dignified way to forcibly end someone's life.


You can't be fair to a victim of homicide. If someone killed a loved one of mine, and the culprit was sentenced to death, what's there to gain from it? I still lost someone.

Edit: Should add I'm not against capital punishment, but killing someone doesn't make it change the void in your heart you feel when you lose someone.

I would feel justice. Im sorry you dont feel that way.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm no fan of the death sentence, especially since it is disproportionately and poorly applied. But.

1. My cat, who I recently put down, gasped several times, with almost identical treatment, but was not conscious or aware. Took about 15 minutes.
2. How long did the rape and murder of his pregnant victim take?

Demon Ice

ITT people know 100% sure the executed was guilty.

Executions are barbaric and this is just further proof of how barbaric they are. The state should not be interested in carrying out emotion-based petty revenge. They're in the punishment and rehabilitation business, not forcing medical personnel to kill another human being.

DNA evidence confirmed McGuire's guilt, and he acknowledged his responsibility in a letter to Gov. John Kasich last month.

Reading the OP is hard I guess. Also, gasping for air can be entirely involuntary. There's no reason to assume he felt any pain.


He slit the throat of a pregnant woman... fuck this dude. Who gives a shit if he didn't go out peacefully.

Holy shit agreed. I would have made it 30 min minimum of suffering. Fuck that dude. I couldn't imagine losing my wife and kid in such a barbaric manner. When your throat is slit you don't die immediately. Fast But not immediately. I'm sure she suffered and was so scared.

People defend anything. If the dude hadn't admitted it fine as people have been put to death accidently. Guy was a monster, and I don't believe anyone should give a fuck how long he suffers for.


I'm finding it hard to feel sorry for someone who raped and killed a pregnant woman

So what, he suffered. So did her family. Fuck that guy


If you knew you'd be punished every time you exceeded the speed limit on the highway, would you still speed on the highway?

The problem is that these sorts of crimes still occur in states where the death penalty is legal. I'm pretty sure I've read in the past that the death penalty doesn't actually do anything to deter these sorts of crimes, since the perpetrators are sociopaths.

Even still, I'm with you in that I support these types of individuals being removed from the planet.

There's no reason to assume he felt any pain.
If anything, it may have been more uncomfortable for the people watching than it was for him.


Since I can't help but be a masochist and keep reading this thread...for those of you that are reacting as if the murder was yesterday, remember that it happened in 1989. Those of you putting yourself in the family's shoes: even if you were the husband or part of the murdered woman's family, do you think your bloodlust (specifically the want to see the murderer suffer) would have sustained itself over more than 20 years? If so, I guess you've got a new topic to talk to your shrink about.
The point of the documentary (or rather how it ends), is that he didn't factor in that people want their criminals to suffer. That even though he found the most efficient and humane way to execute, it didn't matter because it was too kind to the criminal.

It was a fascinating watch.

He traveled the world - most of the programme (Michael Portillo's "How To Kill a Human Being" Horizon episode) was filmed in the Netherlands. The conclusion you're referring to was presented by Robert Blecker, to be a counterpoint to Portillo's well-publicised viewpoints. The subtext to the programme was that Portillo was a very senior cabinet minister in a time before the total abolition of the death penalty - he could feasibly have been the one signing the death warrant. He publicly came to the conclusion that he would be unable to do so.

The Adder

Frankly, I'd have let her husband beat him until he was a crippled mess and then choose whether he should be executed or left to die on a road side, but it's not up to me.

You commit premeditated (non-self-defense/accident) murder, you get your shit fucked. Hard. Hell, air it unedited on national television. Would be a whole lot less murdering going on. Put an end to this shit quickly.

If you knew you'd be punished every time you exceeded the speed limit on the highway, would you still speed on the highway?

Which is totally why our murder rate is so much lower than countries without the death penalty...

Oh... wait


Then again, so did her's.


God damn son!
That's a terrible joke lol
If you knew you'd be punished every time you exceeded the speed limit on the highway, would you still speed on the highway?

But that's not how people think, nobody expects that they personally will be the one who is caught committing a crime. Its been shown that neither sentences or even police numbers have any real effect on the level of crime. Crime is only really effected by socio economic factors.


At the end of a day, no fucks were giving to this asshole that killed a pregnant women. Seriously, it amazes me how people have sympathy to individuals that commit these type of crimes.
Simply put? I'm of the opinion that he sacrificed his rights the moment his "will" led him to rape and murder a pregnant woman. Prior, I would have cared. That's the moment I no longer cared about his opinion because he stole the life of an innocent.
Prisoners have rights too.
At the end of a day, no fucks were giving to this asshole that killed a pregnant women. Seriously, it amazes me how people have sympathy to individuals that commit these type of crimes.

It's not so much sympathy to the individual as it is questioning the manner of how he died.


After reading what he did I'm glad he suffered.

I'am not entirely convinced that his death turn out like that is "unfair" but this point of view seems excessive to me. Having him suffer in a simmilar way his victim did because of an unreliable untested methods falls into the realm of ""romantic justice"" for me. But putting him throgh such death deliverately -therefore having someone to point out as responsable for something that it's not suposed to be designated for an individual.

Demon Ice

Since I can't help but be a masochist and keep reading this thread...for those of you that are reacting as if the murder was yesterday, remember that it was in 1989. Those of you putting yourself in the family's shoes: even if you were the husband or part of the murdered woman's family, do you think your bloodlust would have sustained itself over more than 20 years? If so, I guess you've got a new topic to talk to your shrink about.

So what arbitrary time period between murder and punishment would you say is appropriate for the death penalty? How many years do you think it took for the husband to stop remembering the anniversary of his wedding? His dead wife's birthday?


Capital punishment is fucking crazy, and this is just one of the many reasons why it should be abolished. It's disgusting to see the law play God, the all decider on who gets to live and die. Actively killing a person is wrong and disgusting, and shouldn't even be in the judical system in the first place. It's a barbaric, ancient practice, and it's truly sad that it's still around today.

It doesn't matter if the perpetrator "deserves" it or not. We're supposed to be above that.
Imprisonment for some criminals just ain't enough. What happens when a criminal-to-be just doesn't mind going to prison for his crime(s) not yet commited? He goes on with the crime(s) and takes the chance he goes to jail. But what the fuck does it matter to him now that he did what he wanted?

The death penalty is not a petty revenge system. Even some of the shittiest human beings, ie: rapist and killers, fear death after a prolonged time in the cell with themselves. It's a matter of giving dire consequences to the act of stealing another human beings sanity or life.
Well, "fairness" means different things to different people. I guarantee every single person on this earth will differ on what's 'fair' on certain things. Also, in this case:

"DNA evidence confirmed McGuire's guilt, and he acknowledged his responsibility in a letter to Gov. John Kasich last month."

Again, is it fair to torture and execute innocent people, because it can and does happen? It's called a slippery slope, one innocent person who is executed is too much. I'm not saying this guy is innocent either.
This dude did not suffer, please understand... and who cares anyway. He's in heaven now.
There needs to be a Sesame Street episode that explains what sedative drugs are, particularly powerful ones like benzodiazepines.

Seth C

The problem is that these sorts of crimes still occur in states where the death penalty is legal. I'm pretty sure I've read in the past that the death penalty doesn't actually do anything to deter these sorts of crimes, since the perpetrators are sociopaths.

Even still, I'm with you in that I support these types of individuals being removed from the planet.

In most cases, I have no doubt that it has no effect. Sociopaths are sociopaths. That's what it is. They will go on crazy rape/murder rampages no matter what and no punishment on earth will solve that. Only selective genetic reproduction could do that. But you know, we have decided that isn't humane. The clinically insane and sociopathic citizens should be left to breed at will, greater good be damned. So we are left with what we have.

In a few cases, where vaguely mentally stable people who have a moderately functioning thought process consider such actions, having absolute knowledge they would be tortured and killed or left to rot...well, as a sane person I'd rethink my actions if I were assured that would be the outcome. But perhaps I'm coming at this from the faulty perspective of the sane.


Now imagine if an innocent person had gotten that sentence.

The guy's a bastard but the death penalty is messed up as well.


So you're saying you wouldn't speed anymore, am I right? Or would to rather evade the question entirely?

Go on, answer. It will be fun.

You're not seriously advocating for the preventive effect of capital punishment, do you? Because, facts do not agree with your impotent bloodlust.

Demon Ice

It doesn't matter if the perpetrator "deserves" it or not. We're supposed to be above that.

And marriages are supposed to last til the spouses die of old age, and pregnant newlyweds aren't supposed to be raped and murdered.

What happened there I wonder
Again, is it fair to torture and execute innocent people, because it can and does happen?
When taken in a vacuum, without a question, of course not. In regards to innocents becoming unfairly jailed or executed, I would push for much higher standards/reformation of crime investigation, evidence keeping, etc to ensure 100% someone as being guilty, as opposed to getting rid of capital punishment.
Imprisonment for some criminals just ain't enough. What happens when a criminal-to-be just doesn't mind going to prison for his crime(s) not yet commited? He goes on with the crime(s) and takes the chance he goes to jail. But what the fuck does it matter to him now that he did what he wanted?

The death penalty is not a petty revenge system. Even some of the shittiest human beings, ie: rapist and killers, fear death after a prolonged time in the cell with themselves. It's a matter of giving dire consequences to the act of stealing another human beings sanity or life.

States that have capital punishment don't have lower muder rates than those without. Also US as a whole has highest murder rate in developed word and it's one of the few with capital punishment. It just doesn't work as an deterrent.
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