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Ghostbusters (2016) Trailer #1 (Feig, Wiig, McCarthy, McKinnon, Jones)

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To be fair though it certainly does seem to be the case with Sony, part of me believes they know the movie is going to tank so they almost want it to seem like people only dislike the movie due to the fact it has four femles as leads.

The overwhelming majority of criticism I have read seems to come from the fact that the movie just doesn't look very good and the racial stereotyping that seems to be present, both very valid concerns.

I mean, it's pretty well known that there's a sizable amount of sexist hate towards the film. I mean, look at the YouTube comments that were scrubbed. The lack of acknowledgement of that is part of the issue.

You can dislike the trailer on its own merits and I've certainly seen arguments towards that point. But I've also seen arguments right here talking about the "gimmick" of an all female cast and once you start there, you're already in bad territory because that's an assumption with no basis in reality.

Ghostbusters will live or die on finding on audience and if it bombs, that'll likely kill most of Sony's plans for the future. I'd hope they'd allow the second film and animated film to proceed forward, but given the handling of Amazing Spider-Man, I doubt that's the case.





Bill Murray = a Skeptic. His lines arent good and he's kinda stiff "WHY ARE YOU PRETENDING TO CATCH GHOSTS??!! THATA GIRL!!!" he gets killed when pushed out a window by the rock concert dragon ghost. He convinced the GGB's to let it out as proof in their tiny chinese restaurant HQ. (Did I mention everyone is stupid in this movie?)

excuse me
I love that every time something like this get's leaked, the content is so shockingly awful that everyone assumes it can't be real.

The inevitable "wait so the leak was real" reaction is consistently painful.
If the part about
the main villain transforming into a huge version of the Ghostbusters logo once he's been released from Thor's body
is true and I hadn't read about it first, that probably would've been enough for me to leave the theater. I'm praying that's false.


If the part about
the main villain transforming into a huge version of the Ghostbusters logo once he's been released from Thor's body
is true and I hadn't read about it first, that probably would've been enough for me to leave the theater. I'm praying that's false.

That's a bit into the movie though.

I'd leave the movie theater after they get their tips multiple times from YOUTUBE and REDDIT.


When the possessed mannequin makes a joke that the concert is more intense than an usher concert.
From what I have read Leslie is wanting to leave social media because people have become offended by the racial stereotyping involved in the movie and her response to it.

Nos I realise Twitter is full of trolls and ignorant people and Leslie has a right to an opinion like any other person, now if Feig is responding to personal attacks then I can understand that but if he is responding to the fact that people are taking offense to the way the character is setup in the movie and they are letting her know (in a non offensive way) then it really isn't justified because they have every right to be offended.

I think the overall moral here is, Twitter is a place where you can expect offensive comments from immature individuals hiding behind anonymity and you can either ignore it, walk away from it or respond to it.

I think by Feig responding he is lowering himself to their level, I can never understand why people can't just ignore trolls, their is a block button for that very reason, if she is getting overwhelming amounts of tweets from people offended by the character then it speaks volumes for the character and how it is portrayed.

But the last thing he should do is react the way he has, I admire him for defending her and his cast but why not just do the nature thing and walk away?

No, Jones left Twitter because her TL was being spammed with accusations against her, and Feig was responding to that, not people "being offended."

Seriously, this is as cognitive dissonant as I've ever seen someone express. He literally clarifies what he's taking issue with in his tweets, and people have been tripping over themselves trying to clarify things for you. At this point it seems like you're just trying to remain ignorant.
It was probably already a thing for those who would be likely to use it anyway.

It was the first I'd seen of it.

God I really hope Feig/Dippold didn't shit the bed on this. I figured worst case scenario is that they'd simply play safe and cut all the crusts off the comedy. Something bland with chuckles here and there.

Again, cutting trailers for comedies isn't the easiest, they could be trying to withhold the good shit from the marketing (which usually happens, actually), and there's a lot of funny people working on this fucking thing...

...but this is starting to look like it's just not funny.


My main problem with this movie is the horrible humor. Why is it funny when people do stupid things? WHY!?! It's like that shitty Spy movie. I couldn't bare 20 minutes of that terrible movie.

Hollywood needs to stop using slap stick/ stupidity as comedy in their movies. Start making actors/actresses actually smart and have actual dialog that makes sense. I am pretty much done with this whole comedy shit in movies from Hollywood.

It sucks that the actresses gets attacked by this. Exposure on social media is a reality these days. Personally I would delete all of my accounts if I ever got a role. People in general are shitty bastards that can't use their brain for other than spreading hate and other shit.
Spy is an awful movie though. It even resorts to pictures of dicks in an atempt to be funny. Multiple times.

Nah, Spy is a pretty good comedy.

Dick pics are inherently funny. They're one of the more ridiculous artifacts of the modern age, in fact.

Hollywood needs to stop using slap stick/ stupidity as comedy in their movies.

Physical comedy has been around since before FILM, man. The idea that it's a "hollywood" invention, much less that it no longer works as a legitimate form of comedy, is silly as hell. "Hollywood" doesn't need to stop doing anything of the sort. The people trying to employ that type of comedy just need to be good at it. Physical comedy is just like any sort of dumb joke: You gotta be smart in how you use it. It's not particularly easy.
I have already said if Feig is responding to hateful comments towards her then I take no issue with it, I still believe he shouting resort to responding to idiotic trolls on twitter however.

What accusations were being spammed against her?

Is there an acceptable kind of spam someone may receive on Twitter?
I think Feig is throwing his cast under the bus, he certainly has thrown Leslie under the bus given the fact he has her playing the role she is playing, a lot of the criticism she has faced has been a direct result of how her character is depicted in the movie

Dude, you have to explain how "Stop fucking with Leslie Jones on twitter because you don't like my movie that you haven't even fucking seen yet" is throwing the cast under the bus.

Like, before you explain anything else about your stance, you gotta clarify what you mean by "thrown under the bus" and how that actually applies to him telling the world in a public forum to stop verbally harassing his actors on their social media feeds.


My main problem with this movie is the horrible humor. Why is it funny when people do stupid things? WHY!?! It's like that shitty Spy movie. I couldn't bare 20 minutes of that terrible movie.

Hollywood needs to stop using slap stick/ stupidity as comedy in their movies. Start making actors/actresses actually smart and have actual dialog that makes sense. I am pretty much done with this whole comedy shit in movies from Hollywood.

It sucks that the actresses gets attacked by this. Exposure on social media is a reality these days. Personally I would delete all of my accounts if I ever got a role. People in general are shitty bastards that can't use their brain for other than spreading hate and other shit.

Slap stick is easier to do no need to bring in good comedy writers and good directing to make the lines work. Slap stick is also for a broad audience, no one not understanding a joke because they *don't get it* also no language barriers with slap stick.
Nothing wrong with slap stick its just everyone is lazy and doesn't know how to make it work.
Yes and Ernie has himself said that he was unhappy in the originals and rightly so, he didn't even get a mention on the posters, pretty disgusting and one of the things I disliked about the originals especially given how great of a character he was and how important he was to the movies.

Note that in this comparison, Hudson is upset about his role, and Jones is defending her role. From my POV, you seem to be telling Jones to sit down so that you can be offended for her.
Yes and Ernie has himself said that he was unhappy in the originals and rightly so, he didn't even get a mention on the posters, pretty disgusting and one of the things I disliked about the originals especially given how great of a character he was and how important he was to the movies.

The sad thing is, they only scaled back Winston's role once they found out that Eddie Murphy had turned it down. I really wish they hadn't done that to Ernie Hudson as I though Winston was great for the role.


Slap stick is easier to do no need to bring in good comedy writers and good directing to make the lines work. Slap stick is also for a broad audience, no one not understanding a joke because they *don't get it* also no language barriers with slap stick.
Nothing wrong with slap stick its just everyone is lazy and doesn't know how to make it work.
Maybe they have to start watching kids movies then. They do comedy a lot better than adults films these days. Imagine a comedy with a dialog you have to interpret to laugh of.


I'd heard before that the big baddie was
the ghost from the Ghostbuster's logo
. It sounded stupid when I heard it before, and still stupid when reconfirmed in the Reddit post.

God damn this film is shaping up to be a train wreck. Modern remakes/reboots are always cynical and rarely have any of the intelligence or charm of the originals. Based on the trailer and the reports of people who have seen it or read the script, this is on track to being worse than the recent Robocop, Total Recall and The Thing duds.


It's really unfortunate that this movie has the whole sexism controversy surrounding it. It's 2016. And it's just a movie. I can't imagine where I'd have to be at in the head to give a shit that the reboot cast all women. Or any women in lead roles.

At the end of the day I think the movie will succeed or fail on its own merits, and this is just another vocal minority. At least I hope so.
Modern remakes/reboots are always cynical

C'mon now. It's not like remakes of any time period are being done out of a sense of love and tenderness. Or original films in general. In fact the entire fetishization of originality seems to be completely misplaced whenever it comes up in conversations about extensions of already existing, 100% Hollywood entertainment properties in the first place.

People love to suggest Hollywood is ruining the artistic integrity of commercialized product that they created in the first fuckin' place. In some cases, yes, artistic integrity gets trampled on the way to the release date. That happens with everything ever made, because the process of taking artistic endeavors and making them slot into the realm of pure commerce is not an easy, or gentle one.

But the idea that somehow the film executives paying the for-hire creatives are more crass and mercenary now than they've ever been is really, really shortsighted, and likely because the coke-bottle nostalgia glasses are reducing the depth of field needed to see that this particular machine's been churning since before you or I were ever born.

There doesn't need to be any more reason for this film possibly being bad than that the people in creative control misfired. It's not like anyone involved wants to make a shitty movie. You don't have to drag out that old song about "Hollywood" crushing originality under its bootheel. If you really valued "originality" we wouldn't be on the 3000+ post in like the 6th 3000+ thread about the GHOSTBUSTERS.

We'd be talking about ORIGINAL SHIT.

You can't point fingers at Hollywood's addiction to rehashing existing ideas when we're just as culpable with our unending desire to consume them.
No they aren't. It's not like remakes of any time period are being done out of a sense of love and tenderness. Or original films in general. In fact the entire fetishization of originality seems to be completely misplaced whenever it comes up in conversations about extensions of already existing, 100% Hollywood entertainment properties in the first place.

People love to suggest Hollywood is ruining the artistic integrity of commercialized product that they created in the first fuckin' place. In some cases, yes, artistic integrity gets trampled on the way to the release date. That happens with everything ever made, because the process of taking artistic endeavors and making them slot into the realm of pure commerce is not an easy, or gentle one.

But the idea that somehow the film executives paying the for-hire creatives are more crass and mercenary now than they've ever been is really, really shortsighted, and likely because the coke-bottle nostalgia glasses are reducing the depth of field needed to see that this particular machine's been churning since before you or I were ever born.

There doesn't need to be any more reason for this film possibly being bad than that the people in creative control misfired. It's not like anyone involved wants to make a shitty movie.

And this has been a long development. It's clearly not a cash grab.

It might suck and I'm more willing to admit that now than ever but it won't be because Feig and crew didn't try.
Trailer was one of the weakest I've seen in a while, with some real dead air moments like the "look at my hat" moment. Good luck to stakeholders in this thing. If there is better material to put in a new trailer they would probably benefit from expediting that.
I think you can make a Ghostbusters movie and still have originality to it though.

The degrees of "originality" we're dealing with here are pretty fucking slim, though, even in a best case scenario.

Originality isn't even that important in storytelling, honestly. Originality and Surprise are like fat and sugar: They make stories taste good, but you try and survive nutritionally on large amounts of both and you will die quickly.

It's not much of a surprise when people fed on a consistent diet of nothing but major-studio storytelling tend to value those two elements more than any other aspect, without growing themselves a better understanding of how and why those elements actually work when they're deployed well.

They just want that sugar high.


C'mon now. It's not like remakes of any time period are being done out of a sense of love and tenderness. Or original films in general. In fact the entire fetishization of originality seems to be completely misplaced whenever it comes up in conversations about extensions of already existing, 100% Hollywood entertainment properties in the first place.

There are tons of films that are remakes of older films that don't shit on legacy of the originals. From movies like The Thing (John Carpenters's version) which exceed the original film it was remaking in every way, to American remakes of foreign language films that are as good as the originals.

But since Hollywood started going remake/reboot crazy, it's been a race to the bottom. Utterly cynical, bring nothing new of value to the films or TV shows they're plundering. Based on everything we've heard and seen so far, the new Ghostbusters is a poster child for this. In recent years, the only inventive, interesting reboot I can think of is 21 Jump Street. It worked where similar modern TV-to-film reboots like Starsky and Hutch and Dukes of Hazard failed utterly.
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