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Ghostbusters reboot cast announced - McCarthy, Wiig, Jones, McKinnon

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Anybody blaming bill murray yet?

Don't know why anyone would. Dude even came in to do VO on that pretty decent ghostbusters game that came out 5 years ago. I kinda took that to be the last hurrah of the old cast and am ready to see something new.

I don't know any of them. I just hope it's about Ghost-busting and not a feminist movement.

Let me put it this way; there would've been a shitload less backlash if
- the story would've continued on what is already established.
- the cast was not a blatant carbon copy of the original cast with their dicks chopped off and tits glued on

There's no problem with an all-female cast, if they got their own GB franchise. I dunno, four girl friends, down on their luck, with the last bits of their savings, they decide to take over a GB franchise. But, I don't know, get some decent actresses in there, like Rashida Jones, Alison Brie, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler. You know, people that are actually funny.
And you can even easily connect it with the original films, by showing the OG GB advertising for their GB franchise, and maybe even wheeling them in half way through the film to help the newbs with the big giant threat they're facing, a threat the world hasn't seen since Vigo came to town.

starting to feel like some of the GGs are bubbling up in this thread.


Let me put it this way; there would've been a shitload less backlash if
- the story would've continued on what is already established.
- the cast was not a blatant carbon copy of the original cast with their dicks chopped off and tits glued on

There's no problem with an all-female cast, if they got their own GB franchise. I dunno, four girl friends, down on their luck, with the last bits of their savings, they decide to take over a GB franchise. But, I don't know, get some decent actresses in there, like Rashida Jones, Alison Brie, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler. You know, people that are actually funny.
And you can even easily connect it with the original films, by showing the OG GB advertising for their GB franchise, and maybe even wheeling them in half way through the film to help the newbs with the big giant threat they're facing, a threat the world hasn't seen since Vigo came to town.
I will try to explain myself better.

Feig is making a rebooted Ghostbusters movie. Ghostbusters was about a group of people who set up shop in a firehouse and drove a hearse and used proton packs they built themselves to capture ghosts like Slimer.

In all iterations of the franchise, those four people live in that firehouse and drive that car and use those weapons to fight ghosts like Slimer.

In Feig's movie, he is telling the story of how four people fight ghosts. However in Feig's version there are no longer those four characters or firehouse or car or weapons or Slimer.

So Fieg, IMO, is not making a Ghostbusters movie, because everything that makes Ghostbusters Ghostbusters IS NOT IN HIS GHOSTBUSTERS MOVIE. The story of four people coming together to fight ghosts is NOT what makes Ghostbusters Ghostbusters. Four people fighting ghosts can be ANY movie. Four people fighting ghosts is a movie called 13 Ghosts. It has not only been done before in dozens of movies but it has been done before in a Ghostbusters movie.

I am complaining that he is removing the staples of the Ghostbusters franchise from his Ghostbusters movie. I am complaining that the story he is choosing to tell under the name "Ghostbusters" is a story that has been done already.

I am complaining about two separate things. I did not mean to lump them into one confusing complaint but this thread started moving really fast and it's almost 6:30am and I've yet to go to sleep so if I'm still not making sense, that might be why. I feel like I can complain that he's removing things that make the movie Ghostbusters while also complaining that he's retelling a story that we've seen before instead of writing a new one, and have those two complaints make sense. They aren't mutually exclusive or something. Jesus I'm fuckin tired.

I said, he's removing what makes Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters. You said, how. I listed all the franchise staples he's taken away. Now that he's changed it so much, he's telling the same fucking story of people discovering ghosts, but everything else is gone. If you're going to take everything that makes Ghostbusters Ghostbusters out of the movie, then tell an original story and don't call your movie Ghostbusters. Otherwise what's the fucking point? It's not Ghostbusters anymore.

I'll cross-post this statement from the other, less active Ghostbusters thread:

Ghostbusters fans don't get to unilaterally determine what is or isn't Ghostbusters.

We're talking about a film series that has only two films. Yes, there have been TV shows, novelizations, merchandise, and tons of other media developed from the films, but that's not unusual, nor should the films really be held to anything that occurred in those ancillary works.

For you to impose this long list of requirements on a two-film series is crazy. These movies don't have to operate under a James Bond-style checklist just because you say they should.


Dammit.. I groggily saw this thread when I woke up this morning and then went back to sleep. All day I was wondering if I had been dreaming or not.

I have been overjoyed to read the trickle of rumours over the last few years that Ackroyd and co. were working on script ideas for a 3rd ghostbusters movie. I was about 12 when the first one came out and it blew my mind. The humour, effects, storyline.. The original is still in my top 5 movies.

So imagine my disappointment to login to neogaf tonight and see that this disaster is really happening. No members of the original cast.. No firehouse.. No hearse.. And an all female cast? What the fucking fuckity fuck-fuck? Argh I'm out.

Wordassassin is far more eloquent than me but I agree with what he says.
this movie will BOMB super hard and im guessing a less than 20% on RT. Bookmark this.

Honestly, I'm not invested in its success or failure either way, but considering Sony also financed another much-loved '80s film reboot flop earlier this year in RoboCop I'm surprised they're going through it all again with Ghostbusters.


Murray even came in to do VO on that pretty decent ghostbusters game that came out 5 years ago.

You're right - the story and most of the VO acting was excellent. Is it on PC? I've sold my last gen consoles but would like to play through it again, just to hear all the guys together.
You're right - the story and most of the VO acting was excellent. Is it on PC? I've sold my last gen consoles but would like to play through it again, just to hear all the guys together.

it regularly goes on sale for $2 two to three times a year now. The only issues i had with it is that your 360 controller has to be off when loading the game or else it crashes and that some of the cutscene animations are animated in 30 fps even if you're playing it @ 60fps. Small issues, really, and the game handles downsampling with no issues whatsoever : )


it regularly goes on sale for $2 two to three times a year now. The only issues i had with it is that your 360 controller has to be off when loading the game or else it crashes and that some of the cutscene animations are animated in 30 fps even if you're playing it @ 60fps. Small issues, really, and the game handles downsampling with no issues whatsoever : )

Urge to finally get a gaming PC.. Rising..! Thanks for the info


I'll cross-post this statement from the other, less active Ghostbusters thread:

Ghostbusters fans don't get to unilaterally determine what is or isn't Ghostbusters.

We're talking about a film series that has only two films. Yes, there have been TV shows, novelizations, merchandise, and tons of other media developed from the films, but that's not unusual, nor should the films really be held to anything that occurred in those ancillary works.

For you to impose this long list of requirements on a two-film series is crazy. These movies don't have to operate under a James Bond-style checklist just because you say they should.
This post is pretty stupid.

"Yes, there have been countless hours of Ghostbusters content based on this premise, but that doesn't make it canon -- all they really need to do is hunt ghosts be funny and call it Ghostbusters and the job is done."

The movie might actually suck and the dude has a point about how far they're straying from the original ideas. No need to ride so hard for it yet, much less call the guy you're replying to "crazy" when he obviously isn't.
Do I need to dig out my 4th grade school picture from 1984 where I'm wearing my "I've been slimed" t-shirt to prove that I've been a Ghostbusters fan for a LOOOONNNGGGG time?


I'll show you mine if you show me yours.


I think Wordassassin summed it all up for me pretty well. I have almost the exact same opinions so I won't restate all that.

I'll only add that on a personal note (and I'm 39 now) that I don't know who 3 of these actresses are. I only know of Kristen Wiig from SNL, and I never found her funny. Maybe that's selling her short tho, as I have not found SNL itself to be that funny in many years so I largely gave up watching.

In general, "Girl Power" humor has never appealed to me. If I were a tween girl, this cast might be exciting to me, I just don't know. If they had a mix of male and female Ghostbusters, I'd be willing to give it a chance. If they had an old cast member or two in the movie to "connect" them a little, that would be agreeable.

But I just can't get behind a reboot concept, especially with this cast. Zero interest. If that makes me sexist or some other label for having an opinion, whatever.
....wha? So the only people complaining are straight guys? The fuck?

you're absolutely right, misogynists come in all shapes and size. that post should be updated to reflect that.

In general, "Girl Power" humor has never appealed to me. If I were a tween girl, this cast might be exciting to me, I just don't know. If they had a mix of male and female Ghostbusters, I'd be willing to give it a chance. If they had an old cast member or two in the movie to "connect" them a little, that would be agreeable.

But I just can't get behind a reboot concept, especially with this cast. Zero interest. If that makes me sexist or some other label for having an opinion, whatever.

What makes you think this will be some sort of GIRL POWER production when no one involved has ever done such a thing?


Don't know why anyone would. Dude even came in to do VO on that pretty decent ghostbusters game that came out 5 years ago. I kinda took that to be the last hurrah of the old cast and am ready to see something new.

starting to feel like some of the GGs are bubbling up in this thread.

Care to explain what GG means and why you find it fitting to my post?
This post is pretty stupid.

"Yes, there have been countless hours of Ghostbusters content based on this premise, but that doesn't make it canon -- all they really need to do is hunt ghosts be funny and call it Ghostbusters and the job is done."

The movie might actually suck and the dude has a point about how far they're straying from the original ideas. No need to ride so hard for it yet, much less call the guy you're replying to "crazy" when he obviously isn't.

People in this thread act like Aykroyd and Ramis are the ultimate authorities when it comes to Ghostbusters, and several have complained about their lack of involvement in this film (Ramis' involvement obviously being impossible at this point).

Yet somehow the glut of ancillary Ghostbusters media, very little of which was created by them, is supposed to be gospel for the franchise? That's ridiculous.

My point is that the Ghostbusters film series is barely much of a series as at all, and therefore, it shouldn't be held to a massive checklist of rigid standards, especially when we're talking about a reimagining.


I think Wordassassin summed it all up for me pretty well. I have almost the exact same opinions so I won't restate all that.

I'll only add that on a personal note (and I'm 39 now) that I don't know who 3 of these actresses are. I only know of Kristen Wiig from SNL, and I never found her funny. Maybe that's selling her short tho, as I have not found SNL itself to be that funny in many years so I largely gave up watching.

In general, "Girl Power" humor has never appealed to me. If I were a tween girl, this cast might be exciting to me, I just don't know. If they had a mix of male and female Ghostbusters, I'd be willing to give it a chance. If they had an old cast member or two in the movie to "connect" them a little, that would be agreeable.

But I just can't get behind a reboot concept, especially with this cast. Zero interest. If that makes me sexist or some other label for having an opinion, whatever.
What is girl power humor tho?


If i have to explain what's wrong with the section of your post that i bolded then there's no sense in explaining what's wrong with the section of your post that i bolded.

Well, there's that of course, or you could explain what GG means and what's wrong with calling out an unimaginative casting where every single cast member is literally a genderswapped copy of the original cast. Maybe I could've worded it differently, but I don't see anything wrong with stating that a reboot that starts off with a casting that lacks any form of artistic creativity is at least somewhat disheartening to some.

But if you differ in opinion, please, do elaborate.
People in this thread act like Aykroyd and Ramis are the ultimate authorities when it comes to Ghostbusters, and several have complained about their lack of involvement in this film (Ramis' involvement obviously being impossible at this point).

Yet somehow the glut of ancillary Ghostbusters media, very little of which was created by them, is supposed to be gospel for the franchise? That's ridiculous.

My point is that the Ghostbusters film series is barely much of a series as at all, and therefore, it shouldn't be held to a bunch of rigid standards, especially when we're talking about a reimagining.

Dat hypocrisy.

I had the same feelings for Robocop first going into the reboot.

Coming out of it, I asked myself why wasn't Michael K. Williams Robocop? He felt more of a guy I can see behind the helmet much more than Joel Kinnaman AND I would try to rationalize why there is a white cop playing Robocop in a predominantly black city like Detroit in the future and not a black cop in a predominantly black city.

Then I realized that there would be people who'd freak and lose their shit and claim "but the reboot, but the sanctity of the original" and choose not to watch it anyways, because of some misguided and delusional obsession of the past that supposedly needed continuity to be held.

So the people freaking out about a female reboot of something so... petty as Ghostbusters need to fuck off kindly and focus on the writing.

If Feig can get across the same idea of the NYC governmental incompetence that the first movie got across so damn well, this will be in my DVD collection alongside the first one.
Well, there's that of course, or you could explain what GG means and what's wrong with calling out an unimaginative casting where every single cast member is literally a genderswapped copy of the original cast. Maybe I could've worded it differently, but I don't see anything wrong with stating that a reboot that starts off with a casting that lacks any form of artistic creativity is at least somewhat disheartening to some.

The similarities end at three white people and one black person. They aren't playing the same characters or gender-swapped versions of them.


Here, a link to the report that people have repeatedly ignored even though it's been posted multiple times.
It's EGON Spengler, not SHEGON Spengler
It's Ray STANTZ, not Ray WOMANTZ
It's Peter VENKMAN, not Peter NOTAMAN
It's Winston ZEDDEMORE, not Winston ZED-DAME-MORE

Yunno, if you wanted to be insidious about it, I bet you could get people to start using "Egon not Shegon" unironically.


The similarities end at three white people and one black person. They aren't playing the same characters or gender-swapped versions of them.


Here, a link to the report that people have repeatedly ignored even though it's been posted multiple times.

This article is a mess, but I get the characters will be written specifically for the actresses. That seems a bit better than what I originally anticipated. You have to admit, by the tweet alone, how one could come to the conclusion that they were carbon copies.

And, as I stated, an all-female Ghostbusters isn't necessarily bad, it's just a shame they're rebooting, instead of going forward with the established universe.


Melissa McCarthy was very sweet on Gilmore Girls and is capable of doing things other than just gross-out humor. I hope this is good -- I like Paul Feig a lot.


I think the actual movie will end up turning out fine, but I have a feeling the movie will be a moderate bomb in the box office. I've always thought the original cast carried the first movie and a lot of that charm is going to be lost in the reboot. That and I wonder how many people will opt to pass up on this movie simply because the original movie has aged pretty well and doesn't really need a reboot/remake.


you're absolutely right, misogynists come in all shapes and size. that post should be updated to reflect that
So, anyone who dislikes the cast choices is a misogynist? You know there are actually more than four women available to play acting roles in the world, right?

People in this thread act like Aykroyd and Ramis are the ultimate authorities when it comes to Ghostbusters, and several have complained about their lack of involvement in this film (Ramis' involvement obviously being impossible at this point).

Yet somehow the glut of ancillary Ghostbusters media, very little of which was created by them, is supposed to be gospel for the franchise? That's ridiculous.

My point is that the Ghostbusters film series is barely much of a series as at all, and therefore, it shouldn't be held to a massive checklist of rigid standards, especially when we're talking about a reimagining.
Ignoring the weird detour into Akroyd/Ramis authorship, which neither I nor the poster you replied to mentioned. Anyway!

Sure, you *can* make a Ghostbusters movie without it being about a ragtag group of nerds who start a business, or having it take place in a converted firehouse (complete with alarms for emergency calls), or having the nerds use cobbled-together gear (including their converted car) -- and instead have them use slick gear.

You can also reboot Star Trek and change the scale/economy of everything there, too -- reversing the slickifying of the new Ghostbusters (since The Enterprise is on such a grand scale), I guess that would mean Captain Kirk flying a jalopy around the galaxy as the leader of a group of mercenaries.

You could reboot the Ninja Turtles so that they don't live in the sewers anymore and eat sushi.

You could reboot Back to the Future and have the time travel vessel be a rigged-up Lay-Z-Boy, or maybe have Doc be working for the CIA instead of being on his own.

You could reboot Rocky and have it take place in Korea and make Rocky a Tae Kwon Do expert instead of a boxer.

But why the fuck would you?

This post lays out some legit concerns and you just called him crazy for no reason. I dunno if you're riding hard because you're worried about sexism or what, but I don't feel it.


Do people honestly think Tina Fey or Amy Poehler are good choices for a Ghostbusters movie or is it just a easy thing to say given the lack of relevant female comedians?
So, anyone who dislikes the cast choices is a misogynist? You know there are actually more than four women available to play acting roles in the world, right?

when some of the reactions seem to be "wahhh wahhhhh it's just the old cast with tits and girl power!" then, yeah, you can say what i said with a straight face. Seems some people have qualms outside of that though, so i'll grant you that much.
Ignoring the weird detour into Akroyd/Ramis authorship, which neither I nor the poster you replied to mentioned. Anyway!

Sure, you *can* make a Ghostbusters movie without it being about a ragtag group of nerds who start a business, or having it take place in a converted firehouse (complete with alarms for emergency calls), or having the nerds use cobbled-together gear (including their converted car) -- and instead have them use slick gear.

You can also reboot Star Trek and change the scale/economy of everything there, too -- reversing the slickifying of the new Ghostbusters (since The Enterprise is on such a grand scale), I guess that would mean Captain Kirk flying a jalopy around the galaxy as the leader of a group of mercenaries.

You could reboot the Ninja Turtles so that they don't live in the sewers anymore and eat sushi.

You could reboot Back to the Future and have the time travel vessel be a rigged-up Lay-Z-Boy, or maybe have Doc be working for the CIA instead of being on his own.

You could reboot Rocky and have it take place in Korea and make Rocky a Tae Kwon Do expert instead of a boxer.

But why the fuck would you?

because i don't want the same exact movie all over again, i want something that takes the skeleton of GB's and makes it its own thing. Otherwise, i'd just watch the first 2 movies till the end of time and be done with it.

To me, ghostbusters is about a rag tag group of 4 people coming together to bust ghosts and that, in turn, will hopefully make them feel good and make me laugh a few times. that's the core of the experience, no? So let them mix this up so that new people might actually go see this and that the old fans get something new.
To me, ghostbusters is about a rag tag group of 4 people coming together to bust ghosts and that, in turn, will hopefully make them feel good and make me laugh a few times. that's the core of the experience, no? So let them mix this up so that new people might actually go see this and that the old fans get something new.

This, I definitely agree with. I have no idea if the movie is actually going to be good or not (because there's zero way to know that, right now), but I don't think having a female cast is going to be the reason one way or the other. It'll come down to writing and acting and directing. It can easily be good or even great. Hell, Ghostbusters 2 is not that high a bar.


If there is even one instance of Melissa's character awkwardly falling in the movie, I will stand up in the cinema, applaud and leave.
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