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Banshee - Season 2 - Fridays on Cinemax (S3 trailer up, see post #937)

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That was like back to back fights.. kind of boring but whatever. Hood versus the huge Indian is going to be amazing.


A fellow AVS Forum member just said this:

Looks like ya gotta watch from Max Go if you want to see it without the #$@$% hashtag.

So weird! Why would they give their 2nd tier programming a cleaner (bug free) source?

People with mobile devices can tweet too! They have Twitter..
Why don't they want to give the mobile people the Hashtag reminder? They're losing followers! :rollseyes:

Edit: I know I rant about the stupid hashtag. The actual show is grand! Love this show..
Woo, now that's Banshee. Loved it.

My man Burton is back. (The scene with the hot tub remote? Bwahaha!) It was also amazing to see Siobhan beat the hell out of Febreeze, or whatever that loser's name was. And the HoodxSiobhan hookup was perfect. The hotel break-in was great too.

More like this please.

Also, so glad we don't get that hashtag stuff in Canada.


That was such a fun episode. Hood's assault on casino, Kelly's fight, Burton smiling at blood bath.

Also..dat opening.

I love this show.


Burton is one of the creepiest characters ever. Did he really have to do that as a parting shot? Dude, you're creepy enough just standing there. Ugh dammit that guy.
This was great. The action scenes always seem to hurt and feel really kinetic with the camera

I'm not getting any hashtags on hbo canada

Vert boil



Alex: Animal part being dumped into his hot tub, Head being plopped in,

Burton: Reseating his glasses after explosion, Smiling at hot tub, Turning on hot tub

Carrie: Grabbing Hood's hand at prison, Canteen fight beginning, Running and screaming, Ramming head against post, Breaking arm, Punching/come on

Gordon: Punching Hood, Slapping Hood, Chugging pills

Hood: Shower, Taking earpiece out and walking up to the first guard, Beating up first guard, Chocking out first guard, Fighting stair guards (just the injured hand/punch), Still fighting the stair guards, Stand off with stair guard, First hallway guard, Third hallway guard hitting Hood with a tile, Hood using the light fixture, Hood using the 2*4, Kicking guard through glass, Raising arms at job/what was that, Beating steering wheel outside prison, Walking away from Kelly's trailer, Picking up bible and laughing

Job: Head tilt at Sugar, Fuck, That sounded nasty

Kai: Training during The scene, Heavy breathing, Trailer go boom, Head landing, Being hugged by Rebecca, http://www.abload.de/img/kai6n5jqf.gif,

Kelly: Shooting through the target, Shooting close up, Dancing, Grinding, Emptying clip, Awkward look when her ex was leaving her trailer, Get the fuck out of my house, http://www.abload.de/img/kelly72bdyf.gif, Night stick to the throat, Night stick to the groin, Beating ex, Beating with bible, Standing with dripping bible, Kissing Hood, Some more kissin', Driving away/sigh of relief

Nola: Beating up Marines, Elbow spin, Knee punch, Kidnapping Rebecca, Walking out of pool and disarming Hood, Leaving barrel impression on Hood's forehead,

Rebecca: Sexy time dun post (Steven Seagal: Beginning, Steven Seagal: Under cover, Steven Seagal: Rear rising, Steven Seagal: Fin.), Smiling at Alex, Laughing at Alex, Saying bye to Alex, I've got all the thunder I need
Completely forgot about the new season, just started watching season 2 and man this is easily my new favorite show.

I really hope we don't have to suffer that much of Hood's daughter this season. God it was bad enough on Homeland, I really don't want to deal with it here.
Completely forgot about the new season, just started watching season 2 and man this is easily my new favorite show.

I really hope we don't have to suffer that much of Hood's daughter this season. God it was bad enough on Homeland, I really don't want to deal with it here.

Hood will probably sleep with her by the end of the season. There aren't many women left on the show.


Awww yeah, amazing episode. Great fighting sequences, that slow mo part was very well done. Breece was a piece of shit, glad he got a proper beat down. This the Banshee I want.
That was a million times better than the premiere, though the fact that I was eating lunch during the hot tub scene was perhaps inadvisable.
How the hell did Proctor's bodyguard even survive season 1 after being stabbed with a broken wine bottle four times in the finale.


So ridiculous! They even had a full-screen promo credit for the Banshee Twitter information! Why not leave it at that? The whole screen was filled with Twitter information! We don't need a hashtag at the bottom of the screen for 50 minutes!

It was pretty absurd and distracting ... I'm getting really sick of these social media things popping up on shows ... besides annoying hashtags, it's also annoying when shows put up twitter comments and such while the show is running ... I don't know about anyone else, but I like to have some distance between my entertainment and this social media crap ... the whole point of entertainment is to escape ... I want to be sucked into the show, not be distracted by constant @'s and #'s ... please Hollywood, stop this shit ...

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
This show has no shortage of beautiful women it seems. A good episode this week.


Alton Brown, too good.

Great ep, the apology scenes cutting like that was a little weird though.



Hunky Nostradamus
Origins - Siobahn, like most of the other Origins videos, didn't offer up anything substantial, but it did add a little more dimension to the scene where Siobhan's ex first returns in "The Thunder Man". Pretty skippable though.

But yeah, hot damn, that was a good episode! That cow entrail hot tub scene was fucking vile.


They should put up a #FLAWLESS every time Job is on screen. His silver getup was amazing!

Funny how Ivana mentions whipping her hair like some catwalk model in the fight. It really works to add extra impact to a punch like this one, that and the berserker face she puts on:


The remaining 29 days of her incarceration should be quiet for Carrie. Not bad for killing about a dozen people by 'discharging an illegal firearm' into their heads.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
The remaining 29 days of her incarceration should be quiet for Carrie. Not bad for killing about a dozen people by 'discharging an illegal firearm' into their heads.

I doubt she'll be out in 29 days after nearly killing someone.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
They really need to change the show's name

Robin Sheriff Hood The Prince of Thieves Pussy

Mother of God, who hasn't he fucked?

The secretary, I know she's eying him, next thing it will be all the boys turn starting with Kai (bet there's fan-fic of that already out there)

But holy shit was I enjoying him banging that Chief's sister, GAWD DAMN!

Why is this show so good

My fav char is still Job, holy fuck whenever he is on, he fucking kills it
Just like Lafayette from True Blood (before they ruined him)

Edit: Oh snap, I got beaten
I went away from keyboard for a few minutes while I was typing, others wrote what I was thinking/typing

Job should win an award, motherfucker is Precious!
I doubt she'll be out in 29 days after nearly killing someone.

'Your Honour, my client, a mother of two, sentenced to a 30 day term for minor offenses, was attacked viciously on her first day by a fellow inmate, a convicted murderer with a history of violence and intimidation of other inmates. As prison staff were criminally negligent in intervening she defended herself, fearing for her life.'

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
'Your Honour, my client, a mother of two, sentenced to a 30 day term for minor offenses, was attacked viciously on her first day by a fellow inmate, a convicted murderer with a history of violence and intimidation of other inmates. As prison staff were criminally negligent in intervening she defended herself, fearing for her life.'

We'll see, maybe I've been watching too much Oz lately.


They really need to change the show's name

Robin Sheriff Hood The Prince of Thieves Pussy

Mother of God, who hasn't he fucked?

god, think of all the stds he has, cause you know he's raw dawgin it (poor Carrie, btw)

I bet he's traveled the world too, got new undiscovered shit no ones even heard of
Goodness, another great episode. The fight scenes were all fantastic and so well choreographed. Didn't much care for the prison fight though, it was obvious Carrie would beat her down with what we know of her fighting skills...

The Kelly/ex fight was incredible though, probably better than Hood beasting through all the casino security.

Not sure what to say about the exploding cow or the scene with them dumping its remains in the hot tub...although I did laugh at Burton turning it on...

Oh and the hashtag in the corner is starting to bug me now, they need to drop it.


Good to see this series back on. Normally I try to wait until the end and do a marathon of as show, but I can't help but watch it each week.


This show is so much fun. I'm glad it's back and just as badass as ever. Happy we're seeing more of Job too.

He really does fuck everyone. I can't even decide which one I like more at this point. At first I though Rebecca was gorgeous but I dunno. I feel like I may prefer Siobahn. Not that Carrie or Nola are anything to scoff at.

Need to introduce some new hotness. He's gone through everyone unless he suddenly reveals that he's bi, lol.


Yup, new hotness after he bangs Siobahn...and we finally see Nola nakid. A bit worried it won't happen after this episode, though. :( Only the really disappointing thing about it.

As someone else mentioned, the quick cuts were odd, though. I thought it was a glitch at first.
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